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Exclusive to My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire
The following article includes content exclusive to the game My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire.


The Hot Pepper is the third Wondermine-exclusive Crafting Item and overall, the fifteenth Crafting Item to be unlocked in the game, along with Chair. Its Trading Post Price Range is 1,613 - 2,688 Coins (Coins). It is unlocked at Level 15.


Hot Peppers are needed to craft into Polished Nebulox Crystals in the Jeweler, which requires 3 Hot Peppers, Peppermint Candys in the Candy Factory, which requires 1, and Desert Salads and Curry Noodles in the Cooking Pot, which require 1 each.

Item Recipe Required Structure Level Unlocked Crafting Time Trading Post Price
Polished Nebulox Crystal
Polished Nebulox Crystal
2 Template:Crafting Item
3 Hot Pepper
Jeweler struct
19 4h 0m 0s 8,220 - 13,700 Coins
Crafting Item Peppermint Candy
Peppermint Candy
2 Sugar
1 Hot Pepper
Candy factory
Candy Factory
23 4h 0m 0s 5,588 - 9,313 Coins
Crafting Item Desert Salad
Desert Salad
1 Hot Pepper
3 Cactus
2 Sand
Cooking Pot
Cooking Pot
28 7h 0m 0s 12,278 - 20,463 Coins
Crafting Item Curry Noodles
Curry Noodles
2 Coconut
1 Hot Pepper
1 String Noodles
Cooking Pot
Cooking Pot
42 9h 0m 0s 14,610 - 24,350 Coins

Hot Peppers can also be fed directly to Monsters and can be used in the Skyship.


To craft a Hot Pepper, a Monster must be sent into the Wondermine for a chance to gain some Hot Peppers. Sending more elementally complex Monsters will gain a higher chance of obtaining a Hot Pepper, up to a maximum of 100%. For the Hot Pepper, using a Quad-Element or a Seasonal Monster will give a 100% guaranteed chance of a single Hot Pepper per sending.

Once a Hot Pepper has been collected from the Wondermine, it rewards 5Experience per Hot Pepper.

Skyship Requirements[]

The Hot Pepper is somewhat easy to obtain, but still not very "complex" as according to the game, so the Skyship may ask for 3 orders of 1 to 3 Hot Peppers per order, making a total of 3, 6, or 9.


To craft lots of Hot Peppers, ensure the player goes to the Wondermine often. Use a Single-Element Monster every one hour for a chance to get a Hot Pepper each at 15% chance. Or use a Double-Element Monster every two hours for a chance to get a Hot Pepper at a 30% chance. Or use a Triple-Element or a Mythical Monster every four hours for a chance to get a Hot Pepper at a 60% chance. Or get 100% chance with either a Quad-Element, Quint-Element, or a Seasonal Monster, but use a Quad-Element or a Seasonal every eight hours for the best efficiency of guaranteed Hot Peppers.


  • The Hot Pepper is the third Wondermine-exclusive Crafting Item to be unlocked.
  • The Version 2.3.0 Update quintupled the Hot Pepper's price. Its previous price range was 323 - 538 Coins (Coins).

Crafting Items
Production Structures Utility Structures Translations