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Exclusive to My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire
The following article includes content exclusive to the game My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire.
It's an Ice Machine. It makes Ice.
In-game description

The Ice Machine is a primary Production Structure in Dawn of Fire that produces ice. The Ice Machine is the tenth direct Production Structure, and the eleventh overall Production Structure available in the game, unlocked at level 11.


The product that is produced by the Ice Machine is listed below.

Note: The production time shown below is the default time. Upgrading the Ice Machine will decrease the production time.

Crafting Item Production Time Production Time (Pre 2.0.0 Unlock Level Trading Post Price Experience Type of Item
Ice cube
30 minutes 15 minutes 11 428 - 713 Coins 1 Experience Primary

Uses of Ice[]

The following Crafting Items can be made using Ice.

Crafting Item Required Structure Recipe Production Time Unlock Level Trading Post Price
Crafting Item Apple Ice Pop
Apple Ice Pop
2 Apple Juice
2 Ice
3 hours 12 4,050 - 6,750 Coins
Polished Frozium
Polished Frozium Crystal
Jeweler struct
5 Frozium Crystal
1 Ice
2 hours 14 2,280 - 3,800 Coins
Crafting Item Tropical Slime
Tropical Slime
1 Slime
1 Coconut
2 Apple Juice
1 Ice
2 hours 10 3,942 - 6,569 Coins
Crafting Item Lemonade
4 Lemon
2 Sugar
2 Ice
4 hours 19 7,515 - 12,025 Coins
Crafting Item Ice Cream
Ice Cream
Cooking pot
Cooking Pot
2 Ice
2 Coconut Milk
2 Sugar
3 hours,
30 minutes
14 6,270 - 10,450 Coins
Crafting Item Cactus Cheesecake
Cactus Cheesecake
Cooking pot
Cooking Pot
2 Cactus
2 Coconut Cheese
1 Ice
4 hours 24 11,198 - 18,663 Coins
Crafting Item Ice Pack
Ice Pack
2 Silk
3 Ice
10 hours 50 9,428 - 15,713 Coins
Crafting Item Sour Ice Drops
Sour Ice Drops
Candy factory
Candy Factory
1 Cactus
2 Lemon
1 Sugar
1 Ice
4 hours 25 5,213 - 8,688 Coins
Crafting Item Polar Teddybear
Polar Teddybear
Toy Factory
Toy Factory
3 Wool
2 Needle
2 Cotton
2 Ice
3 hours 33 8,595 - 14,325 Coins


The Ice Machine may be upgraded to make processes a percentage faster. The equation for a Crafting Item's new speed after a certain upgrade is Original_Time * (100 / (0.95 + Upgrade_No * 0.05)), with "Original_Time" referring to the Crafting Item's default processing time, and "Upgrade_No" referring to the level that the structure is at after the upgrade.

The Ice Machine can be upgraded even when it is active. A random amount of crystals (a mix of Crystals, Polished Crystals and Carved Crystals, sometimes only one of a certain type) is required as well as coins. As the upgrade gets higher, the chances of getting a more expensive mix of Crystals is higher.

After upgrading, the selected Structure will run faster, and XP will be earned as well, the amount dependent on the difficulty of the combination of crystals.

Crystals + 100 Coins = 5% faster total.

Name Origin[]

As its name suggests, the Ice Machine is a machine that makes ice.


  • It takes 372 Diamonds (Dawn of Fire) to unlock all queue slots in one Ice Machine
  • The Ice Machine appears to have a body, legs, tusks, and trunk similar to that of a woolly mammoth.
  • The Ice Machine is the only Production Structure to produce a single Crafting Item, Ice.
  • Because the Ice Machine is solely a primary production structure, all of the ice produced from it rewards the player with the same amount of Experience: 1 Experience.
  • Ice produced by the Ice Machine may be obtained from the Wondermine as it may reward the player with one item from the other primary Production Structures.
  • Although it only produces one item, Ice is one of the most used items in the game making ice machines a must have.
  • The Ice Machine has been discounted before. The following are its past discounts:
    • In 2016:
    • In 2017:
      • Unknown date (most likely somewhere between July and August) at 50% discount.
      • Anniversary Month: 11th September to 14th September 2017. Discount 50%.
    • In 2018:
      • 3rd August 2018 to 6th August 2018. Discount 50%. Link.
    • In 2019:
      • Anniversary Month: TBA September to TBA September 2019. Discount 50%.
    • In 2020:
      • July 11th to July 14th for 3 days. Discount 50%.
    • In 2023:
      • March 2nd to March 6th for 4 days. 50% off.
  • Prior to Version 2.0.0, Ice had a crafting time of 15 minutes. Because of this, it also received a price increase. Its previous price was 63 - 105 Coins.
  • The Version 2.3.0 Update increased the Ice's price by 5x. Its previous price was 86 - 143 Coins.

Structures (Dawn of Fire)