My Singing Monsters Wiki
My Singing Monsters Wiki
My Singing Monsters

The Dragong's lithe body belies incredible strength and resilience, which it uses to absorb the vibration of its tail- and feet-plates. In addition to the cymballike clashing they create, these plates allow the Dragong to skim the water's surface, and unsurprisingly, to prepare delicious dishes for its Ethereal cohorts.
Monster Bio


Dragong is a Double-Element Ethereal Monster exclusive to Ethereal Island. It was added on May 22nd, 2014 during Version 1.2.6. It is best obtained by breeding Reebro and Humbug. By default, its breeding time is 1 day and 18 hours long. As a Double-Element Ethereal, Dragong does not have a high Shard production. The Goal for placing your first Dragong rewards the player with 100,000 Coins.


Audio sample:

Instrument: Cymbals/bass drum

Dragong's contribution to the Ethereal Island song is a cymbal sound, with a faint, additional sound of a bass drum. Its song is similar to that of Clamble.


Virtual Studio Technology is an audio plugin software that has libraries of sound effects and synthesized instruments. Within these libraries are SoundFonts, which are the individual effects and instruments themselves. The Monster-Handlers utilize several VSTs to create the sounds of instrumental and sometimes vocal Monsters.


VST: Kontakt
Sound library: Peter Siedlaczek's Advanced Orchestra
SoundFont: Cymbals Complete Set

The VST for Dragong's bass drum has not yet been found.


Dragong can be bred using a combination of two Single-Element Ethereal Monsters. The combination is:

Dragong can also be bred in breeding failures. Some combinations that result in a Dragong in a breeding failure include:

(Best choice, 100% chance of a Dragong if Rare Dragong is unavailable)

The Dragong can also be bred with a Single-Element Ethereal Monster if you already own it.


Every Monster has different things that they like. For every unique object that they like that's placed near the Monster, the Monster's happiness will increase by 25%. Placing more than one of the same liked item near a Monster won't increase its happiness by an additional amount. If there's a Unity Tree on the Island, items don't need to be near the Monster. Below are the things liked by Dragong:

See the Likes page to view a complete list of all Monsters' likes.

Monsters Who Like It[]

The following Monster(s) will increase their happiness by 25% when being placed near Dragong or when Dragong and a Unity Tree are on the Island. These may or may not also be Dragong's likes as well:


Main article: Costumes
Costume Availability Cost
Dragong (Frill Thrill)
Frill Thrill
Always available 50 Shards (discounted)
75 Shards (full price)
Dragong (Time to Pretend)
Time to Pretend
Limited time 40 Diamonds (discounted)
60 Diamonds (full price)
Dragong (Archaeo Rodeo)
Archaeo Rodeo
Weekly Quest 40 Diamonds (discounted)
60 Diamonds (full price)
Dragong (Terracotta Regalia)
Terracotta Regalia
Crescendo Moon Series Crescendo Moon Series 40 Diamonds

Used in Breeding[]

Dragong is used in the following breeding combinations:
Bred with Result Breeding Time
Ethereal Island Icon
Shadow ElementCrystal Element
File:Epic Ghazt
Epic Ghazt
Plasma Element
Plasma ElementShadow Element
File:Epic Bellowfish
Epic Bellowfish
Mech ElementCrystal Element
Plasma ElementCrystal Element
File:Epic Arackulele
Epic Arackulele
Shadow ElementMech Element
Any other Monster File:Dragong
Mech ElementPoison Element
Any other Monster File:Rare Dragong
Rare Dragong
Mech ElementPoison Element
Any other Monster The other Monster varies Checkmark
Any other Monster Rare variant of the other Monster varies Checkmark


Earning Rate and Maximum Income[]

Earning rate is in Shards per hour and depends on Happiness % (Likes increase Happiness) and Monster Level. Each Monster also has a maximum amount of income it can hold at a time. Increasing the Monster's Level also increases this limit.

Level Per Hour Shards Maximum Shards
0% Happiness 25% Happiness 50% Happiness 75% Happiness 100% Happiness
1 3 3 4 5 6 31
2 5 6 7 8 10 50
3 7 8 10 12 14 74
4 10 12 15 17 20 99
5 12 15 18 21 24 124
6 14 17 21 24 28 149
7 17 21 25 29 34 174
8 19 23 28 33 38 198
9 22 27 33 38 44 223
10 24 30 36 42 48 248
11 26 32 39 45 52 273
12 29 36 43 50 58 298
13 31 38 46 54 62 322
14 34 42 51 59 68 347
15 36 45 54 63 72 372
16 37 46 55 64 74 390
17 39 48 58 68 78 406
18 40 50 60 70 80 418
19 41 51 61 71 82 426
20 41 51 61 71 82 431

Feeding Monsters[]

Each Monster needs to be fed four times before it reaches the next level. Increasing the Monster's level increases the shards earned per minute, as well as the maximum shards earned.

The Treats per level table:
Level Food Per Feeding x4 Food to Level Up Total food to reach this Level
1 40 160 -
2 80 320 160
3 160 640 480
4 320 1,280 1,120
5 640 2,560 2,400
6 1,280 5,120 4,960
7 2,560 10,240 10,080
8 5,120 20,480 20,320
9 10,240 40,960 40,800
10 20,480 81,920 81,760
11 40,960 163,840 163,680
12 81,920 327,680 327,520
13 163,840 655,360 655,200
14 327,680 1,310,720 1,310,560
15 491,520 1,966,080 2,621,280
16 737,280 2,949,120 4,587,360
17 1,105,920 4,423,680 7,536,480
18 1,658,880 6,635,520 11,960,160
19 2,488,320 9,953,280 18,595,680
20 - - 28,548,960

More info can be found in the Feeding article.

Possible Monster Names[]

To see all possible names for Dragong, see Monster Names.



Concept Art[]




  • Dragong's name is a portmanteau of "dragon" and "gong".
  • There was a sneak preview of Dragong on the My Singing Monsters Facebook page in February 2014, as part of the Season of Love update.
  • Dragong was the first Ethereal Monster to take up a 3x3 grid space.
  • Dragong shares many similarities with Carillong:
    • Both are based on Chinese dragons;
    • Both have their names ending in -ong;
    • Both live on Islands in the pocket dimension;
    • Both of their Rare variants are blue;
    • Both play their instruments using their tails;
    • Both celebrate Crescendo Moon in some way - Dragong has a Crescendo Moon costume, while Carillong is the Seasonal of said event.
    • Both reference the number 9 in some way, due to 9 being a number associated with Chinese dragons;
      • Dragong is the ninth Double-Element Ethereal in elemental order, and takes up nine tiles;
      • Carillong was the ninth Seasonal Monster to be released, and its enhanced breeding time is 20 hours, 22 minutes, and 9 seconds.
  • Despite its name, Dragong actually plays the cymbals instead of gongs.
  • Three other Dragong concepts were shown in this Facebook link.
  • Dragong has the longest track in My Singing Monsters.
    • Dragong's track has 68 beats when counting in 4/4 time, making it one of the few tracks with an amount of beats that is not a power of 2.
  • Dragong's ability to run on water with its flat feet is likely inspired by the real-life basilisk lizard.
  • In all of the Monster Classes that have Epic subspecies, Dragong is the oldest Monster to not have an Epic subspecies yet.
    • Dragong is currently the only Double-Element Ethereal with the Mech Element to not have an Epic variant.



Ethereal Single Element

Ethereal Quad Element

Ethereal Quint Element


Rare Magical Quad Element

Rare Mythical Double Element

Breeding Breeding Combos Eggs Feeding Likes Goals Zapping Translations