My Singing Monsters Wiki

Shower Thoughts is a Limited Time Quest in The Colossingum.


Shower Thoughts was first available from October 26th to November 2nd 2023.

This Quest is on a rotating schedule and is available every 10 weeks for one week at a time. It appears fourth in the fourth set of limited quests. It requires completion of It's Only Natural.


Opponents Team Requires Rewards
Stage 1
MonsterLevel 10
Bellowfish 2,000 Battle XP
25 Medals
Stage 2
Jeeode (Darlin' Garlands) Sox (What Big Eyes)
MonsterLevel 10 MonsterLevel 8
Any One Monster
2,500 Battle XP
25 Medals
Stage 3
Whisp (Flaxen Siren) Bellowfish (Crystal Habit)
MonsterLevel 10 MonsterLevel 12
Any One Monster
2,500 Battle XP
25 Medals
Stage 4
Shellbeat (Cod Topper) Jeeode (For Soothsayer) Jellbilly (Think Tank)
MonsterLevel 15 MonsterLevel 17 MonsterLevel 12
Any Two Monsters
3,500 Battle XP
25 Medals
Stage 5
Bellowfish Shellbeat (Driftwood Drum) Bellowfish (Aquaslime Spout)
MonsterLevel 12 MonsterLevel 17 MonsterLevel 15
Any Two Monsters
5,000 Battle XP
50 Medals


With a minimum level 6 Bellowfish, it is possible to beat the first stage.

Quest Rewards[]

Completing the entire Quest rewards the following:


Sad Furcorn
Am I the only Monster out there?
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Battle Quests
Battle Colossingum Versus Medals Costumes Trophies