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My Singing Monsters Live is a monthly livestream show hosted by the Monster-Handlers on Youtube. In the show, they answer questions from the community, reveal new content for the My Singing Monsters games, view fan created art, along with other various recurring segments.


November 2024[]




Update 4.5 Showcase[]


12th Anniversary[]


MSM Composer Update 2.0 Showcase[]


  • Ability to move Monsters around the Stage
  • Add up to 5 unique copies of each Monster
  • Ability to merge single and held notes
  • Monster Class filter
  • New font
  • Official My Singing Monsters Discord Server

Update 4.3 Showcase[]


Update 4.2 Showcase[]


March 2024[]


February 2024[]


December 2023[]


Update 4.1 Showcase[]


September 2023[]




Update 4.0 Showcase[]


August 2023[]




Update 3.9.4 Showcase[]


June 2023 vol. 2[]




June 2023 vol. 1[]


  • Life-Formula event on Ethereal Island, Monculus available on Ethereal Island and Wublin Island and 50% off on Seasonal Shanty
  • Life-Formula Island Skin available
  • Life-Formula-themed Obstacle Decorations available
  • Epic Whisp available on Ethereal Island
  • Rare Blipsqueak available to be evolved on Wublin Island
  • Month of the Mythical II
  • 50% off Wubbox on all Islands
  • All Natural Rares available to breed or buy in the Market on their respective islands
  • Last chance for Quintessence Sale on Amber Island, featuring vessels of Phangler, Whaddle, Sneyser, Candelavra, and Floogull
  • 50% off PongPing in Dawn of Fire


  • Q: Why did Galvana make the Wubbox out of Steptanium versus Bubblerite?
  • A: (Matt) "Ah yes, a recently revealed aspect of Wubbox's construction is that it is in fact built out of obtainium and it's a rather simple and elegant answer it's that Steptanium is a better conductor of electricity than Bubblerite is, and you might be thinking to yourself well wait a minute Bubblerite is what the statues are made out of that receive the Spark of Life that's jolted with electricity but you have to recall that the spark of life is sort of like a singular (lightning strike)".
  • (Tyson) "It's like a jumpstart".
  • (Matt) "It sort of gets absorbed into the Bubblerite and then the Bubblerite transmogrifice into something else Wubbox maintains that electricity throughout its act in state".
  • (Tyson) "In order to stay powered up".
  • (Matt) "Exactly, in order to stay powered up, so Steptanium, a much better conductor for electricity than Bubblerite. But both receive it's just about how much you can maintain the flow".
  • Q: I noticed that Thrumbles have long and sharp claws. In the human world animals with long claws evolve them for digging, climbing, grabbing objects, or defending themselves. Do Thrumbles claws heavy a similar purpose or are they used for something fairly different?
  • A: (Matt) "I can tell you that they're not used for defending themselves because Thrumbles have no natural predators in the Monster World thankfully, but yes they are rather sizeable for a monster of its kind, and it sort of reminds me of reminds me if I can dinosaur nerd out for a moment here about the Therizinosaurus which was a species of dinosaur I think it appeared in the most recent JW movie (Jurassic World) but it's got these huge claws and it was understood to be an herbivore and it's like what are these used for you know are those used for defense are they used for display. Thrumble has this neck that can elongate, it's got that stretch now, what if I told you that the claws were perfect for driving into cliff faces so that they can rock climb to achieve even higher heights!"
  • (Tyson) "So it's for rock climbing".
  • (Matt) "It is, they're for rock climbing, and if you happen to be on Bone Island, for spelunking for going down the opposite way down the side of a cave wall".
  • (Tyson) "I think they would also be great for just like a nice little back scratch or something".
  • (Matt) "Goes without saying you're absolutely right perfect for a scratch and perfect also for gripping objects you know because it's because it's toes it's feet are sort of more formatted like suction cups they're sort of unusually shaped it's really just the four limbs that have those big claws".
  • Q: I've noticed that each Epic Wubbox likes the corresponding Mythical on each island, does that mean the Epic Wubbox and the Mythicals have a connection with each other?
  • A: (Matt) "They do have a special connection with each other and you know what that connection is? The Epic Wubboxes, Wubbox sorry the plural form, each are acceptable I don't know why I apologize both are acceptable I'm fine to say Wubboxes if I want yeah, anyway each of the Epic Wubbox right have the special connection with the Mythical and that special connection is they like them a lot. It's not as intensive a lore reason as some might expect, and they like them because of the fact that recall that like for a long time Mythicals are like, are they real are they not, we're not sure and so the fact that when they come to stay on a given Island and because the Epic Wubbox resonates with that Island's Elemental energy in a particular way they're like I'm so happy you chose to stay, it's a kinship you know it's not really a lore reason other than just like they get along famously".
  • Q: Did monsters evolve to have music or did they discover they can make sounds and put them together for a song?
  • A: (Matt) "An excellent question and the notion of evolution is an interesting one in the Monster World as well because sometimes and we've talked about this a bit in the past like can you design something if you're a colossal right, if you're a Colossal can you design something to have evolved a certain way, can you imagine an earlier form and that its final form is this way I think that there's there's not a clean and simple answer to this I do think that singing monsters are designed to sing it's sort of their thing it's not something that happened accidentally it was a very deliberate design choice on the part of the Colossals and uh that's of course inspired by the Colossals having such success with teaching the Celestials how to sing they're like ah this is great this is going to sort of be our thing now we're gonna base our entire the the entire logic of our world around the universal appeal of music. So it's sort of a did they evolve that way? Yes but because they were designed to evolve that way, they always knew that they were going to be singing monsters.
  • (Tyson) "It's kind of like a natural instinct they have".
  • (Matt) "Yes, they did begin life as monsters and became singing monsters, the one exception of course the one notable one that I always return to is Nebulob, Nebulobs don't start singing, they learn to sing".
  • Q: We know Ethereal Island is one of the oldest islands in the Monster World but has it always been inhabited by a Colossal's spirit, it wasn't directly affected by the splitting of the Continent, so I imagine it's possible it has always been inhabited by its Colossal, but perhaps the splitting of the Continent had ripple effects that affected the Pocket Dimension?
  • (Matt) "Oh yes, a big one, a hefty one, and for it you may notice that I've had the Mjehuricon here perched upon my lap. Last episode of My Singing Monsters Live we had Dr. Warden E. Sprrit's Journal now we have the Mjehurican this ancient tome of knowledge of unknown provenance. We don't where it came from but it's replete with exciting information so let me refer quickly to the document to see what it says, okay got it so, very fast I may have looked at it in advance. I'll give you the gist of it. So, yes Ethereal Island, the oldest island in the Monster World right I can say that and they use the Monster World to encompass all of its dimensions of reality, but what is interesting is that it served as the prototype sandbox staging area for the main dimension of the Monster World some of this is alluded to in the Life formula Island skin bio, but what's interesting is that all of the Colossals convened there and sort of designed you know some of the prototype draft monsters that we were looking at earlier, the Lowbe, the Droah, stuff like that, and then the vast majority of them sort of departed for the main dimension to sort of oversee its development and its formation kind of thing but the one Colossal who originally sort of pioneered the Spark of Life as sort of an animation mechanism opted at one point to sort of depart from the main dimension and actually seal itself off in that Pocket Dimension and continues to develop it and what Life-Formula itself is, the Island Skin is like a snapshot of that prototype of the Proto-Ethereal Island sort of being molded into its current form".
  • (Tyson) "Well we do see the time machine briefly go backwards maybe it's like visualizing kind of".
  • (Matt) "Yeah sort of it's sort of representational of the fact that what we're seeing is an early constructivist form of Ethereal Island. Now connected with this idea though is like well wait a minute I thought in this case, I'm your typical erudite handler helper listening in, I thought that the the possession the imbuement of the life force of Colossals into land masses was sort of a novel thing when the splitting of the Continent happened, and you're right on some regards, but you may recall that The Colossingum is an Ancient Ancient structure and that one actually represents the first known case in the main dimension, but it may not have been the first instance in the Pocket Dimension. This Ethereal Colossal was sort of eccentric right, not exactly always vibing with the others, sort of a bit of a loner, kind of like the Cold Island Colossal right in that sense. Sort of you know worried about how others perceive them, worried about its contributions versus others, but the difference there is that while the Cold Island Colossal sort of wanted that sense of belonging and then sort of learned to enjoy it's aloneness, right I think the Ethereal Colossal is especially like I want my own thing I'm gonna carve out my own little space here".


May 2023[]


  • Perplexplore event on Fire Oasis, Spurrit available on Fire Oasis and 50% off on Seasonal Shanty
  • Perplexplore Island Skin available
  • Perplexplore-themed Obstacle Decorations available
  • Epic Sneyser available on Fire Oasis and now evolvable on Amber Island
  • Rare Wubbox on Fire Haven
  • Quintessence Sale on Amber Island, vessels of Phangler, Whaddle, Sneyser, Candelavra, and Floogull available
  • Up to 75% more in featured diamond packs
  • Amber Island Remix will be available on all major streaming platforms very soon
  • "Rare when you need 'em" Promotion - Natural Rares of the Fire Islands available
  • 50% off the Tailor in Dawn of Fire


  • Q: What exactly defines a Rare Monster as a Rare and an Epic Monster as an Epic?
  • A: (Matt) "There is one major metric that we use to try and decide whether something belongs in a Rare subspecies or in an Epic subspecies and typically that all comes down to just how frequently they're observed in the wild. Typically speaking your Rare subspecies are going to be more numerous and have broader habitat ranges, and the Epics are going to be that much rarer and tends to be more hyperspecialized into their environments".
  • Q: Since Wubbox is able to use the Spark of Life to evolve its fellow Wublins, could Wubbox use that power on itself to enhance its capabilities or even witness new forms doing so?
  • A: (Matt) "The Spark of Life is connected to the Colossal pioneered creative process called Life Formula and the Spark of Life itself is malleable, it's an energy source but it can be sort of reverse engineered it can be it can be manipulated to bend to the will of its manipulator. So in terms of how Wubbox can use it upon itself is an interesting question we do know that the process of a Wubbox becoming a Rare Wubbox is not exactly Spark of Life related it's more a reflection of the journey of self-discovery that the Wubbox undergoes as it visits the human world. A greater understanding of how electricity as an element specifically plays a role in the Spark of Life, there might be some more information related to that potentially in the powered up bio of the Rare Wubbox on Fire Haven".
  • Q: How did adult Flowah get the scar on its eye, it never had it in its baby form or monsterling form?
  • A: (Matt) "Flowah's an interesting monster because it projects this aura of of toughness and of aloofness and standoffishness and it's kind of too cool for school and it thinks that to demonstrate affection or to be sentimental are silly uses of one's time and energy, and of course that scar looking thing on its eye really helps to project that kind of attitude, it looks like a tough customer kind of thing. Monster-Handler Tyson actually has a theory about this which I will repeat now. As Flowah is flexing its sizable biceps and its singing its part there are there are sort of thorns that emerge from its arms and I think that as the young Flowah the monsterling Flower grows, sometimes those thorns can sort of come out unexpectedly and can accidentally catch oneself".
  • Q: Does Ghazt know how to play its orbs straight from hatching or does it have to learn?
  • A: (Matt) Many monsters are born with the innate ability to play music it's sort of like you see you know horses or giraffes or goats that you know moments after birth are already standing up it's sort of like they're primed biological Instinct kind of thing and the same is true of singing monsters they just kind of get it they hatch they're out there and they go oh okay this is the Monster World I guess I gotta do my thing I gotta play music so I believe it's sort of a spontaneous thing that happens almost immediately after hatching there are some notable exceptions to this rule though the Nebulob Ethereal is one that actually has to learn how to play music over the course of its life when it's playing its favorite genre rhythm and ooze, and so there are some there are some exceptions out there but the ghast in particular, yes is pretty much ready to go swatting at those orbs".
  • (Jenn) "It's just instinctual".
  • (Matt) "Yeah right away that's wonderful pretty much right away".
  • Q: In Cybop's bio it mentions that it would take other monsters body parts if it was socially acceptable for self repair, but why does a Cybop need these parts if its a robot?
  • A: (Matt) "It's got a hankering for them, it's just a part of what being a Cybop is fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you look at it. To call a Cybop a robot is is correct and it's also not correct, what is so often the case as we're trying to classify or understand the anatomy of monsters in the monster world is we try and use points of comparison with animals that we're familiar with and organisms that we've studied and that we understand and sometimes it doesn't actually line up quite as cleanly so Cybop is kind of a is biomechanical and so it kind of feels like there are parts of it that can actually just sub out with other monster parts or pieces".
  • Q: Where did Spurrit get its hat from?
  • A: (Matt) "An allegation that has been badgering the Spurrit since it was first released and that's its connection with Dr. Warden E. Spurrit, the foremost Pioneer of the monster handling discipline. This is sort of a a trade secret I would say where Spurrit got it's pith helmet I think if one were to observe the breadcrumb trail that we have laid out over the past couple of years there is some sort of incontrovertible conclusion that we might draw about the true nature of the Spurrit but I think more research is required and of course it's just the common Spurrit that we've discovered so far so it could be that in on some future date uh I don't know potentially like six months out from now kind of thing who knows the Rare Spurrit might be able to elucidate some further answers".
  • Q: How does Gnarls eat treats from the bakery? Does it eat through the mouth-like structure from the creature's tentacle-shaped digits or does the tree that they inhabit have some secret eating method?
  • A: (Matt) "Gnarls, as a unit is multiple organisms altogether and so the needs of the organisms differ. The tree itself continues to take nourishment as a tree does, that is to say up through its roots it does that does require it to sort of stand in place for a little bit because of course the roots have to sort of reattach to whatever surface it's on and of course through photosynthesis you know collecting energy from from the Sun of the Monster World and stuff like that but the Gnarls little organisms themselves that travel in pairs that sort of affix themselves to the tree, much like the Pummel is elsewhere in the monster world and what I mean by that is the two Gnarls will cooperate to create a mouth aperture much like it does when wind passes through it in order to sing its song and then all it asks other monsters to do is just chuck food at it perfect if that food passes through the aperture that kinetic energy is captured stored by the Gnarls and used to nourish".
  • Q: It's revealed that the Mini-Mine is actually a mine in the Spurrit trailer, the mine is very deep but how does the Mini-Mine go through the entire Titan or Colossal or is it an illusion?
  • A: (Matt) "It's not an illusion, BUT, I do feel like the Mini-Mine has a little bit of magic going on, It could be that as you step into the mouth of the cave opening to enter the mine that it's sort of that the interior looks a little larger than it sort of looks like from the outside. A very interesting thing to consider of course about the Mini-Mine on Fire Oasis is that Fire Oasis itself is an artificial glass blown structure but which contains half of the essence of the Fire Colossal so it is a good question in the sense that like if you're tunneling through does that not harm the essence of it, and I'm pleased to report no, there's no harm that is endured by by the Titan or the Colossal in question. I think that basically what we saw Spurrit exploring there was actually connected to the larger underground network of tunnels that exist in the Monster World".
  • Q: How does the entire floor of Fire Oasis become a compass?
  • A: (Jenn) "Now I have my own theory about this. Is it perhaps because Spurrit brought their scientific laboratory to the island and perhaps that was part of the flooring or part of the decor in their own science lab?"
  • (Matt) "Oh I love that idea, it would certainly make sense that spirit's own lodgings reflect its love for the scientific method and for the spirit of discovery but I think that's a great theory. You know Fire Oasis is not just an island but it's also one big beautiful work of art right? So in in dressing up the island for Perplexplore it would make total sense to draw from some of the imagery that Spurrit is familiar with and that and you know what was previously just a scientific instrument now can be like a huge mural of all of the island to enjoy".
  • Q: How long is a Colossal's lifespan and how does a Colossal evolve and grow?
  • A: (Matt) "Colossals as as as humongous spirits of creation were not there at the very beginning of the Monster World but they did come sometime later and have been there for the majority of the Monster World, it was the Celestials that actually are older than the Colossals themselves, they predate the colossals, but in terms of the lifespan of a Colossal I think as long as the Monster World is a world of creativity I think that their life spans are unending, I think that they they are constantly renewed their life forces are renewed by the creativity and the energy that is projected onto that world from the Handler Helpers".
  • (Matt) "To answer the second part of the question you know how do they grow or evolve I think that as beings they're large, they sort of come ready made there they are they don't have like a young form or an adolescent form, but they do grow in maturity and grow in understanding what makes others special and different of course this is something that is touched upon a little bit as we complete the Colossal Conundra this year and the the updated bio of the colossi structures themselves give a little bit of a window into the process of growth and of maturation that the Colossal Spirits undergo as they worked with the Celestials of your to teach them how to sing".
  • Q: Considering we have so many bug-like monsters are they considered a family?
  • A: (Jenn) "For example if you would like some we've got, Loodvigg, Arackulele, Humbug, Fung Pray, etc. Are they considered a family or its own class perhaps?"
  • (Matt) "Yes, these insectoid monsters definitely have some elements in common with each other but in many cases this is sort of a result of the colossals creativity expressing itself in different ways, it could be for example uh the fact that Loodvigg, the Shadow Celestial, is arthropodic or crustaceans but I don't know if any one of them has enough in common with another to give them their own group designation. I think that it's fair to sort of lump them all together in that particular insectoid arthropodic class but as I look at Loodvigg and I compare it against you know Arackulele, yes both spider-like, but I feel like they're distinct enough. If there were to be some sort of connection I would guess that it mostly exists between for example Fung Pray and Humbug in that they are both Ethereals and sort of have a similar face plan with the eyes sort of mounted on either side of the head".

April 2023 Vol. 2[]


  • Viveine available on Amber Island and Shugabush Island, plus 50% off on Seasonal Shanty
  • Bug with Viveine's Vessel displaying incorrect Islands
  • Echoes of Eco Island Skin available
  • Echoes of Eco-themed Obstacle Decorations available
  • Echoes of Eco's inspirations from defunct Big Blue Bubble game, Greatfruit Grove
  • Gnarls + Wave 14 on Amber Island, finally concluding the Island
  • Enhanced Crucible upgrade now available, along with Epic Kayna and Epic Whaddle
  • "Bed Boon" Promotion and Amber Castle Tier 9
  • "Greener Grass" Promotion - Plant-Element Rares available
  • Up to 60% off featured Diamond packs
  • 50% off the Fruit Tree in Dawn of Fire


  • Q: How many Critters has Viveine met so far, and have they potentially met ones from Islands that haven't been discovered yet?
  • A: (Matt) "All of them. And yes. Yes, Viveine, this warm, caring soul, sort of makes it a magnet for Critters, right. And, to that end, you may notice that a few more Critters are scittering around Shugabush island as of this update. Yes, for years it was just Oaktopus holding down the fort there with the Plant Island bird Critter, but now we have both Furcorn and Quibble joining the party.
  • (Tyson) "So Viveine helped them come to Shugabush Island."
  • (Matt) "Exactly, exactly, we figured 'this makes sense, this makes sense for that trio."
  • Q: If Wubbox can use the Spark of Life to bring solid statues to life, can use it to bring things back to life too, such as the Fossil-osaurus?
  • A: (Matt) "Ah yes, the Fossil-osaurus. There's been a lot of speculation about what's going on there with the Fossil-osarus, and how it relates to the Lyrodacus Rex and the Lyrodacus Regina, that are the instruments of the Withur on Bone Island. I hate to be the barer of bad news, but it would appear that it's actually a fiberglass model, it's not actually the remains of anything old. There are, however, fossil deposits, there are remains on Bone Island, of creatures long since extinct. In terms of Spark of Life to reanimate things that have passed on to the Beat Hereafter, y'know maybe there's the potential for it. But I would see that as a sort of improper use of Spark of Life ... It is predominately used to bring ones creations to life."
  • Q: Did any other Islands exist during the cataclysm besides Starhenge and the Outer Islands?
  • A: (Matt) "The Monster World is a vast place, we're always discovering new locales. Y'know, Seasonal Shanty was unknown to use until very recently, but it's been around for a long, long time ... Some sects of the Monster Handler discipline suggest that the actual shape of the Monster World changed, between the Dawn of Fire and the Contemporary Era.
  • Q: Why can only Core Seasonals and Viveine exist on the Higher Plane?
  • A: (Matt) Until very recently it was our understanding that the Higher Plane was pretty selective on which Monsters could appear where ... it was deliberate Contemporary Monster World action to select Viveine from the prime reality, to give it a home here on Amber Island."
  • Q: Tapricorn's bio mentions that if may have a penpal that resides on another plane of existence. Is this penpal possibly the PongPing on Amber Island?
  • A: (Matt) "The identity of Tapricorn's penpal is for now, unconfirmed. But PongPing is a good guess."
  • Q: Does Frondley's hair ever stick up when it gets scared, like how Humans get goosebumps?"
  • A; (Matt) "Yes. Yes, the answer is yes. Frondley's 'strands of hair' are subject to the same sort of stimuli as long human hair is. Also subject to electrical shock."
  • Q: What is Anglow's home planet called?
  • A: (Matt) "We don't know that, and I would be loathed to name it here, without first consulting with Ultimate-Creator Chris.
  • Q: Are the two Denchuhs siblings?
  • A: (Matt) "Siblings is an interesting word to describe them ... they are each other's half. They are distinct organisms, but siblings might be a simplification, or not an exact characterization of the relationship between them.
  • Q: Is Boo'qwurm's Maw-shaped hairbun a living creature, or it just a hairbun?
  • A: (Tyson) "We actually answered this on Quick Questions Episode 2, where Boo'qwurm actually evolved to have a second mouth on the back of their heads. So, when they're reading their books, they can also eat at the same time."
  • Q: Is the tree behind the Castle in the Amber Island perhaps the famed Stablo Mjehurića?
  • A: (Matt) "No it's not. It is actually the Great Tree, the monkey hotel, of the dimension of Greatfruit Grove."
  • Q: Is the Fire Haven Critter a relative of Glowl?
  • A: (Matt) "Generally speaking the Critters are sort of in a class unto themselves. They were created distinctly from the Singing Monsters."

April 2023 Vol. 1[]


  • Creator Experience Mythical Anglow, available on Water Island and Mythical Island
  • The Monstriana Trench and its inhabitants
  • Dreamythical Pinghound available on Mythical Island
  • Rare Wublins available on Wublin Island through evolution - Rare Zynth, Rare Brump, Rare Poewk, Rare Thwok, and Rare Dwumrohl
  • Various tweaks made to Wublin Island with Version 3.9
  • New Polarity Mechanic
  • "Second Time's the Charm" Promotion - Bonus chance to collect Cloverspell content
  • "Amber Reprise" Promotion - All Vessels available for a limited-time
  • "Second Nature" Promotion - All Natural Rares available
  • "Brace of Coneys" Promotion - Rare and Epic Blabbits available
  • "Golden Eggs" Promotion - Water Island Epics available
  • "Mark my Werds" Promotion - All Werdos 50% off on all Islands
  • Mythical "Breeding Bonanza" with +200% chances
  • Up to 100% more in packs of Coins, Diamonds, Treats, and Keys
  • 2x more in Coin, Diamond, and Treat Offer Walls
  • "Prismatic Praxis" Promotion - All Prismatics available in Dawn of Fire
  • 50% off all Adult Monsters on the Outer Islands in Dawn of Fire
  • 75% - 100% more in Coin and Diamond packs in Dawn of Fire
  • 2x more in Coin and Diamond Offer Walls, in Dawn of Fire
  • Cold Island Conundrum nearing completion



March 2023[]




February 2023[]

  • Date: Wednesday, February 15th, 2023
  • Hosts: Matt and Tyson


  • Creator Experience Mythical Hyehehe, available on Earth Island and Mythical Island
  • Epic Humbug available on Earth Island and Ethereal Island
  • Dreamythical Wheezel available on Mythical Island
  • Season of Love Island Skin available
  • 25 Season of Love Themed Costumes available to collect
  • "Love is in the Air" Promotion - Air Island Rares & Epics available
  • "4 Heads Are Better Than 2" Promotion - Rare Schmoochle + Epic Schmoochle available
  • "Walking on Air" Promotion - 50% off Werdos on Air Island
  • "Movin' on Up" Promotion - 50% off Skylite Crystalline Castle Upgrades on Air Island
  • Up to 100% more in packs of Coins, Diamonds, Treats, and Keys
  • 2x more in Coin, Diamond, and Treat Offer Walls
  • ? - A Birthday Present for Ultimate Creator Quinn

January 2023 (SPECIAL EDITION)[]

  • Date: Thursday, January 26th, 2023
  • Hosts: Tyson and Jenn
  • SPECIAL GUEST STAR: Landon Purifoy





December 2022 (2022 Wrap-Up)[]

  • Date: Thursday, December 1st, 2022
  • Hosts: Matt, Tyson, David, Jenn, Ben





October 2022[]

  • Date: Thursday, October 27th, 2022
  • Hosts: Matt, Tyson, Ben





September 2022 (10th Anniversary Edition)[]

  • Date: Thursday, September 29th, 2022
  • Hosts: Matt, Tyson, Ben, Ally





July 2022[]

  • Date: Thursday, July 28th, 2022
  • Hosts: Matt, Tyson, Jenn





June 2022[]

  • Date: Thursday, June 30th, 2022
  • Hosts: Matt, Tyson, Jenn





May 2022[]

  • Date: Thursday, May 26th, 2022
  • Hosts: Matt and Jenn





April 2022[]

  • Date: Thursday, April 28th, 2022
  • Hosts: Matt and Jenn





March 2022[]

  • Date: Thursday, March 31st, 2022
  • Hosts: Matt and Jenn





February 2022[]

  • Date: Thursday, February 24th, 2022
  • Hosts: Matt and Jenn





Episode 106[]

Featured announcements

Q&A / Trivia:

  • 2:12 The design of Rare Spunge was inspired by Blinky from The Simpsons.
  • 8:01 The Monster-handlers identified an issue with not being rewarded Trophies from the prior week's Limited Time Quest, and aim to have this resolved before the next week's.

Episode #058 - Friday December 13th, 2019[]


  • QNAs

Episode #057[]


  • Glowbes


  • TBA

Episode #056 - Friday November 29th, 2019[]

Link: ☀
Video Hosts: Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: ?


  • Epic Dandidoo


Episode #055 - Friday November 22nd, 2019[]

Link: ☀
Video Hosts: Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: ?


