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Exclusive to My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire
The following article includes content exclusive to the game My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire.


The Sour Ice Drops are the fourth Candy Factory Crafting Item and overall, the twenty-fifth Crafting Item to be unlocked in the game. Its Trading Post Price Range is 5,213 - 8,688 Coins (Coins). It is unlocked at Level 25.


As an end product, there are no Crafting Items that require Sour Ice Drops. However, Sour Ice Drops can instead be used to craft Decorations in the Workshop.

Decoration Recipe Level Unlocked Crafting Time Market Price
Tree Hut (DoF)
Tree Hut
1 Mushroom
3 Log
2 Sour Ice Drops
25 5h 33m 20s 2,500 Coins

Sour Ice Drops can also be fed directly to Monsters and can be used in the Skyship.


To craft a Sour Ice Drops, 1 Cactus (Cactus), 2 Lemon (Lemon), 1 Sugar (Sugar), and 1 Ice (Ice) must be made or purchased, and processed in the Candy Factory. To start crafting a Sour Ice Drops, drag the "Sour Ice Drops" icon into the Structure. It takes 4 hours to complete crafting of one Sour Ice Drops, down to 2 hours, 45 minutes, 31 seconds on a max-level Candy Factory.

Once a Sour Ice Drops has finished production, it can be collected for 12 Experience.

Skyship Requirements[]

Considering that the Sour Ice Drops have a long crafting time and that the ingredients are complicated, the Skyship may ask for 1-2 Sour Ice Drops per order, summing up to 3 or 6 per Skyship shipment.


To mass-produce Sour Ice Drops, try making a steady supply of Cacti, Sugar, and Ice, and also make a higher production rate for Lemon. Use one Garden Patch for Cacti, at least one Garden Patch for Sugar Canes for the Sugar production, at least oneIce Machine for the Ice, and at least two Fruit Trees for the Lemons. Using this strategy, another Sour Ice Drops can be put into the Candy Factory(s) every 30-40 minutes, depending on upgrades of all of the Structures.

Producing from Scratch[]

The following table shows the list of Crafting Items involved in production of Sour Ice Dropss. It shows which Structures are required, which Crafting Items are being involved in each Structure, which recipes are required in each Structure, the total Crafting Items required to make the required ingredient Crafting Item(s) from scratch, the crafting time of the Crafting Items, and the total time required to make each ingredient Crafting Item from scratch.

Total cumulative time for crafting a single Sour Ice Drops is 5 hours.

Please note that the cumulative crafting time takes note of the fact that primary crafting items produced from the same structure (the Fruit Tree, the Garden Patch, and the Ice Machine in this case) can be crafted simultaneously if multiple queue slots are used.

Ingredient Crafting Item(s) involved Recipe Cumulative
Crafting Time Cumulative
Garden Patch
Garden Patch
Crafting Item Cactus
Cactus (x1)
N/A N/A 30 minutes 30 minutes
Fruit Tree
Fruit Tree
Crafting Item Lemon
Lemon (x2)
N/A N/A 1 hour 1 hour
Garden Patch
Garden Patch
Crafting Item Sugar Cane
Sugar Cane (x3)
N/A N/A 10 minutes 10 minutes
Crafting Item Sugar
Sugar (x1)
3 Sugar Cane 3 Sugar Cane 15 minutes 25 minutes
Ice Machine
Ice Machine
Crafting Item Ice
Ice (x1)
N/A N/A 30 minutes 30 minutes



  • The Sour Ice Drops is the only other type of Crafting Item other than the Syrup to require 1 Sugar per item.
  • The Version 1.8.0 Update doubled the Sour Ice Drops' crafting time. Its market price increased as a result of its longer production time. Its previous price range was 735 - 1,225 Coins (Coins).
  • The Version 2.0.0 Update increased most of the primary Crafting Items' time and price. Since the Sour Ice Drops uses primary Crafting Items in its recipe, its market price was increased. Its previous price range was 915 - 1,525 Coins (Coins).
  • The Version 2.3.0 Update increased the Sour Ice Drops' price by 5x. Its previous price range was 1,043 - 1,738 Coins (Coins).

Crafting Items
Production Structures Utility Structures Translations