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Local Color is the forty-fourth Quest in the Colossingum.


Opponents Team Requires Rewards
Stage 1
Humbug (MailMon Mike)
MonsterLevel 19
One Double Element Ethereal Monster 1,600,000 Battle XP
1,000 Medals
Stage 2
Kazilleon Deedge (Ore So Vein)
MonsterLevel 14 MonsterLevel 17
Two Double Element Ethereal Monsters 1,800,000 Battle XP
1,000 Medals
Stage 3
Shellbeat (Driftwood Drum) Quarrister (Tentacool)
MonsterLevel 17 MonsterLevel 14
Two Double Element Ethereal Monsters 2,000,000 Battle XP
1,000 Medals
Stage 4
Riff (Seaweed Wraps) Shellbeat (Cooler Head Prevails) Sox (Forest Cloak)
MonsterLevel 17 MonsterLevel 19 MonsterLevel 20
Three Double Element Ethereal Monsters 2,200,000 Battle XP
1,000 Medals
Stage 5
Fung Pray (Tip Topiary) Humbug (Big Fungus) Kazilleon (Ivy League)
MonsterLevel 19 MonsterLevel 20 MonsterLevel 19
Three Double Element Ethereal Monsters 2,400,000 Battle XP
1,000 Medals


  • Stage 1: Any Plasma Ethereal ≥level 14 is good (not Sox as Humbug is strong against Crystal).
  • Stage 4: Use ≥level 15 unskinned Whisp, ≥level 15 Air Purifier Nebulob, and ≥level 15 Private Eyes Boodoo. Use any monster first and use their non-ethereal attacks first to conserve the greatest healing. After each attack, swap them out after each attack. The Nebulob is at your disposal since it has no strong attack against the Sox. Once the Shellbeat is defeated, use the shadow attacks against the Sox and if done correctly and if RNG grants you good luck, it may work. Don't use a Poison monster. The Sox may use its Plasma attack against it. If you do not have the Air Purifier costume for the Nebulob, any other Ethereal Monster will do if it is level 16 or higher.
  • Stage 5: Any three Plasma element Ethereals level 16 or higher will work well against the poison monsters, if used correctly. Level 15 monsters will also work, but the RNG may not be on your side very often.

Quest Rewards[]

Completing the entire Quest rewards the following:


Sad Furcorn
Am I the only Monster out there?
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Battle Quests
Battle Colossingum Versus Medals Costumes Trophies