  • Feast-Ember


Episode #054 - Friday November 15th, 2019[]

Link: ☀
Video Hosts: Matt and Sydney
Chat hosts: ?


  • Epic Pummel


Episode #053 - Friday November 8th, 2019[]

Link: ☀
Video Hosts: Matt and Sydney
Chat hosts: ?


  • Rare Wynq


Episode #052 - Friday November 1st, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Mike, Bell, Matt, Eric
Chat hosts: ?


  • Anniversary of the My Singing Monsters Live
  • Summary of what was done on My Singing Monsters Live in the past year, including mentioning that MSM Live didn't miss a single week.
  • Discussion of Psychic Island and its development, along with the elemental teams #TeamAir, #TeamCold, and #TeamEarth.
  • Monster-Handler Matt's absence from MSM Live
    • Explored the Monster World, got camera trapped in Epic Maw's mouth, also explored the new islands Sweti Settlement and Temple of Hahoo.
  • Discussion of Sweti Settlement and Temple of Hahoo, two new island skins that form the titans Sweti and Hahoo.
    • Discovery of the two islands by Monster-Handler Matt.
    • Titans possibly have genders.
  • Discussion of Epic Punkleton
    • Common Punkleton was the first Seasonal to be debuted.
    • Epic Punkleton was the last Epic Seasonal to be debuted.
    • Rare Hoola was the first Rare Seasonal to be debuted
    • Entries of the Epic Smunk-O-Lantern (for prediction of Epic Punkleton) are plentiful, but the five winners were exceptionally unique and wonderful.
  • More TBA...

Q: Who voiced Punkleton?
A: Punkleton’s voiced by the composer of MSM, Dave Kerr. And I think there’s a lot of post there but not a lot.

Q: Can Epic Monsters breed with its own non-epic kind make the regular just like Rares?
A: No they cannot! Epic Monsters - there’s just something on them and that is what makes them so valuable and hard to come by is that they cannot breed like their Rare and Common cousins can do and there is a line in every single Epic bio that indicates that it cannot breed, it should be in a separate paragraph below.

Q: What does Brump say?
A: “Wake up the Wublins.” It’s hilarious because that is one of the first Wublin parts that’s composed and we ain’t sure if we’re naming them Wublins and the decisions made. I do love the name Wublin being the portmonto, we know of the Wub and Goblin.

Q: How do Epic Punkleton make its face if it can’t see anything?
A: It feels it in its bones. It feels it in its fingers and its toes. Seasonal Monsters are cool and capable and possessed of abilities and extra sensory perceptions that we cannot fathom. So, it’s true that it can echo locate by jangling its bones and by jangling its bones into a reflection, it can carefully creates its face.

Q: Is there more on Rooba?
A: Rooba, one of the Magical Monsters, is distantly related to Pompom, Hoola, and Sooza, it shares the same basic body morph, notably, it is both a Fire and Psychic Hybrid. Despite that it shares the physical characteristics, there’s also something special going on in terms of its elemental make-up and also the fact that inside the Pomily, two of those monsters are vocalists (Pompom and Hoola) and two of the monsters are instrumentalists (Sooza and Rooba). What’s unique on Rooba is that most of the other members of the Pomily have distinct hairstyles, Rooba also has a distinct hairstyle that is long hair that sort of has the consistency on steed hair and It is used and that is the monster’s instrument and it just pulls out the strand of its hair and has a bow that is also strong with also strands of its own hair that is plucked out of its hair and makes a sound and in terms of their lifestyle, their interests, Roobas are fans of Plants and of the natural world they are culturalists, they have what can be said a green thumb, they’re good at growing things and seeking natural solutions for elements, it can create a little pultists, you got a wound, it can plot down some moss and knows that right moss to put down and then healing. It’s a very helpful monster, it has the same positive outlook on life as other members of the Pomily, the Pomily are friends, companions, and Rooba continues that reputation.

Q: What is Floot Fly?
A: Floot Fly’s a concept that was going to be the boss of Earth Island, it was apart, it actually been composed, it was just like one of the drawings that be given a bit more extra treatment by BBB and it got replaced by Quarrister. However, in the files of the game, you can see a little breeding portrait in the files. For a long time, it’s existed in legend as a monster that doesn’t exist, not an approved official monster, and it’s one that captures the imagination of the community, and we don’t know yet, if we have plans for Floot Fly or we’re going to continue to explore and see what other monsters are beyond, however, for the time being, Floot Fly’s just an old monster concept. We have a lot of concepts kicking around and some of the concepts have new life breathed into them, fans identified that the Yuggler’s similar to the bat monster that had a same face and that’s an attempt for us to go back and revisit some of the old artstyle decisions and go “Let’s give them a new life and get them involved.”

Q: Do Monsters from different Islands have different accents of monstrous?
A: During DoF, when traveling the Continent’s a lot quicker, I think you tend to see one harmonized monster dialect where if you traveled from the Air lands to the Earth Lands, you’d find that everything is mutually intelligable at all sounds the same to a given Monster’s ears. I think with the dissolution of the Continent, it’s entirely possible there were slight dialectal differences between the Islands I meant is vast distances separate them. They were apart for long enough that it could be a “Bum.” on Plant Island sounds different than the “BaBum” on Earth. There were settle changes that aren’t detectable to the human ear, however, monsters do pick up on them.

Q: Is Cruuv’Laapht floating in space or is it had long legs held by an alien monster?
A: I ain’t knowing the entirety of Cruuv’Laapht’s being shown in-game that there are there’s more to see more tentacles, more of a kitanus shell holding in parts of it. It’s an amalgam of insect bits and octopus bits and I think it’s taking advantage of the low gravity environment of Space Island and is floating, however, it ain’t just a head. I think there’s more to it.

Q: Will the Magical Monsters get Rares?
A: Perhaps. I ain’t sure. Psychics themselves are just as other despite being inter-breedable with the Naturals. You got the Naturals and Magicals which can inter-breed and hybridize. They are unique, interesting, also different.

Q: What do you think of Rare Wublins?
A: Remember that the Wublins are created by the Wubbox. Each one’s first concepted out by Wubbox being “What type of Monster am I going to make?”, They’re created. The statues are created through some unknown stone and they are given a spark of life by monster eggs, their electrical potential being converted and used to power and bring to life the statues. In terms of how Rare Monsters came for other monsters, often times, Rare Monsters are a subspecies of a monster that is responded to some change in their anatomy, or some environmental pressure we know through the teachings of Dr. Wardin E. Spurrit, that’s a big part of what differenciates the Epics from their common and Rare Cousins. Because the Wublins are created by the Wubbox, I think that if there were to be Rares of them, I think the Wubbox and Rare Wubbox are going to remain as a Common Wubbox because, Rare Wubbox are common Wubbox that go to the Human World and rebuild themselves to perate back from transmissions, so, all Wubbox started out in the same way as being the creations of Galvana, the Celestial of Electricity, but Rare Wubbox always seems to me more of the adventuring type.

Q: Why do Mammott and Cybop sound different on Air Island?
A: As someone who has contributed parts of Mammott on Plant, Cold, Air, Earth, Gold, Shugabush, Tribal, and Oasis, all sounds similar. Mammott goes “Bum bum bum” then switches to “Hey YO”, the reason why is there a different syllable, Monsters are able to communicate differently, sometimes go 2 syllables, but they express in different ways.

Q: Will there still be Fire Islands?
A: Given the fact that there’s Fire Haven and Fire Oasis, I ain’t sure if they’re planning on doing more expansions to the Monster World, they’re leading the exploration efforts to discover more of the Monster World and what led us to the discovery of Cruuv’Laapht, I didn’t know if there’ll be more Fire Islands. At least, Fire Islands, if we’re calling them Fire Islands, when it’s the Element of FIre and 3 Natural elements which is what the definition of a Fire Island is, because now we got Magical Islands in the mix, it’s known because the Fire Monsters are the ones leading the exploration efforts that Fire will be an element on every Magical Island. I think you might be wise to considered Magical Islands are Honorary Fire Islands, because Fire is just a major thing on their discovery and their settlement.

Episode #051 - Friday October 25th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Mike and Eric
Chat hosts: ?


  • Epic Riff


Q: A question I have regarding Extra Life when you announced a new stream, which is on Saturday, will you still do the regular stream on the Friday of that week or is the effort going to be saved for the full 24 hour stream?
A: (Mike) I don’t know if this is you having the foresight to think what we might be doing or if this is remembering what I had my breakthrough thought one episode, I think when I was like behind the cam and I said, “I got a thought.”We'll not have a show next Friday, so we're going to let everybody know today. We’ll not have a regular schedule episode on Friday. What we’ll be doing because we’re going to be setting up that night for Saturday. So we won’t be doing it on Friday, instead we’ll be doing it on Saturday. I think we have it penciled in for 1:00 EST, but we’ll be sure to let you know on social and everything what time the episode is it at exactly and it might be a bit bigger of an episode just because it’s part of a 24-hours. However, you know it’s at 1:00, and you should be here the whole time.
A: (Eric) There’s going to be so much during E.L., it’s technically 25-hours because the clock rolls back.
A: (Mike) If you weren’t here because you don’t know what it is, starting at 8AM on 11/2/19, we’ll be streaming on the channel for 25 hours playing a bunch of different games doing different fun things, having a bunch of different giveaways, just a callback to last year along with tons of different monsters, tons of diamonds, tons of different things throughout the stream. We play a bunch of games, we play games with each other, we play game with you. We got Jack-box, SSBU, we’ll also be playing favorites of our own, Gang Beasts, Speed Runners, we have multiple games: Overcooked 2.
A: (Eric) Overcooked 2 will be happening, and we’re going to play SMM2, and we’re going to ask you to submit some levels to us. And some of the games from last year, I think we might try online modes that had gotten added, now that we have an improved sense of streaming on the online activity, we’ll be able to be more daring with them stuff.
A: (Mike) And we’ll be doing late night spooks. If you weren’t here last year, once it hit 12:00 AM, we went into scary mode and we tried to play FNAF. We got far but we didn’t beat’em. We’ll be playing some creepy games. I want to try another FNAF. If everyone know which one’s the true favorite, let us know and we can try and focus on doing that one for sure. And if you have game suggestions, let us know.

Q: We known why Epic Riff’s guitar looks like that. Why is Epic Riff looked the way it does? What cause it to have all the characteristics?
A: It seems that as we get into more Epic proportions, things got going into insane extreme and it seems to me that Epic Riff, though we don’t know for sure because Riffs are mysterious and they keep them under wraps. It seems as though, Epic Riff has evolved and adapted to be able to go into any problems. I think that Epic Riff evolved to being a jack of all traits.

Q: Can Epic Riff’s guitar munch and crunch with those sharp teeth?
A: (Eric) I don’t know if any of the guitar physically. The lack of other facial features made me think it ain’t particularly fluid moving instrument.
A: (Mike) I think that part of a guitar doesn’t have a rigid body form. They don’t have to maneuver when it comes to crunching and munching.
A: (Eric) That being said, I have heard of guitars having a crunchy sound to it. So it brought that to its sound.

Q: What is the process of creating Epic Riff? How long is the final design created?
A: (Eric) We didn’t have a chance to talk to the artists, we did get the general date on the design and it seems like work’s going on.
A: (Mike) I think that is when finalized.
A: (Eric) So, that is the beginning of the process much earlier.
A: (Mike) It all came with different monsters, obviously there’s some we’ve seen years ago where these things are around a year+ and there’s some were most recent when they come out. It all kinda counts when the development pipeline and everything. I think we have them things structured out months in advance and Riff’s good for a bit.

Q: If the Riffs were to join a rock band, which should fit?
A: (Eric) Well, I am partial to an Instagram post. Instead of Kizz, it’s Riff.
A: (Mike) I think for me, I’m going to go with the Who.

Q: Why were Riffs eat in random probably inedible things?
A: (Eric) I don’t know how it necessarily eats everything it picks up. I think sometimes it gives it to the guitars.

Episode #050 - Friday October 18th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Eric and Sydney
Chat hosts: ?


  • Spooktacle


Q: What will happen if Epic Shrubb didn’t wear socks for a long enough time? Will it cause any physical changes?
A: (Sydney) I think it will… So of course, Epic Shrubb’s socks keep its magic sort of contained.
A: (Eric) Right! Because it will leak through its feet if it doesn’t wear them.
A: (Sydney) I think that Epic Shrubb itself will be fine, but all sorts of insane magic spells might be happening everywhere.
A: (Eric) Shouldn't it have a stove?
A: (Sydney) Yeah, just all sorts of insane magic be happening if it making things huge, and tiny, and electrifying, who knows what else, and making things levitating without any control.
A: (Eric) I kinda wonder if the orb will perhaps shrink a bit, not like to dramatic, but I wonder if that enough power drained out, it will kinda like just a tiny bit. Almost similar to losing weight.
A: (Sydney) I hope it won’t shatter.
A: (Eric) No. I don’t think so.
A: (Sydney) I think it’s a tough material.
A: (Eric) It will have to be if it be on the back of a Shrubb and last.
A: (Sydney) And of course, Epic Shrubbs, they just wish that they could sleep on their backs, but they can’t.
A: (Eric) Also, thinking how long Epic Shrubb has had socks on, I think if it takes them off. That is quite a scent that is omitted.
A: (Sydney) Also probably very chilly feet.
A: (Eric) Once you get used to having your feet and socks all the time, taking them off might be a temperature shock.
A: (Sydney) So I think we could all agree that it should just keep the socks on.

Q: What is Epic Shrubb’s relationship to the other Shrubbs?
A: (Eric) They a weird trick on them immediately or again, I think. How could you resist with that kind of magic power?
A: (Sydney) I think we have all sort of a prankster cousin or a family member who just happens to know some magic tricks, so I think we have one of those. And I think that Epic Shrubb fills that part for its cousins.

Q: What’s your favorite Single-Element Monster?
A: (Sydney) And of course relatively recently, we added the Psychic Single-Element Theremind, so that’s a contender for me but I think I’m going to have to say, Tweedle.
A: (Eric) I think I have to keep repping my boy, Noggin. I have a powerful connection to Noggin more than before.
A: (Sydney) Noggin is a rock. Noggin will be your rock.

Q: Why in every MSM logo, the letter O is always cover by a monster or a thing? In Dawn of Fire, that doesn’t happen.
A: Because it’s cool, it looks fun, and it indicates what event is currently going on.

Q: How can a Candelavra if it only has one foot?
A: (Sydney) Not the only one-footed monster in the Monster World, Yawstrich for example, another one-footed monster, of course, Yawstrich with its wings, presumably can fly, but Candelavra, I might only presume, hops.
A: (Eric) I like to imagine that’s like a pogo-stick specifically, unlike tiny hops, but actually gets the bounce-back of each jump.
A: (Sydney) I could see that happening for sure. I wonder if it could potentially just rotate.

Q: How far end does the Maw’s mouth go?
A: (Eric) We should ask Epic Maw.

Q: Do Roobas get lice?
A: Roobas eating primarily Plant-based treats and that is what influenced their furthers and their hair to get that leafy veggie texture. So I could that assume that it attracts perhaps not lice but more kind of pest that can eat at your garden. Perhaps the Air Island beetles could perhaps chomp on that. I also imagine that the snails from the Harvherd probably love to make a place on Rooba’s hair.

Q: Do you guys voice any Monsters?
A: (Sydney) I do not. Matthew, of course, voices a lot, perhaps, notably, the werdo, Stoowarb. And Eric, while you didn’t voice any in-game…
A: (Eric) I’m known to contribute a video or two. I definitely done Rare Yool and I feel like added some background monster sounds. I thought there’s perhaps one monster I did contributed to make a sound to in a video.
A: (Sydney) and I think Mike did Pango in the Story of Sprinkles.

Q: Is Rare Punkleton shy like a Pango?
A: Now, Pangos are known for not very-high self-esteem and Rare Punkleton is shy about what’s happening under the mask. Sort of a rotting pumpkin type-texture happening under here. So in that way, I do think that they could have similarities, perhaps a little withdrawn, a little nervous to make friends, but still very capable.

Q: Is Mammott mistaken for Bigfoot often?
A: (Sydney) Bigfoot, of course, the Human World Legend.
A: (Eric) I suppose if a Mammott goes to the Human World, there could be no way to mistaken for anything than Bigfoot, or a Yeti, or pick it out as a Mammoth. There’s no way a Mammott could be in the Human World and no one noticed. If you saw it without knowing what a Mammott is, I imagine a yeti or a Bigfoot could be your first thought.

Q: How tall is a Shrubb when it ain’t crouching?
A: (Eric) I mean very tall.
A: (Sydney) That’s a very Shrubb-centric episode. Shockingly tall. I couldn’t think you need to find out. It might be so towering, that you’re just overwhelmed.

Q: Do Thereminds make that “Woah Woah Woah Woah” sound themselves or do they come from some other monster?
A: Theremind, the mouth you’ve seen it holds are actually the voices of monsters and beings that it’s communicating with using its brain, so it can communicate with monsters beyond. So, no it ain’t making that “Woah Woah Woah Woah” sound itself, it is actually the monsters that it’s talking to.

Q: What is Punkleton’s favorite treat?
A: (Sydney) There’s all sorts of treats in the Monster World which we couldn’t dive into that. So, I think what human treat do you think is its favorite?
A: (Eric) I might say corn candy and the color profile.

Q: What’s your favorite of the two monsters that make up Bisonorus? The orange thing who’s the Emperor Bisonorus or the Purple thing who’s the Standard Bisonorus?
A: (Eric) He’s asking us to choose a favorite?
A: (Sydney) That’s similar to picking your kids. My favorite is Emperor Bisonorus.
A: (Eric) I feel like there’s a mood for me.

Q: Can the Shugabush fire lasers from its mandolin?
A: (Sydney) Unlike we’ve seen.
A: (Eric) Not yet. I think that came up before. I’m real cool about my answer. My insight is that after the technology that Epic Hoola and its crew displayed, that shared with the Shugafam some laser technology, that put on a light show, not a destructive laser.

Q: Do monsters sometimes love to contribute to try other monsters’ sounds?
A: There is one instance of that happened in MSM1 where Dandidoo on Fire Haven copies the Furcorn on Plant Island. I might say yeah, some monsters do love to sample other songs.

Episode #049 - Friday October 11th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: ?


  • Epic Shrubb


Q: Is Epic Shrubb’s orb attached at birth?
A: (Matt) Yes it is.
A: (Mike) So, a young Epic Shrubb. It’d be very interesting to see what it be like it had a pot that had a sock on it.
A: (Matt) I don’t know if the socks come in at that point or the socks could be worn as finger puppets on the hands. Does it inherit the socks? Does it make the socks? Are the socks parts of the monster and they look like socks? That’s unclear. A brand new discovered monster. There’s a lot to understand and to learn about it.

Q: Is the magical orb on Epic Shrubb’s back related to the orb on Galvana’s staff?
A: (Matt) No.
A: (Mike) They’re just both orb-like.
A: (Matt) Spheres can occur in many different places.

Q: We saw that Epic Shrubb made a Dipster have a big voice. If this happened in the night, could it wake up every monster?
A: I imagine that it could. And you know what, Epic Shrubb coming out this month so close to Spooktacle, I didn’t think it’s an accident. I think Epic Shrubb, possibly at some point inspired by the changing mythical energies in the air that possibly came about as an arrival of G’Joob and Yawstrich. Perhaps that’s it or perhaps could it be that we’re so close to Spooktacle because magic and spell casting and arcane knowledge is sort of hand in hand on that sort of mood of that time of year. I think Epic Shrubb is mischievous in its spell casting. If it were to do that make the bellow of a boss emerges from a wee maw of a Dipster, I think that might be a trick that you might play on the monsters just to wake up.

Q: What is Epic Shrubb’s design based off of?
A: I consulted with Chris Elliot about that design, and you know what he said? He tried to make it look not like the existing Shrubbs. He confessed to me that there wasn’t anything specific that inspired him.

Q: Is Cruv’Laapht actively preventing Oaktopus eggs from leaving it or is there some other explanation phenomenon?
A: Many players wrote in letting us know that Oaktopus eggs could not be zapped from Psychic Island. I will report that is not a strange phenomenon and is actually a bug we planned on fixing in the next update.

Q: Do Tapricorns get hurt while tapping their horns?
A: They do not get hurt. They’ve got anatomical compensatory responses. If they’re a monster that taps a part of their body asp art of its music communications, its skeleton, its musculature is prepared to withstand that impact so that there’s no headaches or anything that its caused.

Q: How tall is Gloptic?
A: Now it’s interesting about Gloptic is that being a slimy consistency, it can actually make itself as tall as it wants. If it stood on their toes of its long tentacles, I think it can get up 50 and 60 Ft. It’s huge. Not unlike the heptapods from a rival.

Q: Can you explain about the origins of the Magical monsters? They showed up out of the blue.
A: We love to tell you, but we don’t know. What we do know is that we don’t think that they existed back during the era of the Dawn of Fire and that they are related in some way to the eventual disappearance of the Outer Islands, the fact that those have not been heard from for a long time and the fact the Psychic Island occupied the coordinates in space where Space Island is and that Cruv’Laapht is filling the void that is left. In terms of where they came from, don’t know if there’s a colossal that was responsible for their creation or a colossal that is its creations from the Monster World. It’s unclear, but Cruv’Laapht is not a colossal and is a Titan. It shares more in common with Harvherd on the Plant Island (Vegetable Medley) skin. As we learn more about the magic of Magical Monsters, we’ll share our learnings with you. But, as of that time, we don’t know other than they can interbreed with Natural Monsters. They have something in common with the Naturals other than Ethereals.

Q: Is there going to be an outfit community competition in Spooktacle?
A: I sort of played our hand in the mailbox for the 50% off Mirror Plant Island post that Spooktacle coming next week, but a seasonal event is a time for community contests, I may just put my ears to the ground because there’s things coming out of the ground during Spooktacle.

Q: What is your favorite update in MSM?
A: I think my all time favorite is Wublin Island. Why? Wublins are very cool, it reveals a lot of new lore relating to the Wubbox and to the world, and it reveals a new mechanic in order to get monsters that’s the first occasion where we were zapping eggs from breeding structures into the different inventories, different egg inventories of a Wublins. I think there’s a lot going on.

Episode #048 - Friday October 4th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: ?


  • Rare Flowah

Q: Will Pompom-like Monsters ever unite on an island? Perhaps, Pompom island?
A: A very interesting idea. So, at least as of right now, we know that the Pompom family which has 4 members (Pompom, Hoola, Sooza, and Rooba) and only 2 of them have a cohabitation on Air and Earth Islands (Pompom and Hoola). Sooza hung out with Pompom back during the era of DoF and we know that Sooza’s around because all of the Fire Monsters were confirmed to have been taken refuge and were safe during the cataclysm that broke apart the Continent altogether safe and the Fire Monsters are still a thing and those we haven’t seen in MSM1 yet are out there. Perhaps Sooza is assigned to one of the Fire Expeditions that are exploring more of the Monster World, we don’t know yet. They’re keeping the info to themselves for the time being. Sooza’s out there and hasn’t yet made contact. And then now, we have Rooba chilling on its own on Psychic Island. There are big monster family reunions every once in a while or causes for celebrations that brings monsters from various locals and biomes together, of course, the Epic Hoola’s Secret Shows, DJ Epic’s shows were great opportunities for monsters from various locals together and celebrate for a common cause. Don’t know about the idea of a Pompom Island, right now that may be 4 monsters and that may all balance each other but don’t know if they’ll ever appear on an island together.

Q: Are Yawstrich and Screemu related?
A: Since Yawstrich being inspired and part by and Ostrich and Screemu being inspired and part of an Emu, you think they are related, but recall that Screemu is a wublin came from the mind of Wubbox and was created independently of any existing inspiration, one of the only Wublins that is decided to be based on, it’s sorta constitution element is Brump with Fwog feet and Furcorn playing a major role in its appearance. But all others are up to the Wubbox’s own imagination.

Q: Will a Rooba ever get a haircut?
A: Likely not. Roobas are known to keep their flowing locks intact because that is a way they communicate in a monster’s language by playing their hair like the Dilruba which upon this instrument is based.

Q: Speaking of Rooba, does it have eyes?
A: It does have eyes. The haels have eyes because they’re covered in vegetation just like Rooba is a lover of the natural world and plants.

Q: If Rooba eats plants, does this mean it eats monsters like Flowah and Potbelly?
A: No! I’m happy to report that Rooba does not engage in any sort of cannibalism. There’s no cannibalism in the Monster World. When we say they eat plants, they mean the ones that don’t sing and have personalities that are out there. You may notice that there’s plant-life in the Monster World that is independent on the actual singing monsters that embodied the element of Plant. Plant Island is a great example, like the grass that covers the terrain of Plant Island are plants. Flowah and Potbelly are spared from Rooba’s vegetarian hunger.

Q: If Rooba went to Plant Island (Vegetable Medley), How will it spend its time there? Perhaps carve a smumkin for Spooktacle?
A: Yes. You did expect Rooba and the Titan Harvherd had a lot in common in terms of keeping their flock of fruits, veggies, and plants. If Rooba were to make its way to Plant Island as a sight-seeing expedition to see the pinnacle of Plant energy in the Monster World, I think that participating in Spooktacle will be a fun activity for it. I feel like the Magical Monsters are more isolated than just about any other group just because they’ve been on their own for so long. Things like the Celestials when they were revived on Celestial Island had some memories of their former lives kicking around in the back of their heads not being like super conscious about it and they’re like revived and given a new life but I think that they have some thought of what’s going on, these Magicals have been doing their own thing.

Q: What does chronic brain-itch felt like? And what exactly are Gloptical Illusions?
A: Gloptical Illusions are mind-bending sensory experiences where all of your senses trade-off what they do like synesthesia where colors taste and felt like things that you’ve seen. After your mind has been bent by the Gloptical Illusions, the soulsie of your brain tends to form so many new synaptic connections that becomes very itchy and you have to scratch your brain but you can’t because your brain is inside your skull and having an itchy brain is very different than having an itchy scalp.

Q: Do some Bonkers mistake an Oaktopus for its stump?
A: The fact that Oaktopus is on Psychic Island presented a unique challenge for Bonkers when they reveal themselves recall that Bonkers like Thumpies have an elemental configuration inside of the Monster World but they themselves appeared to have actually be native to the Thumpieverse which actually predates the Monster World in terms of the BBB Multiverse. So they’re excitable, wanting to thump a stump and so I think that because Oaktopus was part of the expedition to the former Fire Frontier, there was a little bit of a ‘What are you DOING?!’ with the initial greeting between the two is very quickly verified much like Rooba could not eat a Flowah nor Potbelly, Bonkers could not thump an Oaktopus.

