My Singing Monsters Wiki
Official Wiki Policy
This article shows information about the official policies of the My Singing Monsters Wiki. Please read this page, as it details how the wiki works, how you can contribute, or what kind of behavior is allowed on the wiki.

The following page details guidelines what kind of files can be uploaded, and how to categorize them.

Before You Upload

Before you upload a file, you should keep these things in mind:

  • Don't upload images obtained from game files or assets. This is in cooperation with the Big Blue Bubble Terms of Service. Violations will result in a warning, but can lead to a block if you continue to upload these images while being aware that they violate Big Blue Bubble's Terms of Service.
  • Names for official or possible future Monsters or similar content should also be reserved for official images. For example: "Epic Yawstrich.png" is a possible future Monster, and show should not be the name of a user image.
  • Don't upload files that already exist on the wiki. This includes images that differ in resolution and background. Monster images in different poses should also not be avoided for use on articles.
  • Don't upload files without adding it to a page. The point of files is for them to be used, if you can't think of a use, don't upload it.
  • If the file is for your user page/blog, categorize it under the correct user category. User images should also not contain mainspace categories. See File Policy#User Images
  • Categorize every file appropriately, according to this policy. See File Policy#Categories

Sound Samples

In accordance with Big Blue Bubble Copyright Policy, sound samples of Monsters are to be less than 5 seconds (or somewhere around this boundary +-1 seconds). This should demonstrate how the Monster sounds with the balance of shortness and quality of representation of the Monster's music. If an official sample exists (i.e. a memory sound or Monster Book sound), that should always be used instead.

User Images

Images may be uploaded for personal use outside of mainspace articles. These can go on your user profile, user subpages, and your blog. Be sure to categorize it under the respective category: User Images, User Audio, or User Videos. Only use these categories for personal images, all other categories are reserved for files on articles.


All files should be categorized typically only under one category. The following list shows all mainspace categories, which are reserved for files used on main articles.

Overhead Categories

These are categories only meant to organize other categories, and thus should not be added to individual files. The sole exception is the Videos category, which currently has no mainspace subcategories.

Category Description
Files Houses all other overhead categories.
Audio Houses all audio categories. New audio categories should be added to this one.
Videos Houses all Videos. Has no subcategories aside from User Videos.
Images Houses all image categories. New image categories should be added to this one.

Audio Categories

Audio files should be uploaded in the mp3 format so that a wide variety of devices and browsers can listen to the audio. Files in the wav or ogg formats often require the file to be downloaded in order for people to listen to it.

Category Description
Composer Audio Short samples from the MSM Composer recorded in-game.
DoF Audio Short samples of DoF Monster's song recorded in-game.
Memory Sounds Recorded audio of a Monster's memory/Monster Book sample.
Other Monster Samples Extra samples recorded from a Monster's song. Typically to display a Monster's range outside of the memory sample.
Memory Sounds Recorded audio of a Monster's memory/Monster Book sample.
Decorations Audio Sounds that Instrument type Decorations make when tapped in view mode.
Misc Audio Miscellaneous audio, such as Structure sounds.

Image Categories

Category Description
General Categories
Gifs Animated images; only mainspace images should be added
App Icons App Icons from MSM and DoF
Concept Art Images Concept art for things across BBB's games
Currency Images Images of currency and currency packs from MSM and DoF
Element Images Images of elements from MSM and DoF
Info Images User-made infographics
Login Screens Images of login screens from MSM and DoF
Logos Logos that aren't wordmarks or app icons
Menu Images Images of menu elements from MSM and DoF
Music Theory Images Images of sheet music and other things in Music Theory pages
Parodies Images of parodies posted on official My Singing Monsters social media posts
Promotional Images Images of Promotion material for all of BBB's games.
Includes Social Media posts and Mailbox popups.
Teaser Images Images that tease a new Monster/feature in MSM and DoF.
Can be a cropped Login Screen or promotional image
Trailer Images Images of trailers scenes from the official My Singing Monsters YouTube channel.
Wordmarks Images of Wordmarks from DoF, MSM, and other BBB games.
My Singing Monsters
Book of Monsters Complete images of the Book of Monsters and related images.
Costume Images Images of Costumes
Critter Images Images of Critters
Decoration Images Images of Decorations
Discovery Screens Images of Discovery Screens seen when hatching a new Monster
Egg Images Images of Monster Eggs
Gameplay Images Screenshots from MSM displaying gameplay
Inactive Monster Images Images of dormant Monsters, statues, and vessels
Island Images Images of Island icons, full Islands, and Island skies
Monster Images Images of Monsters
Portrait Images Images of Monster Portraits in MSM
Structure Images Images of Structures
Trophy Images Images of Trophies
Dawn of Fire
DoF Images An sub-overhead category that includes all other Dawn of Fire categories.
Crafting Item Images Images of Crafting Items from DoF
DoF Costume Images Images of limited seasonal Costume appearances in DoF
DoF Obstacle Images Images of Obstacles from DoF
DoF Decoration Images Images of Decorations from DoF
DoF Egg Images Images of Monster Eggs from DoF
DoF Gameplay Images Screenshots from DoF that display gameplay
DoF Island Images Images of DoF Island icons and full empty Islands
DoF Monster Images Images of Monsters from DoF
DoF Portrait Images Images of Monster portraits from DoF
DoF Structure Images Images of Structures from DoF
Other Media
Board Game Images Images for the My Singing Monsters: The Board Game
C/K Images Images for the Chinese and Korean version of MSM
Coloring Book Images Images from the MSM Coloring Book
Composer Images Images from MSM Composer
FJD Images Images from Furcorn's Jelly Dreams
Fling a Thing Images Images from Fling a Thing!
Guide Images Images from My Singing Monsters Official Guide
Jammer Splash Images Images from Jammer Splash
Merchandise Images Images of official MSM merchandise
My Mammott/PomPom Images Images from My Mammott or My PomPom
Playground Images Images from My Singing Monsters Playground
Those Singing Monsters Images Images from the cancelled TV series, Those Singing Monsters
Thumpies Game Images Images from Thumpies (game)
Wallpapers Images of official Wallpapers
Miscellaneous Categories
Wiki Images Images used for official wiki templates or CSS elements.
Misc Images Miscellaneous images that don't fit in any of the above categories.
If a large amount of similar images are placed here, consider creating a new category.