My Singing Monsters Wiki
Crafting Items (DoF)
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Exclusive to My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire
The following article includes content exclusive to the game My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire.

My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire can offer languages other than English. Below are a list of Crafting Item translations.

Crafting Item English French
Seedling Seedling Semis Setzling Piantina Vástago
Vegidian 1.2.0 Vegidian Crystal Cristal végidien Vegidian-Kristall Cristallo di Vegidiano Cristal de Vegetiano
Frozium crystal Frozium Crystal Cristal frozium Frozium-Kristall Cristallo di Frozio Cristal de Frozio
Skylite Skylite Crystal Cristal skylite Skylite-Kristall Cristallo di Schilite Cristal de Cielita
Aquanine crystal Aquanine Crystal Cristal aquanine Aquanin-Kristall Cristallo di Acquanino Cristal de Acuanina
Stonyx Stonyx Crystal Cristal stonyx Stonyx-Kristall Cristallo di Stonice Cristal de Piédrice
Confettite Crystal Confettite Crystal Cristal confettite Konfettit-Kristall Cristallo di Confettite Cristal de Confettita
Nebulox Crystal Nebulox Crystal Cristal nébulox Nebelox-Kristall Cristallo di Nebulox Cristal de Nebulox
Aurorium Crystal Aurorium Crystal Cristal aurorure Aurorur-Kristall Cristallo di Aurorurio Cristal de Aurorurio
Quarritz Crystal Quarritz Crystal Cristal quarrièrtz Quarritz-Kristall Cristallo di Carvazo Cristal de Cuantarzo
Crafting Item Seasonal Cheer (Spooktacle)
Crafting Item Seasonal Cheer (Festival of Yay)
Crafting Item Seasonal Cheer (Season of Love)
Crafting Item Seasonal Cheer (Eggs-Travaganza)
Crafting Item Seasonal Cheer (SummerSong)
Seasonal Cheer Humeur Saisonnière Saison-Laune Umore Stagionale Ánimo Estacional
Crafting Item Apple Apple Pomme Apfel Mela Manzana
Crafting Item Coconut Coconut Noix de coco Kokosnuss Noce di Cocco Coco
Crafting Item Lemon Lemon Citron Zitrone Limone Limón
Crafting Item Acorn Acorn Gland Eichel Ghiana Bellota
Crafting Item Applesauce Applesauce Compote de pommes Apfelmus Composta di Mele Puré de manzana
Crafting Item Coconut Butter Coconut Butter Beurre de Noix de coco Kokosnuss-Butter Burro di Cocco Manteca de coco
Crafting Item Sugar Sugar Sucre Zucker Zucchero Azúcar
Crafting Item Sand Sand Sable Sand Sabbia Arena
Crafting Item Acorn Butter Acorn Butter Beurre de noisette Eichelbutter Burro di Ghiande Mantequilla de bellota
Crafting Item Grain Grain Grain Korn Chicco Grano
Crafting Item Sugar Cane Sugar Cane Sucre de canne Zuckerrohr Canna da Zucchero Caña de azúcar
Crafting Item Cactus Cactus Cactus Kaktus Cactus Cactus
Crafting Item Tomato Tomato Tomate Tomate Pomodoro Tomate
Crafting Item Pumpkin Pumpkin Citrouille Kürbis Zucca Calabaza
Crafting Item Apple Tart Apple Tart Tarte aux pommes Apfeltorte Torta di Mele Tarta de manzana
Crafting Item Cookie Cookie Cookie Keks Biscotto Galleta
Crafting Item Apple Ice Pop Apple Ice Pop Sucette glacée à la pomme Apfelwassereis Ghiacciolo alla Mela Polo de manzana
Crafting Item Lemon Cake Lemon Cake Gâteau au citron Zitronenkuchen Torta al Limone Pastel de limón
Crafting Item Mud Pie Mud Pie Tarte de boue Schlammkuchen Torta di fango Pastel de chocolate