Q: What is Theremind’s IQ?
A: Over 9000.

Q: Do Bonkers get headaches from making their sounds?
A: That certainly appears that the left Bonker, right from their vantage point, looks like a goose egg on its head and in fact its egg looks like it has a goose egg itself, so it appears that there is some sort of physical effect of the bonking that they perform but I’m sure that they do not develop headaches because it be quite upsetting because bonking is how they contribute to the song. They’re dazed.

Q: Can a Yuggler stand on its legs? How big is a full-sized Yuggler?
A: Yuggler for a 2-element monster is larger than a Rootitoot that is its comrade. It gets to be 7’7 ft tall. It could stand on its legs if it wants to. Yuggler being a psychic Hybrid it has possessed the ability to levitate. It most often like a Flum Ox just floats along.

Episode #047 - Friday September 27th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Matt and Sydney
Chat hosts: Eric


  • Psychic Island

Q: Will there be more Magic elements?
A: Of course.

Q: So what are you going to do with the teams of Air, Cold, and Earth?
A: (Sydney) I think a lot of people were saying for example, “If Team Cold didn’t win, Sooza will never be on an island.”
A: (Matt) I will remind everybody that the Monster World is vast and that there are still many locations, many mysteries to solve, to discover. So, “Never say never” of course, those monsters aren’t available at this time in MSM1. But, with the continued exploration of the Monster World and different expeditions of monsters being led by Fire elementals exploring more of the Monster World, I may just stay tuned, keep an ear to the ground, because never say never.

Q: Is the Psychic Island colossal awake? If so, could that mean we’ll see others waking up? A: (Matt) It is in fact not a colossal, it is a titan like Harvherd. Harverd is snoozing, but Titans can awaken.
A: (Sydney) Yes. This one is little more lively.

Q: Are Roobas relatives of Pompom?
A: (Matt) Yes. Yes they are.
A: (Sydney) It’s all in the Pompom family.
A: (Matt) Now interestingly, they are related to Pompoms, but the elemental make-up of a Rooba which is Plant, Fire, and Psychic shares no elemental crossover with Pompom.
A: (Sydney) So it’s a very diverse family. They’re not linked by elements, they’re linked by a sisterly bond.

Q: Is Space Island the island that blipped out of time and space?
A: Those questions being asked means that we’ve got a lot of intelligent resourceful clever members of the community who are picking up the clues.

Q: Is Theremind voiced by Matthew Stewart?
A: (Matt) I can’t either confirm nor deny these rumors.
A: (Sydney) No? You refuse to confirm?
A: (Matt) BAH!
A: (Sydney) Alright, Bah I think.
A: (Mike) I like to confirm that Matt does voice Theremind.

Q: Can Magical-class Monsters breed with other classes too, like the Ethereals?
A: (Matt) Unclear.
A: (Sydney) We haven’t seen cross-paths.
A: (Matt) Magicals are about 2 and a bit days old at this point. There still lots to understand about what makes this class special. We know certain things that it can do, but as of right now, there’s no limit to what it can do or it’s unknown what it can’t do as well.

Q: It appears that this element matches the mystery element seen on Starhenge and sort of matches the aesthetic of the “coming soon” banner of DoF. Is there a Psychic Celestial?
A: (Sydney) So he’s referring to the squared off spiral matches the Psychic Element and you’ve seen that in lots of places in the Monster World. I think even on Dwumrohl’s drum.
A: (Matt) It’s in a lot of different places. I can confirm that this glyph actually predates MSM and has been around all the way back during the time when the Thumpieverse was first uncovered and the Thumpieverse is actually where the sigil for the mythical element come from. I can confirm that this has no specific relationship to any part of the Monster World. I think it even has even more far-reaching implications, I think it is very native to the Big Blue Bubble Multiverse. It has been in a bunch of different places and in terms of that specific symbol of the squared-off spiral, variations of that are used in a lot of Starhenge-related architecture, some of the themed decorations that you’ve seen in DoF (Sand Fountain, Ingot Display) and so I think at this point, it just sort of like a commonly used artistic form that monsters enjoy expressing.
A: (Sydney) We do not think in that case, we’re confident that we discover all of the Celestials.
A: (Matt) Yes. There is something nice about the fact that the Monster World and the Human World have 12 months in the year and that sort of aligns very closely and so it’s unlikely an asteroid hitting the Earth which may be bad and throwing our orbit out of sync such that we have more than 12 months a year. I think that the Celestials have all been discovered. And the other thing that’s important to consider about the Psychic element is that I think that maybe it’s true of all the Magical elements as well, I think that we are talking about a distinctly post-break up of the Continent existence. I think that these Magical Elementals and that the Magical elements themselves are only from that point on where there is no historical record of them all the way back during the Dawn of Fire which is of course when the Celestials first rose to prominence.

Q: How does Poppette float?
A: (Matt) Well I think that there’s a lot of…
A: (Sydney) Air in those bubbles.
A: (Matt) Yes. You may think that they’re filled with other things like a postural or like a pimple. No, but I think it’s air. I think it’s air and their hard to do. Even though they may look like they’re ready to burst, they’re not. Poppette is actually quite harden customer. And the other things that’s important to remember is that these Psychic Elementals, they got Psionic powers, the likes of which few others monsters can achieve, many of those monsters are able to achieve levitation: Yuggler, Theremind. And so, I think Poppette is just part of that group and that it’s sort of a parten partial of being a Psychic elemental.

Q: Where do Theremind’s mouths come from?
A: (Matt) They are divised by Theremind. Theremind…
A: (Sydney) Theremind’s always hearing the inner-voices of monsters that are miles away.
A: (Matt) It’s like a personal receiver. It’s almost like its own personal Unity Tree but instead of picking up happiness vibes, it’s receiving all kinds of communications of all different kinds of dimensions and realities.
A: (Sydney) So perhaps that those mouths that are the mouths of the inner voices that it’s hearing.
A: (Matt) Very Interesting theory. I think definitely because those mouths that appeared suspended above its hands spring into being after it is done a deep concentrating bit of self-reflection of introspection that it’s drawing them from deep inside itself. That what I may say.

Q: If Periscorp can use soundbites from the footage taken from Cruv’Laapht’s all-seers, their nickname for the Psychic Island critters, why does only make drum sounds?
A: (Sydney) So the eyeballs on Psychic Island, the critters.
A: (Matt) They have that feed.
A: (Sydney) They’re always watching, they’re recording things, they share a feed with Periscorp who is storing whatever footage it chooses to store. And then how it make its sound, it’s storing all these in like these sackson-bod.
A: (Matt) The gelatinous dorsel sack.
A: (Sydney) So when it presses one, it’s playing a little soundbite, a little clip from one piece of that footage.
A: (Matt) When you play something in such a little snippet, I think it’s gonna go beep. And then it harnesses that sound and who knows. There might be some sort of atomic ture that the Periscorp is running these sounds through in order to contribute to the song of Psychic Island. It’s definitely a very unique way of creating its music.

Episode #046 - Friday September 20th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Eric and Mike
Chat hosts: ?


  • ?

Q: How long will it take the monsters to arrive on the island?
A: (Eric) I don’t know.
A: (Mike) As Monster-Handler Matt was telling me earlier, he said, “We don’t know if they had directions. We don’t know if the monsters there now left good instructions to give them info on how they get here.”

Q: Why is Fire Frontier starts with a Castle Bass as soon as you place the monster?
A: The reason that the basic castle on Fire Frontier plays a bass sound is a mistake.

Q: How does it feel being the leader of the respective team?
A: (Eric) I have a great team, I have excellent team members who’ve done nothing but support me and Earth’s cause throughout this entire trial and I couldn’t be more proud of my team and the effort they put for them.
A: (Matt) I used this joke so many times already, I will continue to use it. I feel uplifted. A great weight has been lifted off my shoulders, I feel like a room but no roof, because I’m proud.
A: (Mike) It’s been great being on one of the best teams that I ever had to cap and so, it feels no different for me in my everyday life. They go completing those challenges, they put their hashtags on everything, it’s a good group.

Q: Have Monsters who are not on the same Island and are different species met before?
A: (Eric) I do immediately have flashbacks to an event that occurred. There was quite the collection of monsters there. I say evidence points to you quite possibly, sure seems like it.
A: (Mike) And I will also say important to think in MSM: DOF, all of the monsters (minus the Celestials, Ethereals, Shugafam, Werdos, Dipsters, Wublins, Wubbox, Mythicals, Rares, Epics, Seasonals, and Psychic) are hanging out. There’s more evidence in another game.

Q: Will the Rare Wubbox ever be on Ethereal Island?
A: (Eric) Who’s to say? I mean, how can we make a prediction like that?
A: (Mike) That may sound epic. But, doesn’t sound epic than it sounds.
A: (Eric) That sounds like a Rare occasion. Unfortunately, no definitive answer as of right now.

Q: Is Fire Frontier’s colossal aware of what’s happening in the Monster World unlike the rest of the colossals, because its eyes are always open?
A: We’re in the lunchroom, and what I was theorizing and Mike started the thing very well. The thing being, does this colossal potentially share something with the Harvherd or does it share more in common with the other colossals of the Natural Islands? So we don’t know what’s going on with the colossal of the Fire Frontier just yet. We’re hoping to discover more when reinforcements arrive.

Q: In the Repatillo bio in DoF, it says that it’s often says that a Repatillo hug can cheer up the saddest monsters. Many years have passed by since DoF, did Repatillo still like to give hugs or is it just passed and does other things?
A: (Eric) It still loves to give hugs.
A: (Mike) How do you not love giving hugs?
A: (Eric) I think that’s just in the DNA or the MNA or whatever it is.

Q: How does a Noggin do stuff with its hands?
A: It seems to drum. It depends on what it wants to do.

Episode #045 - Friday September 13th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: ?


  • ?

Q: Will you do series for the other Natural or Non-Natural Islands?
A: Well, this first series is called the Plant Island series 1. So, if I had to think, of course. I think there are plans after Plant Island series 2 to continue the fine work that Play Monster has done with these figures.

Q: Will there be Rare and Epic versions?
A: There’s definitely a strong possibility. In fact, there is available to purchase right now is a Furcorn the 13th Spooktacle version of the Furcorn, that is Rare Furcorn which who is typically the posture kid for Furcorn the 13th.

Q: Will Ethereals ever be toys and Island playsets, what is upcoming for the toyline?
A: The Plant Island series 1 are brand new. So, I don’t want everyone to overlook just how great these are. They’re just making their way out into the world. We’ve only just got our hands on them this week. We’ve been looking at pictures of them, we’ve been advising on how to tune them up so that they are perfect, and exactly what we’re looking for which they are by the way. But, in terms of what’s coming next, I shouldn’t discount any monster that’s part of the My Singing Monsters lore.

Q: Is there going to be a Punkleton toy?
A: I won’t confirm or deny at this time that there will be a Punkleton toy.

Q: How many toys do you plan on making?
A: I think that should depend on how these figurines do. But, if I were you, I think I’m going to purchase myself a set and not only will they be available online, but they will be making their way to stores.

Q: Will these figures be sold outside of North America?
A: I’m not sure. I think there’s international shipping through Amazon or there isn’t now, I think this is in talks. But I won’t confirm at this time.

Q: Will you do Fire Haven playmonster toys?
A: It’s entirely possible, if we’re following the progression that is loosely established in MSM, not sure we’ll get to FIre Haven, but it could be that depending on user feedback, perhaps the Island series will start to become looser and instead of Islands series, we’ll do element series, monsters of different classes. You have to stay tuned.

Q: What do the youngsters felt like?
A: We’ve only seen images. I don’t actually know if they’re made of foam or they’re made of a harder plastic like these ones.

Q: Why are the Furcorns dressed up?
A: Furcorn the 13th.

Q: What are the roles of the team caps? Is the point to just have someone to rally under or help the team win?
A: The way team caps work is that we are just honorary figure heads of the team. The true strength, the power, the conviction of the team lies with the fans and all the work there doing participating on these element team trials. So, we’re monarchical on that role.

Q: Is Fire Frontier ethereal-related?
A: Certainly, there are some similarities that can drawn in the appearances of the two islands. Fire Frontier also has cerebral aspects to its shape, there are huge platforms on the island that have the appearances of brains. I think there is something interesting similarities.

Q: Why are there eyes and brains that you can see on Fire Frontier?
A: Because Fire Frontier represents a new horizon for the monsters to explore. This is the chapter of Monster history in which explorations are being launched to fill in those gaps in the map to explore more of the Monster World that had been unexplored or been explored a long time ago and had been lost to time.

Q: Where’s the Jarhead come from?
A: Despite the fact that it may be extreme monstereal in origin, it is a native entity of the Monster World and for those of you who are keen-eyed, you may notice the shape of Jarhead’s skull matches the shape of another skull that may be visible at Spooktacle on Plant Island. So, go looking for that next time that Spooktacle takes place.

Q: Is Fire Frontier close or next to Space Island?
A: Based on preliminary reconnaissance done around the region that Fire Frontier is occupying, it doesn’t appear that there are any other major sights nearby. So, when it came time for Fire monsters reclaiming their rightful positions on the surface of the Monster World but the creation of Fire Oasis, there were expeditions to look for the Outer Islands to see whether or not they were still around. They appeared to have disappeared. Party Island, Space Island, Cloud Island, and Cave Island have not been heard from since the cataclysm that shook apart the Continent. What their final fate is? No evidence has been discovered to suggest what exactly happened. FIre Frontier does not appear to be close to Space Island.

Q: If the monsters got to Fire Frontier, what will they seek? Another colossal or something special?
A: Much like the Monster-Handlers are curious about the Monster World, so too are the monsters. They don’t know all there is to know about the Monster World just like we don’t know everything there is to know about the Human World. What are they seeking? Knowledge, understanding, and self-actualization. And are they looking for another colossal? We really don’t know yet what the nature of the island of Fire Frontier is. We don’t know if that’s a colossal with differently position eyes than the were used to, because Ethereal Island has multiple eyes, doesn’t have the standard two eyes that most colossals have. Fire Frontier, also seems to have multiple sets of eyes kicking around. We’re not sure if it’s a colossal and if it’s a colossal unlike any other.

Episode #044 - Friday September 6th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: ?


  • ?

Q: How is Fire Frontier found?
A: Fire Frontier found by comparing the Relative positions of various other islands in the Monster World. So, you may have noticed in our Anniversary Month announcement video that debuted just two days ago that various different islands in the order that they discovered appeared on something of a loose map. It’s not really a map and more of a visual representation of the different areas in the Monster World. There’s some geographical basis to the islands position here. We have the 5 Natural Islands in the center in their approximate positions that they appeared in their configurations as elemental lands in the Continent. Our first stop was up to the Higher Plane up at the top, Gold Island and it being a different dimension of existence, it’s inclusion on this map is disputed but imagine if you’re traveling to a whole other level of existence when you get there. Then, the next island is in an unusual spot in the Pocket Dimension of Ethereal Island all the way down there in the south. And then, we made our way all the way up to Shugabush Island up at the top-right and you can see that line stitched across the upper-right corner of the map, that is the Seam. Then, after Shugabush Island, we made our way to Tribal Island (Also on the Seam), then down to Wublin Island, then returning back to the Natural Islands for their Mirror Islands (Also not pictured in the map because they live in an alternate timeline of the Monster World). So then, after the Mirror Islands, we made our way up to the final stop on the Seam, Composer Island, and then all the way over to Celestial Island crashing out in the Living Ocean, then all the way over to Fire Haven (Not too far off from Tribal Island you may noticed as indicated in the images and the videos that we posted to our YouTube channel), and then, Fire Oasis (Just not too far off), and then, the brand new Fire Frontier, down there in the bottom-right corner, of course the time of this video’s release. We were just on the cusp of discovering Fire Frontier, so it took a long time to figure out exactly what was going on, through the combined efforts of the Monster-Handlers and the intel provided by the Fire Monsters were leading these exploratory expeditions across the Monster World, we know that Fire Frontier is the first destination of this exploratory journey.

Q: If you dig up one of the trees at Fire Frontier, should it get dumber?
A: Ah, the trees. The distinctly Cerebral quality to them. This island in terms of its head-shaped is configured unlike any of the other islands that we’ve observed to date. In episodes past, we’ve talked about the fact that there are Titans roaming around the Monster World and in addition to these colossals, the first of which discovered the Harvherd of the Vegetable Medley. The fact that this Island’s face is configured a little differently than others, gives us pause because it doesn’t have the cycloptic vision of a normal Fire Island and it doesn’t have the normal humanoid set positioning of the eyes. I’m sure there’s still lots to discover about Fire Frontier, it is definitely a fouren, as alien as they come as depicted in its interstellar setting. I’m sure there’s a lot more to learn about Fire Frontier and once the FINAL element of our elemental challenges appears, we’ll learn even more.

Q: ‘Eye’ have a question. Fire Haven has Cave Island vibes, Fire Frontier has Space Island vibes, and Fire Oasis has Cloud Island vibes. Was this done on purpose or by coincidence to make out for the loss of the Outer Islands in Dawn of Fire?
A: It wasn’t until the discovery of Fire Oasis after the monsters had launched an inquiry into trying to find a suitable home for the Fire Monsters on the surface, which ended up being Fire Oasis that the Outer Islands were confirmed to have disappeared to vanished off the face of the Monster World. In terms of any similarity that these Fire Islands might have to the old Outer Islands of the era of Dawn of Fire seems purely coincidental and I think that it’s coincidental nature that saying that Oasis is like Cloud Island. There are some similarities to be drawn between Fire Frontier and Space Island that gain that interstellar setting but I think that the warmth of Fire Haven juxed oppose itself with the chilly green eerie glow of Cave Island back in the day. For now until we learn more, I’m going to say that’s coincidental.

Q: So, not going to talk about the teeth poking out of the ground. Are those teeth?
A: It could just be rocks in the shape of teeth. Fire Frontier being so newly discovered, and it is unlike the Fire Islands that have come before. Because Fire Haven has always been around, that’s been an old secret of the Monster World for a long time dwelling in the living core of the Monster World. and Fire Oasis was only recently built as a home. Fire Frontier is neither of those things, it’s neither very old or very new. We don’t know anything about how long it’s been around, the true nature of its colossal, the teeth that appear on the terrain of Fire Frontier, is one of those bizarre ecosystem that we’re still just learning about or they’re like Ant Lions, the things that live in the sand and that ants fall in the hole and they go eat them.

Q: Now that G’Joob and Yawstrich are in the mobile version of the MSM, are they now considered official with MSM? How were G’Joob and Yawstrich feeling when living in the Vita DImension waiting to be on the Mobile version?
A: They’ve always been official. I think they’d enjoyed it just fine, but the monsters were actually named Mythical because we’re unsure whether they be existing for everyone or they just exist in Myth and Fable. So, they definitely enjoyed their time living in the parallel universe of the PS Vita version but they are very happy to be welcomed into the fold of the main universe of the Monster World. They’ve always been official monsters, but now, they can be enjoyed by everyone on the mobile version.

Episode #043 - Friday August 30, 2019, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: ?


  • Shugabush

Episode #042 - Friday August 23, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: ?


  • ?

Episode #041 - Friday August 16th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Sydney
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Eric


  • Island Skins Discussion
  • Epic Reedling Discussion
  • QNA
  • STUMPED Trivia
  • ArcimBOLD & The Beyootiful
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composerpiece


Q: Is there a chance for all the new Island skins will be fludame?
A: (Matt) Of course, there’s a chance.
A: (Sydney) However, we’ve already touched on Titans.
A: (Matt) Yes. These large creatures roaming around the monster world. Thes titanic figures of legend and lore.
A: (Sydney) I would be skeptical to think that they’re all ludamed.
A: (Matt) Yes. I would be skeptical to think that as well. But I ain’t confirming nothing. BAH!

Q: What happens to a monster when it is sold?
A: (Matt) What happens? That’s a great question. I am happy to report that unlike obstacles, which when they are removed from an island, are recycled as obstacle decorations for other players’ accounts in-game, My Singing Monsters, the active selling a monster is purely a game mechanic and that an island’s native monster population is doing its own thing. Not as influenced by the human caretakers of the Monster World in universe as it is in the context of the game. Much like as we discuss that the scale of the island is a lot larger.
A: (Sydney) In my mind, they just go somewhere else that is part of the larger island that we can’t see in-game.
A: (Matt) And that the game is sorta representational of the world of My Singing Monsters.

Q: Does Epic Reedling wear the mask all the time or does it show its true face once in a while?
A: (Matt) So this is an interesting question because it depends on how you consider the actual face of Epic Reedling. We don’t really consider to be a mask. We sorta like the face of a beetle which has that Pakistanis caparisons at all time. Now, you may be referring to a recent social post where the face of Epic Reedling was depicted, but the reason that we wanted to show that is for the purposes of the social posts that we were traveling inside the mind of Epic Reedling and that we were seeing a couple of its thoughts of remembering the chilly depths of Water Island and the stifling heat of Earth Island.
A: (Sydney) If we were to jump into the mind of Monster-Handler Matt, he wouldn’t probably be wearing his hat.
A: (Matt) That’s what you think. That’s just a smaller hat inside of my head.
A: (Sydney) Do you dream of your hat?
A: (Matt) Yes.

Q: Do the Colossals have names as well?
A: If they do, they’re the kind of names that wouldn’t be able to be pronounced by human-tongues and I think the colossals have individual personalities and essences, but I don’t know if we can actually truly understand them to be separate in the same way as we do like you and me because these are colossals, spirits of creation, I think that the boundaries between what is you and what is me is a little blurred when it comes to the colossals, they’re truly an alien form of life. At least as far as humans are.

Q: Will others islands other than the natural islands such as Ethereal, Shugabush, Fire Haven, Fire Oasis, Wublin, Celestial, and Gold get new skins? Or will they only be available on Natural Islands?
A: For the time being, we’re going to be focusing on Natural Islands, that doesn’t mean that Island Skins won’t later be coming to those other Islands, but, I think we’re going to try and mess around with the Natural Islands first. You can’t go wrong with the Natural Islands, they’re like a hub of the Monster World.

Q: Since monsters love eating so much, how aren’t they eating Vegetable Medley yet?
A: (Matt) As the herder of the harvest much in the same way the shepherd doesn’t necessarily let people just come and take their sheep, The Harvherd doesn’t necessarily just let monsters go and take a big bite.
A: (Sydney) Maybe, it has a vine that comes out and snaps.
A: (Matt) Or maybe it has an asparagus-like stalk that comes and bonks on the head that says “Please, do not be eating my body!”.
A: (Sydney) Or maybe all the vegetables just taste bad.
A: (Matt) Delicious-looking but sour-tasting.
A: (Sydney) Kinda like frogs that make themselves taste poisonous or it just taste bad.
A: (Matt) But that look beautiful.
A: (Sydney) Yes.
A: (Matt) To the human eye at least. There might be a similar biological defense mechanism in place there with the Harvherd.

Q: Why do the boosts you get when getting an Island Skin stay even when you switched skins?
A: (Sydney) So, that’s a nice feature about Island Skins that those boosts are permanent whether the skin is active or not.
A: (Matt) Yes. As an example, when it comes time for Plant Island to be redecorated for Spooktacle, we want you to be able to take advantage into celebrate that look of the Island during that Seasonal Event and it would not be ideal if you were locked in that view, in that mode of Vegetable Medley forever. So, the reason that the boosts are always enabled is because that wouldn’t be great otherwise. You have to have for example, Spooktacle, this year, you wanted to enjoy the spooktacular version of Plant Island, but, you also wanted to benefit from the boosts because there are new monsters available. But, you want those boosts to be available all the time, basically, you want to have your veggies and eat them, too.
A: (Sydney) Yeah, we just want to make it more convenient. And so, that touches on a point along on social media was the Island Skins, Vegetable Medley skin, it does not belong changed during Spooktacle. But, if you want the Spooktacle appearance of Plant Island, all you have to do is deactivate Veggie Medley, and there you go. There’s the Spooktacle version of Plant Island.

Q: On regular Plant Island, what exactly is that green substance coming out of the colossal’s nose?
A: Snot.

Q: Will you guys be doing Extra Life again this year? If so, will you play Super Mario Maker 2, and play levels submitted by the fans?
A: (Matt) You heard it here, on Episode 41 of My Singing Monsters live, Extra Life 2019, it’s happening.
A: (Sydney) And that be happening in November?
A: (Matt) That’s right. First weekend of November.
A: (Sydney) So, mark your calendars.

Q: What are your anniversary month plans, any teasers coming up?
A: (Matt) Anniversary month? Never heard of it! Bah! As if we tell you here on the program, we want everyone to enjoy the same time, but I'm not sure if you stay tuned, over this last half of August, there’s gotta be something.
A: (Sydney) I like the idea of asking for a teaser ahead of time.
A: (Matt) That feats the purpose. Does it?
A: (Sydney) Yeah, that’s like the teaser to a teaser.
A: (Matt) They do that, though. They like teaser for the trailer. They do that, but built the hype.

Q: In Epic Reedling’s bio, it says that it can use its tubes to stay warm and fresh depending on the weather. How does that work?
A: (Matt) It is able to collect the toot air and then reprocess it using these specialized organs that circulated around its body.
A: (Sydney) I hope that Eric smells fresh.
A: (Matt) I can’t guarantee that.

Q: Was the Epic Reedling’s mask inspired by anything?
A: I just finished talking to Chris about that, nothing in particular, he says he just wanted to give Reedling a new look, different from its common and rare appearances. And I think that was successfully achieved. Epic Reedling definitely doing its own thing.

Episode #040 - Friday August 9th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Sydney


  • Rare Phangler Discussion
  • QNA
  • T.R.I.V.I.A. S.H.O.W.D.O.W.N. (Matt VS. Matt Edition)
  • Esca-Lator
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composerpiece


Q: Where is Rare Phangler’s tail?
A: They didn’t need it. Why didn’t they need it? Because they so often treading water at the surface of the water’s edge that is more important than to develop arm-flippers than it is a tail.

