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Exclusive to My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire
The following article includes content exclusive to the game My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire.
A trip to the Tailor will keep Monsters comfy and cozy. Oh my, how fancy!
In-game description

The Tailor is a secondary through quaternary Production Structure in Dawn of Fire that produces Crafting Items; it makes different clothing accessories. The Tailor is the fifteenth direct Production Structure, and the sixteenth overall Production Structure available in the game, unlocked at level 26.


The products that are produced by the Tailor are listed below.

Note: The production times shown below are the default times. Upgrading the Tailor will decrease the production times.

Crafting Item Recipe Production Time Unlock Level Trading Post Price Experience Type of Item
Crafting Item Needle
1 Cactus 1 hour 26 1,335 - 2,225 Coins 3 Experience Secondary, intermediate
Crafting Item Sunglasses
1 Amber
2 Bamboo
6 hours 26 5,877 - 9,794 Coins 15 Experience Secondary, intermediate
Crafting Item Wool Scarf
Wool Scarf
1 Needle
2 Wool
2 hours,
30 minutes
27 4,020 - 6,700 Coins 9 Experience Tertiary, intermediate
Crafting Item Glittery Scarf
Glittery Scarf
1 Glitter
1 Wool Scarf
1 Needle
7 hours 27 13,458 - 22,663 Coins 35 Experience Quaternary, end-product
Crafting Item Pillow
2 Wool
1 Needle
3 Cotton
5 hours 31 7,455 - 12,425 Coins 17 Experience Tertiary, end-product
Crafting Item Earmuffs
2 Coconut
2 Wool
1 Rope
1 Cotton
10 hours 39 8,378 - 13,963 Coins 20 Experience Secondary, end-product
Crafting Item Silk Scarf
Silk Scarf
2 Silk
3 Needle
1 Rope
14 hours 49 15,090 - 25,150 Coins 37 Experience Tertiary, end-product


The Tailor may be upgraded to make processes a percentage faster. The equation for a Crafting Item's new speed after a certain upgrade is Original_Time * (100 / (0.95 + Upgrade_No * 0.05)), with "Original_Time" referring to the Crafting Item's default processing time, and "Upgrade_No" referring to the level that the structure is at after the upgrade.

The Tailor can be upgraded even when it is active. A random amount of crystals (a mix of Crystals, Polished Crystals and Carved Crystals, sometimes only one of a certain type) is required as well as coins. As the upgrade gets higher, the chances of getting a more expensive mix of Crystals is higher.

After upgrading, the selected Structure will run faster, and XP will be earned as well, the amount dependent on the difficulty of the combination of crystals.

Crystals + 100 Coins = 5% faster total.

Name Origin[]

The Tailor is named after an occupation called a "tailor," whose job is to make clothing.


  • It takes 705 Diamonds (Dawn of Fire) to unlock all queue slots in one Tailor.
  • The Tailor has been discounted before. The following are its past discounts:
    • In 2016:
    • In 2017:
      • The Tailor was discounted by 50% from August 4th to August 7th 2017. Link.
      • The 2017 Anniversary Month Celebration: it was discounted by 50% from September 18th to September 21st.
    • In 2018:
      • September TBA to TBA 2018. 50% off.
      • 13th December to 16th December for 3 days. 50% off. Link. For both Weavers and Tailor.
    • In 2019:
      • September TBA to TBA 2019 for 3 days. 50% off.
      • November 20th to 23rd 2019 for 3 days. 50% off.
    • In 2022:
      • November 3rd to 7th for 4 days. 50% off.
    • In 2023:
      • May 18th to May 22nd for 4 days. 50% off.
      • September 21st to September 25th for 4 days. 50% off. Also with Apothecary and Weavers.
  • The Version 1.8.0 Update changed a few features of the Tailor:
    • As part of the "gameplay balance," all Crafting Items made by the Tailor had their crafting times doubled.
    • The Market price range for the Crafting Items increased as a result of their longer production times. Their previous price ranges were:
      • Needle: 200 - 333 Coins.
      • Sunglasses: 900 - 1,499 Coins.
      • Wool Scarf: 579 - 965 Coins.
      • Glittery Scarf: 2,112 - 3,520 Coins.
      • Pillow: 1,064 - 1,773 Coins.
      • Earmuffs: 1,103 - 1,838 Coins.
      • Silk Scarf: 2,051 - 3,418 Coins.
  • Because the Version 2.0.0 Update increased the prices for the primary crafting items, the items in the Tailor received a price increase. Their previous price ranges were:
    • Needle: 245 - 408 Coins.
    • Sunglasses: 1,170 - 1,949 Coins.
    • Wool Scarf: 737 - 1,228 Coins.
    • Glittery Scarf: 2,630 - 4,383 Coins.
    • Pillow: 1,334 - 2,223 Coins.
    • Earmuffs: 1,548 - 2,580 Coins.
    • Silk Scarf: 2,816 - 4,693 Coins.
  • The Version 2.3.0 Update quintupled all of the prices in the Tailor. Their previous price ranges were:
    • Needle: 267 - 445 Coins.
    • Sunglasses: 1,175 - 1,959 Coins.
    • Wool Scarf: 810 - 1,350 Coins.
    • Glittery Scarf: 2,720 - 4,533 Coins.
    • Pillow: 1,491 - 2,485 Coins.
    • Earmuffs: 1,675 - 2,793 Coins.
    • Silk Scarf: 3,018 - 5,030 Coins.

Structures (Dawn of Fire)