My Singing Monsters Wiki
Dawn of Fire

The Cozee Cabin looks so comfortably settled into the landscape. Be sure to stop by for a cup of tea!
In-game description


The Cozee Cabin is the 5th Decoration to be unlocked in the Workshop, along with Funguy Rest. Its Market Price is 4,250 Coins (Coins). It is unlocked at Level 15.


To craft a Cozee Cabin, 2 Mushroom Umbrellas (Mushroom Umbrella), 3 Sugar Canes (Sugar Cane), 1 Ice Cream (Ice Cream), and 1 Log (Log) are required to be made and processed in the Workshop. Starting crafting of a Cozee Cabin requires dragging the "Cozee Cabin" icon into the Structure once.

Once a Cozee Cabin has been collected from crafting it, it can placed down and rewards 425 XP (Experience) per Cozee Cabin placed.

Skyship Requirements[]

As decorations, the Cozee Cabin is not required in any Skyship orders whatsoever.


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Producing from Scratch[]

The following table shows the list of Crafting Items involved in production of Cozee Cabins. It shows what Structures are required, what Crafting Items are being involved in each Structure, what recipes are required in each Structure, the total Crafting Items required to make the required ingredient Crafting Item(s) from scratch, the crafting time of the Crafting Items, and the total time required to make each ingredient Crafting Item from scratch.

Total cumulative time to make a single Cozee Cabin is 16 hours, 21 minutes, 40 seconds, excluding time to make Mushroom. Presuming that one uses either a Triple-Element Monster or a Mythical Monster to search for a 100% guaranteed search, making a Cozee Cabin requires a total cumulative time of 1 day, 21 minutes, 40 seconds.

Please note that the cumulative crafting time takes note of the fact that primary crafting items produced from the same structure (the Fruit Tree, the Garden Patch, the Bog, and the Ice Machine in this case) can be crafted simultaneously if fewer than six queue slots are used.

Ingredient Crafting Item(s) involved Recipe Cumulative
Crafting Time Cumulative
Crafting Item Mushroom
Mushroom (x2)
Let a monster explore inside Wondermine temporarily Let a monster explore inside Wondermine temporarily Depends on monster used Depends on monster used
Fruit Tree
Fruit Tree
Crafting Item Coconut
Coconut (x6)
N/A N/A 5 minutes 5 minutes
Garden Patch
Garden Patch
Crafting Item Sugar Cane
Sugar Cane (x9)
N/A N/A 10 minutes 10 minutes
Crafting Item Log
Log (x1)
N/A N/A 20 minutes 20 minutes
Crafting Item Bamboo
Bamboo (x4)
N/A N/A 5 minutes 5 minutes
Ice Machine
Ice Machine
Crafting Item Ice
Ice (x2)
N/A N/A 30 minutes 30 minutes
Crafting Item Sugar
Sugar (x2)
3 Sugar Cane 6 Sugar Cane 15 minutes 40 minutes
Crafting Item Coconut Milk
Coconut Milk (x2)
3 Coconut 6 Coconut 50 minutes 1 hour,
45 minutes
Crafting Item Mushroom Umbrella
Mushroom Umbrella (x2)
1 Mushroom
2 Bamboo
2 Mushroom
4 Bamboo
3 hours 6 hours,
5 minutes
Cooking Pot
Cooking Pot
Crafting Item Ice Cream
Ice Cream (x1)
2 Ice
2 Coconut Milk
2 Sugar
2 Ice
6 Coconut
2 Coconut Milk
6 Sugar Cane
2 Sugar
3 hours,
30 minutes
5 hours,
15 minutes


  • The Cozee Cabin is the only Decoration to require four different Crafting Items when crafting.

Decorations (Dawn of Fire)