Q: Could a Phangler still be able to sing well if it lost its microphone?
A: It could be an upsetting thing if a Phangler lost its microphones because those are literally organs attached to a monster. I think it could be able to sing, will it be able to achieve its iconic echoey synthezoid quality to its sound, always perhaps not.

Q: How strong are the Hoola’s hoops?
A: (Matt) Strong enough to support the weight of most monsters. They are made of a gerbil keratinous material. I know that Hoola’s strength come with their hoops, I think it’s actually although if you drew their spore of their eggs, so it’s something they’re born with, so it’s an organic compound-made either of cellulose or caraton or some monster material.
A: (Mike) Interesting then, presumably, like the Hoola itself. The hoop grows.
A: (Matt) With the Monster. Probably. As you level up your Hoolas in MSM1, they keep growing.

Q: Is Epic Hoola a stage performer acrobat? On Gold Island, it loves to toss its hoop around.
A: I feel like the mischief that Hoolas like getting up to with their hoops lends itself to an acrobatic sensibility. That skillset is helpful for them when they’re playing pranks. We saw some footage, we hadn’t got a confirmation, but we did see some footage last summer of the Preposterous case of the Pesky Prankster that the hoop allowed the monster to get into hard-to-reach places and they can throw it, they can do exciting things. I think it’s fair to say that Epic Hoola and all Hoolas have acrobatics prowess, but as Epic Hoola is pretty good.

Q: Has Epic Hoola performing shows since the first Summersong?
A: Here’s the upsetting ramifications of that question. If Epic Hoola has running private shows from the very first Summersong, which either means, we haven’t gotten invited which is sad and upsetting, or I think it was like really underground like although the monsters didn’t communicate with us, until we thought about it. You don’t want to add too much because you have to turn everyone away.

Q: How can a Phangler breath above water just as well as in the water?
A: Recall that the water of the Living Ocean works a little differently than the water in the Human World because monsters are very comfortably able live underwater hence Water Island. So, whether or not a Phangler can breathe above and below water might be moot in the Monster World since it could appear that monsters are particularly party creatures that have a lot of adaptability, and there are a few places that a monster can’t thrive as evidence from the historical record of things like Space Island and Cloud Island, think of the low oxygen levels up in the clouds. I don’t know, I don’t think I love to find out without a helmet on or something. But, I think in that case, it’s not a matter of being able to breathe above and below water because Monsters can thrive anywhere in the Monster World.

Q: What does Phangler like to eat?
A: (Matt) Phangler when it’s not using its microphones make its sound is not unlike the angler fish of the Human World and sort of has a Rare Maw thing going on where it thinks that it’s sort of luring its prey towards it, but, the prey is food. Now, based on the color scale of the Rare Phangler, what they do is that they’re big fans of pizza. They’re like the orangy red pepperoni.
A: (Mike) I don’t think I could describe pepperoni as orangy-red.
A: (Matt) Well it is in my books.

Q: Can you give us a foreshadow something about Epic Punkleton?
A: (Mike) WHAT?!
A: (Matt) BAH!!!
A: (Matt) Listen, just because we’ve discovered 4 (now 5) Epic Seasonals, there’s no guarantee that there’s going to be an Epic Punkleton. It could just be that there’s a common and a rare. What an interesting and exciting change that could make.
A: (Mike) Especially, when you think about that, the Epics came out before before Spooktacle. Maybe, Epic Punkleton should’ve shown up.
A: (Matt) You thought. The Epics were discovered in September of 2018 and Spooktacle came and went with no Seasonal Epic. Now, of course, Yool, Schmoochle, Blabbit, and Hoola were discovered there after. But there’s no guarantee, you raise a good point.

Q: Can Phangler eat a Scargo?
A: It makes me worry. But, I don’t know how Scargo could be freak out, they’d be going, “Please, don’t express an interest in eating snails because I’m like a snail.”

Episode #039 - Friday August 2nd, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Mike and Eric
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Mike


  • Bisonorus Discussion
  • Bisonorus Concept
  • QNA
  • Meet the Monster-Handlers: Sound Edition
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composerpiece


Q: Could Dipsters be possibly like gremlins? Where if you feed them after midnight, they turn into a Maulch?
A: That’s very interesting because they were hanging out at Clubbox. Now, if I had to guess no. They’re not like gremlins and that if you feed them after midnight, they’re not gonna turn into Maulch. They were all hanging out because there’s a minded appreciation between the two. They’re both down to Earth and I think they’re just like you tend to hang out with people you have in common with.

Q: If Glowbes have to ability to make music with their lights, what kind of instrument do they sound like?
A: (Eric) Personally, I think they sound like a calming synth pad to add a whimsical feel to the island.
A: (Mike) That’s exactly what I’m gonna say.
A: (Eric) He answered his own question. I think it’s an excellent answer. I also leaned towards a xylophone, something that has a sense of lights turning on.
A: (Mike) You know what I think? I think of in Close Encounter of the Third Kind where the lights on how they communicate with the light and the beeps. They just feel very synthy.

Q: Is Bill considered a Monster-Handler?
A: (Mike) Bill’s a Monster-Handler.
A: (Eric) Bill’s a great employee, he does a lot of things here but I think anything you do here is basically considered a Monster-Handler.
A: (Mike) I played tennis with Bill a couple of times before. Multi-Talented Mammott.

Q: Is the Mirror Bill a human?
A: We’ve never seen a mirror Bill. I don’t know. Regular Bill’s a Mammott. I don’t know why the Mirror Bill might be a human.

Q: How do the Celestials go to DJ Epic’s party and Was Galvana there? Because it might be a reunion of some sort.
A: (Eric) I don’t think we have the answer to how they get there.
A: (Mike) It seems that everyone in the Monster World.
A: (Eric) Now the thing is, I imagine it was a huge event. There’s a good chance that monsters were there and didn’t run into each other or it could be a great reunion.

Q: Who wins in a relay? Mammott or Drumpler?
A: (Eric) I merely tend to say Mammott but Mammott was not the most acrobatic.
A: (Mike) If we’re talking miles, I think Mammott wins.

Q: How early is Hoola able to get up to play pranks?
A: (Mike) It depends on a prank if you need set up.

Q: Will BBB considered designing Fan Wraps to make a DJ Epic Bumper Stickers that got plastered everywhere?
A: I think it’s a good idea as the unbyus creator of that logo. I think it’s a good idea.

Q: Is Rare Floogull a nice guy and How does it treat its friends?
A: He’s great guy and it treats its friends great. Even Hoola, too. And if there’s some hurting feelings over anything, I’m sure that Hoola can mend them very quick.

Q: Where do Monsters throw away their trash? Do they have any?
A: I don’t think so, the Monster World’s pretty spicable comspand. It’s a waste-free environment, reduce, reuse, recycle. Do the Monster way.

Q: Why is Epic Hoola look like it comes from the 80’s?
A: The 80’s were a chill time.

Q: What are Furnoss’ thoughts on leap years? This is because Furnoss is a February Celestial.
A: Technically, Furnoss might lose a day.

Q: Will you put More Monsters in MSM?
A: There will be more monsters in MSM.

Episode #038 - Friday July 26th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Sydney
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Sydney


  • Epic Pango Discussion
  • QNA
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Epic Pangoroni
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composerpiece


Episode #037 - Friday July 19th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Sydney


  • Epic Hoola Discussion
  • Summersong 2019 video breakdown
  • QNA
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Two Truths and a prank
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composerpiece


Episode #036 - Friday July 12th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Sydney


  • Bisonorus Nickname Contest Winners
  • Epic Shellbeat Discussion
  • QNA
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Bisonorus Prediction Monsterpieces
  • Bisonorus Egg reveal
  • Weekly Composerpiece


Episode #035 - Friday July 5th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Sydney
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Karen


  • Rare Floogull Discussion
  • Off the Beaten Path Contest Winners
  • QNA
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Feverish Foragers
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Bisonorus Reveal
  • Weekly Composerpiece


Episode #034 - Friday June 28th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Mike and Eric
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Mike


  • Epic Congle Discussion
  • Off the Beaten Path Contest Winners
  • QNA
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Monster Kitchen: SANDwiches Edition
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composerpiece


Episode #033 - Friday June 21st, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Sydney
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Sydney


  • Fire Oasis Discussion
  • Fire Oasis In-game Exploration
  • QNA
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Monster Tile Memory
  • Fire Monster Comparisons
  • Off the Beaten Path Contest
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composerpiece


Episode #032 - Friday June 14th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Sydney


  • Mysterious Video Discussion (BAH!)
  • Epic Quibble Discussion
  • Epic Quibble Fan Bios
  • QNA
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Monster Imponster
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composerpiece


Episode #031 - Friday June 7th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Sydney


  • Supernatural QNA
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Wublin Tier list
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composerpiece
  • Blooper Reel


Q: What are the monster handlers favorite wublins

A: Mike- Pixolotl & Fleechwurm, Matt- Poewk & Gheegur, Matt likes Gheegur cause of the color and homage to a famous artist style. Eric(behind cam)- Bona apetit & Maluch.

Q: What causes Rare Wubbox to make a different sound then the Wubbox.

A: Rare wubbox bio states that it traveled through the multiverse and gained revolutionary music tech and altering its shape and song.

Q: What could the figures in the ethereal bubbles that wubbox is looking at be referring too in the ingame ad.

A: Wubbox being inquisitive as it is has been peeking through that same dimensional telescope with rare reebros permission, it seems there seems to be a change in the monster world and grass roots movement of some form and it’s not easy to devine the true identity but there’s a certain silhouette people guessed at. A couple of the other bubbles that appear in the same art of the monster world today is imagery of what we already seen.

Q:Can a thwok fit its whole tongue to its mouth

A: It can roll it up possibly. It probably holds on too it’s tongue with one hand and gulps the food while chewing carefully while eating and it’s a speedy eater and it’s teeth is mostly molors.

Q: Does thwoks tongue have different flavor

A: Perhaps the tongue is not for tasting because it’s a specifically evolved appendage maybe it’s color perhaps helps thwok know where to put its hand when playing.

Q:Can thwoks tongue be different color patterns?

A: I’m not sure

Q: Imagine wublin island like a household, wubbox is the dad of 19 children the wublins, what will the children’s responsibility be around the island

A: Well there certainly lots to do on the island itself there’s upkeep and combing of the colossals blue lustrous locks, it’s hair. There’s alot of conduits and circuitry and it’s prone to breaken down. There’s also amateur meteorology that is practiced on wublin island since there is intense power and energy and wublins wanna make sure they don’t get caught up in a wild storm. I would say tympa would be good with circuitry stuff. Bona would be a good medical doctor. Creepscule would be perfect at combing hair.

Q: Is Screemu capable of swimming since it has webbed feet?

A: Yes normally i would say yes the presence of webbed feet would suggest semi aquatic life style but screemu unfortunately based on its body shapes, sinks like a stone so there isn’t much usefulness to its feet.

Q: Can brump say other things other then wake up the wublins?

A: (Wasn’t answered)

Q:If Brump is a wublin but when it talks it says the phrase wake up the wublins shouldn’t be count as a werdo too?

A: Wake up the wublins is just the syllables it happens to be singing and isn’t singing in english. It’s just mishearings and different configurations of those syllables is how it communicates. The difference between the werdos is that werdos have the inclination to write lyrics and set there personal poetry to the music of the islands

Q: What are bona and petit personalities

A: Petit is a rascal and definitely a little wildly and Bona always complaining about indigestion and grouchy at times but it has a soft spot for Petit. Bona is more relaxed and casual.

Q:Does Petit have fur, always thought it was a slime monster?

A: It’s more of a way of plasticine type consistent.

Episode #030 - Thursday May 30th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Sydney and Eric
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Sydney


  • Epic Spunge Discussion
  • Behind The Scenes Q&A
  • Quick Questions Videos
  • Meet the Monster-Handlers: Test Edition
  • Stumped Trivia w/ Human-Expert Eric
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composerpiece


Q: What do you use to record monster songs? Do you record using live instruments or do you use included samples?
A: It’s a mixture of both. Some of them like the castle’s bass lines were recorded using the actual instruments, others are created using synthesizers and various plug-ins. Whenever possible we like to use real instruments, but they’re not always musical, nor is it always the sound that we’re specifically going for. So in some instances, we always want more of a synthesizer or a tech sound. But in some cases, we do use real instruments.

Q: Who did the voice of the adult celestials [Attmoz, Glaishur, and Plixie]? And also, Who did the voice of Blabbit and Punkleton?
A: (Sydney) Well, you might be surprised to know that they were all done by the same individual. And that is, My Singing Monsters composer: Dave. Dave, super multi-talented comes to voices. So yeah, they’re all Dave. If you’re wondering, “Who do I think voice that monster? And it doesn’t sound like a distinctly female voice.” It was probably Dave.
A: (Eric) The odds are good.
A: (Sydney) The odds are good. Monster-Handler Matt, of course, also did many monster voices.
A: (Eric) Now, I will say that in the recent “Following the Trail” video, Blabbit was voiced in the behind the scenes look by Monster-Handler Chris who does an excellent Blabbit personage.
A: (Sydney) Who knew? I didn’t know that.
A: (Eric) That’s right.
A: (Sydney) Oh my goodness Galvana gracious.

Q: What was the team’s favorite song to develop?
A: (Sydney) We talk to some people and the answer we have is Tribal Island. Because we splurged a little bit and we rented a studio in town to record all the parts and you can watch part of the process in a video on our YouTube channel.
A: (Eric) That was the other video I was thinking of when I said “There some instrumentation in there I believe.” It was definitely recorded.
A: (Sydney) Go check that out on our YouTube channel. Our Tribal Island Behind-the-scenes.

Q: What instrument was used for creating Dawn of Fire Scaratar sound? If is was a synthesized sound, What process was used for creating it?
A: The answer we came across is Synthesized sitar. But in terms of our process, we don’t want to share all of our secrets. We don’t want anyone to making these exciting monster sounds.

Q: What do you use to animate and design the monsters?
A: (Sydney) We spoke to our artists and they said we use different programs for the different games. For My Singing Monsters and My Singing Monsters Composer, we use Adobe After Effects, and For My Singing Monsters Dawn of Fire, we use 3DMax. So that’s in terms of animations. But in terms of designing the monsters and the art for the monsters, I believe it’s mostly Adobe Photoshop.
A: (Eric) I do believe that’s the program they use the most. I’ve dabbled a bit in the After Effects files for videos, it’s the intrusiveness are wild. It’s really impressive. It’s really something.
A: (Sydney) Yeah. We’ve some really talented animators. And I think some of the animations are only getting better which is great. I love some of the epic seasonals animations. Epic Seasonals. I wonder if the next one of those come across our paths.

Q: How are Rares and Epics made?
A: (Sydney) Rares and Epics are designed in different ways. For Rares, we set ourselves a creative challenge back in 2014 when they first appeared which be to use the same sprite sheet as the common form of the monster. So, sometimes that means in terms of new sprites, there were sometimes limited. So we developed a tinting system where we would take the existing sprites and recolor them so that they look different. That’s actually how Rare Spunge on sale this week in the Rare Solo works. For Epics, we use a brand new sprite sheet so we’re able to stretch our imaginations even further to come up with new shapes and colors for the special forms of the monsters. So that’s part of what makes Epics even more epic than Rares is that they get their own special sprite sheet, where as Rares kind of share with the common form which presents interesting creative challenge to our artists.
A: (Eric) And they basically explain a bigger jump from normal to Epic vs Rare.
A: (Sydney) Yup. Exactly. And I think our artists really rise to that challenge with making some really exciting Rares. Can’t wait for you guys to see the next Fire Rare that we’ve been on the trail of.

Q: What inspired the design of the Dipsters?
A: (Sydney) So, the sound effect itself is what inspired the Dipsters design. We were trying to figure out what a monster might look like if it only made a short staccato sound every once in a while and then realized maybe it’s hiding out of sight. From there, we were inspired by moles and earthworms but want to give each Dipster a unique head design inspired by the natural world.
A: (Eric) Wasn’t that nice? It makes sense because they just dip up for a second. Dip Dap Doe.
A: (Sydney) Dippin’ down. That does make sense. It makes more sense than I thought.
A: (Eric) Makes more sense than the food dip. Which was I was going to make a joke about earlier.
A: (Sydney) That Monster Kitchen was...I don’t want to think about it.

Q: What game engine do you use to make My Singing Monsters?
A: (Sydney) A question we get very often.
A: (Eric) It says here, we actually use our very own Proprietary engine called HYDRA. A nice thing. Maybe that has something to do with that. Maybe there’s a lot of background processing. I’m not going to pretend to be homers in programming. Or maybe I will.
A: (Sydney) Expert programmer. The #1 programmer boy: Monster-Handler Eric.
A: (Eric) Don’t throw that title around.
A: (Sydney) We have some programmers who’ve been here for 14 years.
A: (Eric) It’s crazy. I gotta say though, very helpful when we get these questions to have people who were right from the start of this game able to tell us everything.

Q: What is the process of creating an island in the original game?
A: The process of creating an island in My Singing Monsters starts when determining which monsters go on that island based on the elemental configurations of each island. Only certain monsters with certain elements can be present and then their combinations decide which other monsters will be there. As the example: We knew a lot of monsters that are going to Water Island based on the available elements, Air, Plant, Earth, and Water. So we knew which instruments and voices will be used in the song. Next, it was up to our composer, Dave to write the music itself and program which parts will play when different combinations of monsters were on the island. Then, the animators would animate the monsters playing their own parts. In terms of designing ad itself, the Island has a sprite sheet just like the monsters, so it was up to the creativity of our artists to envision how the island’s elements would influence its appearance. Air Island has the steampunk goggles, Water Island has the snorkel, Composer Island has the powdered wig, etc. It’s a multi-step process. It takes a lot of types of talents to make an island.

Q: How long does it take to make one original monster? That includes designing, sound-making and animating.
A: (Eric) I’m actually interested in this. It only gets to us in our department after its not finished but well on its way.
A: (Sydney) Yeah, we usually see it when almost the full monster’s complete, and then we may not hear the sound until its in-game sometimes.
A: (Eric) Sometimes, it gets a sneak preview for videos, because I need to know if there’s a way to sneak it in and maybe tease people with it.
A: (Sydney) Right. Sort of, like Incisaur when snuck in its sound in our mini-reveal.
A: (Eric) Right. But I never really get to see them connected, almost until the last minute. I actually get very interested and says “I hear it’s coming out”, I start looking at Twitter and YouTube, and I go like “Can’t wait for someone to post it.”.
A: (Sydney) Sometimes, you guys see it before we…
A: (Eric) That’s right!
A: (Sydney) Some monsters take longer than others. The sounds come first, and then the artist can get started on designing the monsters themselves. Dave is pretty soporific and can turn out the first draft of an island in as quickly as just one night. He’s a very talented composer. Then it’s passed off to the artists. Wublins were done very quickly about a week per Wublin from start to finish, But other monsters like the Incisaur in Dawn of Fire took a lot longer as we want to make sure that the first new Fire monster in over a year looked at its absolute best. And I think it can also be affected by how complex the instrument is, so Incisaur was based off of a Vibra-Slap I believe. So, that’s kind of interesting instrument to try to be inspired by. It varies basically.
A: (Eric) I think the important part of the answer is that we take the exact amount of time we need to make sure its the best that it can be. It’s hard to say exactly how long one takes because it really comes down to exactly how much intrigue detail it needs, how can we unlock a monster’s full potential for the players to enjoy.

Q: Who do you think was the most difficult monster to make overall?
A: (Sydney) This answer makes a lot of sense. The answer is Wubbox. Programming the new mechanic took a lot of time to program a test and animating a monster, its power up state, its idle animation, and various musical parts was a huge undertaking, which is why the Wubbox was released on each Natural Island one at a time instead of a big roll-out. If you ever sit there and watch the Wubbox doing its dance, it's so complex.
A: (Eric) I was just looking at the Wubbox file with the co-worker recently and there’s a lot going on.
A: (Sydney) That was definitely one of our most impressive animations but fitting of a challenging monster to get.

Q: How and why was My Singing Monsters was created? How does this idea popped up?
A: We knew we wanted to make a game in a world builder genre. But we also knew we wanted to do something different that leveraged all the companies musical ability. We’ve already done Thumpies at that point and wanted to revisit that mood and so we created My Singing Monsters to highlight music instead of just collecting them. You breed them, you feed them, but what’s special is that you listen to them sing.

Q: Can you put all the monster voice actors one day on those My Singing Monsters credits and the Dawn of Fire credits or can you give us a list of the voice actors?
A: Funny you should ask. Something we’re planning on doing is updating out credits to include all of the people who ever worked on the game even though they're no longer with the company. However, so far as I know, there were only about 5 to 6 people who do all the voices, so the existing list might already be accurate.

Q: BigBlueBubbletv, How did you choose the elements of the monsters?
A: We tried to use the major elements that you see in a lot of fantasy titles. WE did make a conscious choice to go with Cold instead of Ice or Snow, and we know that sometimes trips people up. I think ourselves included the oddtime. So that’s why we joke around with names like the Coldglowbe instead of Snow globe and Cold man instead of Snowman. It’s the Monster World, it’s crazy, anything can happen, Snow can be Cold. What a wild switch.

Q: For the Monsterpiece time, how do you choose the ones that appear and the ones that don’t and also with monsterpiece Monday?
A: (Sydney) I’m the one typically gathers all the monsterpieces up and I do that every single day and when it comes for My Singing Monsters Live or Monsterpiece Monday, I go into our huge archives and there’s multiple things that go into making the choice. Of course, what we’re looking for is Monster pieces that show a lot of heart, creativity, you don’t have to be Leonardo Da Vinci to get your Monsterpiece featured, it’s okay if it’s a drawing in your notebook as long as it really shows creativity.
A: (Eric) Although, if you’re Leonardo Da Vinci, and you have fan art, please #MyStreamingMonsters.
A: (Sydney) It can be simple drawing but if it shows heart, it shows a sense of humor, creativity, that earns you bonus points. If it’s relevant to the topic of the episode coming up, we diffidently show those like today we have some Epic Spunge Monsterpieces that I’m excited to show you. And we also try to mix up where we find Monsterpieces so we just don’t do “It’s just Twitter Monster pieces today.” It’s just everywhere. And we try to mix up the artist that contribute to, so we try to mix some of our veteran fans and artists along with some new faces all the time. If you haven’t been featured yet, it’s just like questions where we’ve been collecting all of them and we keep them all and our archive of monsterpieces go back to months and months.

Episode #029 - Friday May 24th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Sydney
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Eric


  • Fire Rares Discussion
  • T-Shirt Vote Winner
  • Questions
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Spicy Sydney
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composerpiece

Episode #028 - Friday May 17th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Michael
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Sydney


  • Monster Classification & Taxonomy Discussion
  • T-Shirt Vote
  • Questions
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Breeding Restructure Activity
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composerpiece

Episode #027 - Friday May 10th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Sydney


  • Monster Symbiosis Discussion
  • Instagram Photo Contest Winner
  • Questions
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Mind Control Drawing Activity
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composerpiece

Episode #026 - Friday May 3rd, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Sydney
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Eric


  • Ethereal Discussion
  • Ethereal Update Preview on My Singing Monsters Composer
  • Questions
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Monster Kitchen: Plasmic Ooze Edition
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composer Song

Episode #025 - Friday April 26th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Sydney


  • Out of Season Discussion
  • Questions
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Twist Then Shout Activity
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composer Song

Episode #024 - Thursday April 18th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Sydney


  • Following the Trail: Part 2 Discussion
  • Epic Blabbit Discussion
  • Questions
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Sketchy Suspects Activity
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composer Song

Episode #023 - Friday April 12th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Sydney


  • Epic Scups Discussion
  • Fling-A-Thing Artwork
  • Questions
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Epic Cups Activity
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composer Song

Episode #022 - Friday April 5th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Sydney


  • Following the Trail Discussion
  • Questions
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Who's That Egg? Activity
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Weekly Composer Song

Episode #021 - Friday March 29th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Sydney
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Eric


  • Incisaur Nickname Contest Winners
  • Questions
  • Stumped Trivia
  • Incisaur Prediction Monsterpieces
  • Weekly Composer Song


  • Q: Why did you decided to call it Dawn of Fire?
  • A: (Matt) When we were deciding on what we want to do after My Singing Monsters, the next big installment in the series, we knew from the very beginning that we wanted to do something that was a prequel. That sort of establish another time period in the chronology of the Monster World. As a bases of knowing it was a prequel, we wanted to explore words that indicated the start of something. So there are several words were bouncing around and then we settled on Dawn because we thought that it sounded suitably magical mythical mysterious and…
  • A: (Sydney) Sounds very epic.
  • A: (Matt) It does sound very epic. And of course, the other thing that we knew we wanted to do when we were making Dawn of Fire back in the day was include the conspicuously absent element of Fire and then open up the monster family tree to a whole new series of hybrids. So, it was simplest combining those two and “Fire Dawn” sounds weird, so we did “Dawn of Fire”. We flipped it around and the rest is history. That’s how we came up with the name “Dawn of Fire”.

Q: Does Matt have any lore, thoughts, or theories about the “Enormous change” happening when a Baby Yelmut becomes an adult?
A: When the young Yelmut matures and becomes an adult, the enormous change is that… one of the changes that we can observe is that the decorative headgear of the Yelmut becomes a little bit more weathered, a little bit more scuffed-up. There’s a little bit more ornamentation to it. And the physical form of Yelmut changes as well.

Q: What’s up in Space Island? The monsters can breathe up here and for some reason their music can’t be heard. What kind of magic might be taken place?
A: (Matt) Magic indeed, or is it the science of the Monster World. So recall that the Monster World isn’t taking place somewhere far far away from the human world, it’s in another dimension of the multiverse.
A: (Sydney) Our laws of Physics don’t fly there.
A: (Matt) And that’s right. Flight specifically might feature in because there is a little bit of low gravity on Space Island for sure. You can see that in some of the monsters’ animations that it’s almost like they’re lifting off the surface that they’re standing on. But, Space Island in the Monster World would appear somewhere up in the cosmos. And it’s not guarantee that the physics or of hospitable out there will be different than the conditions that we have here in our dimension.
A: (Sydney) It seems it would be odd to me for there to be a place in the Monster World which is a very musical world where music couldn’t be heard.
A: (Matt) That’s a good point. It would appear that it is like a intrinsic part of everything. The very fabric of that universe is connected to nature and the universe.
A: (Syndey) In the human world, we breathe air, oxygen, we needed to live and it seems like in the Monster World, music is the very fabric of the universe.
A: (Matt) That’s a good point. So that’s the answer to that it works a little differently. Hence, there’s a little bit of Monster World science/magic at play.

