My Singing Monsters Wiki
My Singing Monsters Wiki

Yum! Hewn from the Love Rocks of Air Island, this contraption has an elaborate mechanism for pumping liquid chokkolit to the top, which then flows down the sides for sweet-toothed Monsters to sample.

Chokkolit Fountain is a limited-time, animated Decoration available on most Islands for Diamonds50 Diamonds. It was added on released on January 30th, 2019. It is available to purchase during the season of Season of Love, or during Out of Season Events or Anniversary Month. Any Decorations purchased will remain after the event ends. Like all limited-time Decorations, Chokkolit Fountain can't be found using the type filter in the Market.

Monsters Who Like It[]

The following Monsters will have their happiness increased by 25% when near one of these.

Monster Island(s)
File:Epic Schmoochle
Epic Schmoochle
Air Island Icon Seasonal Shanty IconMirror Air Island Icon

See the Likes page to view a complete list of all Monsters' likes.


  • The Chokkolit Fountain's name is a play on 'Chocolate Fountain'.
  • Chokkolit is referenced in the bio of PongPing and Rare Jam Boree.




Market StarShop Happiness Likes Translations