My Singing Monsters Wiki
My Singing Monsters Wiki

In the Monster World, being called a rotten egg is considered a compliment! After all, it means that you've been around a while and no one has thrown you out yet!

Rotten Egg is a limited-time, animated Decoration available on most Islands for Coins1,250,000 coins or Shards2,500 shards. It was added on March 27th, 2019. It is available to purchase during the season of Eggs-Travaganza, or during Out of Season Events or Anniversary Month. Any Decorations purchased will remain after the event ends. Like all limited-time Decorations, Rotten Egg can't be found using the type filter in the Market.

Monsters Who Like It[]

The following Monsters will have their happiness increased by 25% when near one of these.

Monster Island(s)
File:Epic Blabbit
Epic Blabbit
Water Island IconSeasonal Shanty IconMirror Water Island Icon

See the Likes page to view a complete list of all Monsters' likes.


  • The smell of real-world rotten eggs comes from invisible hydrogen sulfide gas, which is produced by bacteria from the sulfur-rich egg yolks.
    • This Decoration and its bio refers to this fact. It also references the term "rotten egg", used in a playful way (for example: 'last one to the car is a rotten egg!')




Market StarShop Happiness Likes Translations