Q: Did Matt voice Oaktopus in DoF as well?
A: Yes I did. But of course, when we were trying to age down some of the monsters and introduce their young forms, there was a little bit of post-production at work and I remember originally we wanted to push that even further but then the concern that we had was that the monsters were sort of losing their unique sounds. So, while there’s a little bit of effort made to sort of pitch the voices a little higher to suggest that they are a little younger, we ended up not going as much as we originally planned to but yes, I did in fact, voice Oaktopus in DoF as well.

Q: What inspired you create Repatillo the cutest monster in the Monster World?
A: Originally, the code for Repatillo before we had decided on either an appearance or a name for the monster was Firedrums. We had the sound, the distinctively percussive sound of Repatillo ready to go and then was just a matter of the artists designing what sort-of-like surface would make sense for a monster to have. And it’s interesting that it’s claws are sort-of like a single nail, a single claw. Sort of like a hoof situation on a horse. It could be said that Repatillos are perissodactyls. That is to say they only have an odd-number of toes on each foot. It was simply a matter of creating some sort-of surface for the Repatillo to play on and then we thought it would be cool to combine a reptile and an armadillo. And the rest is history. And notably, the Repatillo was the first monster that we ever did in a nickname contest for in DoF. And also a reptilian kind-of monster.

Q: What is the development history of Dawn of Fire? How did you choose the artstyle?
A: (Matt) We started working on DoF in 2014.
A: (Syndey) And My Singing Monsters came out in 2012.
A: (Matt) That’s right. And then Dawn of Fire ended up coming out during September of 2015. But, We started working on it...might’ve even been Early 2014 but we knew we wanted to do another game in the My Singing Monsters series. In terms of choosing the artstyle, because it was a game that was going to be built in a different engine, in a different game engine than My Singing Monsters, We wanted to explore a different visual style, a little bit more lush, a little bit higher contrast in terms of the light and the shadows. And then there’s deeper shadows and brighter highlights. We really wanted to in the artstyle, communicate the idea that this was bright and shiny and new and provide a little bit more texture and detail of the monsters than we seen in My Singing Monsters up to that point. It was clear in our minds the entire time that we wanted this to feel like it was a little bit more high-tech than the era that My Singing Monsters took place in, and we wanted that to be reflected in the artstyle as well that this was the glorious golden age of the Monster World that this ancient civilization predated everything that took place in My Singing Monsters. So that’s what inspired that artstyle decision.

Q: Where did Kayna discover Incisaur’s painting? Kayna has DoF graphics in the teaser. So it’s in the past. Is it in the Wondermine, Cave Island or a new island?
A: (Matt) We very astute of you to notice that the Kayna that appears in the video is in the DoF art-style. But, for continuity sake, it is, in my mind, Kayna [Present Day] discovering the ancient cave drawing of Incisaur. But we made a deliberate choice use the DoF graphics to make sure the people knew that this was content that was coming to DoF.
A: (Sydney) So it is present day Kayna finding the cave painting of Incisaur and where is that Cave painting?
A: (Matt) That cave painting was part of the cave network that is beneath Tribal Island that presumably, through some long underground subterranean means connect to Fire Haven. So, there’s a little bit of artistic licence that was taken there to depict the reveal because the cave painting’s a great way to reveal resemblance of a monsters’ appearance but not exactly how it’s going to appear. Because the paintings are painted themselves. Artistic interpretations of the monsters. So it’s current era Kayna looking at the cave painting bringing the painting back to life with the power of fire.

Q: I just notice this today, but is the Floogull supposed to be a reference to the band Earth Wind & Fire? It’s elements are Earth, Air, and Fire and it sounded like a trumpet which they do incorporate in their songs.
A: This is in the business that we like to call “A very happy coincidence”. I don’t think that there was a concerted effort to make a reference to Earth Wind & Fire either than the fact that they’re a great band and that who doesn’t like grooving to “September” among other great songs. Just a happy coincidence that the Floogull’s trumpet-like sound coincides with many of the horn arrangements that appear in Earth Wind & Fire songs. So, a happy coincidence but when we’re especially happy that exists.

Q: Where do Repatillo, Sooza, Deedge, and Tring get their Plant element from? I have a bit of idea for Repatillo and Tring, but for the others, I’m completely lost. I don’t see where their Plant aspects comes in.
A: (Matt) An important thing to remember about hybrid monsters. Even if the triple level, never mind the Quad-element level, is that the complex combining those elements and variably means that some traits come more to before than others. So, even though something like a monster’s appearance might not necessarily reflect being covered in vines or having leaves on them. It doesn’t mean that the monster doesn’t include some aspect of a plant quality to the consistency of their Fur-thers or of the way that they interact with water and sunlight.
A: (Sydney) Yeah, even just how they connect with their elements in nature.
A: (Matt) So, there are lots of non-physical ways that a plant-element phenotype can be expressed.
A: (Sydney) Yes, ensure that not every plant hybrid is going to have vines or leaves.
A: (Matt) That’s right. Deedge in terms of the special ice boomboxes that it has…
A: (Sydney) is really showcasing one specific element.
A: (Matt) Yes, and Deedge has a long time associated with the element of Cold specifically as being the boss of Cold Island. So, it makes sense for that to come out in a more prominent way but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t plant in the mix. Because once you mix’em all together, becomes a homage in it’s mixture.
A: (Sydney) It’s like baking a cake where you put all the ingredients and when you bake it, it doesn’t come out as “Oh, this part is flour, this part is egg” it comes out as a whole thing.
A: (Matt) Great analogy, Sydney.

Episode #020 - Friday March 22nd, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Sydney


  • Incisaur Reveal
  • Questions
  • Meet the Monster-Handlers: Artist Edition
  • Broadcast Interruption from the Mirror Dimension
  • Stamped
  • Monsterpieces
  • Weekly Composer Song


  • Q: What do the bubbles mean in the Spring Composer teaser?
  • A: Well, I think that explaining everything on a teaser takes the magic out of it! But, I’ll mention the bubbles are originate from a very specific place in the Monster World and is a clue to what special significants might mean. I’m not anything definitively.
  • Q: Where and How do Rare Clambles make their armor?
  • A: They make their armor from reforging the cast-off plates that the common Clamble usually use. A common Clamble will… Well, Rare Clambles are slightly different from their coloration, there’s a bit of different color, then they use their special color of plates to reforge them into armor. And those plates are occuring the Clamble grows and it’s part of the Clamble’s anatomy. When those plates are cast off, it instead of tossing them or donating them to some other use, they instead reforges them.
  • Q: Do Epic Cybops love digging or do they use their shovel for other stuff?
  • A: (Matt) I think, if I ain’t mistaken, the Epic Cybop uses it’s shovel-tail to stop itself when it’s ziplining from one place to another. It’s sort of the CLANK thing that’s sort of a drag-fin, it drags it on the ground and that slows it down. That’s my theory based on what we understood on the ziplining technique of Epic Cybop.
  • A: (Mike) They’d be neat on plowing fields if ziplining back and forth.
  • A: (Matt) Perhaps, they can use it on aggravating culture. NAH!!! They’re the lords of laziness, the sovereign of the sloth, the MASTERS OF immobility.
  • Q: Why is the Living Ocean living?
  • A: It’s the Living Ocean because it is distinct from the ocean of the Human World which is just salt water, the quality water…
  • A: (Mike) thought you’re going to say it died.
  • A: (Matt) It didn’t died!! However, the water itself of the Monster World has a special properties and that is what qualifies that is the Living Ocean. It is not just the regular water that you might be familiar with, it has a little bit more going on, a little bit more of special sauce. It still looks similar to water, it’s living.
  • Q: Can Glowbes hear? If not, how do they stay in rhythm?
  • A: So, we previously mentioned that Glowbes come from a silent realm and that’s why they don’t have anything to contribute to the monster song in terms of sonic contributions, and studying the anatomy of a Glowbe, it’s sort of looked that there aren’t ears, I think in keeping with their tunement to light, they’re very perceptive when it comes to vibrations. Who knows, they might be able to see vibrations. So, where listening suffers, they might had augmented sight and they might be able to see stuff similar to X-Rays or infored, or ultra-violet waves, and they be able to see soundwaves when they’re traveling through the air. So, that’s how they keep in time with the song of the islands.
  • Q: What does Potbelly scent similar to?
  • A: Corn chips. Well, Potbelly’s not unlike the Epic Cybop or themselves not necessarily the most active monsters, they got a ponch, a bit of a gut, unlike the Rare Potbelly, Cybops sort of had a corn chip scent.
  • Q: Which Ethereal should Matt go Golfing with?
  • A: I’ve been patient on the question, it’s above my answer. And it’s totally in line with the Harmonic Scales Promo this weekend, I should definitely go golfing with Rare Dragong! Because Rare Dragong is able to heat up its foot plates and it achieve a little bit of lift. So, instead of a Golf Cart, I can just go from hole to hole riding on a back of Rare Dragong whic I think is sort of a stylish way to travel.
  • Q: What does Bellowfish’s crystal inside of its stomach mean? What does it do?
  • A: It powers the Exo-suit. It’s what used to power the mind link between the Bellowfish and its mechanical arms.
  • Q: How does one bake Ice Cream? Is there a cold setting?
  • A: You have to remember that it’s the Monster World. There’s a bit of weirdness happening and so where’s the traditional way of making Ice Cream doesn not neccisarily apply in this circumstance to the baking of Ice Cream in the Monster World because I know it’s a long-standing question of why is Ice Cream during DoF is crafted. That’s just the way is goes. Perhaps the consistancy of those paticular Ice Cream is separate because there are no cows in the Monster World. So, the consistancy of the Ice Cream itself, is not neccisarily a Dairy Product. In fact, I can tell you definitively it ain’t a dairy product. It’s a veegonal alternative. The Monsters are really into plant-based stuff. It’s part of the world that they live in.
  • Q: During the creation of the game, were the monsters designed first or did the music designed first?
  • A: (Matt) Having involved in 2012 and this was an exciting time for me because I wasn’t a Monster-Handler yet. Dave Kerr invited me to listen to some work that he’d been doing for a new idea, and he written all the parts, he has a lot of ways of making fantastical worlds come to life and that’s true of My Singing Monsters, and the music’s composed first and then the monsters were designed to fit those voices. That’s definitly how it was in the beginning. These days, they’re sort of working in hand to one another. There’s a whole crop of monster concepts that we have in a big vault at BBB and there’s new music’s been composed.
  • A: (Mike) Think that you’re able to get your hands on the vault.
  • A: (Matt) The Vault! Hmmm… All those monster ideas and sounds. Very interesting.

Q: Do Fwogs love kisses? A: Of course. Maws love kisses, too. Fwogs being the amorous monsters that they are, definitely are into that.

  • Q: How does eating shard work? Are they healthy for growing the Monster on Tribal Island or it does compared to eating a cake or big salads?
  • A: So the way Tribal Island works in term of what you’re feeding your monsters which can be either treats, coins, or shards, has less to do with a little consumption of the goods and more of a stock piling of goods. It can be understood that the success of the Tribe and the individual monsters that fed to their respective levels is based on a prosperity of the tribe itself. You’re in-game feeding your monsters being represented of a tribe and it can be more seen of the idea of a stock-piling resources and this is sort of a very prosperous rich tribe.
  • Q: Are Wublins made up of mostly artificial parts that resemble natural parts or are they made up of more natural materials?
  • A: This question sounds familiar, I’m not sure that we’ve replied to it. I’ll quickly repeat the answer just for someone who missed the episode and didn’t know the answer. The answer is neither and both! Wublins are being animated by the spark of life, part of a Supernatural energies of the Electricity of the Wubbox helping to give them life, the energy from Monster Eggs that are zapped to it, they’re a combo of living parts and mechanical parts, sort of a bio-mechanical being if you will.
  • Q: Has the Rare Reebro gotten a chance to visit Celestial Island? How does it feel for the Celestials?
  • A: Rare Reebro’s one of the monster who’s witnessing the descent of Starhenge through the Monster World sky before it made landfall on the surface of the Monster World itself and it, of course, thus Celestial Island’s formed. To my knowledge, Rare Reebro’s not yet ventured back through a portal back to the world of the Prime Reality, because despite the fact that Rare Reebros can equally can inhabit Air Island. So far as I know, they created their special telescopes once they’re in Ethereal Island. So, Rare Reebros that were witnessing through their telescopes, the descent of Starhenge, I don’t think they had a chance to visit Celestial Island. There Haven’t been lots of visitors on Celestial Island. It’s still comparably new in the timeline of MSM, although in a couple months we’ll be coming up on a 1-year anniversary of Celestial Island.
  • Q: How does a process of biggifying a monster worked?
  • A: Biggification is inspired in part by a blessing that the colossals are able to bestow upon the denizens atop of their heads, the monsters, of course, it’s sort of to a gift that the colossals impart as sort of a magical gift for Monsters to reach and double their normal size. Now, the specific mechanics of how biggification works, I ain’t sure. There’s a lot of kooky science happening there or is it more to magic? I don’t know. But, we do know that it is a gift from the colossals to the denizens of the Monster World in thanks for bringing their songs back to life and to be more to that because the Colossals, in name and in spirit, are the massive entities and so the monsters doubling their size in sort of come a bit closer to the Colossals.

Episode #019 - Friday March 15th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Sydney
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Karen


  • Contest Entries
  • Questions
  • Stumped
  • Monsterpieces
  • Winning Contest Entry by @rock_on_riff
  • Weekly Composer Song

Q: Can Blasoom perform photosynthesis?

A: Yes it does have control of photosynthesis but because its endowed of plant element and limited control over it, it doesn't even need light energy to bring plant life into being. It doesn't need light to conjure plant life into being. That's part of the magic of the celestials elemental energies.

Q: Why does the use of bio luminescence like with epic fwog,rare scups, stogg and epic noggin etc occur in the monster world?

A: In order to understand why i happens in the monster world, we may take opportunity to pivot why it happens in the human world, bio luminesce can be used for mimkcry,defense,camoflauge,attraction and all sorts of different reasons and these are valid for the monster world as well. Epic Fwog would use its horns bio luminscene to attract another fwog, rare scups nocturnal limbs would use it for counter illumination camouflaged ike fire flies squids, it masks its overall appearance by using its own bio luminese, epic noggin doesn't really do bio luminiose, the light is just volcanic activity going on.,

Q: Rare scups bio says that it hunts,what dos it hunt? and where does meat come from in monster world?

A: The bio doesn't mention hunting, but its just active at night. the meat is just vegan options.

Q: If blassom were to scream, would it sound like a actual scream with vocal cords or would it be a distressed instrument?

A: Distressed instrument, the vocal quality of a monster when speaking or communicating has a musical cadence.

Q: Does each quarrister have a different name or nickname if not how do they get the whereabouts of the roaming head?

A: When quarrister is fully formed it takes a nickname but out in wild when they are it preformation state they go by different nicknames but perhaps its only shared in secret.

Q: Since colossal is just spirits it it possible they can inhabit other things?

A: Only recording instance of this is island chunks

Q: Whats the point of the little creatures you can find on the islands, do they have importance of monster history?

A: They're apart of the ecosystem but they don't belong to the echoes system. a term i like to use to describe the a islands sonic system, accurate term is a asano system. Critters are like animals and monsters are the civilization.

Q:Are the islands bigger in universe

A: Yes the islands are quite sizeable and takes a while to cross from one side to another and continent was super massive. islands in game are bite size for gameplay purposes. colossal features are fall larger in unniverse.

Q: do you guys have different teams that work on each game or work together?

A: it varies certainly bbb has certain games and some teams rotate around once in a while and jump project to project. people in msm team sometimes jump around to work on other games.

Q: What would you guys say is your biggest update?

A: Perhaps our first anniversary update that introduced ethereal island and perhaps shugabush island as well and wublin island.

Q: Did wishing torches ever exist in the dawn of fire and if they did what were they for?

A: Its been revealed in the past that fire as the first element that sprang to being has a special significance over the rest of the natural elements, which follow that is air plant earth water cold,which are 6 natural elements, so wishing torches the magic of fire is prevalent in many different forms in the monster world, fire elementals specifically kayna have some access to fire sight, the ability to divine and glean truth or previously unknown information by simply gazing into a fire as we saw in the fire haven reveal video but the magic of the wishing torches itself i believe it was alive and well during dawn of fire now whether or not wishing torches themselves in that particular formexisted, we are not entirely sure but we do know but the bran dof fire magic was dating back to the era of dawn of fire so the ability was around but we are not sure it was harnessed the same way using torches in current era.

Q: What does clamble look like without its dress?

A: Its not wearing a dress that's actually the monster's body and its not necessarily slip that goes on over the monsters twiggy sort of bits it is instead just what the monsters body looks like.

Q: does maw have a giant toothbrush?


Episode #018 - Friday March 8th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Karen


  • Monster Digestion Discussion
  • Questions
  • Stumped
  • Monster Kitchen: Splice Cream Edition
  • Monsterpieces
  • Weekly Composer Song


Episode #017 - Friday March 1st, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Eric


  • Music Video Contest Announcement
  • Galvana Discussion
  • Questions
  • Stumped
  • Constellation Consternation
  • Monsterpieces
  • Big Blue Bubble 15 Year Video

Galvana Discussion

"the Wubbox,we don't know the exact timeline that it was basically loaded basically loaded in to the splintered off pieces of the continent until very recently now you may recall that when the Wubbox was first discovered deep in a vault underground first on plant island that the monsters did a sample analysis of the exterior of the box in its boxed form in its who let power down form it was it was a collaborative effort among all the monsters and it was a collaborative effort because they were able to discover trace elements of all known types of monster at the time which was predominantly natural the natural monsters belonging to the elements of air plant cold water and earth those are the elemental lands that's right no no fire those are the elemental lands of course of the continent itself and so the sample analysis that they're able to do detected that there were different parts of monsters that were sort of like built into the Wubbox itself what they didn't know about that sample that they'd take at the same time is that it also contained crucial information about the Wubbox origin and when it exactly came to be in the first place".

"I did bubblerite dating on this sample and pin point it back in time taking place at the exact time of the continent splitting up, here's my theory based on the sequence of events that we know was taking place during the demise of the continent the the shattering the splintering apart it is my theory that the Celestials maintaining something of a caring overlook over you overseeing monster world below from their perch atop Starhenge, gazed down onto the word below saw that a major cataclysm was taking place a huge geological catastrophe was taking place and we know as celestial of electricity, Galvana had already before the demise of the continent expressed an interest in the creation of life.So Celestials are gazing down there seeing the destruction of the continent and Galvana added already sort of tried its hand at creation that we don't know how far along the monster was at that point in terms of actually being able to create life or bring things to being but we know that the special staff that the Galvana carries has something to do with harnessing with the spark of life and that creative power that is Galvana carries has something to do with harnessing the spark of life, that creative power that is inherient to electricity so here is my theory,the colossals would be swooping in imbuing their life forces in to thesplintered off elemental lands but knowing that this would take a gargantuan amount of effort and would be in some small way sacrificing parts of themselves in order to save the the denizens of the elemental islands of elemental lands I should say that galvana in that moment used its staff to create the wubbox sitting inside vaults inside the various elemental lands and we know from when the wubbox was first powered up so many years ago that it acts something like neurons in the brain of the colossal so there's something to do with the web box and the life processes of the colossal so what I think Galvana was doing in that moment was adding sort of a failsafe or some sort of measure to make sure that the health of the colossals would be maintained as they entered their deep sleep after the exertion that they did".

Q: Who voices Baby Galvana, sounds like their is a woodwind along with the vocals can you explain this from the lore perspective as well as the real life perspective?

A: ".the cool thing about Galvin is sound of course is that some users may find it familiar because it was first teased in our celestial island reveal video so many months ago and up until now had not been attributed to a specific monster but the cool thing about the Galvana part is that in universe, so they're very astute the the sound that Galvana produces is a combination of synthesizer and vocals there's two sort of sounds in the mix and what we wanted to do with Galvana from a creative standpoint is sort of remove that mystical orb that is a top Galvanas staff you know maybe that's something that it that it creates later in life but and see and see what sort of sound it might make so in my mind the the sphere rolling around is what is creating that sort of synthesizer element of it and then galvana itself is also sort of singing in and adding to that so that there's a blend of those two distinct sounds but it's sort of about a haunting melody right there's it sounds very otherworldly",

Q: Does Galvana have anything to do with the thunderstorm surronding wublin island?

A: "I don't think so, I think that its entirely the Wubboxs creation".

Q: How did Galvana learn how to balance so well on its ball?

A: "Pure talent and toes help it grip possibly and outstretched arm and shape of its feet."

Q: Where did Galvana get the staff it wields on dawn of fire, did blassoom give it a present or did it find it on its own?

A: "Appearance can be deceiving its my understanding that staff was created by Galvana as parts of its life span process to better harness the spark of life and the ability to harness creation".

Q: What exactly is Galvanas orb?

A: "The orb its self I think is just a compressed consolidated manifestation of the power of creation by via the spark of life and don't think Galvana created it and its just something thats part of galvana. There is no galvana without the orb"

Q: Are the celestials like moms or dads to the monsters of their elements, do the other monsters know about celestials?

A: "We previously referred to the celestials as guardians of their respective elements and sort of life avatars and they're a even older and arkain form of physical elemental manifestation of then say a singular elemental like mammott or potbelly, theirs something more grandiose that harkens back to the dawn of time. (now matt answer 2nd question) "Certainly during the era of dawn of fire, their was a awareness that their was something going up on their I think starhenge was visible on the sky but was specifically was going up their you gotten imagine at some point kin eye monsters like the Thrumbles who are astronomers and named the constellations cause of their long stretchy necks, saw some activities up on Starhenge so their was awareness wither or not the celestials and monsters me".

Q: How did galvana create wubbox?

A: "using the orb"

Q: Wubbox carves W+GV on nooks and crannies on wublin island, but the interesting tidbit of this, does Wubbox know who Galvana is?

A: "I think Wubbox having been created directly by Galvana has sort of the name running through its head but it doesnt specifically know what it is but knows their is some connection their".

Q: When starhenge crashed into the unknown colossal, the celestials were in statue like states and the unknown colossal also resembles the statue like state so is it possible the colossal is also in a statue like state?

A: "Im not sure but its a fine theory"

Q: What do Galvana and the other celestials do for fun?

A: "Now that celestials were recovered from the wreckage, i think they fartake to same kinds of games that human population might do, i can see them doing tag, musicial challenges and theyre very playful youthful state and arent the ancient masters they were before and got more curioisity to them and not quite well versed in the control of their elements as they were".

Episode #016 - Friday February 22nd, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Mike


  • Composer Update Discussion
  • "allll notes" Test Song
  • Fan Song Monsterpieces
  • Questions
  • Stumped
  • Composing with the Community Activity


Episode #015 - Friday February 15th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Eric


  • Werdo Discussion
  • Werdo Analysis
  • Questions
  • Stumped
  • Charades Activity
  • Season of Love Letter Activity
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight


Episode #014 - Friday February 8th, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Mike


  • Contest Winner
  • Questions
  • Stumped
  • Nickname competition activity
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight


  • Q: Who thinks of all the nicknames?
  • Q:How do you pronounce "Schmoochle"?
  • Q: Was Bill named after one of the Mammott nicknames in-game?
  • Q: Are Monsters' species names their last name?
  • Q: What does the Monstrous language sound like?
  • Q: Is Rare Quibble's nickname "Evelyn & Evelyn" a reference to the album "Evelyn & Evelyn"?
  • Q: Do you look at players' Monster nicknames?
  • Q: Does every Quarrister head share a nickname?
  • Q: What's the inspiration for Epic Fwog?
  • Q: If Epic and Common Fwog slap paws, is it a high-four or high-three?

Episode #013 - Friday February 1st, 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Eric


  • Schmoochle concept art
  • Epic Schmoochle reveal discussion
  • Epic Schmoochle Nickname Contest
  • Questions
  • Stumped
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Two Heads Are Better Than One activity


Episode #012 - Friday January 25th 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Eric


  • Monster Technology discussion
  • Questions
  • Stumped
  • Reebro's Invention Convention
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight

Monster Technology

“During the dawn of fire era of monster history, there was a lot of diversity present in the structures of the monster world, they were more specialized, they were a lot more items. Another thing back then in dawn of fire is that many monsters that were alive that time seem to be in their shape, and in their form skewing more natural than necessarily like biomechanical there’s a lot more natural forms and you find after the break of continent and moving to current era you see a lot of cyborg and cybernetic components to various monsters especially with Ethereals and various other monsters most recently observed in a great way is Epic Deedge”.

"the other thing that I think that's important to remember is well about technology back then versus technology now is that one of the major things that was lost in the breakup of the continent was the ability to travel more freely between different areas of the monster world soap to the outer islands yes that's right and so between the teleporter and the sky ship it seemed like movement was a lot freer it was there were less places to go, first of all we have a lot more islands working sort of at play right now that we know of right there that only there are only a few outer islands that we know of right that are common

destination that are forever homes for the adult monsters so the interesting thing about the teleporter is that it seems to be like a structing aid of going to different places whereas the teleportation that happens during the era of now seems to be more to do with certain monsters receiving certain levels so it seems a different effect takes place and last thing i want to mention is the magic of crystals is the intrinsic powers that they have in relationship to their elements and other parts of the monster world now perhaps the most famous crystal, diamonds are perhaps most exciting and important time bending properties and they're able to speed things up and they're able to sort of like short cut and bypass certain process that would normally take a long time but its these special time bending properties of the diamonds that make them so valuable and so special ."

"I had previously been postulating that there may be some relationship between syncopite the celestial of crystal and the diamonds that can be found throughout the monster world, i don't know if necessairly they're related to one another, the coloration of syconpite specifically would suggest that maybe there is some relationship or its coincidental and the fact that they're you know some crystalline sort of things going on"

Q: If Reebro build their mechanical legs how do they get around to build them when they're just a brain?

A: 2 possible things, one its so smart it exhibits a level of telekinesis or in the sole side the crevasses of the brain there are long spindly tentacle's that can emerge

Q: How does vhamp built its body when its just a massive energy

A: so recall vhamp being a celestial has vamp, it has access to a latent mech element ability that makes the celestials unique and result of it having this latent ability of mech it is able to actually draw things together in the universe and combine them to its physical form but its the elemental control of mech that allows it to construct its body.

