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Exclusive to My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire
The following article includes content exclusive to the game My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire.
Oh, shiny delights! The Jeweler is sure to bring a sparkle of glee to every Monster's eyes.
In-game description

The Jeweler is a secondary through senary Production Structure in Dawn of Fire that produces Crafting Items; it refines standard Crystals into higher-quality versions. Higher-quality Crystals can upgrade other Production Structures and the Vault. The Jeweler is the sixth direct Production Structure, and the sixth overall Production Structure available in the game, unlocked at level 6.


The products that are produced by the Jeweler are listed below.

Note: The production times shown below are the default times. Upgrading the Jeweler will decrease the production times.

Crafting Item Recipe Production Time Unlock Level Trading Post Price Experience Type of Item
Polished Vegidian 1.2.0
Polished Vegidian Crystal
5 Vegidian Crystal
2 Grain
2 hours 6 1,673 - 2,788 Coins 4 Experience Secondary, intermediate
Carved Vegidian
Carved Vegidian Crystal
10 Polished Vegidian
2 Coconut
6 hours 6 19,793 - 32,988 Coins 52 Experience Tertiary, intermediate
Polished Frozium
Polished Frozium Crystal
5 Frozium Crystal
1 Ice
2 hours 14 2,280 - 3,800 Coins 5 Experience Secondary, intermediate
Carved Frozium
Carved Frozium Crystal
10 Polished Frozium Crystal
3 Log
6 hours 14 26,760 - 44,600 Coins 67 Experience Tertiary, end-product
Polished Skylite
Polished Skylite Crystal
5 Skylite Crystal
3 Lemon
2 hours 19 4,193 - 6,988 Coins 9 Experience Secondary, intermediate
Carved Skylite
Carved Skylite Crystal
10 Polished Skylite Crystal
3 Sugar
6 hours 19 47,648 - 79,143 Coins 114 Experience Tertiary, end-product
Polished Aquanine
Polished Aquanine Crystal
5 Aquanine Crystal
2 Marshmallow
2 hours 30 13,545 - 22,575 Coins 10 Experience Quaternary, intermediate
Carved Aquanine
Carved Aquanine Crystal
10 Polished Aquanine Crystal
2 Stone
6 hours 30 141,038 - 233,563 Coins 114 Experience Quinary, end-product
Polished Stonyx
Polished Stonyx Crystal
5 Stonyx Crystal
1 Sand
2 hours 41 6,345 - 10,575 Coins 15 Experience Tertiary, intermediate
Carved Stonyx
Carved Stonyx Crystal
10 Polished Stonyx Crystal
2 Tire
6 hours 19 69,000 - 115,000 Coins 170 Experience Quaternary, end-product
Polished Confettite Crystal
Polished Confettite Crystal
2 Template:Crafting Item
1 Tropical Slime
4 hours 14 7,249 - 12,082 Coins TBA Experience Quinary, intermediate
Carved Confettite Crystal
Carved Confettite Crystal
3 Template:Crafting Item
2 Glitter
12 hours 14 36,769 - 61,282 Coins TBA Experience Senary, end-product
Polished Nebulox Crystal
Polished Nebulox Crystal
2 Template:Crafting Item
3 Hot Pepper
4 hours 19 8,220 - 13,700 Coins TBD Experience Secondary, intermediate
Carved Nebulox Crystal
Carved Nebulox Crystal
3 Template:Crafting Item
2 Needle
12 hours 19 33,105 - 55,175 Coins TBD Experience Tertiary, end-product
Polished Aurorium Crystal
Polished Aurorium Crystal
2 Template:Crafting Item
1 Sunglasses
4 hours 30 9,424 - 15,707 Coins TBA Experience Tertiary, intermediate
Carved Aurorium Crystal
Carved Aurorium Crystal
3 Template:Crafting Item
1 Copper
12 hours 30 45,675 - 76,125 Coins TBA Experience Quaternary, end-product
Polished Quarritz Crystal
Polished Quarritz Crystal
2 Template:Crafting Item
6 Rope
4 hours 41 10,598 - 17,663 Coins TBD Experience Secondary, intermediate
Carved Quarritz Crystal
Carved Quarritz Crystal
3 Template:Crafting Item
4 Silk
12 hours 41 43,650 - 72,750 Coins TBD Experience Tertiary, end-product


The Jeweler may be upgraded to make processes a percentage faster. The equation for a Crafting Item's new speed after a certain upgrade is Original_Time * (100 / (0.95 + Upgrade_No * 0.05)), with "Original_Time" referring to the Crafting Item's default processing time, and "Upgrade_No" referring to the level that the structure is at after the upgrade.

The Jeweler can be upgraded even when it is active. A random amount of crystals (a mix of Crystals, Polished Crystals and Carved Crystals, sometimes only one of a certain type) is required as well as coins. As the upgrade gets higher, the chances of getting a more expensive mix of Crystals is higher.