Crafting Item Pizza Pizza Pizza Pizza Pizza Pizza
Crafting Item Mushroom Pizza Mushroom Pizza Pizza aux champignons Pilzpizza Pizza ai Funghi Pizza de setas
Crafting Item Pumpkin Pie Pumpkin Pie Tarte à la citrouille Kürbiskuchen Torta di Zucca Tarta de calabaza
Crafting Item Bamboo Bamboo Bambou Bambus Bambù Bambú
Crafting Item Log Log Bûche Holzklotz Tronco Tronco
Crafting Item Stone Stone Pierre Stein Pietra Piedra
Crafting Item Tire Tire Pneu Reifen Pneumatico Neumático
Polished Vegidian 1.2.0 Polished Vegidian Crystal Cristal végidien poli Polierter Vegidian Cristallo di Vegidiano Lucido Cristal de Vegetiano pulido
Carved Vegidian crystal Carved Vegidian Crystal Cristal végidien taillé Geschliffener Vegidian Cristallo di Vegidiano Intagliato Cristal de Vegetiano tallado
Polished Frozium Polished Frozium Crystal Cristal frozium poli Poliertes Frozium Cristallo di Frozio Lucido Cristal de Frozio pulido
Carved Frozium Carved Frozium Crystal Cristal frozium taillé Geschliffenes Frozium Cristallo di Frozio Intagliato Cristal de Frozio tallado
Polished Confettite Crystal Polished Confettite Crystal Cristal confettite poli Poliertes Konfettit Cristallo di Confettite Lucido Cristal de Confettita pulido
Carved Confettite Crystal Carved Confettite Crystal Cristal confettite taillé Geschliffenes Konfettit Cristallo di Confettite Intagliato Cristal de Confettita tallado
Polished Skylite Polished Skylite Crystal Cristal skylite poli Polierter Skylite Cristallo di Schilite Lucido Cristal de Cielita pulido
Cut Skylite Carved Skylite Crystal Cristal skylite taillé Geschliffener Skylite Cristallo di Schilite Intagliato Cristal de Cielita tallado
Polished Nebulox Crystal Polished Nebulox Crystal Cristal nébulox poli Polierter Nebelox Cristallo di Nebulox Lucido Cristal de Nebulox pulido
Carved Nebulox Crystal Carved Nebulox Crystal Cristal nébulox taillé Geschliffener Nebelox Cristallo di Nebulox Intagliato Cristal de Nebulox tallado
Polished Aquanine Polished Aquanine Crystal Cristal aquanine poli Polierter Aquanin Cristallo di Acquanino Lucido Cristal de Acuanina pulido
Carved Aquanine Carved Aquanine Crystal Cristal aquanine taillé Geschliffener Aquanin Cristallo di Acquanino Intagliato Cristal de Acuanina tallado
Polished Aurorium Crystal Polished Aurorium Crystal Cristal aurorure poli Polierter Aurorur Cristallo di Aurorurio Lucido Cristal de Aurorurio pulido
Carved Aurorium Crystal Carved Aurorium Crystal Cristal aurorure taillé Geschliffenes Aurorur Cristallo di Aurorurio Intagliato Cristal de Aurorurio tallado
Polished Stonyx Polished Stonyx Crystal Cristal stonyx poli Polierter Stonyx Cristallo di Stonice Lucido Cristal de Piédrice pulido
Carved Stonyx Carved Stonyx Crystal Cristal stonyx taillé Geschliffener Stonyx Cristallo di Stonice Intagliato Cristal de Piédrice tallado
Polished Quarritz Crystal Polished Quarritz Crystal Cristal quarrièrtz poli Polierter Quarritz Cristallo di Carvazo Lucido Cristal de Cuantarzo pulido
Carved Quarritz Crystal Carved Quarritz Crystal Cristal quarrièrtz taillé Geschliffener Quarritz Cristallo di Carvazo Intagliato Cristal de Cuantarzo tallado
Crafting Item Bamboo Flute Bamboo Flute Flûte de bambou Bambusflöte Flauto di Bambú Flauta de bambú
