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Exclusive to My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire
The following article includes content exclusive to the game My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire.


The Slime is the first Wondermine-exclusive Crafting Item and overall, the tenth Crafting Item to be unlocked in the game, along with Cookie, Sugar, Double Spooky Costume, and Double Festive Costume. Its Trading Post Price Range is 657 - 1,094 Coins (Coins). It is unlocked at Level 10.


The Slime is needed to craft into Double Spooky Costumes in the Costume Trunk, which requires 2 Slimes, and Tropical Slimes in the Juicer, Cough Syrups in the Apothecary, and Slingshots in the Toy Factory, which require only 1 each.

Item Recipe Required Structure Level Unlocked Crafting Time Trading Post Price
Crafting Item Double Spooky Costume
Double Spooky Costume
1 Template:Crafting Item
2 Template:Crafting Item
2 Slime
3 Sugar
Costume Trunk
Costume Trunk
10 4h 0m 0s N/A Coins
Crafting Item Tropical Slime
Tropical Slime
1 Coconut
2 Apple Juice
1 Slime
1 Ice
11 2h 0m 0s 3,942 - 6,569 Coins
Crafting Item Cough Syrup
Cough Syrup
1 Slime
1 Lemon
2 Syrup
17 4h 0m 0s 6,964 - 11,607 Coins
Crafting Item Slingshot
1 Slime
3 Log
1 Tire
Toy Factory
Toy Factory
45 10h 0m 0s 7,962 - 13,269 Coins

The Slime can also be used to craft Decorations in the Workshop.

Decoration Recipe Level Unlocked Crafting Time Market Price
Bottomless Pit (DoF)
Bottomless Pit
1 Seedling
2 Sugar Cane
2 Slime
12 1h 23m 20s 750 Coins
Oddree Trap
Oddree Trap
2 Cactus
2 Slime
1 Skylite Crystal
23 6h 0m 0s 4,500 Coins
Pumpkin Carving Station
Pumpkin Carving Station
1 Template:Crafting Item
3 Pumpkin
2 Log
1 Slime
41 18h 21m 51s 40 Diamonds (Dawn of Fire)

The Slime can also be given directly to Monsters and can be used in the Skyship.


To craft Slime, a Monster must be sent into the Wondermine for a chance to gain some Slime. Sending more elementally complex Monsters will gain a higher chance of obtaining Slime, up to a maximum of 100%. For the Slime, using a Triple-Element or a Mythical Monster will give a 100% guaranteed chance of a single piece of Slime per sending.

Once the Slime has been collected from the Wondermine, it rewards 1Experience per Slime.

Skyship Requirements[]

As Slime is rather "simple" to generate according to the game, the Skyship may ask for 3 orders of 1 to 5 Slime per order, making a total of 3, 6, 9, 12 or 15.


To craft lots of Slime, ensure the player goes to the Wondermine often. Use a Single-Element Monster every one hour for a chance to get a Slime each at 40% chance. Or use a Double-Element Monster every two hours for a chance to get a Slime at an 80% chance. Or get 100% chance with a Triple-Element Monster or more elements (Including both Seasonals and Mythicals), but use a Three-Element or a Mythical every four hours for the best efficiency of guaranteed Slime.


  • The Slime is the first Wondermine-exclusive Crafting Item to be unlocked.
  • The Version 2.3.0 Update quintupled the Slime's price. Its previous price range was 132 - 219 Coins (Coins).

Crafting Items
Production Structures Utility Structures Translations