My Singing Monsters Wiki

Putting Out Feelers is a Limited Time Quest in The Colossingum. It requires completion of Three's a Crowd.

MSM announcement Putting Out Feelers and Keys, Please


Putting Out Feelers has been available the following times:

  • October 16th to 23rd, 2020
  • December 25th, 2020 to January 1st, 2021
  • March 5th to 12th, 2021
  • May 14th to 21st, 2021
  • October 1st to 8th, 2021
  • December 10th to 17th, 2021

This Quest is on a rotating schedule and is available every 10 weeks for one week at a time. It appears first in the seventh set of Limited Time Quests.


Opponents Team Requires Rewards
Stage 1
MonsterLevel 10
Any One Monster 500 Battle XP
5 Medals
Stage 2
Toe Jammer (Folly Roger) Mammott (Water Buff-a-low)
MonsterLevel 12 MonsterLevel 14
Any Two Monsters 500 Battle XP
5 Medals
Stage 3
Maw (Sensory Furphones) Toe Jammer (Socks of Splendor) Maw (Antique Antennae)
MonsterLevel 14 MonsterLevel 15 MonsterLevel 13
Any Three Monsters 1,000 Battle XP
10 Medals

Quest Rewards[]

Completing the entire Quest rewards the following:


  • The original in-game announcement had the Quest spelled as "Puting Out Feelers"; this was a typo that was quickly corrected.
  • The Quest's title is a reference to the expression "putting out feelers".

Battle Quests
Battle Colossingum Versus Medals Costumes Trophies