My Singing Monsters Wiki
I believe the term "Monsters" is a bit of a misnomer. Yes, some of these musical beings can be a bit shocking to the eyes upon first sight, but what creature isn't? The fangs of a tiger, the height of a giraffe, would these not be considered monstrous when first discovered? We now look at these creatures as things of beauty, with qualities to be admired, and I think we are knowledgeable enough as a species to appreciate the same could be said for our new friends. They are less monsters, and more marvels.
Dr. Wardin E. Spurrit in "A Recorded Interview With Dr. Wardin E. Spurrit"

A Recorded Interview With Dr. Wardin E. Spurrit

Dr. Wardin E. Spurrit is a fictional human naturalist who was one of the first humans to make contact with the Monster World. He traveled to the Monster World sometime during the early 20th century after discovering it by hearing the Singing Monsters when tinkering with unknown radio frequencies. He is credited as the first to theorized the existence of rarer Monster variants affected by the extreme conditions of the Monster World, which are now known as Epic Monsters. The 2018 Puzzle had several corrupted videos that, when unscrambled and combined, revealed an audio recording of Wardin.

History and legacy[]

Dr. Wardin E. Spurrit was born around the late 1800s in London, England.[1] Using an invention to hear unknown radio frequencies from different dimensions, he was able to discover the Monster World, as well as the other dimensions that make up the multiverse. He created a device known as the "Separating Existence Widget", or "S.E.W.", able to open and close The Seam for easy travel between the Human and Monster worlds. However, his first trip to the Monster World was also his last, as he lost the device halfway in The Rift, making his adventure to the Monster World a one-way trip. It is implied that Wardin might still be alive somewhere inside the Monster World, even decades later.

The S.E.W. has been randomly opening and closing portals to the Human World ever since, mostly in Canada, where the Big Blue Bubble Inc. headquarters is located. The "Portal Indicating Teleporter Helmet", or "P.I.T.H.", allows Monster-Handlers to pinpoint portal locations and allow Monsters to travel to the Human World. Wardin also gave his journal to Monster-Handler Matt. Hyehehe and other Mythical Monsters can see The Rift, The Seam, and parts where it has been torn and patched up. Hyehehe seems to have harnessed the power of the S.E.W. for pranks, allowing it to break the fourth wall in its announcement trailer.

The Spurrit Monster is named after Wardin, and a Spurrit Statue built in its likeness was created and gifted to Wardin by the Monsters.

A Writing From His Journal

“Even outside my own field of study, other scientist hard at work deciphering the structure and consistency of the world are coming to similar conclusions that a combination of environmental and inherited factors can produce radically different outcomes from the same source material. A colleague of mine shared with me some writings of an Austrian fellow who seeks to map out human consciousness specifically in the division of what he calls the psyche into 3 parts (Matt tells us 3 words from Spurrits journal in german but don’t know how to spell it.) the “it” the “I” and the over I. The theory partially track's alongside my own observations that each decision, reaction or experience are seemingly governed by a separate part of one’s personality. Despite my best efforts at composure, I am frequently finding my self suppressing euphoric outbursts when a scientific experiment has succeeded or when a new discovery supports an established hypothesis, I can restrain my self I must confess that part of me wishes to be inhibited, to loose control and to give myself over to my zaniest and most reckless impulses. Could there ever be some substance or treatment that can forcibly separate these elements consciousness into there own beings each dawning a different hat figuratively speaking and if so what will it be like to meet and converse with one’s own self, I must concentrate on my own studies if I am ever to make headway”.



  • The name "Wardin" is a slight anagram of "Darwin", referencing renowned human naturalist Charles Darwin.
  • The "E" in the name stands for "Epics", though Monster-Handler Eric - who voices Dr. Wardin E. Spurrit - took some pride into thinking it could also stand for "Eric", as mentioned in the BBB Extra Life 2020 live stream.
  • The theorized design of the S.E.W. has four "settings" that apply to different worlds; the Human World, Monster World, Helmoth, and one labelled "????".
  • S.E.W backwards is Warden E Spurrits Initals.
  • The theorized design of the P.I.T.H. is Spurrit's hat with parts of the Unity Tree pasted onto it.
  • It was once theorized by several players that Spurrit and Dr. Wardin E Spurrit are the same individual. Despite evidence, including that some Monsters suspect that Spurrit may not be native to the Monster World (as said in its bio), this was addressed in Quick Questions with Monster Handler Tyson episode 7, where it was confirmed that due to the existence of multiple Spurrits, this cannot be the case (though the existence of Rare Spurrit confirms that Spurrit is able to clone itself.)
  • Dr. Warden E. Spurrit was notoriously shy and due to this his human appearence wasn’t found yet.
  • Warden E Spurrit had a colleague and the colleague knew an austrian fellow.
  • Matt theorizes that Warden E Spurrit possibly never married or had kids but is unsure.