Q: Is the high tech headgear epic deedge is wearing a artist nod to lobot from star wars?

A: i think you can find the answer to these questions tucked in some references in epic deedges bio

Q: can blipsqueak record voices?

A: it is able to hear its eyes ears nose toes anthem call these words were heard on radio frequencies that it picked up from the human world from the kingdom of mates land and so while it is able to eventually extract the meaning of those words and incorpate that into its physical form and cooperation with the wubbox of course saying hey can you make me a thing that says eyes ears nose toes but i don't believe its body has the ability to record voices and can only emit more of a loud speaker then a recording device

Q: What happened to vhamps back wheel

A: the first time we observed vhamp was in its "adult" fully formed fully realized shape yes and that its revival in my singing monsters represents of something of a cosmic car wash so its entirely possible it originally did have those 4 legs but at some point through some deterioration that you can expect from using mechanical parts just overuse and had to replace with back wheels

Q:How do the monsters get their technology, from human?

A: Not from humans. the technologies of the monster world are native

Q: How on earth is the bakery able to make icecream, you use a bakery to bake food, icecream in bakery equals melting doesn't it?

A: Not in the monster world as i mentioned there are similar technologies you're making food the process the food is made is completely different

Q:How did rare reebro find out about starhenge, was it simply looking through telescope or studying monster mythology

A: i think its both, its important to remember that as one of the savviest intellectual monsters around representing the sort of gifted or talented subset of the reebro community to begin with and that they have a keen interest in all things to do with the monster world in the beginning to begin with so its very possible they've collected information about historic events and historic sites and special landmarks in the monster world in the past another thing it does quite frequently is use that special telescope just for stargazing just in general and call as well that rare reebros telescope is using very special technology that allows it to gaze into different dimensions its an interdimensional telescope because recall if you will ethereal island is in the pocket dimension of the monster world and not main reality that celestial island descended into and crashed into the surface

Q: is reborn vhamp aware of the technological enchantments that rare wubbox used on itself

A: so vhamp just having been awakened and revived i should say on celestial island after being from the wreckage still has alot of catching up to do with the rest of the monster world I'm sure once it becomes aware of the fact that rare wubbox has modified itself from its original shape interesting way this will be very interested to learn about that upgrade but for now vhamp is catching up with its fellow celestials

Q: do monsters play my stumping humans on their tabletd and human actor matt and imposter handler matt live show every friday

A: matt: i still don't know how to feel about imposter handler matt aka human expert matt but im not sure what the programming looks like in that bizarre mirror universe of theirs

Q: are phones computers or tablets a thing monsters uses

A: if they're they are certainly carryovers from any sort of contact that the monster world may have with the human world i don't think its technology native to the monster world

Q: when parlsona on air island was first heard in background on certain live stream back in November it appeared to have much more lyrics then it currently has in game does this mean parlsona will sing more on air island

A: matt: i dont know what youre talking about BAH

Q: how does bellowfish gather its material to make its wooden suit?

A: i never seen bellowfish not in its mech suit but i do know they're native to the aqua slime pools of ethereal islands idk if they're able to control that aqua slime to manipulate objects or the feet that we see emerging from the bottom bellowfish are capable of grasping and manipulating items be sort of a strange looking creature

Episode #011 - Friday January 18th 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Sydney
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Eric


  • Dipsters discussion
  • Questions
  • Stumped
  • Monster Kitchen
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight


Episode #010 - Friday January 11th 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Mike


  • Monster Moment #10 - Glowbes
  • Monster Moment #9 - Starhenge
  • Monster Moment #8 - Rares
  • Monster Moment #7 - Shugabush and the Seam
  • Monster Moment #6 - Wublin Island
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Monster Moment #5 - Epics
  • Monster Moment #4 - Celestial Island
  • Monster Moment #3 - Wubbox
  • Monster Moment #2 - The Continent Crumbles
  • Monster Moment #1 - Fire Haven
  • Monster Multiples
  • Fan-Voted #1 Monster Moment


Episode #009 - Friday January 4th 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Sydney


  • Mirror Island Questions
  • T.R.I.V.I.A. S.H.O.W.D.O.W.N.
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight

Q: What do you think happened in the mirror island timelines?

A: “One thing that is very interesting about the mirror islands is that it’s not entirely clear to us monster handlers, weither or not each of the mirror islands is occupying a alternate timeline or if they’re all sharing a combined timeline.One thing that's interesting about mirror islands is that unlike there main timeline counterparts, they seem to have a stronger relationship to there ethereal element. So with respect to what happened to the mirror islands, im not entirely sure, we do know for a fact now, this was recently revealed late last year that the natural islands are the result of the dissolution of the continent, what we don't know for sure is weither or not that exact cataclysm took place A. at the same time maybe that's when the timelines diverged from each other or something else happened that the continent remained intact for much longer and this is more recent development but we know colossals are still present maybe different actions to take or decisions was made by monsters to go seperate ways or discord happened or maybe a alternate reality . We aren’t entirely sure but my theory is that because of the relationship of ethereal maybe pocket dimension where ethereal exists somehow began to leak in the main dimension”.

Q: Where are the mirror islands in relationship to the rest of the islands, are there in a parallel dimension to prime reality ?

A: It’s a alternate timeline

Q: Are the mirror islands just the natural islands looking at the mirror

A:I’m not gonna say it’s impossible.

Q: How did the structures end up scattered in the mirror islands?

A: It could be that this alternate timeline diverged some point later than when the continent spilt apart in main dimension and the structures weren’t as destroyed as in the main dimension.

Q: Do monsters on the natural islands know that mirror islands exist?

A: I don’t think so.Theres no contact between them and works differently then dimension portals

Q: Are there portals to mirror islands and is it like a spirit world?

A: I wouldn’t say it’s a spirit world and just a side step, I think that there isn’t too much connectivity between the timelines that’s why your collection to one island to another could be different.

Q: Will there ever be a mirror continent?

A: That i don’t know cause it could be that the timelines diverged when the continent was still the same but i would guess no.

Q:Do the ethereal monsters feel more linked to there element on mirror islands?

A:I think because each mirror island has a bit more of the habitat resemblance to ethereal island then yes i would say the ethereals are inclined to be more comfortable.

Q:What is the origin of the mirror water island fountain?

A: Yes it bears resemblance to the water tub fountain but i think it has something more to do with some aspect of the water lands that we may never potentially discover and looks more like a wishing well. I think the origin of the ruin is something we don’t know about the prehistory of dof and who knows if will ever discover

Q: If the natural islands have a mirror form is it possible that the fire element also exist there resulting in a mirror fire haven?

A: It’s a interesting idea and it depends on weither or not (we don’t know) as you say there are 6 different timelines or this all mirror islands share a same timeline. It would stand to reason that possibly a mirror fire haven would exist. The interesting thing is fire is paired with electricity so it could be mirror fire haven can do more of electric charge and storms from wublin island

Q:Does composer and mirror islands share something because i remember correctly they live in a parallel universe.

A: Composer app is a non canon dreamscape while composer island if i’m not mistaken it exist on the seam between human and monster world. Composer island is different from the mirror islands.

Q: Why does one ethereal take 10 beds, they only need 1 to sleep?

A:Monsters use beds differently then humans, they sprawl up, go under and more It’s like a limitless imaginative furniture for them, it could be cause they’re bouncing or crawling on the bed or they want one foot on the edge. The logic for monsters isn’t different

Q: Have you found any evidence of possible existence of epic ethereals?

A: Im not gonna say epic ethereals are not impossible but given the timeline we are looking at it seems natural epics are coming forward and of course seasonal epics.

Q: Are ghazts and whisp,ghosts that previously died or plasma creatures?

A: Ghazt and whisps are just that way and having plasma that make them what they are and aren’t dead, ghazt can cast through things and whisp doesn’t cast a reflection

Q: What’s the point of the cute little creatures you can find on the islands, do they have a importance on monster history?

A: Because the world of my singing monsters is a union between nature and music, nature plays a major part in everything to do in the monster world and each island can be considered there own ecosystem while the monsters occupy the role of humans cause of language and civilization so it’s the most advanced, there is still other creatures in the monster world that are equivalent of things like squirrels or bunnies or raccoons!

Q:How warm do you think humbugs fur would be if you touched it?

A:I think it depends where humbug was residing cause we know it can be comfortable in warm climates so earth island is a good place for it but it can exist in ethereal which has a cooler more of a slimy clammy cold to the touch feel to it so i think we don’t know if humbug is warm or cold blooded or regulate its temperature but from my experience from touching humbugs fur but you have to becareful because they can get excitied and accidentally poke you and I remember it being a little warm to the touch so it’s like a dog.

Episode #008 - Friday December 28th 2019[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Sydney


  • Year In Review Discussion
  • Questions
  • Stumped!


Episode #007 - Friday December 21st 2018[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Sydney
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Karen


  • Epic Yool Discussion
  • Questions
  • Stumped!
  • Picture This
  • Yaytide Greeting Card Contest Results


Episode #006 - Friday December 14th 2018[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Sydney


  • Monster Makeovers Discussion
  • Questions
  • Stumped!
  • Monster Makeover
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Present Opening

Q: How are baby Reedling and Scups discovered? Did they reveal themselves or what was the case? A: (Matt) That's an interesting question.
A: (Eric) We don't have a video like we did before.
A: (Matt) That's right! So the experience of the monster-handlers discovering monsters in Dawn of Fire, obviously, for players playing Dawn of Fire. It is a real-time experience, You're there on the Continent during the era of Dawn of Fire. So we like to imagine that when new monsters become available in-game, the analog for the experience of the monster-handlers who discover them is basically we finally found some historical evidence that they existed. So in the same way paleontologists upon discovering a fossil "Ah! This is a new species of a dinosaur or an ancient life from the planet Earth." Sort of a similar simulation. Although, happy to report that we're not discovering fossils when it comes time to researching new forms of singing monsters, It's more like footprints or old other telltale science. We truly don't know the lifespan of singing monsters it could be that they provided that they are fed up to reasonable levels is indefinite. I don't really know. But the way that Reedling and Scups were discovered in Dawn of Fire was "We finally had some concrete evidence that they existed." and so then they spring into being at the same time in the experience of players playing MSM: DoF.

Q: Why is Scups so energetic in Dawn of Fire?
A: (Matt) We thought it would be fun!
A: (Eric) That's a great answer.

Episode #005 - Friday December 7th 2018[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Sydney


  • Festival of Yay and Seasonals Discussion
  • Questions
  • Monster Kitchen
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight


Episode #004 - Friday November 30th 2018[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Sydney


  • Furnoss and Celestials Discussion
  • Questions
  • Stumped!
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Questions


Trivia Showdown + Sneak Peek - Wednesday November 28th 2018[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Mike and Sydney
Chat hosts: Monster-Handlers Matt and Eric


  • Q&A
  • T.R.I.V.I.A.S.H.O.W.D.O.W.N

Q: what does the creature in the ockulo trees full body look like?

A: so the ockulo tree is a tree that is made of molted riff feathers that have combined with the root system under the ground to find this whole strange tree and if you have seen as ockulo tree a eyeball pokes out once in a while and looks around and then ducks back down so that animal isn't actually a creature living inside the tree its just part of the tree itself.

Q: are the wublins related as siblings since they come from the same creator

A: wublins are created by wubbox who in turn was created by galvana so i would think yeah we always refer to them as a family but maybe not necessarily by blood but certainly by electricity, .

Q: what type of fan art would you guys like to see

A: mike: my favorite art was us handlers together but like a spin on the monster world. sydney: i would love to see holiday themed fan art

Q: do deedge and quibble have legs if so what do they look like

A: we definitely talked about this and people always asking if deedge has legs. deedge has no legs and we shown it before and prefers to walk on its knuckles sort of gorilla like and incase of quibble its surrounded by its keyboard we never really took a look whats under their but do they just have legs tucked under their? we never choose to look up

Q: is a dog like monster ever going to happen?

A: we already have some specifically stogg and reedling 2 puppy like monsters and on stogg i can see how might not see the dog like qualities but i do believe it talks about it in the bio

Q: where did the name big blue bubble come from?

A: to my knowledge i believe its just something that Dahmer (Former CEO) came up with and no sigfigance but one of our first games produced was called bubble trouble so maybe that has some interplay. i think bubble trouble could of came first though.

Q: how big is big blue bubble

A: at this point we have like 75 people and 2 locations we have our main headquarters here in London Ontario where the game development happens then the other place San Francisco much smaller and help more with business side of things and pay them a couple visits once a year

Q: What is the teams favorite song?

A: Sydney: on terms of islands I'm a big fan of fire haven song. Mike: you may have stolen mines cause i like it but i don't wanna steal your answer. Sydney: I also like ethereal island. Mike: My other favorite song is tribal island because that's the first song i heard and i wasn't even the original version in the game, the tribal that i originally heard was the video we made long u think when it first launched the brady bunch style and first thing i saw from my singing monsters.

General music: Sydney: I have a specific one that was playing in my car this morning which was 9:00 to 5:00 by dolly park.Mike: for me i liked band and song spoon and i think i wore a shirt of it in the show and underdog

Q: The islands are shaped like monsters, are they original monsters who became old they became islands?

A: what we learned is that when the continent broke apart during dawn of fire the colossal were actually spirits and to save the monsters the spirits combined with the elemental islands we today so to answer your question no. colossals are spirits that represent different elements and not monsters and are their own beings.

Q: how does rare scups eat?

A: rare scups is a nocturnal monster it has green tinged fur and spikes that are bioluminescent in the nighttime and no one knows what it gets up too once monsters fall asleep

Q: are their monsters with a symbiotic relationship

A: bona apetit, riff, woolabee, but quibble is hard to say though

Q: do wynqs wink or blink

A: could wink and blink

Q: what are some of your favorite monsters?

A: MIKE: Rare pango but i like pixolotl. Syndey: baby pango

Q: Was tweedles voice actor changed

A: Yes the voice actor for tweedle did change it is karen our marketing director here which i believe has been on here before

Island Spotlight - Monday November 26th 2018[]

Video Hosts: Monster-Handlers Mike and Matt
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Sydney


  • Island Spotlight

Episode #003 - Friday November 23rd 2018[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Sydney


  • Fire Haven and Fire Element Discussion
  • Questions
  • Hot Pepper Challenge
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Stumped!
  • Questions

Q: Why do you think Fire Hybrids went into hiding for so long?
A: (Matt):"I don't think they had much of a choice.

(Eric): "It seemed like they were trapped!"

(Matt): "So while the Cataclysm is shaking the Continent apart and the various elemental lands are splintering off and we're at risk of tumbling into the ocean to be lost forever, the Fire Elementals, the Kaynas of the Continent were saying "Come on, come on! Down into this safe haven, this place of safety" during the Continent's disillusion, if you will, and then by accident, the volcano itself tumbled beneath the surface of the waves—was sealed, so that no water got in—but then they were in this self-contained haven for so long with no contact with the outside world save a few cracks, through which some of the Fire Haven critters were clearly able to get out and journey beneath the caverns of Tribal Island, we know that at least there is some underground cave network, and perhaps only small enough for that tiny bat-like critter to fly"

(Eric): "Maybe it opened up and then closed just as quickly"

(Matt): "That's a good point, so I think that the fire hybrids did not have much of a choice, they were able to get things like this artifact out and try and ask, because they were out of contact for so long with the rest of the monster world, they're saying "Is any monster out there?", they weren't sure, if anybody else had survived the Cataclysm, so it's sort of the inverse of what we expected, you know, a few months ago, which was that maybe these species of Fire Monsters were lost forever, the Fire monsters were thinking the same thing that everybody else you know? "We survived, where is everybody else?" so sort of an inverse there"

Q: If the monsters of Fire Haven are the onees that climbed in the volcano, does that mean all the other fire hybrids did not survive?
A: (Matt) "I don't think so. I know that there are only a few of the known fire hybrids that we have witnessed playing and singing on Fire Haven, but it's my belief that all of the Fire Monsters did survive but it's possible that groups of them migrated further into the tunnels to try and see if they could get out. These are the monsters that we know of that sort of stuck around, kept the base camp operational at Fire Haven, but it's my understanding that all of the Fire Monsters, at least on of each—it's sort of like a Noah's Ark situation—made their way safely inside, so none of the species were lost, what we know of, but having embarked on these expeditions to try and find the rest of the other monsters they are currently unaccounted for. So I think that they did survive, it's not that those species that aren't represented on Fire Haven are extinct, that's not the case, I mean, that's my belief but they are currently sort of missing in action"

(Eric): "Well, we were hopeful that we found..."

(Matt): "Yes, and now that there was that, you know, rumbling that occurred as you mentioned, the entire cave network that exists sort of in the underneath of the monster world could have been re-shaped maybe now there'll be some guiding light to help them find their way back at least to Fire Haven in order to be reunited but who knows how long that will take, the Monster World is a ginormous place, and it could take months, possibly years for those monsters to make their way back so we'll just have to sort of keep an eye out, see if any of those monsters ever do come calling"

Q: How does Furnoss feel about the rediscovery of the Fire Element?
A: (Matt): "Furnoss, one of the still missing Celestials."

(Eric): "Yeah, would be kinda hard to get its opinion"

(Matt): "Of Celestial Island, I mean, certainly based on the precedent that's been set by what is required to revive these Celestials that have been recovered from the wreckage of Celestial Island, people have been starting to piece together that there's a relationship between which eggs a Celestial Monster needs to be zapped to it o its dormant state in order to be revived, so it wouldn't surprise me but the other thing to consider as well is that because the element o Fire has been so long extinguished in the world that Furnoss might just need to source other monsters as well in order to sort of compensate for the fact that the Fire Element is sort of extinguished, in the world above, and recall as well that Fire, the element itself has a relationship with the other five natural elements because it gave rise to them so there's still a way of sort of converting that energy required to sort of hypothetically revive a Fire Celestial but it's still a mystery because the Celestial Furnoss has not yet been recovered from the wreckage of Celestial Island"

Q: When will the update come up for Amazon Fire Kindle?
A: (Matt): "Oh well, that would make sense right now for a platform that has fire in the title, we are happy to report that we have submitted the update to Amazon and that is should be available soon, the way that the Amazon stores is a little different than the two other platforms that we support for my singing monsters in a sense that when you submit it can go live all of a sudden and we didn't want to spoil the surprise in case we submitted it too early and it spontaneously was just available we wanted to sort of time those releases so rest assured it is coming very soon and we will soon be able to collect fire monsters on your very own Fire Havens so just keep an eye out for that"

Q: If the volcano was on the Continent when everyone is a baby did the hybrids grow up as time went on or did other things cause them to turn into adults?
A: (Matt): "That is a very good question because I believe that the cave paintings depicts the young forms of the monsters climbing into the volcano and then, of course, when we finally get to look at Fire Haven the adult forms of those monsters are still there. So I can only assume that during the incredible span of time between when the Continent first broke up and Fire Haven was sealed off in its own sort of area and the current day that those monsters would've grown up, but it's possible that they're not fully done growing up and they're sort of like as close to adulthood as you can get but they're still sort of in a state group they're not like full-grown adults which may account in part for the fact that some of these monsters seem a little smaller than they do in the Era of Dawn of Fire because they're not fully grown adults yet"

Q: How does Floogull eat?
A: (Matt): "In the tube"

(Eric): "There you go!"

(Matt): "It's got a very long proboscis but I believe it also doubles as a straw. So there's a lot of exciting orifices and sinuses happening up in the face of the Floogull but I believe that it is its only sort of mouth-tube kind of apparatus so I believe that you need only sort of place a treat near the end of that tube and it'll go in and then the Floogull will be able to digest it"

Q: Since the Fire Monsters are back, can they fix the teleporter in Mirror Plant Island?
A: (Matt): "Oh an excellent question, yeah sort of combining different pieces of what's going on here; the unfortunate thing about Mirror Plant Island is that it actually exists in an alternate timeline to the prime reality that Fire Haven has been recovered in, so what that means is that the events of the Continent breaking apart might not have actually taken place in the exact same way in that alternate timeline that the mirror islands take place in so the Mirror Plant Island's remains of the teleporter that appears on that island is not actually available to the monsters of Fire Haven who were recently rediscovered, they have no way of getting in contact with that alternate timeline, that's sort of like, you know, we have dimensional portals that were able to balance between but this is not going somewhere else in space but somewhere else in time and so I don't know if that's even the capabilities of the teleporter could even account for such a thing so it's a great theory, unfortunately because they are operating in different timelines I don't think that the fire monsters would be able to repair that teleporter because they don't have access to it"

Q: Why isn't Fire Haven considered a natural Island?
A: (Matt): "Oh that's a good question. From a game-design standpoint, we wanted to make a distinction between Fire Haven and the natural islands because of certain things that the natural islands have in common such as the presence of the starshop, the ability of monsters to teleport from natural island so we want to make sure that the Fire Haven was sort of distinct from the natural islands, as we discussed Fire is technically a natural element and so it sort of has an honorary membership among the natural islands but for now, whenever you see natural islands referred to in-game or on social media, they will continue to refer to just the five natural islands and the Fire Haven is a distinct group"

Q: About the new map screen?
A: (Matt): "So the new map screen debuted in version 2.2.4 this past Wednesday, it is an update to the existing model which was just sort of like a grid where you tap on the island that you wanted to go to, hit the "go" button and then navigate there, we've been getting a lot of great feedback and reaction to the new map, rest assured that we are taking your comments into consideration and, you know, some people were saying that it took a long time to navigate around the carousel to get to the island that they wanted to, just wanted to make double-check with everybody that they knew about the functionality that you could hold down the button to move the carousel all the way around, but another thing that we're looking to do to improve is the ability to swipe through the carousel, so there are a few improvements coming to the carousel map screen and some people were asking whether or not it be possible to return to the old version, the problem with the old version is that sort of re-arranging how everything worked we'd run out of space, I want to make sure that all 13 known kinds of islands get there, get their visibility on this screen, and who knows what's lurking out there out on the horizons on the unknown untamed edges of the monster world, there might be even more islands yet do be discovered so we wanted to make sure that we created this system that we could easily add more islands to if the discovery was ever made in the future going for it, which is why we chose the carousel model so thank you so much for the feedback that you've sent in so far, it lets us know when we're doing right, when we are doing wrong and ways to make it better so look forward in an upcoming update, I don't know how quickly we can get those fixes in there but know that the hard-working team of monster handlers here at Big Blue Bubble are listening to that feedback and making the map even better as we speak"

(Eric): "And that's one of the unique advantages of this new format my singing monsters live streaming on Twitch"

(Matt): "Yeah, so we can chat about the design. But one final thing that I wanted to mention about the map was that the islands themselves are organized in little sections, so as I mentioned we've got the fice natural islands to begin with, then we have Fire Haven, because from a functionality standpoint it's pretty similar to a natural island, you can buy and breed monsters to populate that island and then the next groupings of islands are related to how you populate them! So in the next grouping we've got Shugabush and ethereal islands, which are both populated by teleporting level 15 monsters to that island in order to continue to populate it, then we have Wublin and Celestial Island which are populated the same way by zapping monster eggs into dormant/sleeping Celestials and Wublins respectively and then the final three Islands Tribal Island, Composer Island and Gold Island which have something a little different going on, so that's how we were thinking of how we organize the islands in the map screen so thank you so much for the feedback that you've sent in, it's really valuable to us to hear what works and what doesn't and what sorts of things you'd like us to change so we'll be continuing to improve the carrousel model going forward and that's the one that we're sticking with and improving going forward"

Q: Why is there a Colossal inside the volcano of Fire Haven?
A: (Matt): "Okay, that's a great question, because from what we knew, the Colossals were the ones who imbued the splintering pieces of the Continent with their own essence, with their own being in order to rescue them they sort of stabilize them and then the elemental lands just sort of took on the facial features. The fact that there is a Colossal down there in Fire Haven certainly sort of upsets our understanding of what we just thought that we had figured out, the mystery that we thought we'd solved earlier in the week, the fact that it is a Colossal down there indicates that maybe there are even more Colossals than we thought or that the Fire Colossal unlike its other kindred Colossals was spending its time down in the living core, maybe had already taken up residence there and that by the time that the Continent began to splinter apart it was sort of the guiding spirits that come down here, it's safe, now we don't know because the living core, the volcano itself was I'd say among the pieces of the continent among the elemental lands the least affected because it was sitting so far deep beneath the earth, the surface of the Monster World to begin with so it could be that if a Colossal happens to be down there, if its spirit happened to be down there during the events of the Continent breaking apart that it just sort of naturally assumed that something weird was going on up there and then gave its life force into the structure that is Fire Haven. But here are all just theories at this point because it's a very good question because our understanding of colossal sort of conflicts with the fact that there is a Colossal down there in the first place. But there must be something going on with that cycloptic eye, it sort of distinguishes it from your typical Colossal, maybe that's a clue to indicate that this was a different kind of Colossal or a Colossal that maybe for a long time has compared with the other typical colossals in the world above. So these are all theories of mine, let us know what your thoughts are"

Q: What will happen to Kayna on Tribal Island?
A: (Matt): "So Kayna on Tribal Island was instrumental—see what I did there?—in helping guide the monsters to the correct location of Fire Haven thanks to the new knowledge that had been gleaned during the Fire sight that Kayna was able to direct the natural monsters where to go in order to be reunited with the Fire Monsters of Fire Haven, but I think that particular Kayna who you know has a unique history in the monster world is very content to remain on Tribal Island because for so long it's been sharing in the Tribal song of Tribal Island with the other, you know, up to 30 monsters that con go on that island so I think that it's going to be content to remain on Tribal Island and just sort of get updated about the other developments that are taking place in the Monster World, there's sort of a new generation of Kaynas that is now able to spring into being on Fire Haven as a result of this amazing discovery"

Q: Will there ever be any more fire hybrids coming in the future?
A: (Eric): "I feel like that's a big question."

