My Singing Monsters Wiki
My Singing Monsters Wiki

Only the Gaung Tree has branches strong enough to support the weight of this ornate gong. Something to do with the unique metallurgic composition of the disc.

Gaung Tree is a Decoration exclusive to The Colossingum, and can be purchased for Medals1,000 Medals.


Even though the Gaung Tree doesn't have the musical type when viewed in the Market, it still makes a sound when tapped in View Mode. The Gaung Tree makes a gong sound.


  • The Gaung Tree's name is a corruption of the instrument "gong".
  • Despite being named after the gong, and its description stating it holds a gong, it seems to be holding a tam-tam instead. This may be because the tam-tam is often mistakenly referred to as a gong, despite being a different type of percussion.
  • The Gaung Tree and the Simbull Tree have some similar features:
    • Both Decorations are trees.
    • Both Decorations make cymbal sounds when tapped in view mode.
    • Both Decorations are misspellings of a cymbal.
    • Both Decorations have cymbals on their branches.




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