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Exclusive to My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire
The following article includes content exclusive to the game My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire.


The Carved Skylite Crystal is the third Carved Crystal and overall, the nineteenth Crafting Item to be unlocked in the game, along with Lemonade, Skylite Crystal, Polished Skylite Crystal, Nebulox Crystal, Polished Nebulox Crystal, and Carved Nebulox Crystal. Its Trading Post Price Range is 47,648 - 79,143 Coins (Coins). It is unlocked at Level 19.


As Carved Skylite Crystals, they cannot be further refined. However, they may still have their uses for upgrading Production Structures (excluding the Wondermine) and the Vault.


To craft a Carved Skylite Crystal, 10 Polished Skylite Crystal (Polished Skylite Crystal) and 3 Sugar (Sugar) must be made or purchased, and processed in the Jeweler. To start crafting a Carved Skylite Crystal, drag the "Carved Skylite Crystal" icon into the Structure. It takes 6 hours to complete crafting of one Carved Skylite Crystal, down to 4 hours, 8 minutes, 16 seconds on a max-level Jeweler.

Once a Carved Skylite Crystal has finished production, it can be collected for 114 Experience.

Skyship Requirements[]

As Crystals, the Carved Skylite Crystal is not required in any Skyship orders whatsoever.


A way to theoretically make 5 a day is to collect the Skylite Crystals every 5 minutes, as this is how often they spawn. This equals to 288 Skylite Crystals per day. While collecting these Crystals, stock up the Fruit Tree with Lemons, the Garden Patches with Sugar Canes and use it to make the Sugar. This will give the player enough resources to make 5 per day. However, due to the time it takes to make the Carved Crystals along with the polished versions and the fact that sleep exists, it may take longer.

Producing from Scratch[]

The following table shows the list of Crafting Items involved in production of Carved Skylite Crystals. It shows which Structures are required, which Crafting Items are being involved in each Structure, which recipes are required in each Structure, the total Crafting Items required to make the required ingredient Crafting Item(s) from scratch, the crafting time of the Crafting Items, and the total time required to make each ingredient Crafting Item from scratch.

Total cumulative time for crafting a single Carved Skylite Crystal is 14 hours, 10 minutes.

Please note that the cumulative crafting time takes note of the fact that primary crafting items produced from the same structure (the Fruit Tree and the Garden Patch in this case) can be crafted simultaneously if multiple queue slots are used.

Ingredient Crafting
Item(s) involved
Recipe Cumulative
Crafting Time Cumulative
Fruit Tree
Fruit Tree (x5)
Crafting Item Lemon
Lemon (x30)
N/A N/A 1 hour 1 hour
Continent icon
(Air Land)
Skylite Crystal (x50)
N/A N/A 5 minutes 4 hours,
10 minutes
Garden Patch
Garden Patch (x2)
Crafting Item Sugar Cane
Sugar Cane (x9)
N/A N/A 10 minutes 10 minutes
Crafting Item Sugar
Sugar (x3)
N/A N/A 15 minutes 55 minutes
Jeweler (x5)
Polished Skylite
Polished Skylite Crystal (x10)
5 Skylite Crystal
3 Lemon
50 Skylite Crystal
30 Lemon
2 hours 8 hours,
10 minutes


  • The Version 2.3.0 Update quintupled the Carved Skylite Crystal's price. Its previous price range was 9,498 - 15,829 Coins (Coins).

Crafting Items
Production Structures Utility Structures Translations