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This is the Trophy that celebrates your victory in the Grennitch's Gambit Quest! Grennitch 'roots' for all Monsters brave enough to represent Plant Island on the Colossingum... but is especially proud of its Champions: Potbelly, Entbrat, Punkleton, and Ghazt.

Grennitch's Gambit is the forty-sixth Quest in The Colossingum. It was added on January 17th, 2024.


Opponents Team Requires Rewards
Stage 1
Potbelly (Soils of Spore) Entbrat (He-Brat Harness) Punkleton (Mouth Waterer)
MonsterLevel 20 MonsterLevel 20 MonsterLevel 20
Three Plant Island Champions
(Potbelly, Entbrat, and Punkleton)
1,000,000 Battle XP
1,000 Medals
Stage 2
Tweedle (Plaster of Power) Deedge (Vintage Speakers) Schmoochle (Dashing Suitor)
MonsterLevel 20 MonsterLevel 20 MonsterLevel 20
Three Plant Island Champions
(Potbelly, Entbrat, and Punkleton)
1,250,000 Battle XP
1,000 Medals
Stage 3
Potbelly (Lichenthrope) Entbrat (Horn Warmers) Ghazt (Blinded with Science)
MonsterLevel 20 MonsterLevel 20 MonsterLevel 20
Three Plant Island Champions
(Potbelly, Entbrat, and Ghazt)
1,100,000 Battle XP
1,000 Medals
Stage 4
Tweedle (All-Seeing Belly) Deedge (Ore So Vein) Grumpyre (Garbed in Goth)
MonsterLevel 20 MonsterLevel 20 MonsterLevel 20
Three Plant Island Champions
(Potbelly, Entbrat, and Ghazt)
1,350,000 Battle XP
1,000 Medals
Stage 5
Potbelly (Infamous Mug Pot) Punkleton (Mouth Waterer) Ghazt (Blinded with Science)
MonsterLevel 20 MonsterLevel 20 MonsterLevel 20
Three Plant Island Champions
(Potbelly, Punkleton, and Ghazt)
1,200,000 Battle XP
1,000 Medals
Stage 6
Tweedle (Growth Spur-ts) Schmoochle (Dashing Suitor) Grumpyre (Garbed in Goth)
MonsterLevel 20 MonsterLevel 20 MonsterLevel 20
Three Plant Island Champions
(Potbelly, Punkleton, and Ghazt)
1,450,000 Battle XP
1,000 Medals
Stage 7
Entbrat (Horn Warmers) Punkleton (Mouth Waterer) Ghazt (Blinded with Science)
MonsterLevel 20 MonsterLevel 20 MonsterLevel 20
Three Plant Island Champions
(Entbrat, Punkleton, and Ghazt)
1,300,000 Battle XP
1,000 Medals
Stage 8
Deedge (Vintage Speakers) Schmoochle (Dashing Suitor) Grumpyre (Garbed in Goth)
MonsterLevel 20 MonsterLevel 20 MonsterLevel 20
Three Plant Island Champions
(Entbrat, Punkleton, and Ghazt)
1,550,000 Battle XP
1,000 Medals


First, before you start, train all of your Plant Island Champions to as high reasonable levels as possible (if not to level 20). Another note, since you have no freedom in organizing your team, step-by-step strategies will be provided as well as the optimal costumes.

When there is a single-element natural monster on the opponent's team, and your single-element monster does not have a move that is strong against it, it is recommended to use a weak attack from a strong monster such as your Seasonal or Ethereal to lower its stamina to as close as zero as possible, then use your own Potbelly to knock it out. This ensures minimal damage on your strong monster, and allows your relatively weaker Potbelly, who is now dead weight, to tank the subsequent hit from a strong monster. This is effective on all stages except 6 where stamina is tight.

  • Stage 1: Use Lichenthrope Potbelly (not Soils of Spore since none of the opponents in this stage have the Air element), Horn Warmers Entbrat (a move upgrade by 8% additive power); any Punkleton is okay, since its costume doesn't change its strongest move.
    • Start: Use your Punkleton to knock out the Potbelly (use "Patch-work Lilt"). This ensures that your Entbrat has sufficient health to knock out the opposing Entbrat.
      • If it works, Entbrat will attack your Punkleton, but cannot one-shot it.
      • It it fails (low chance), use your Potbelly to knock it out. Your Potbelly is now dead weight and will be knocked out by the opposing Entbrat (unless it uses "Gigantic Gurgle", in which case, it may fail).
    • Use your Entbrat against the opposing Entbrat and use the "Horn Warmers" attack.
      • If the attack does enough damage to deplete the Entbrat's HP to lower than 2,400, use "Horn Warmers" again to guarantee a knockout to the opposing Entbrat.
      • If the above condition is not met, use either your Punkleton or your Potbelly, whichever one is awake and weaker, to attack the Entbrat again to avoid the risk of losing your strong monster, the Entbrat. You can still use Entbrat's "Horn Warmers" attack, but due the 10% damage deviation, it may fail, and you may have to start over.
    • After the Entbrat is knocked out, the Punkleton should not be too hard to defeat. Use the weaker monster first (preferably Punkleton, if it is still awake) to attack the opposing Punkleton, then switch to the Entbrat. You should have a clean victory from here on out, unless only your Potbelly is left, in which case, you may lose.
  • Stages 2-5 have no strategy, really. Just 1v1 the monsters at their appropriate levels.
    • Stage 4 however requires you to use your Entbrat against the Grumpyre since a Grumpyre can easily win against a Ghazt. Just deplete its health low enough that the Ghazt can take it out with Xylem and Flow 'em. (Do not use "Blinded with Science", as its attack is weaker overall and weak against the Grumpyre, and Ghazt already is weak against a Grumpyre anyway).
  • Stage 6 relies heavily on RNG. Use your Ghazt against the Tweedle and the Schmoochle. Save your Punkleton to deal massive blows to the Grumpyre to bring its health low enough that the Ghazt has a decent chance of knocking out the Grumpyre. Also use your Potbelly as dead weight to "distract" the Grumpyre. It has a low chance at surviving one Grumpyre attack (probably 12% or so due to the ±10% damage deviation).
    • If the Grumpyre uses "Garbed in Goth", you will most likely need to reset the quest. (The Grumpyre has a 70.37% chance to use this attack at least once in three attacks.)
  • Stage 7 has little strategy. Since it is a mirror matchup in terms of Monsters used, both sides should deal the same amount of damage (if probability does not throw off either side).
  • Stage 8:

Quest Rewards[]

Completing the entire Quest rewards the following:

  • Grennitch's Gambit Trophy



  • The Grennitch's Gambit Trophy's design heavily resembles the Boss Monument, only green instead of gold.
    • The Colossingum notes above Punkleton's hand rotate in 3D, similarly to the Boss Monument's star.
  • Grennitch is the name of the Plant Island Colossal.
  • This quest was the first new quest to be added in 2024.
  • The trophy is green, most likely because Plant Island’s design uses lots of shades of green. Also green is usually represented by plants.

Battle Quests
Battle Colossingum Versus Medals Costumes Trophies