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Exclusive to My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire
The following article includes content exclusive to the game My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire.


The Silk is the fourth and last Weavers Crafting Item and overall, the forty-eighth Crafting Item to be unlocked in the game, along with Clockwork Monkey. Its Trading Post Price is 1,440 - 2,400 Coins (Coins). It is unlocked at Level 47.


Silks are needed to craft into Carved Quarritz Crystals in the Jeweler, which requires 2 Silks, Kites in the Toy Factory, which requires 1, Silk Scarf in the Tailor, which requires 2, and Ice Packs in the Apothecary, which requires 2.

Item Recipe Required Structure Level Unlocked Crafting Time Trading Post Price
Carved Quarritz Crystal
Carved Quarritz Crystal
3 Template:Crafting Item
2 Silk
Jeweler struct
41 (47 for the recipe) 12h 0m 0s 43,650 - 72,750 Coins
Crafting Item Kite
1 Silk
2 Rope
4 Bamboo
Toy Factory
Toy Factory
48 10h 0m 0s 9,645 - 16,075 Coins
Crafting Item Silk Scarf
Silk Scarf
2 Silk
3 Needle
1 Rope
49 14h 0m 0s 15,090 - 25,150 Coins
Crafting Item Ice Pack
Ice Pack
2 Silk
3 Ice
50 10h 0m 0s 9,428 - 15,713 Coins

Silks can also be used to craft Decorations in the Workshop.

Decoration Recipe Level Unlocked Crafting Time Market Price
Land Boat
Land Boat
2 Log
1 Rope
1 Silk
47 3h 0m 0s 2,000 Coins
Vampiric Inflatable
Vampiric Inflatable
5 Template:Crafting Item
4 Silk
2 Rope
4 Night Light
47 18h 21m 51s 200 Diamonds (Dawn of Fire)

Silks can also be given directly to Monsters and can be used in the Skyship.


To craft a Silk, simply drag the "Silk" icon from the "Items" menu and into the slots menu, from top-left to top-right, all the way to bottom-left to bottom-right (if the player have more slots). Then it will start generating a number of Silk, the number depending on how many slots they dragged into.

Alternatively, drag the "Silk" icon into the Structure itself to make the Weavers start crafting one Silk; to craft multiple Silks, repeat the process until they have the number of pending Silks they desire.

It takes 1 hour and 30 minutes to craft one Silk without upgrades. On a max Weavers, it takes 1 hour, 2 minutes and 4 seconds to craft one Silk.

Once a Silk has been collected from crafting it, it rewards 2 Experience per Silk.

Skyship Requirements[]

When required in the Skyship, the 3 orders will require 1-5 Silks, making a total of 3, 6, 9, 12, or 15.


A nice and fast way to get Silks is to fill all of the Weavers with Silk before the player sleeps, and when the player wakes up, so it should always be ready when the player needs it.


  • The Silk is the last primary Crafting Item to be unlocked.
  • The Version 2.0.0 Update changed a couple of features of the Silk:
    • As part of the "gameplay balance", the Silk's crafting time was increased from 1 hr, 30 min to 2 hr, due to the ability to craft more than 1 Silk at a time.
    • Its market price was increased as a result of its long production time. Its previous price range was 243 - 405 Coins (Coins).
  • The Version 2.3.0 Update quintupled the Silk's price. Its previous price range was 288 - 480 Coins (Coins).

Crafting Items
Production Structures Utility Structures Translations