(Matt): "And I believe that we sort of touched on this briefly before the idea that all of the known fire monsters from the era of Dawn of Fire, we believe, successfully were evacuated and survived the breaking apart of the Continent, we certainly hope but we just don't know where they are, they're missing in action, I don't know how it would be possible for more fire monsters to arrive on Fire Haven, specifically because it operates like a natural island and uses the four base elements in order to populate the 15 natural monsters that appear on Fire Haven but the future is a wild ride"

Q: Now that there's a new island, will there be another breed of Ethereal coming?
A: (Matt): "Ah, I also sort of mentioned this earlier that Fire instead of having an ethereal coupled with it, it has the supernatural element of electricity as its partner, so far as we know the five ethereal elements that have been discovered to date, that's Plasma, Shadow, Mech, Crystal and Poison are the only Ethereal elements that exist and that Fire partnered with Electricity sort of rounds that out to a nice, even 12."

Q: Does Glowl like cheese?
A: (Matt): "Does Glowl like cheese?! That's our last question?!"

(Eric): "Well, maybe we'll do one more"

(Matt): "No, I think this makes sense to be our last question... does Glowl like cheese? You know, I never asked... but now that Glowl is back in contact with the rest of the Monster World, I'd say that we will ask the Glowl and we will get back to you because it's a mystery at this point, there's still so much we have left to learn about these newly rediscovered fire monsters and who knows? Maybe tastes change whether or not hey liked cheese back during the Era of Dawn of Fire, maybe they over-ate during their period of the sanctuary inside Fire Haven and now they've lost their taste for cheese but... I don't know"

Trivia challenging Monster handler Matt

Q: What monster was Dandidoo imitating on the Fire Haven?
A: (Matt): "Dandidoo was singing a part popularized by Furcorn"

(Eric): "That is correct! He gets the first one!"

Q: "What does Baby Whaddle's crooning sound like"
A: (Matt) "The flutter of butterfly wings"

(Eric): "Oh no! Monster Handler Matt! It's marshmallows bouncing off of rainbows into puddles of ambrosia! STUMPED!"

(Matt): "Puddles of ambrosia, huh?"

Q: What is the second fire element monster to appear in Kayna's flames from the reveal video?
A: (Matt) "I think it's Floogull"

(Eric): "Oh, you got it right!"

(Matt): "I can even tell you the order: Stogg, Floogull, and Flowah!"

Q: What is the first moniker you get?
A: "I think it's apprentice monster handler... Monster Handler Apprentice!"

(Eric): "Ooh, I'm gonna read the answer and I'm gonna let them decide... the answer listed here says "Apprentice Handler"... I think that's a STUUUUUMP!"

(Matt): "Just Apprentice Handler, huh?"

Q: How many castle upgrades are there and what are they?
A: (Eric): "Two parter, here we go!"

(Matt): "I'm gonna list them in order, and then I'm gonna count them, okay?"

(Eric): "Okay!"

(Matt): "We're talking about Dawn of Fire or My Singing Monsters? Did they specify?"

(Eric): "They don't specify..."

(Matt): "All right, so I'm gonna do My Singing Monsters... I'm guessing it's My Singing Monsters since they're looking for names here."

(Eric): "Yeah"

(Matt): "So, if I'm not mistaken we start with the basic castle, then we have the... oh no..."

(Eric): "i'M gOnNA lISt tHem IN oRDer aNd theN i'M gOnNa cOuNt tHeM!"

(Matt): "Ah, yeah yeah yeah... I'm gonna come back to number two."

(Eric): "Okay... sure."

(Matt): "So... we've got... oh! Is it... basic castle, comfortable castle, spacious castle... I've probably already messed this up... I know it's basic, comfortable, spacious and then it goes somewhere towards the end luxurious, extravagant, paradise but I know I'm missing one..."

(Eric): "Do you want a hint or a clue?"

(Matt): "No, I don't want it... alright, alright. The basic castle... we've got the... it's the second one that's absolutely destroying me... oh it's kinda upsetting... you know what? I'm gonna self-proclaim stump... just list them off to me just... put me out of my misery..."

(Eric): "Well, they're 8, that would be basic, modest, comfortable, spacious, luxurious, extravagant, paradise and crystal"

(Matt): "Oh, I was forgetting modest!... Well, crystal is not a castle upgrade, the crystal castle is unique to Gold Island so it itself is not a Castle Upgrade, that castle exists in its own from the get-go"

(Eric) "Oh, so maybe that's a double stumped!"

Q: What monster has the elements of Water and Fire?
A: (Matt): "Phangler!"

(Eric): "Ah, yeah."

(Matt): "Ahahahaha, victorious!"

(Eric): "Yeah, congratulations..."

Q: How many members of the Shugafam are there and what's their species name?
A: (Matt): "Eight, there are 8 members of the Shugafam and in no particular order they are: Shugabush, Shugabass, Shugitar, Shugabuzz, Shugabeats, Shugavox, Shugajo, Shugarock!"

#TBT Thanksgiving - Thursday November 22nd 2018[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt, Karen, and Eric
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Sydney


  • TBT Concept Art
  • Questions
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Stumped Trivia

Q: Are the four fire elements rarer or just as rare as Ethereal?
A: (Matt) "Wanting to make sure that I understand this question correctly, is it referring to the Quad Element monster on Fire Haven, the Tring? The Tring, we should start by saying that Quad element monsters at the best of times are hard to come by, they require some of the more complex breeding combinations that appear, as soon as you introduce three or more elements into a combination it starts to get a little sticky, it gets more difficult. So the fact the Tring has been so long separated from other monsters in the monster world, I think it's especially difficult to breed the Tring, and whereas it's not, I would say, quite as elusive as an Ethereal, it's almost achieved a near Ethereal level of rarity cause of how long it's been separated from the rest of the Monster World and the fact that it is a Quad element monster to begin with."

Q: Do Dipsters have feet or are they just tubes?
A: (Matt) "The bottom half of a Dipster has never been glimpsed with human eyes. They only appear as much as we can see them in my Singing Monsters. Every time we go to jump down a Dipster hole—we don't know how far down that burrow goes first of all—they scamper away, notoriously shy creatures, the Dipsters so we don't know what the bottom half of a Dipster looks looks like"

(Karen) "And it'd be cruel to pluck one"

(Matt) "That's right ,you got to be gentle with them right, they're quite sensitive little creatures and as I mentioned shy at the best of times, they're used to being deep underground and it was only recently that they popped up"

Q: Will there be more monsters discovered on Fire Haven?
A: (Matt) "Fire Haven is brand new to us, right? this discovery is days old so I'm sure there's still more of Fire Haven that we need to learn about before we can comment on any question like that, but there—to begin with—are eight fire monsters available on Fire Haven that should definitely keep everyone busy for a little while because there's lots of secrets that those monsters have yet to tell us, and make sure to tune in on social because I'm sure they'll be creeping their way in various posts that we do over the next few weeks now that they're now released, now that they've joined the monster family of My Singing Monsters we can see interactions with other monsters that we've never seen before"

(Eric) "And as much as we may not know, tomorrow on the My Singing Monsters Live regular episode, Fridays at 5 p.m, Eastern Standard Time, we will most certainly be answering questions about Fire Haven to the best of our ability"

(Matt) "And related to the element of Fire itself and its relationship with the rest of the monster world. So make sure that you tune in tomorrow at 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time for our regularly scheduled My Singing Monsters Live episode, this will be episode three"

Q: Do you think a Thanksgiving monster could go on Fire Island? It seems like a situation that would show thankfulness
A: (Matt) "Because Fire Haven was so recently discovered and Thanksgiving is today, I don't know about that. But as we've always said, the future of the Monster World is an unwritten book, there's always more to discover here at Big Blue Bubble, we're always doing our best to reveal more and more of the monster world to the people of the human world, so I guess you'll just have to keep playing, see what happens"

(Karen) "I think that we all said that we are thankful that the monsters of Fire Haven have arrived"

(Matt) "Sure, the timing was great! We couldn't have gotten much better than that, specially with respect to like family reunion, and getting together with those characters that you care, you know, the characters in your life, the ones that make your life rich"

Q: Are any monsters dangerous, like do they actively attack other monsters and stuff?
A: (Matt): "I'm happy to report that none of the monsters in their nature are malevolent or attack any other Singing Monsters. If ever there is any sort of interaction between monsters that one monster doesn't like, it's usually because of a misunderstanding, one monster will be too enthusiastic when it goes to greet it and will maybe go "Hey, how's it going here?!" and then they'll be like "Woah, that's a little bit too much for me" because different monsters are different levels of shy or outgoing"

(Karen) "Introverts and Extroverts!"

(Matt) "That's right, you've got introverts and extroverts among the Monster World, so none of the monsters hurt any of the other monsters, and while some monsters—I think I mentioned this in another stream—like Wublins and Ethereals can be sometimes dangerous to interact with for a human, it's only because of their specific environmental adaptations and not because of any sort of negative sentiment that they have towards humans, all monsters by nature are very friendly and cooperative, and just want to get along, they want to see others succeed, they're very supportive, which is a big part of why they embrace music so much, because music only happens when you work together to create a song. You can have a solo, but at the end of the day, when your part harmonizes with everyone else, a true special magic is conjured up, and that's what we're always going for, right?"

Q: If there was a Thanksgiving Seasonal next year, would its name be Turkel?
A: (Matt) "I think that if such a monster were to exist it would not resemble a Turkey because we already have Turkey as a treat in the monster world, and the implications there are a little to upsetting for me to fathom" (editor's note: well, that aged well...)

Trivia challenging Monster handler Matt

Q: What monster was the second that you biggified yesterday?
A: (Eric) "So throwback to yesterday's strea-"

(Matt) "Shrubb"

(Eric) "Oh, correct, it was a Shrubb, that was in fact the second monster"

Fire Haven Release Party - Wednesday November 21st 2018[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Sydney


  • Fire Haven Reveal
  • TBT Concept Art

Fire Haven Reveal + Q&A - Tuesday November 20th 2018[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Sydney
Chat hosts: Monster-Handler Mike & Eric


  • Q&A
  • Fire Haven Reveal


Q: Where did Tribal Island come from?
A: Tribal Island is one of the islands that exists inside the prime reality of the monster world, alongside the natural islands, Wublin Island and Celestial Island. At one point in time, the creation of Tribal Island would've been sort of like a ridiculous theory, folly, because there was an ancient prophecy that the Colossals were fated to go their separate ways, never to reunite, but the advent of Tribal Island suggests that maybe there's something more going on behind the scenes and Tribal Island, I think spontaneously came into being. There wasn't much warning to prepare us for it, but it was certainly something that came about after the formation of the natural islands themselves, and we know that the island itself shares some relationship with the element of fire because of the Colossal's earrings and because of the fact that of course, the mysterious monster aka of course Kayna, trapped in amber is sort of the prominent fixture of Tribal Island. So we know it's related to fire, we know that it's in the prime reality, and that it perhaps represents the fulfillment of some ancient prophecy of the monster world, but as prophecies tend to be, the details are a little scant, a little mysterious, so the ongoing discovery about what Tribal Island is and how it fits into the rest of the monster world is something that both monster handlers and monsters alike are continuing to poke and try to learn more about each passing day.

Q: Why does Kayna get trapped in Amber every week on Tribal Island anyway?
A: Amber is a mysterious substance, as far as the Monster World is concerned. It is unlike the Amber of the human world in sense that it sort of has a mind of its own, it's a magical substance, and I think that whatever force be it a force of nature or something else that entrapped Kayna in the first place, I think is interested in making sure that things sorto remain the "Status Quo" and so I think that the Amber reforms in attempt to try and keep the Monster World going the way it is because as we know the Kayna that was trapped in Amber was separated in the chaos of the Continent splitting apart and has some very important details about that period of time in the Monster World, that might reveal some new things. So I think the reason why the Amber reforms is that, perhaps, some force nefarious or otherwise is trying to make sure that Kayna's secrets remain just those secrets, but that's a theory of mine. There not necessarilly anything that we've observed to empirically prove that, but because Amber sort of has a mind of its own, there might be something going on there, I'm not sure... so it's important to feed your monsters on Tribal island, get the Tribal level up to the minimum level of 100 in order to make sure that Kayna can continue to join in the Tribal song!

Q: Are the Relics Kayna's family?
A: The relics themselves aren't related to Kayna, but perhaps it's fair to say that they're not family, but perhaps they're related in another way. They don't have a consciousness, each individual relic is just musical essence that's been trapped in amber. We know that Werdos consume them to get their lyrical inspiration, but certainly relics have some relationship with the element of fire in some way or another, as evidenced by the fact that Kayna is trapped on Tribal Island inside that large piece of amber, and relics themselves are also tiny shards of amber.

Q: What is your favorite Fire hybrid and what characteristics does it have that you have?
A: I think my favorite Fire hybrid is the Rootitoot, the triple element monster that dates back to the era of Dawn of Fire. There's just something about it's hair tubes, we'll call them, that I find particularly charming and it's sort of a roly-poly monster with nice cute little feet, and I also like when it teleports to the Outer Islands, the adult form that it takes, it sort of like grows into it's shape, it sort of glow up, if you will.

Q: Does the T in T-Rox stand for anything?
A: That may well be it, could be that an entire species of singing monsters have names that begin purely with the letter T, just a hypothesis... I never even considered that it was anything other than a syllabe, I don't know if it's an initial or if it's just a way of saying the name. I think that's a decision that I'm unprepared to weight in on at this time, so let us know what your thoughts on what the T in T-Rox could stand for!

Q: Where to get this hoodie that you are wearing?
A: Unfortunately, this hoodie is not available for sale, however you might want to keep checking our store in the coming weeks because Christmas is on it's way, the Holiday season is on its way, and we're hoping to add more some more seasonal apparel this year! So unfortunately, this is a monster handler exclusive.

Q: If Kayna had a bellyache, what would happen and who would take care of it?
A: Matt: Oh, the irritable reservoir syndrome... the IRS! no, that's a whole other thing. Kayna's physiology is very unique because being the fire elemental it is at higher temperatures than most monsters are confortable with, so I think when a Kayna consumes treats that they're metabolized in such a way that gets only nutrition from them very quickly and then they sort of burst into smoke, perhaps. As you know, a Kayna in all stages of its life cycle emits little puffs of smoke from the top of its head; perhaps that's what became of the treats that it consumes... that's just a theory. And as you know, monster digestion and nutrition works differently than us, the food that would normally be considered junk food for us is actually what's nutritious for monsters, so it's sort of an inverse situation there

Sydney: So how do you explain the Big Salad?

Matt: I knew you'd ask that question, the Big Salad... you've heard it here first, folks, are the most unhealthy thing you can eat... no, i'm kidding. That's truly a mystery, it could be one of those things where it's so healthy it tipped over the scales and it's like unhealthy.

Q: How is Gheegur pronounced?
A: It would be "Ghee-ger". From a behind-the-scenes standpoint, it is a creative spelling of the pronunciation of a different world that somewhat inspired its look and feel.

Q: How is Sneyser pronounced?
A: "Sny-ser", so it rhymes with "geyser" which sort of resemble the little formations that appear on that monster's back. That monster is a very lethargic one, no matter how old it is, it doesn't often get up from it's belly, in fact, much like a lazy pet sometimes other monsters are pressed into service to transport it from one place to another which as a Quad element monster it can sort of... I don't wanna say boss other monsters around, but as you know, boss is one of the ways to refer to a Quad element monster, so it commands a certain level of respect, I think other monsters are fine with doing it favors.

Q: How did Kayna react to Celestial Island's collision, and the return of the Celestials?
A: So as we know, regardless of where you were on the monster world, the visibility of Starhenge passing through the monster world sky was seen on just about all of the islands in the prime reality, and additionally, inside Ethereal Island's pocket dimension because of Rare Reebro's specialized inter-dimensional telescope, Kayna was definitely one of the monsters that observed Starhenge passing through the sky, but as I mentioned before, sometimes the debilitating effects of amber I think worked to sort of dampen Kayna's memory, so it's very possible that Kayna was just as confused and intrigued as the rest of the monsters, about what was passing though the sky and didn't necessarily recognize it from the Era of Dawn of Fire. The other thing that has never really been stablished because we don't have much of a historical record about it, is the relationship that the Celestials had with the monster world below during the era of Dawn of Fire. I think there was some awareness on the part of the surface of the monster world that there was something up there, but perhaps they didn't really know exactly what it was, so I think there's a certain level of mystery there on the part of the monsters who were witnessing that occurrence and this is one of the few cases I think that we know a little bit more than the monsters about what transpired-

Q: Do the Celestials remember their past since they were revived?
A: Matt: The revival of the Celestials on Celestial island is a difficult but achievable task for the ambitious player to revive the Celestials on Celestial island. The life cycle of a Celestial is still something of a mystery to us. Many of them, based on our descriptions of them that we have, seen to have been around forever, so whether or not this represents the first revival they've ever undergone or if it is one of many, we're sort of unclear on, I think this needs to be independently verified by a team of impartial monster handlers during a future expedition perhaps just a view into the monster world because as we mentioned expeditions, they're dangerous, I almost got eaten by an epic maw so expeditions need to be vetted for safety concerns and all the insurance forms need to be signed and stuff like that but pending more research, it seemed that the Celestials once they're revived on Celestial Island have sort of a new lease on life, perhaps they have remembrances of past lives, but they're sort of distant, shadowy memories, they don't have a preserved record themselves of the entire span of the monster world history.

Sydney: Or flashes of déjà-vu, perhaps?

Matt: Exactly, that's a great way to describe it! and oftentimes, it maybe shapes and sounds and figures that are unrecognizable to them unless they see them again in their current revived form. So one thing for sure, they are certainly experiencing the monster world at the surface for the first time because previously, from everything that I know the Celestials have only ever inhabited Starhenge which orbited the monster world, so this it their first time experiencing life on the surface, so it's a new experience for them, regardless.

Q: Does Kayna ever erupt?
A: Kayna is a feisty individual, a bit of a fiery temperament yes, but not unpleasantly so, more excited to get going on and hot-headed, and I think if a Kayna gets a little too excited, there may be a few spurts that come out at the top of its volcanic head, and monsters need to be wary not to be singed by such droplets of eruption but I think you really need to rile a Kayna for that to happen

Q: Why does Celestial Island have ear plugs?
A: Ah yes, those giant cork-like things, the plugs, that's right, that exists inside the ears of Celestial Island. This is something of a mystery to us as well, but it could have something to do with the gray, almost petrified form of that colossal itself. Colossals being gigantic guiding spirits of the monster world in the first place obviously have a very strong relationship with music, and to be cut off from that music, I think is to become under the weather, a little sickly, so we're not sure how those earplugs got there, and it's unclear whether or not the song, the new song of Celestial Island will ever actually awaken it from its slumber or whether or not there exists a spark of life large enough to revive a Colossal, very tall order, we're talking about a power surge that would be absolutely colossal, so the reason that it has earplugs, we're not sure, but we do know it's related, we believe to the state activity that the Colossal is feeling.

Q: What was up with the strange gems on the Rare Quarrister promo?
A: Well, the Rare Quarrister itself is different from the common Quarrister because it is composed of various different minerals that appear throughout the multiverse, so that's not just confined to the monster world, that's the Kingdom of Thingia, that's the Thumpiesverse and beyond into the many different worlds and realities of the multiverse, so I think that the crystals that were depicted in that post just represent a range of the crystals that might compose a Quarrister, although, some of them did look awfully familiar, didn't they? sort of like they were in a configuration that was recognizable somehow, and I mean Rare Quarrister this week, you know, who's come out of hiding so to speak and is available in the special promotion is musing itself were there any other quad element monsters that share that sort of crystalline countenance sort of thing that was on its mind this week.

Q: What does Mammott smell like?
A: ...I've been close to a Mammott before, and the nice thing is that, because they're cold elementals, they often like being cold and sort of taking sort of icy shower baths sort of situations like rolling in the snow, I think that's the way they clean their luxurious fur and make sure that it doesn't get knotted or tangled. There is one specific Mammott that I know of that has not had a bath for a while and perhaps you know the identity of this figure in the chat, my singing monster's community, and it smells sort of like a pet that needs to go to the grooming salon. So mostly nice, mostly fresh smelling, if they don't take care, things can get a little stinky, just like in real life!

Q: Is there ever going to be a 5 element monster?
A: There are two known species of Quint element monsters that are actually available to be bought or bred in My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire.

Q: Which monster is the most dangerous to get close to?
A: Matt: ...So the Epic Maw, just because of its enthusiasm at meeting the team and its many sharp teeth, and also spikes around its head are definitely up there in terms of some of the most dangerous monsters

Sydney: You've also mentioned that Kayna could be potentially dangerous.

Matt: You have to make sure that it's not going to sneeze or erupt when you're nearby. Some of the more dangerous monsters to be around just because they're used to living in environments that are a little bit more severe than we're used to are both Wublins and Ethereals in general, and that comes from the environmental sort of adaptations that they have made to survive in pretty harsh climates, as we've discussed, with Wublin Island is coursing with the supernatural power of electricity, so you know, when you rub your feet along a carpet and you're able to shock someone, to be in contact with the Wublins, you risk quite a jolt shock, so you have to be careful, and Ethereals is because they live in a pocket dimension where a couple of the rules of physics get routinely bent or broken, they're also just used to operating in a slightly different way, a handshake from a Grumpyre might be a little firmer than you are used to because it operates in multiples levels of gravity, and the intangibility of a Ghazt makes it also slightly dangerous to be around, just because it can pass through you and that's a very weird sensation. So Ethereals and Wublins are of the more dangerous monsters, not mean, an important clarification there, they're never trying to harm anybody, singing monsters as a rule tend to be very kind, it's just a part of who they are, that's most of them, of course, but as I mentioned Wublins and Ethereals can sometimes make you feel a little weird because they themselves are some of the weirdest monsters that we know.

Q: What's your birth Celestial?
A: I'm right in the cusp between Scaratar and Loodvigg.

Q: How was your day?
A: Today my day was great, I've been looking forward to this livestream all day, I love the opportunity to answer questions from the community and to share a little bit of knowledge that we as Monster Handlers work with every day. It's great being able to share as much as we know and maybe spark some creativity and the thing that we've loved so far about the live streams that we've done is that they have helped to give rise to all sorts of new inside jokes for us, and also we've been receiving lots of amazing fanart!

Q: Will there ever be a Thanksgiving Seasonal, or do the monsters not celebrate thanksgiving?
A: Hm, that's an interesting question there; as we know, Seasonal Events right now are confined to the natural islands of My Singing Monsters. So Plant Island has Spooktacle, Cold Island has Festival of Yay, Air Island the Season of Love, Water Island Eggs-Travaganza, and Earth Island SummerSong; so for Thanksgiving, or the monster world equivalent of Thanksgiving, which we've never really heard tell of up until this point, I think that would require there to be another island for that to be celebrated on, so I'm not sure. As of right now, there are lots of Thanksgiving promotions that we typically do in My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire, that celebrate the thankfulness that we have of our community who continues to support us here at Big Blue Bubble, the Monster Handlers and all the work that we're doing here, so there's always something going on around Thanksgiving that sort of coincides with the human world's celebration in the monster world, but I don't know if Thanksgiving is celebrated in My Singing Monsters.

Q: What would happen if Monsters such as Bowgart lost their physical instrument
A: The great thing with Bowgart in that specific example, is that their horns are always growing so if some accident were to befall their physical instrument, the Bowgart need only wait, be patient, pop them out and then they've got a brand new instruments, not a painful progress... the physics don't make sense, but it's painless. If a Riff ever lost it's symbiotic guitar partner, that'd be a very dark day now. Symbiosis is a natural phenomenon that occurs when two different animals depend on each other for mutual benefit, so that means that one of the animals performs some sort of positive action for the other animal and vice-versa; an example that exists here in the human world is the symbiotic relationship between a shark and a remora: the shark as the predator going through the oceans of the world eats the other animals that sharks eat... it doesn't happen in the monster world though, because Pummel is sort of shark-like, but I'm happy to report that you're never at risk of being eaten around the Pummel... the shark will eat other animals and then the scraps of the food that the shark is eating are consumed by the remora, who also helps to keep the underbelly of the shark clean, and the remora sort of attaches itself to the underside of the shark and cleans off its belly and also is granted safety and protection from other animals of the deep because they're hanging out with a shark. So in My Singing Monsters that symbiotic relationship also exists between the Riff and its guitar: the Riff is able to use its toes in order to grasp food items and bring them up for both it and the guitar to consume, and the guitar will often whisper words of encouragement to the Riff so that as it's playing its instrument it has good self-esteem and positivity, so there's a nice relationship that exists between those two elements of the Riff.

Q: Can you tell us about Shellbeat?
A: Shellbeat, the Quad Element boss of Water Island is an interesting monster because it isn't necessarily the most outgoing of the monsters, it can be a little shy, a little reserved, a little introverted, so it really has to come out of its shell when it's performing with the other monsters on Water Island; but as we mention before, monsters are very positive, very supportive of each other, and it's sort of like a big group of misfits that find strength and energy from each other's weirdness and are able to come together to create beautiful music that we know and love, and so the Shellbeat is, for a boss, a little unassuming, a little behind the scenes, it's not quite as brazen as an Entbrat, for example, who as we know, are not the most intelligent monsters but who are always quick with a big hug and quick to burst onto the scene and ask what they can help with and, you know, sometimes they break things but it's very different in personality from the Quad Element monsters that we know of, but Shellbeat is a sweetheart.

Q: Is there a possibility of a Six Element monster?
A: So to combine all six, of the five natural elements and the sixth sort of special natural element fire would be... I don't know what sorts of powers that monster would have or what sort of special influence or authority figure it might have in the monster world, but it's one that we've never witnessed. The Quint Element monsters are the greatest number of individual elements for a monster that we've been able to discover so far, obviously in an environment like the continent and My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire, the presence of all six natural elements is exemplified by the various monsters that live in the various elemental lands, but never do they combine all six... that we know of!

Q: Where does the sound of Attmoz's guitar come from
A: It's Air guitar! Being able to manipulate its element the way that it is, because we've mentioned in the past that Celestials are special among Singing Monsters in the sense that they have some ability to manipulate, to control their element. The way that this power manifests for Attmoz specifically, is the ability to play with different densities in the air to produce different tones, it's sort of like the way the human world instrument the Theremin works, but instead of passing your hand through a field of... I think it's magnetism, I'm not sure, but it's the same sort of principle for the Attmoz, but instead just manipulating air itself, the very essence of that element to produce its sound.