Crafting Item Mushroom Umbrella Mushroom Umbrella Parapluie champignon Pilz Ombrello a Cupola Paraguas de seta
Crafting Item Chair Chair Chaise Stuhl Sedia Silla
Crafting Item Cradle Cradle Berceau Wiege Culla Cuna
Crafting Item Rattle Rattle Hochet Rassel Sonaglio Cascabel
Crafting Item Bouncy Mattress Bouncy Mattress Matelat rebondissant Federmatratze Materasso Elastico Colchón mullido
Crafting Item Copper Trumpet Copper Trumpet Trompette de cuivre Kupfer-Trompete Tromba di Rame Trompeta de cobre
Crafting Item Stroller Stroller Poussette Vagabund Passeggino Cochecito
Crafting Item Apple Juice Apple Juice Jus de pomme Apfelsaft Succo di Mela Zumo de manzana
Crafting Item Coconut Milk Coconut Milk Lait de noix de coco Kokosnuss-Milch Latte di Cocco Leche de coco
Crafting Item Tropical Slime Tropical Slime Substance gluante tropicale Tropischer Schleim Melma Tropicale Limo tropical
Crafting Item Syrup Syrup Sirop Sirup Sciroppo Sirope
Crafting Item Lemonade Lemonade Limonade Limonade Limonata Limonada
Crafting Item Vegetable Juice Vegetable Juice Jus de légumes Gemüsesaft Succo di Verdure Zumo vegetal
Single Spooky Costume Single Spooky Costume Costume effrayant à 1 Gruseliges Kostüm von 1 Costume Spettralo a 1 Traje Espeluznante a 1
Double Spooky Costume Double Spooky Costume Costume effrayant à 2 Gruseliges Kostüm von 2 Costume Spettralo a 2 Traje Espeluznante a 2
Crafting Item Triple Spooky Costume Triple Spooky Costume Costume effrayant à 3 Gruseliges Kostüm von 3 Costume Spettralo a 3 Traje Espeluznante a 3
Quad Spooky Costume Quad Spooky Costume Costume effrayant à 4 Gruseliges Kostüm von 4 Costume Spettralo a 4 Traje Espeluznante a 4
Quint Spooky Costume Quint Spooky Costume Costume effrayant à 5 Gruseliges Kostüm von 5 Costume Spettralo a 5 Traje Espeluznante a 5
Crafting Item Slime Slime Vase Schleim Melma Limo
Crafting Item Mushroom Mushroom Champignon Pilz Funghi Seta
Crafting Item Hot Pepper Hot Pepper Poivron épicé Scharfer Pfeffer Peperoncino Guindilla picante
Crafting Item Amber Amber Ambre Bernstein Ambra Ámbar
Crafting Item Glitter Glitter Paillettes Glanz Glitter Brillantina
Crafting Item Spring Spring Ressort Feder Sorgente Manantial
Crafting Item Copper Copper Cuivre Kupfer Rame Cobre
Crafting Item Ice Ice Glace Eis Ghiaccio Hielo
Crafting Item Coconut Cheese Coconut Cheese Fromage de Noix de coco Kokosnuss-Käse Formaggio di Cocco Queso de coco
Crafting Item Ice Cream Ice Cream Glace Eis Gelato Helado
Crafting Item Cactus Cheesecake Cactus Cheesecake Cheesecake au cactus Kaktus-Käsekuchen Cheesecake al Cactus Tarta de queso de cactus
Crafting Item Desert Salad Desert Salad Salade du désert Wüstensalat Insalata del Deserto Ensalada del desierto
Crafting Item Tomato Soup Tomato Soup Soupe de tomate Tomatensuppe Zuppa di Pomodoro Sopa de tomate
Crafting Item Swamp Stew Swamp Stew Vapeur de marais Sumpf-Eintopf Stufato Guiso de pantano
Crafting Item String Noodles String Noodles Nouilles alphabétiques Faden-Nudeln Spaghettini Fideos
Crafting Item Curry Noodles Curry Noodles Nouilles au curry Curry-Nudeln Tagliolini al Curry Fideos de curry
Crafting Item Lemon Drop Lemon Drop Pastille au citron Zitronendrops Goccia di Limone Pastilla de limón