After upgrading, the selected Structure will run faster, and XP will be earned as well, the amount dependent on the difficulty of the combination of crystals.

Crystals + 100 Coins = 5% faster total.

Name Origin[]

As its name suggests, the Jeweler is named after an occupation called a jeweler, whose job is to refine raw jewels into fine jewelry seen in stores.


  • It takes 285 Diamonds (Dawn of Fire) to unlock all queue slots in one Jeweler.
  • Version 2.9 added the Vegidian Crystal x4 item, which allowed the Jeweler to be a Farm structure, as well as a Factory structure, meaning it could produce it without needing crafting materials. This item was removed the subsequent day of its release on June 30th, 2022.
  • The Jeweler shares the same unlock level, level 6, with the Bog and Diamond Extractor.
  • The Jeweler is the only structure that requires any type of Crystal in each of its recipes.
  • When the Jeweler was first introduced, Polished Skylite Crystals required 3 Wool Wools for their production, however the Wool did not become available until the Weavers unlocked at level 20, despite the recipe becoming available at level 19. The Wool was changed to Lemons in the Version 1.2.0 Update.
  • Even though the Carved Skylite Crystal and the Carved Aquanine Crystal have different Market selling price ranges, they both reward the player with the same amount of Experience: 114 Experience.
  • One of the Jeweler's items, Carved Vegidian Crystal, is the first tertiary Crafting Item encountered in the game.
  • The Jeweler has been discounted before. The following are its past discounts:
    • In 2016:
    • In 2017:
    • In 2018:
      • September 3rd to September 6th 2018. 50% off.
      • 16th to 19th October 2018 for 3 days. 50% off. Link.
    • In 2019:
      • 15th February to 18th February 2019. Link.
    • In 2022:
      • 11th May to 15th May. 50% off.
  • The Version 1.8.0 Update changed a few features of the Jeweler:
    • Prior to Version 1.8.0, there was no known use of Carved Aquanine Crystals. Polished Aquanine Crystals, however could be used for the production of an Epicka Tree, a decoration that can be crafted with the Workshop. Since the update, all types of Carved and Polished Crystals are used for upgrading other Production Structures and the Vault.
      • Carved and Polished Crystals used to upgrade the Castle, but this was replaced with Coins (Coins).
    • Polished Stonyx Crystals and Carved Stonyx Crystals were introduced.
    • All Polished Crystal types had their recipes reduced from requiring ten of a specific Crystal, to five. Because of the reduction in their recipes, all Crystals produced by the Jeweler had their Market price range decrease. Their previous price ranges were:
      • Polished Vegidian Crystals: 422 - 703 Coins.
      • Carved Vegidian Crystals: 4,826 - 8,043 Coins.
      • Polished Frozium Crystals: 584 - 973 Coins.
      • Carved Frozium Crystals: 6,584 - 10,973 Coins.
      • Polished Skylite Crystals: 974 - 1,623 Coins.
      • Carved Skylite Crystals: 10,812 - 18,020 Coins.
      • Polished Aquanine Crystals: 1,079 - 1,798 Coins.
      • Carved Aquanine Crystals: 11,630 - 19,383 Coins.
  • The Version 2.0.0 Update changed a few features of the crystals:
    • Most primary crafting items had their times increased. As a result, every crystal crafted via the Jeweler received a price increase. Their previous price ranges were:
      • Polished Vegidian Crystal: 332 - 553 Coins.
      • Carved Vegidian Crystal: 3,921 - 6,535 Coins.
      • Polished Frozium Crystal: 434 - 723 Coins.
      • Carved Frozium Crystal: 5,095 - 8,485 Coins.
      • Polished Skylite Crystal: 749 - 1,248 Coins.
      • Carved Skylite Crystal: 8,562 - 14,270 Coins.
      • Polished Aquanine Crystal: 771 - 1,285 Coins.
      • Carved Aquanine Crystal: 8,555 - 14,258 Coins.
      • Polished Stonyx Crystal: 1,179 - 1,965 Coins.
      • Carved Stonyx Crystal: 12,810 - 21,350 Coins.
  • In the Version 2.3.0 Update, every crystal crafted in the Jeweler now costs 5x as much as it used to. Their previous price ranges were:
    • Polished Vegidian Crystal: 335 - 558 Coins.
    • Carved Vegidian Crystal: 3,959 - 6,598 Coins.
    • Polished Frozium Crystal: 456 - 760 Coins.
    • Carved Frozium Crystal: 5,352 - 8,920Coins.
    • Polished Skylite Crystal: 839 - 1,398 Coins.
    • Carved Skylite Crystal: 9,498 - 15,829 Coins.
    • Polished Aquanine Crystal: 831 - 1,385 Coins.
    • Carved Aquanine Crystal: 9,245 - 15,408 Coins.
    • Polished Stonyx Crystal: 1,269 - 2,115 Coins.
    • Carved Stonyx Crystal: 13,800 - 23,000 Coins.

Structures (Dawn of Fire)