My Singing Monsters Wiki
My Singing Monsters Wiki
This article is about the Decoration on Plant Island. For the material from My Singing Monster's lore, see Bubblerite

Carved from polished Bubblerite, this groundpath is smooth and soft to the touch. But watch that those bubbles don't trip you up!

Bubblerite Path is a Path Decoration exclusive to Plant Island, and can be purchased for 250 Coins (Coins). As a Path, it can be placed underneath other Decorations, Monsters, and most Structures. However, it can not be placed underneath other Paths.


Mammott Portrait

An example of a portrait

  • Its name comes from "Bubble" and "rite," a common suffix used for types of gems and ore.
  • The Bubblerite Path is likely a reference to the name of the developer of My Singing Monsters: Big Blue Bubble.
  • Bubblerite Path has the most variations out of any Decoration.
  • This Path is combined with the Mossy Bubblerite Path in the Checkered Bubblerite Path.
  • The background for the Monster Portraits appears to be the Bubblerite Path.




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