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Exclusive to My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire
The following article includes content exclusive to the game My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire.
Oh, the giddy anticipation of a little Monster waiting for the Toy Factory! This will be fun!
In-game description

The Toy Factory is a secondary through tertiary Production Structure in Dawn of Fire that produces Crafting Items; it makes different toys. The Toy Factory is the sixteenth direct Production Structure, and the seventeenth and final Production Structure available in the game, unlocked at level 33.


The products that are produced by the Toy Factory are listed below.

Note: The production times shown below are the default times. Upgrading the Toy Factory will decrease the production times.

Crafting Item Recipe Production Time Unlock Level Trading Post Price Experience Type of Item
Crafting Item Polar Teddybear
Polar Teddybear
3 Wool
2 Needle
2 Cotton
2 Ice
3 hours 33 8,595 - 14,325 Coins 20 Experience Tertiary, end-product
Crafting Item Marionette
3 Bamboo
1 Cotton
2 Rope
4 hours 39 5,955 - 9,925 Coins 14 Experience Secondary, end-product
Crafting Item Toy Car
Toy Car
1 Log
4 Tire
10 hours 44 9,885 - 16,475 Coins 20 Experience Secondary, end-product
Crafting Item Slingshot
1 Slime
3 Log
1 Tire
10 hours 45 7,962 - 13,269 Coins 20 Experience Secondary, end-product
Crafting Item Clockwork Monkey
Clockwork Monkey
1 Spring
1 Copper
2 Cotton
2 Log
10 hours 47 26,475 - 44,125 Coins 69 Experience Secondary, end-product
Crafting Item Kite
1 Silk
2 Rope
4 Bamboo
10 hours 48 9,645 - 16,075 Coins 29 Experience Secondary, end-product


The Toy Factory may be upgraded to make processes a percentage faster. The equation for a Crafting Item's new speed after a certain upgrade is Original_Time * (100 / (0.95 + Upgrade_No * 0.05)), with "Original_Time" referring to the Crafting Item's default processing time, and "Upgrade_No" referring to the level that the structure is at after the upgrade.

The Toy Factory can be upgraded even when it is active. A random amount of crystals (a mix of Crystals, Polished Crystals and Carved Crystals, sometimes only one of a certain type) is required as well as coins. As the upgrade gets higher, the chances of getting a more expensive mix of Crystals is higher.

After upgrading, the selected Structure will run faster, and XP will be earned as well, the amount dependent on the difficulty of the combination of crystals.

Crystals + 100 Coins = 5% faster total.

Name Origin[]

As its name suggests, the Toy Factory is a factory that manufactures toys.


  • It takes 898 Diamonds (Dawn of Fire) to unlock all queue slots in one toy factory.
  • The Polar Teddybear has only one eye.
  • The Marionette features a version of the Furcorn.
  • The projectile that comes with the Slingshot appears to be the Wondermine item, the Slime.
  • The drum in the front on the Toy Factory has a Stritch Skin on it.
  • Despite being the most expensive Production Structure, the Toy Factory does not produce the Crafting Item that has the longest guaranteed waiting time. The Vitamin Pill, which takes the longest production time at sixteen hours, is actually produced by the Apothecary.
  • The Toy Factory is one of two Production Structures to have only secondary through tertiary Crafting Items. The other is the Workshop.
  • The Toy Factory has been discounted before. The following are its past discounts:
    • In 2016:
    • In 2017:
      • The 2017 Anniversary Month Celebration: it was discounted by 50% from September 18th to September 21st.
      • 17th November 2017 to 20th November 2017 at 50% off.
    • In 2018:
      • 1st June 2018 to 4th June 2018. 50% off.
    • In 2019:
      • Anniversary Month stuffs. 50% off.
      • 6th to 9th December 2019. 50% off.
    • In 2020:
      • Anniversary Month.
    • In 2021:
      • 29th January to 1st February 2021 for 3 days. 50% off. Also with Candy Factory.
    • In 2022:
      • 15th September to 22nd September for 7 days. 50% off for the Anniversary Month celebration. Also with Workshop and Ice Machine.
      • 1st Dec. to 5th Dec. for 4 days. 50% off for cyber week.
  • The Version 1.8.0 Update changed a few features of the Toy Factory:
    • As part of the "gameplay balance," all Crafting Items made by the Toy Factory had their crafting times doubled.
    • The Market price range for the Crafting Items increased as a result of their longer production times. Their previous price ranges were:
      • Polar Teddybear: 1,277 - 2,128 Coins.
      • Marionette: 882 - 1,470 Coins.
      • Toy Car: 1,335 - 2,225 Coins.
      • Slingshot: 1,062 - 1,769 Coins.
      • Clockwork Monkey: 4,761 - 7,935 Coins.
      • Kite: 1,332 - 2,220 Coins.
  • In the Version 2.0.0 Update, due to the primary crafting items receiving a price increase, the items in the Toy Factory also received a price change. Their previous price ranges were:
    • Polar Teddybear: 1,502 - 2,503 Coins.
    • Marionette: 1,062 - 1,770 Coins.
    • Toy Car: 1,785 - 2,975 Coins.
    • Slingshot: 1,512 - 2,519 Coins.
    • Clockwork Monkey: 5,211 - 8,685 Coins.
    • Kite: 1,782 - 2,970 Coins.
  • In the Version 2.3.0 Update, all items in the Toy Factory had their prices increased by 5x. Their previous price ranges were:
    • Polar Teddybear: 1,719 - 2,865 Coins.
    • Marionette: 1,191 - 1,985 Coins.
    • Toy Car: 1,977 - 3,295 Coins.
    • Slingshot: 1,592 - 2,654 Coins.
    • Clockwork Monkey: 5,295 - 8,825 Coins.
    • Kite: 1,929 - 3,215 Coins.

Structures (Dawn of Fire)