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Exclusive to My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire
The following article includes content exclusive to the game My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire.


The Lemon Cake is the fourth Bakery Crafting Item and overall, the eighteenth Crafting Item to be unlocked in the game, along with Amber and Triple Lovey-dovey Costume. Its Trading Post Price Range is 6,728 - 11,213 Coins (Coins). It is unlocked at Level 18.


Lemon Cakes are needed to craft into Triple Lovey-dovey Costumes in the Costume Trunk, which requires 1 Lemon Cake.

Item Recipe Required Structure Level Unlocked Crafting Time Trading Post Price
Crafting Item Triple Lovey-dovey Costume
Triple Lovey-dovey Costume
1 Template:Crafting Item
3 Template:Crafting Item
3 Bamboo Flute
1 Lemon Cake
Costume Trunk
Costume Trunk
18 6h 0m 0s N/A Coins

Lemon Cakes can also be fed directly to Monsters and can be used in the Skyship.


To craft a Lemon Cake, 2 Lemon (Lemon), 3 Grain (Grain), and 1 Coconut Butter (Coconut Butter) must be made or purchased, and processed in the Bakery. To start crafting a Lemon Cake, drag the "Lemon Cake" icon into the Structure. It takes 10 hours to complete crafting of one Lemon Cake, down to 6 hours, 53 minutes, 48 seconds on a max-level Bakery.

Once a Lemon Cake has finished production, it can be collected for 16 Experience.

Skyship Requirements[]

When required in the Skyship, the 3 orders will require 1 or 2 Lemon Cake, making a total of 3 or 6.


To make lots of Lemon Cakes, ensure the player has a steady supply of Lemons and/or have a large supply of Lemons ready to be picked, and manufacture lots of Coconut Butter and Grain (or buy some of the Crafting Items via the Market). Ensure they have plenty of space in the Bakery(s) that they are willing to manufacture the Lemon Cakes in. Also be sure to make their Bakeries reasonably upgraded or well-upgraded to generate efficient production of Lemon Cakes.

Producing from Scratch[]

The following table shows the list of Crafting Items involved in production of Lemon Cakes. It shows which Structures are required, which Crafting Items are being involved in each Structure, which recipes are required in each Structure, the total Crafting Items required to make the required ingredient Crafting Item(s) from scratch, the crafting time of the Crafting Items, and the total time required to make each ingredient Crafting Item from scratch.

Total cumulative time for crafting a single Lemon Cake is 11 hours.

Please note that the cumulative crafting time takes note of the fact that primary crafting items produced from the same structure (the Fruit Tree and the Garden Patch in this case) can be crafted simultaneously if multiple queue slots are used.

Ingredient Crafting Item(s) involved Recipe Cumulative
Crafting Time Cumulative
Fruit Tree
Fruit Tree
Crafting Item Lemon
Lemon (x2)
N/A N/A 1 hour 1 hour
Fruit Tree
Fruit Tree
Crafting Item Coconut
Coconut (x2)
N/A N/A 5 minutes 5 minutes
Crafting Item Coconut Butter
Coconut Butter (x1)
2 Coconut 2 Coconut 8 minutes 13 minutes
Garden Patch
Garden Patch
Crafting Item Grain
Grain (x3)
N/A N/A 2 minutes 2 minutes


  • The Lemon Cake is the first "long" Crafting Item encountered, being the first one to peak at least 10 hours per Crafting Item.
  • As part of the "gameplay balance" in Version 1.8.0, the Lemon Cake had its crafting time doubled. Its previous price range was 827 - 1,378 Coins (Coins).
  • The Version 2.0.0 Update changed a few features of the Lemon Cake:
    • The crafting time for the Lemon changed from 40 minutes to 1 hour.
    • Because of this, the Lemon Cake's price was changed. Its previous price range was 1,274 - 2,123 Coins (Coins).
  • The Version 2.3.0 Update quintupled the Lemon Cake's price. Its previous price range was 1,346 - 2,243 Coins (Coins).

Crafting Items
Production Structures Utility Structures Translations