My Singing Monsters Wiki

Champions' Guild is a Versus game mode in the Colossingum. Playing it costs the same as playing any other Versus game mode. It is unlocked after reaching Tier 1 on the weekly Versus game mode, and resets each week. Rewards for reaching high rankings by winning a lot yields Diamond rewards and Champion's Crowns, as shown in the section below


Reward Table
Global Rank # Base Rewards Additional Rewards
#1 100 Diamonds
Gold Champion's Crown
6 Diamonds, 1 Relics, 1 Keys, 100 Starpower, 700 Treats, 1,500 Coins
#2 - #11 50 Diamonds
Silver Champion's Crown
2 Diamonds, 4 Relics, 1 Keys, 100 Starpower, 700 Treats, 1,500 Coins
#12 - #36 25 Diamonds
Bronze Champion's Crown
6 Diamonds, 1 Relics, 1 Keys, 100 Starpower, 700 Treats, 1,500 Coins



  • Unlike versus mode, there are no consequences for being defeated in the Champions' Guild, other than wasting attempts. It is impossible to drop out of the Champions' Guild, until the next Versus Challenge starts.
  • Because of the fact that for the most part, you are limited to only 5 battles per day, it is likely not possible to attain a rank in the top 36 without spending extra diamonds multiple times to get more matches. For example, in a recent week, winning all possible matches plus spending 120 diamonds to get an additional 30 matches (5 matches for 20 diamonds), and winning all 30 of those, with a team of level 20 Riff and two level 20 Punkletons, yielded a final rank of 30.
  • All Champion's Crowns display the same description: “This magnificent crown proudly displays your accomplishments in the Champions' Guild on the Colossingum. Bravo!”


Champions’ Guild

Champions' Guild
Champions' Guild
Battle Colossingum Quests Costumes Trophies