Crafting Item Cough Syrup Cough Syrup Sirop pour la toux Hustensirup Sciroppo per la Tosse Jarabe para la tos
Crafting Item Bandage Bandage Pansement Verband Bendatura Vendaje
Crafting Item Booster Shot Booster Shot Piqûre de rappel Auffrischungsimpfung Richiamo Inyección estimulante
Crafting Item Night Light Night Light Veilleuse Nachtlicht Luce Notturna Luz nocturna
Crafting Item Vitamin Pill Vitamin Pill Pilules vitaminées Vitaminpille Vitamine Píldora de vitaminas
Crafting Item Ice Pack Ice Pack Sac de glace Eisbeutel Ghiaccio Sintetico Bolsa de hielo
Crafting Item Wool Wool Laine Wolle Lana Lana
Crafting Item Cotton Cotton Coton Baumwolle Cotone Algodón
Crafting Item Rope Rope Corde Seil Corda Soga
Crafting Item Silk Silk Soie Seide Seta Seda
Crafting Item Candy Apple Candy Apple Bonbon à la pomme Liebesapfel Mela Candita Manzana acaramelada
Crafting Item Amber Lollipop Amber Lollipop Sucette d'ambre Bernsteinlutscher Lecca lecca all'Ambra Piruleta de ámbar
Crafting Item Peppermint Candy Peppermint Candy Bonbon à la menthe poivrée Pfefferminz-Bonbon Caramella alla Menta Caramelo de menta
Crafting Item Sour Ice Drops Sour Ice Drops Glace acidulée Saure Eisdrops Mentine Caramelo líquido ácido
Crafting Item Marshmallow Marshmallow Chamallow Marshmallow Marshmallow Malvavisco
Crafting Item Nutbar Nutbar Barre de céréale Nussriegel Barretta alle noci Barra de cereal
Crafting Item Rocky Road Donut Rocky Road Donut Beignet de Gravier Sreinweg-Donut Ciambelline di ghiaia Donut de malvavisco y chocolate
Crafting Item Needle Needle Aiguille Nadel Ago Aguja
Crafting Item Sunglasses Sunglasses Lunettes de soleil Sonnenbrille Occhiali da Sole Gafas de sol
Crafting Item Wool Scarf Wool Scarf Écharpe en laine Wollschal Sciarpa di Lana Bufanda de lana
Crafting Item Glittery Scarf Glittery Scarf Écharpe pailletée Glänzender Schal Foulard Glitterato Bufanda de brillantina
Crafting Item Pillow Pillow Oreiller Kissen Cuscino Almohada
Crafting Item Earmuffs Earmuffs Cache-oreilles Ohrenschützer Paraorecchi Orejeras
Crafting Item Silk Scarf Silk Scarf Écharpe de soie Seidenschal Foulard in Seta Pañuelo de seda
Crafting Item Polar Teddybear Polar Teddybear Ours polaire en peluche Eisteddybär Orso Polare di Peluche Osito de peluche polar
Crafting Item Marionette Marionette Marionnette Marionette Marionetta Marioneta
Crafting Item Toy Car Toy Car Petite voiture Spielzeugauto Macchinina Coche de juguete
Crafting Item Slingshot Slingshot Lance-pierre Zwille Catapulta Honda
Crafting Item Clockwork Monkey Clockwork Monkey Singe mécanique Mechanischer Affe Scimmia a Molla Mono relojero
Crafting Item Kite Kite Cerf-volant Drachen Aquilone Cometa


  • "Apple" and "Apple 5x" are written the same as each other. This is because Apple 5x is only a variation of Apple, which provides production of 5 Apples per slot.
  • In German, there are various Crafting Items that have the same names as each other.
    • Mushroom and Mushroom Umbrella are both referred to as "Pilz," meaning "mushroom." A more accurate translation of "Mushroom Umbrella" would be "Pilzregenschild."
    • As "Eis" in German refers to both Ice and Ice Cream, both of these crafting items share the same name. The same happens with "Glace" in French.