Single Element Monsters are Monsters with only one element that can be from any class in the game. They are the first monsters encountered in the game. They are available for purchase from the market and are the lowest-priced monsters. Most other Monsters build from Single Element ones.
The simplest and least time-consuming method to get a Common Single Element Monster is to buy it from the Market. However, in certain situations, the more advanced player may want to breed one.
- Rare Single Element Monsters of the Natural, Fire, or Magical classes are bred with two Triple Element Monsters that share the same element. For example, Bowgart and Congle could result in Rare Mammott because they both share the Cold Element.
- Breeding a Single Element Monster with another Monster that contains its element does not have a 100% chance to produce the Single Element Monster unless the other monster is a Quad Element Monster. The other reliable breeding combination to make Single Element Monsters is with the Common and Rare variants of the same Single Element Monster.
The majority of the Single-Element Monsters contains only a specific element, such as the following examples:
- Tweedle contains only the Air Element.
- Potbelly contains only the Plant Element.
- Noggin contains only the Earth Element.
- Toe Jammer contains only the Water Element.
- Mammott contains only the Cold Element.
- Kayna contains only the Fire Element.
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- Mammott
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- Monculus
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- Rare Astropod
- Rare Blabbit
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- Rare Boo'qwurm
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