Q: Do you think a Natural Monster could make its way to Ethereal Island somehow?
A: The Pocket Dimension of Ethereal Island is especially equipped to allow Ethereal monsters to survive, so these are monsters with the Ethereal elements of Plasma, Shadow, Mech, Crystal and Poison, so because their environment of Ethereal Island has been specially adapted to accommodate all of these monsters, I think a natural monster, if they ever made their way to Ethereal Island, would possibly get a little seasick, if you will, or Ethereal-sick, just because it's an environment of the monster world that they're not really used to

Q: What would happen if a Colossal woke up?
A: The nature of the Colossals after the end of the Dawn of Fire is still a little mysterious to us. We know that the Colossals were at least more active than they are now, during the era of Dawn of Fire, although they took less of an active role in overseeing the day-to-day doings of the monster world, they were around. I always compare the Colossals to sort of like fundamental powers of the Universe like gravity or magnetism or light, things like that, things that actually are the building blocks of the world around them. So they're spirits with these absolutely immense Colossal powers, and we know that they were doing something during the era of Dawn of Fire, but we're not specifically sure what's going on in their current form, when they've—at least some of them—moved into the old chunks of the elemental lands and sort of stabilized them, given them new life, you know, allowed those lands to take on the facial features of the Colossals that we know today, it would certainly seem like they are slumbering, it would certainly seem like they are in a state of rest, perhaps the energy required to rescue the islands during that Cataclysm was so much so that they're taking what could be called a very VERY long nap, whether it's possible for a Colossal to actually wake up and stir, there's actually some evidence already that such a thing can happen, although it is occurring on The Seam of the monster world, on Composer Island, specifically. So as far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong, it is one of the only recorded instances of the great eyes of a Colossal actually cracking open and revealing the eye beneath, but as I mentioned, because Composer Island is on The Seam of the Monster world, and the human world there may be something else going on in there that might be a reaction to the fact that there's so much creative input from the human world in the compositions, the musical monstrous melodies of Composer Island.

Q: What is Zuuker's personality like?
A: It can be a little hot-headed but generous, sort of like Kayna, but generally a pretty good temperament, they are sort of dainty in the way that they move around, they've got those funny sort of frog-like limbs and they hold them in sort of a precious little way, and it's got those feathers upon its back so I think it likes to look its best, it's got elegance.

Trivia challenging Monster handler Matt

Q: What were the starter Wublins?
A: They were five of them, these five Wublins, the first that were created by—we now know the identity of their creator—the Wubbox were as follows: Dwumrohl, Zynth, Poewk, Brump and Thwok.

Q: How much did the Halloween decoration "Frightful Fripperies" cost?
A: Matt: Potential stump!... I think that it costed 2,500,000 coins...

Sydney: Well done!

Q: What do Maulch's berries taste like?
A: Matt: ...I think that... Maulch's berries taste like garbage!

Sydney: Is that your final answer?

Matt: No. I think that they taste like... oh no... it's a combination... uh... oh no, I'm not gonna get three for three, am I? Maulch's berries taste like... disappointment, disappointment and disappointment.

Mike: Disappointed in you!

Sydney: Maulch's berries taste like cinnamon mayonnaise mixed with ham Cola and profound regret!

Q: What is Brump's inventory?
A: Matt: It's either... I want to say six Furcorns and four Fwogs or four Fwogs and six Furcorns... I'm gonna go with six Fwogs, four Furcorns.

Sydney: STUMPED! It's the other way around! Six Furcorns, four Fwogs!

Q: What is the critter on Gold Island?
A: This is an animate diamond, it's a flying diamond cut in an unusual shape for a diamond.

Q: Where did the Rare Punkleton's mask originate from?
A: Matt: The paper bag that it dawns in order to have it's little decomposing face sort of tucked in and out of sight.. we know that paper is one of the technologies that has been developed in the monster world, there are scraps of paper, there are pieces of Kayna's map and also the map that Blabbit was putting together several years ago in order to track down the location of Wublin Island.

Sydney: For this particular paper bag, it's definitely from a very specific source.

Matt: Oooh, this paper bag! This paper bag strongly resembles one that was in use by a subspecies of Thumpies and that Thumpies species, if I'm not mistaken it's name is BuTter

Sydney: It is from the Thumpieverse!

Q: What is the name of the Vhamp's constellation?
A: That is, if I'm not mistaken, "Mettle Gears"

Q: What Wublin came after the original five?
A: Zuuker

Q: What is the only double structure that doesn't cost diamonds in Dawn of Fire?
A: If I'm not mistaken, that is the Fruit Tree.

Q: What is required to craft "Sour Ice Drops" in Dawn of Fire?
A: Matt: I know Sour Ice Drops require ice and lemon drops, I think... it's ice, lemons and sugar candy.

Sydney: STUMPED! classic stumped scenario here, it is one Cactus, two Lemons, one Sugar and one Ice.

Q: How many appendages does adult Repatillo have?
A: 10; 6 arms, 4 legs.

Q: How many toes are visible on Toe Jammer from the player's view in My Singing Monsters?
A: I think it's 7.

Q: How many Ice blocks does Deedge have?
A: Eleven.

Episode #002 - Friday November 16th 2018[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Eric
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Sydney


  • Cave Painting History Discussion
  • Questions
  • Monsterpiece Spotlight
  • Stumped!

Q: Will Kayna ever be on an Island in My Singing Monsters, besides Tribal?
A: Fire, as an element that is mostly extinct in the current era of my singing monsters, that specimen of Kayna seems to be the only exemplar of that element that exists during the Common Era, so If Kayna were to ever move to another Island I think it would be quite an undertaking to try and impart the fire element. It's too much to shoulder, so if Kayna were to go to another Island I'm not exactly sure how that would work. It certainly seems for now that Kayna is unique to Tribal Island in the Monster World.

Q: Why can't Kayna climb down from its tree on Tribal Island to breed with other monsters?
A: First of all, the stump that it appears on, as we've previously depicted, the Kayna can climb down from the stump that it appears on, it has been known to navigate around the island and go and cavort and hang out with the other monsters. At that time, it would lead an expedition down to the cave network beneath Tribal Island as far as the game is concerned, notably, the absence of a breeding structure on Tribal Island means that there's no breeding to be done on Tribal Island in the first place.

Q: Is that skull Boodoo's face or a mask?
A: Our interpretation of the anatomy of this monster is that it is actually the monster's face.

Q: Do monsters such as the Scups, Reedling, Drumpler and other instrumental monsters have their own voices?
A: Certain monsters like the Congle on Tribal Island have been known to vocalize, when that is not necessarily the main part they contribute to an island song, so I think it's certainly plausible to believe that several monsters, if not all of them have a means of communicating vocally if their primary instrument is instrumental, and a great thing about the monster language monstrous is that any musical form of expression is interintelligible so they can vocalize, they can play their drums in order to communicate, a Reedling can use their spines or Drumpler can use the elasticity of its belly with its drumsticks, but it is possible for them to vocalize as well, it's just not something that they always prefer to do, there's multiple ways to express the same message and everyone has their own preferences.

Q: What is your favorite island song?
A: I've been asked this one a lot. When I'm listening to a given island song I tend to fall in love with it, my favorite shifts as I'm listening to different island songs. One that creeps back to the top of the list for me though is Ethereal Island, I love the whimsy and the otherworldliness of Ethereal Island, it sounds like a celebration that the Ethereal family is being reunited on Ethereal island. If we wanted to choose among the various monster locales in Dawn of Fire, I would say that my favorite song is the Space Island song, for me it evokes the final frontier and going only where no Monster has gone before sort of vibe.

Q: How does Tweedle breathe in Water Island?
A: The physics of Water Island are certainly unusual, because it itself is positioned in the unfathomable depths of the living ocean, it doesn't appear that it has a bubble containing all of the monsters in there, just sort of seems like they're openly submerged under the water. What we have to recall about the Monster World is that there's a fair bit of magic and unknown science at play here, so even those monsters that don't have water as one of their constituent elements are still able to survive there, "how?" is the question? I think it's possible that the lungs of a singing monster don't resemble ours and perhaps they don't process oxygen, or perhaps they process other element, and I don't mean like Earth or Plant or Cold, I mean one of the building blocks of the monster world universe, perhaps there's a different way for them to breathe entirely because as one of the only island situated in an aquatic environment, how does that work? We're still not entirely sure, but it's my belief that the water of the living ocean has unique properties that it allows singing monsters to thrive underwater, whereas they would normally need air to breathe.

Q: Could there, perhaps, be an undiscovered are in Dawn of Fire where Congle spoke as it did on Tribal?
A: So the world of Dawn of Fire is less known to us than the current era as obviously we can't go back in time, everything that we know we picked up through bits and pieces of the historical record and as a result of that, the fact that The Continent sits in an infinite expanse and the other islands seem to be doing their own thing for the most part, the world of Dawn of Fire remains largely unexplored, so I assume there's a multitude of regions that are unknown to us in Dawn of Fire, who knows if we'll ever have the manpower or monsterpower to get there, but because the Congle has been shown to be able to vocalize, it's possible there's some place where it is able to do so. Other thing to consider as well is that when monsters aren't performing their island song, they can also just hang out and chat and talk and just do as we're doing just now.

Q: Do the Outer Islands still exist during the time of My Singing Monsters?
A: The Outer islands are only accessible via the teleporter, so the nature of that structure is still mysterious to us, whether or not it's moving you through purely space or if there's a dimensional quality to them. If so, it would be sort of difficult for us to recover access to the Outer Islands, if the teleporter is in fact balancing you to a different dimension, not to say that it's impossible to do so, but there's certainly no remaining vestige of the outer islands at the time of My Singing Monsters, that seems to be unique to the era of Dawn of Fire, that golden age of the monster world, and another thing that I'm just considering now of course in the aftermath of our learning about the fate of the continent in that major cataclysmic event, it's possible that they were lost. Let's hope that the monsters who populated them were resourceful enough to band together and evacuate, or perhaps they were completely untouched/unperturbed by the events, perhaps they were far enough away or existing in different dimensions, such that they were not affected, we're not still sure.

Q: In the loading screens in Dawn of Fire we see The Continent and the Outer Islands in close distance of each other, does this mean that the Outer Islands and the continent exist in a short distance of each other?
A: I think that possibly a little bit of artistic license is taken with those loading screens, but I think a more likely possibility is that the Outer Islands are actually shifting in the position themselves, all perhaps almost in some sort of orbital relationship with The Continent

Q: How tall is Candelavra in feet?
A: I'd say we're talking about your upper end of professional basketball players, quite tall, but there is a natural range that all monsters fall into, they aren't always that consistent size and it depends.

Q: Does Galvana have two legs wrapped and close together inside that thing at the bottom or one big leg with four toes, or does it even have legs covered at all?
A: We've never checked, we thought that would be improper.

Q: When does the studio make the decision to make a new island or new monsters and how long does it take?
A: It's quite a lengthy process, so I would say it takes probably about a third of a year to work on an island, because there are so many different moving parts we have to make sure to get right.

Q: How long was Dawn of Fire in development?
A: I believe about a year and a half.

Q: Can Glowbes grow more than one bulb?
A: The physiology of Glowbes is one of the enduring mysteries, since they don't hail from the monster world dimension, they're from a soundless neighboring dimension, so we aren't even sure if that's how they look in their home dimension or if it is just part of their travel to the monster world.

Q: Could there be other dimensions out there?
A: I discovered a couple interesting things I'd like to share with you, so Plant, Cold, Air, Water, Earth, Wublin, Tribal and Celestial exist in one reality, known as the prime reality. Meanwhile, Ethereal island is attached to reality as a pocket dimension, so it is unto itself. Gold Island also exists on is own, sort of like a different plane of existence, it's almost like Nirvana, it is a glorious place free of conflicts that represents the reunification of the Monster World. Finally, Shugabush Island and Composer island exist in an area I refer to as The Seam, that appears between the Monster World and The Human World.

Trivia challenging Monster handler Matt

Q: What version of the game the monster handlers first discovered Ethereal Island?
A: (Matt) Now, this was very closely aligned with the game's first anniversary, the game was one year old at the time so I could tell you that much, I know that it was September 2013... Is that version 1.2.0?
A: (Eric) Oh, he got it! I can't believe it!

Q: What monster was released alongside Clamble in Dawn of Fire?
A: (Matt) ...Is it Tring?
A: (Eric) Oh so sorry! The answer was... Krillby! So you are STUUUMPED!
A: (Matt) OH! I was thinking Shrubb! Oh....
A: (Eric) I definitely didn't misspeak, I said Clamble!

Q: What is Maulch also known as?
A: (Matt)...I'm pretty sure it starts with clod, it's sort of like clodhopper but it is a... the nickname for Maulch is... it is a clod... Clodpotter??
A: (Eric) It was the "clodyawper" which is in the file!

Q: Glowbes are in their own class, what is it?
A: (Matt) Spectral.
A: (Eric) Hah, unfortunately, I don't see an answer in that one, so I will take your word for it!
A: (Matt) It is. I know, You can't stump me with that one!

Q: What is the exhaust that the Rare Kazilleon emits smell like?
A: (Matt) ...And I've forgotten it, you know what I work hard during the week and I realize now I'm gonna have to do some reading before each of these episodes so I stop getting stumped so often!
A: (Eric) You're know you stopped doing homework ever since you first graduated from...
A: (Matt) Yeah, as an adult, you think that homework stops but just goes to show you never stop learning everybody!... or retaining information that you once had all right for some reason like jujubes are involved but I don't think that's correct, I think I'm thinking about something else entirely... I think that the exhaust of a Rare Kazilleon I think that it smells very pleasant, will you accept...?
A: No! We're looking for a very specific.
A: I have nothing!
A: What if I suggested Moonjube Upside-Down Cake?
A: Ohhh that's right! Moonjube Upside-Down Cake...

Q: What version did Deedge and Sneyser come out in Dawn of Fire?
A: (Matt) Ohhh... Please... Furcorn give me strength!... Deedge and Sneyser came out in version 1.11.0
A: (Eric) 1.1.0!
A: (Matt) Literally a 1!

Q: What Outer Island was added last?
A: (Matt) It was Party Island

Q: What is the Maw species name in Portuguese?
A: (Matt) that is... la Bocarra!

Q: What version of My Singing Monsters was Tribal Island added?
A: (Matt) That was version 1.3.5
A: (Eric) STUMPED! 1.3.2!
A: (Matt) Oh we need a fact checker on that!
A: (Eric) Oh, you are gonna challenge?
A: (Matt) I'm gonna challenge well Tribal Island being added in my Singing Monsters that was version 1.3.5
A: (Eric) Well, if Sydney could help us out and do a quick fact check we will find them. You won the challenge! It was 1.3.5!
A: (Matt) Stumped!

Q: How many Ethereals are there, INCLUDING Rares?
A: ...30. Pure Ethereals! We're not counting superethereals, ethereal Wubbox.

Q: When was the PS Vita version of my singing monsters created?
A: (Matt) It was early summer 2014, I think it was May 2014... May 14 2014!
A: (Eric) STUMPED, August 12 2014!

Q: What elements does Sneyser NOT have?
A: (Matt) I know it doesn't have Plant. Sneyser is... I know it's Fire, of course, I believe air is in the mix, pretty sure water and Cold are too... I'm gonna say plant and earth.
A: (Eric) It's correct!

Q: What does Cybop gather for its personal repairs?
A: It's scavenged parts from other monsters or at least it tries.

Q: Which Island is the only one whose song plays in 3/4 signature?
A: (Matt) I will say Cloud Island, I know it's not correct...
A: (Eric) Ethereal Island
A: (Matt) I believe it is an acceptable answer but those could easily also be triplets in a 4/4 bar

Q&A Special - Tuesday November 13th 2018[]

Video Hosts: Monster Handlers Matt and Mike
Chat hosts: Monster Handler Sydney


  • Technical Issues
  • Q&A

Q: Matt: Which Monster in MSM is most like you?
A: A little of my personality is infused in each of the Monsters that I have lent my voice to - half of Mammott, Oaktopus, Potbelly, Fwog among them - but one that fits my personality most, I think there might still be something on the horizon that best captures the experience that is Matt. If I had to answer right now, I would say Common Oaktopus, just because that raspy, old man of the forest, fits me. The Potbelly sounds the most like me at rest.

Q: Does Rare Cybop idolize the Rare Jellbilly, they way Common Cybop Idolizes the Common Jellbilly?
A: Rare Cybops march/hover to the beat of a different drum. They're far more interested in transfiguring their bodies to look like very ancient cave drawing of early Cybops - that perhaps were from DoF, not sure as Cybop hasn't been discovered there yet - and don't have the same sort of relationship as Common Cybops/Jellbillys.

Q: Is Ethereal Island submerged under water?
A: It is not under water, but it is very alien - appearing more as if it is in space - but has an atmosphere, gravity, and there are bubbles, ruled by physics we can't quite explain.

Q: What is it like inside a Castle?
A: Based on second hand accounts, we know that as they are upgraded, extra luxuries are added - plumbing, slime pools, personal assistants, personal sound systems, etc.

Q: Who would be your pick of Monster roommate?
A: (Mike) I like pizza, so Epic Noggin - who has baked one - would be my pick. Or Pango, we would look cute together and it would like the cold up here in Canada!
A: (Matt) Quibble - because I love the sound, and because it would be entertaining to listen to/settle the two heads' arguments. The Jeeode, would also be good, harnessing the power of the Crystal element to see all facets/sides of a situation to better understand it.
A: (Sydney) I'd live with Tweedle, personally. Could make its extra feathers into a featherduster.

Q: What was the first Fire element Monster after Kayna?
A: Flowah.

Q: Have any Monsters ever considered making a sweater from Woolabee's wool? A: It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest!

Q: Can you do an impression of Monsters you did a voice for?
A: Oh, sure! (watch stream to find out)

Q: Where does the Skyship go?
A: When the Skyship leaves we lose contact with it, and we don't know where exactly it goes. It must be making deliveries elsewhere that we have not yet discovered.

Q: Will any new Monsters come to My Singing Monsters: Composer?
A: Since Launch we added the Dipsters and instrumental Rares (with different tunes from their Common counterparts). We're sure there's more to discover, we're working on it!

Q: Do some Flum Ox prefer to walk over float?
A: I think it's easiest for them to keep their feet free to grasp things, instead of for walking. I think they all float in favor of walking.

Q: If you could become a Monster for one day, which would it be?
A: Matt: Dwumrohl. Just because I, myself, am a drummer. How great would it be to have that many arms to play a drumkit?
A: Mike: Any Monster that can fly.

Q: Are the Breeding Structure/Nursery plants?
A: I think it has hardy plant infrastructure that can withstand various biomes. It's almost like a tree house. There are aspects of them that are not part of the plant.

Q: What is Screemu's paint made of?
A: Screemu must be sourcing the materials for the paints from elements on Wublin Island itself as Wublin Island is so isolated.

Q: Is it possible for a Tweedle to perch on your shoulder?
A: I suppose it depends on what level of Tweedle it is. If it's a young Tweedle like in DoF, maybe. But an adult / at full size, they're more akin to the size of an ostrich, so probably not.

Q: How were the Celestials made?
A: Generally speaking, they weren't made by anyone; they sprang into existence. Hornacle came from the depths of the living ocean, so it's almost like the ocean made it, etc. The bios in the DoF game has more information!

Q: Do the Celestials make the Monsters?
A: The majority of the Celestials (11/12) do not create life that we know of - with one notable exception, which if you read the bios, you will know which one. (editor's note: Galvana)

Q: Will the Thumpies game ever be remade?
A: BBB made a Thumpies game before MSM, which was a rhythm game in the Thumpieverse. We haven't supported the game for a long time, and right now there's no plans to revamp the game, but let us know if you'd like us to revisit this!

Q: What is 'the living ocean'?
A: It's the name we've given the ocean in the Monster world because of its unusual properties. If you check the bio for Water Island, you'll learn more!

Q: What do you think is explored more, the Human ocean, or the Monster world ocean?
A: The one landmark we know of inside the living ocean is Water Island - it is very unexplored! The human world oceans also remain largely unexplored. But if you thought the human world's oceans were unexplored, they've got nothing on the ocean of the Monster world.

Q: Which Monster is the smartest?
A: I'm gonna have to say Reebro - there's no better way to check that it's smart than to notice that it's a big brain! I think Rare Reebro is even more intelligent.

Q: Would you rather adopt a baby Riff or a baby Spunge?
A: Matt: No offense to the cuteness of baby Spunge, but I would adopt an adorable young Riff.
A: Mike: That's okay, I will adopt the baby Spunge.

Q: How do Quarristers eat? Who tastes the food? Do they all share the same digestive system?
A: We know that Quarristers are a collection of unique creatures that fuse together because of strength of numbers. So presumably, they all have their own digestive system. But because they are fused, it could be that the food is shared between them.

Q: When is Those Singing Monsters (Cartoon) supposed to air?
A: We don't have information on The TV show based on MSM that we can share just yet.

Q: Do Dipsters make homes under ground or on the surface?
A: The natural habitat of Dipsters is deep underground. The ones placed on the Islands have been brought to the surface.

Q: What happened to Epic Entbrat's hair?
A: Many of the traits of a tree apply to Entbrats. Epic Entbrat enjoys being indoors, and so photosynthesis doesn't occur as much, and so not as many, strong, leaves sprout.

Q: How far the Islands from each other?
A: The Natural islands exist in the same dimension of reality. Gold Island and Ethereal Island exist in different realities. Wublin Island exists in the same reality as the Natural islands. They are all very far away from each other.

Q: Why did Scups look like it had flutes at first?
A: This was just an early look before Scups was finalized. It was always determined to make a toilet plunger sort of sound, but how that was released had not yet been decided. (editor's note: check out the Concept Art page)

Q: Which rare monster despises their common cousin?
A: None!

Q: Will PS Vita exclusives ever come to the regular game one day?
A: Unfortunately, due to our agreement with Sony, the Vita-exclusives will not be coming to My Singing Monsters.

Trivia challenging Monster handler Matt

Q: When were the Rares discovered?
A: Matt: The Rares were discovered early October 2014.
A: Mike: It was October 6th, 2014!

Q: How many servers does it take to run MSM?
A: Matt: The only time I've interacted with the servers is when (A) I broke them, (B) shooing away a Furcorn that's been chewing on the cables. This is not a field that I'm familiar with - my guess would be 8 servers.
A: Mike: Close! It was 12

Q: How many Monsters were in My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire 1.0?
A: Matt: I would say 29
A: Mike: It was 27!

Q: How many ice cubes does Deedge have?
A: Matt: 14?
A: Mike: 11!

Q: How many steps does it take to reach the end of Galvana's constellation?
A: Matt: 20 steps
A: Mike: stumped again! 24 steps

Q: Who was the first Rare Monster to ever be discovered? (A) Rare Noggin, (B) Rare Furcorn, (C) Rare Wubbox, or (D) Rare Jeeode?
A: Matt: I'll do you one better, I'll tell you in which order they were discovered: Furcorn, Noggin, Wubbox, Jeeode.

  • Q: How many numbers and letters are in Friend Codes?
  • A: (Matt) "2 letters, and the numbers depends on how long you've been playing. The shortest I believe is 4 digits. They're, to an extent, randomly assigned."
  • A: (Mike) "Very technical, we may have go get back to this."
  • A: (Mike, after checking) "4 minimum, 8 maximum numbers right now."

Episode #001[]


  • Epic Maw's discovery and release
  • Epic Maw background design information
  • Early Monster discovery by Dr. Wardin E. Spurrit
  • No-hands Pie eating contest


  • Q: Will we ever see Dr. Wardin E. Spurrit?
  • A: He was notoriously shy, and no photos of him seem to remain.
  • Q: Why can't Epics be transported to Shugabush Island?
  • A: Shugabush Island has a lot of Legendary energy, and the Legendary element is connected to the Human world. The Epics are most at home on the Natural Islands as they evolved, in isolation, in the Natural world. They were also only recently coaxed out of hiding they're content to stay on the Natural Islands. They may be able to visit Shugabush Island in the future.
  • Q: Are there going to be Rare Wublins?
  • A: There's no evidence right now that Rare Wublins exist, but should they come to be they may be a collaboration between Wubbox - who created the Wublins - and Rare Wubbox, or just by Rare Wubbox on its own
  • Q: Have the Wublins explored other Islands?
  • A: Wublin Island was deliberately chosen by the Wubbox to be isolated from the other Islands. Because of the Electricity coursing throughout the Island, it is surrounded by a storm system. Getting to and from Wublin Island is a very difficult task. While the Monster Handlers aren't sure there has been no travel, the Wublins keep to themselves for now - other than possibly messaging / pen pal relationships with other Monster, and they strive to make contact with other Monsters - but they are unlikely to leave their Wublin Island home beyond visits.
  • Q: What's is different/better about Epic Monsters?
  • A: What is better from a game play standpoint is that their Coin production rate and their Max Coin is much higher than their Common or Rare variants.
  • Q: Will Epics be introduced to Composer Island?
  • A: Composer Island has no Rares yet, which is interesting - they're just not sure!
  • Q: Will Epics have the ability to breed with other Monsters?
  • A: Because they are so unique evolved, as of right now, they cannot breed. There may be some future promotion where such an ability is unlocked, or may be discovered after all Epic Monsters have been discovered.
  • Q: How do Maws usually act? (compared to the Epic that nommed the camera)
  • A: They are mouth-y and tongue-y. Because these are their only sensory methods, they usually greet you with their mouth first. They are instinctively curious, friendly, and a little 'extra'.
  • Q: Does Blabbit like Halloween (Spooktacle)?
  • A: We're not sure what they do outside of their seasons. We know that some of them are migratory, we know that Yool travels by comet, that Schmoochles are migratory who travel in flocks who can go for extended periods of time without landing, and Blabbit travels by the bubbles that they form. But the Seasonals have an affinity for each other, which is why they're excited to be reunited on Gold Island. So yes, Blabbit likes Spooktacle.
  • Q: Are you working on a new Castle upgrade?
  • A: As we all know the gold-colored Paradise Castle is the top-most tier Castle currently available. With the discovery of the Epics, we're running out of space - even with the recent Hotel upgrades, and wanting to have more Monsters available on the Island. The question is - ho do we go beyond Paradise Island? That's something they're trying to figure out.
  • Q: Why are Entbrat plushies no longer for sale? I didn't discover MSM until after they were no longer available. I got a Mammott, but I want an Entbrat!
  • A: We are working with the company [Commonwealth Toys] on a new line of My Singing Monsters plushes, featuring more Monsters than ever! Until those are ready, we have slowed down production of our current plushes, such as Entbrat.