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Exclusive to My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire
The following article includes content exclusive to the game My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire.


The Coconut is the second Crafting Item to be unlocked in the Fruit Tree and overall, the fourth Crafting Item to be unlocked in the game, along with the Apple Tart. Its Trading Post Price Range is 120 - 200 Coins (Coins). It is unlocked at Level 4.


Coconuts are needed to craft into Coconut Butter in the Masher, which requires 2 Coconuts, Carved Vegidian Crystals in the Jeweler, which requires 2, Coconut Milk in the Juicer, which requires 3, Tropical Slime in the Juicer, which requires 1, Rattles in the Workshop, which requires 1, Earmuffs in the Tailor, which requires 2, and Curry Noodles in the Cooking Pot, which requires 2.

Item Recipe Required Structure Level Unlocked Crafting Time Trading Post Price
Crafting Item Coconut Butter
Coconut Butter
2 Coconut Masher
5 0h 8m 0s 413 - 688 Coins
Carved Vegidian
Carved Vegidian Crystal
2 Coconut
10 Polished Vegidian
Jeweler struct
8 6h 0m 0s 19,793 - 32,988 Coins
Crafting Item Coconut Milk
Coconut Milk
3 Coconut Juicer
8 0h 50m 0s 900 - 1,500 Coins
Crafting Item Tropical Slime
Tropical Slime
1 Coconut
2 Apple Juice
1 Slime
1 Ice
11 2h 0m 0s 3,942 - 6,569 Coins
Crafting Item Rattle
1 Coconut
2 Bamboo
1 Sand
29 10h 0m 0s 8,258 - 13,763 Coins
Crafting Item Earmuffs
2 Coconut
2 Wool
1 Cotton
1 Rope
39 10h 0m 0s 8,378 - 13,963 Coins
Crafting Item Curry Noodles
Curry Noodles
2 Coconut
1 Hot Pepper
1 String Noodles
Cooking pot
Cooking Pot
42 9h 0m 0s 14,610 - 24,350 Coins

Coconuts can also be used to craft Decorations in the Workshop.

Decoration Recipe Level Unlocked Crafting Time Market Price
Barnacle Palm
Barnacle Palm
1 Coconut
3 Seedling
7 1h 0m 0s 500 Coins

Coconuts can also be fed directly to Monsters and can be used in the Skyship.


To craft a Coconut, simply drag the "Coconut" icon from the "Items" menu and into the slots menu, from top-left to top-right, all the way to bottom-left to bottom-right (if the player has unlocked more slots). Then it will start harvesting/generating a number of Coconuts, the number depending on how many slots they dragged into.

Alternatively, drag the "Coconut" icon into the Structure itself to make the Fruit Tree start crafting one Coconut; to craft multiple Coconuts, repeat the process until they have the number of pending Coconuts they desire.

It takes 5 minutes to craft one Coconut without upgrades. On a max Fruit Tree, it takes 3 minutes and 26 seconds to craft one Coconut.

Once a Coconut has been collected from crafting it, it rewards 1 Experience per Coconut.

Skyship Requirements[]

When required in the Skyship, the 3 orders will all require 2-8 Coconuts each, making a total of 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, or 24.


A potentially quick way to make Coconuts is to fill all of the Fruit Trees with Coconuts, filling all 6 slots. This will very swiftly create a stack of Coconuts.


  • The appearance of the Coconut is a spherical, brown coconut with three black dimples resembling that of a small bowling ball.
    • Although the Coconut itself in-game is brown, in real life, however, there are coconuts that are not brown.
  • The Coconut is the first Crafting Item to be a second Crafting Item per Structure to be unlocked.
  • The Coconut used to have a cost range of 23 - 38 Coins (Coins) before Version 1.8.0 Update. (or 225 - 375 Coins (Coins) in groups of 10), but is now 21 - 34 Coins (Coins) (or 203 - 338 Coins (Coins) in groups of 10).
    • This is due to the fact that prior to the update, Coconut took twice as long to craft, taking 5 minutes. Because of this, its time was cut in half, taking 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
  • Prior to Version 2.0.0, the Coconut costed 21 - 34 Coins (Coins) and took 2 minutes and 30 minutes to craft.
    • It has since reverted to the old production time but with a higher cost range added on top.
  • In Version 2.3.0, all Crafting Items received a quintuple in market price. The Coconut's previous price range was 24 - 40 Coins (Coins).

Crafting Items
Production Structures Utility Structures Translations