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Exclusive to My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire
The following article includes content exclusive to the game My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire.


The Candy Apple is the first Candy Factory Crafting Item and overall, the twenty-second Crafting Item to be unlocked in the game, along with Amber Lollipop and Quad Spooky Costume. Its Trading Post Price Range is 5,522 - 9,204 Coins (Coins). It is unlocked at Level 22.


Candy Apples are needed to craft into Quad Spooky Costumes in the Costume Trunk, which requires 3 Candy Apples.

Item Recipe Required Structure Level Unlocked Crafting Time Trading Post Price
Crafting Item Quad Spooky Costume
Quad Spooky Costume
1 Template:Crafting Item
4 Template:Crafting Item
3 Wool
3 Candy Apple
Costume Trunk
Costume Trunk
22 8h 0m 0s N/A Coins

Candy Apples can also be fed directly to Monsters and can be used in the Skyship.


To craft a Candy Apple, 1 Apple (Apple) and 2 Syrup (Syrup) must be made or purchased, and processed in the Candy Factory. To start crafting a Candy Apple, drag the "Candy Apple" icon into the Structure. It takes 3 hours, 20 minutes to complete crafting of one Candy Apple, down to 2 hours, 17 minutes, 55 seconds on a max-level Candy Factory.

Once a Candy Apple has finished production, it can be collected for 13 Experience.

Skyship Requirements[]

The Candy Apple is rather difficult to make, considering the amount of Syrups that need to be crafted and the fact the crafting times of the Candy Apple combined is a very long time to take from scratch. So the Skyship may ask for 1-2 Candy Apples per order, summing up to 3 or 6 per shipment.


The Candy Apple makes a good alternative source of income to selling simply Syrup, and if the player has a Candy Factory, then this is a good first step to easily getting additional income from Syrup production. Not only do Apples make not much a difference to the manufacturing costs of Candy Apple, with the extra time of manufacturing some extra income from all of this Candy Apple production can increase overall income.

Before doing any mass-manufacturing of Candy Apple, be sure to mass-manufacture Syrup. For more info on mass-manufacturing Syrup, see Syrup#Strategy.

As for the Apples, either grow them using the Fruit Tree, or just try to find some Apples in the Trading Post, preferably buying only fewer than five at a time, so avoid buying Apples that come in groups of like 10 per slot for example.

Producing from Scratch[]

The following table shows the list of Crafting Items involved in production of Candy Apples. It shows which Structures are required, which Crafting Items are being involved in each Structure, which recipes are required in each Structure, the total Crafting Items required to make the required ingredient Crafting Item(s) from scratch, the crafting time of the Crafting Items, and the total time required to make each ingredient Crafting Item from scratch.

Total cumulative time for crafting a single Candy Apple is 5 hours, 20 minutes.

Please note that the cumulative crafting time takes note of the fact that primary crafting items produced from the same structure (the Fruit Tree, the Garden Patch, and the Bog in this case) can be crafted simultaneously if multiple queue slots are used.

Ingredient Crafting Item(s) involved Recipe Cumulative
Crafting Time Cumulative
Fruit Tree
Fruit Tree
Crafting Item Apple
Apple (x1)
N/A N/A 15 seconds 15 seconds
Garden Patch
Garden Patch
Crafting Item Sugar Cane
Sugar Cane (x6)
N/A N/A 10 minutes 10 minutes
Crafting Item Sugar
Sugar (x2)
3 Sugar Cane 6 Sugar Cane 15 minutes 40 minutes
Crafting Item Log
Log (x2)
N/A N/A 20 minutes 20 minutes
Crafting Item Syrup
Syrup (x2)
1 Log
1 Sugar
6 Sugar Cane
2 Log
2 Sugar
40 minutes 2 hours


  • The Candy Apple is the first non-simple Crafting Item (compared to both the Applesauce and the Apple Tart) to require Apples.
  • In Version 1.8.0, as part of the "gameplay balance", the Candy Apple's crafting time was time was doubled. As a result, its market price range increased. Its previous price range was 886 - 1,476 Coins (Coins).
  • In Version 2.0.0, most primary Crafting Items received a time and price increase. Even though the Apple's time was not increased, the Candy Apple also requires the Syrup, which requires the Sugar, which requires the Sugar Cane. The Candy Apple's previous price range was 1,036 - 1,726 Coins (Coins).
  • As of Version 2.3.0, the Candy Apple now sells for 5x. Its previous price range was 1,105 - 1,841 Coins (Coins).

Crafting Items
Production Structures Utility Structures Translations