My Singing Monsters Wiki
My Singing Monsters Wiki

The Book of Monsters.

Welcome to the Book of Monsters! This is your one-stop shop to help track your Singing Monster collection. As you collect new species, their portrait squares will light up. Tap on a shadowed portrait to learn more about how to add it to your collection. Tap on the Island Button in the lower left corner to switch between islands. Good luck, and happy Monstering!
Book of Monsters help information

The Book of Monsters is a tool for keeping track of your Monsters added in the 2.0.3 update for My Singing Monsters.

The Book of Monsters allows the player to see and read about various Monsters that they have discovered in the My Singing Monsters universe. It will display Common Monsters as well as Rare Monsters and Epic Monsters. Once a monster has been hatched or awoken for the first time, a discovery screen will play, and the monster will be added to the collection.

When selecting a Monster that was already obtained on the island, a short sound clip of the Monster's song will play as well. When selecting a Wublin, Wubbox (including Rare Wubbox and Epic Wubbox), or Celestial, its "awakening" animation will play instead of its idle animation.

Other quotes[]

Add this Monster to your collection by _______.
Message displayed when a Monster that can be bought or bred has not been discovered
Sorry, this Monster is currently not available to buy or breed.
Don't worry though, it will be back. Keep an eye out for Rare and Epic promotions!
Message displayed when a Monster cannot be bought or bred
Sorry, this Monster is currently not available to collect.
Don't worry though, you won't have long to wait - its availability alternates with its other form every half-day or so!
Message displayed when a certain form of a Paironormal Monster is unavailable
Sorry, this Monster is currently not available to collect.
Don't worry though, it will be back.
Message displayed when a Fire Monster of Common rarity, either as a Vessel or not, is unavailable
Sorry, this Monster is currently not available to buy or breed.
Don't worry though, it will be back. This Monster becomes available during the Seasonal Event of _______ in the month of ________.
Message displayed when a Seasonal Monster is unavailable
You can add this Monster to your collection once you reach a higher level.
Message displayed when a monster is unlocked at a level the player hasn't reached
The right stars aren't in the sky right now, and this Celestial can't be Ascended until the correct Constellation is in view. Try again later!
Message displayed when an Adult Celestial on Celestial Island is unavailable
Looks like this Monster has eluded you so far... But lucky you, it's available right now to buy in the market! Most monsters can also be bred for free. Good Luck!
Pre-2.1.6 message displayed when a Monster that can be bought has not been discovered
You can judge a book by its cover all you want, but it's hard to judge when you don't know where to find the cover! We've added a button for the Book of Monsters to the main HUD, and simplified how the book itself works. Take a look and new your Monster collections easier than ever before.
Version 2.1.6 "NEW: Updated Book of Monsters!"


  • Before version 2.1.6, users had a less advanced Monster Collection that only displayed Monster portraits, like the current Memory Game.
  • After version 2.2.2, Monster collections can be zoomed in and out using the slider designed in the same fashion as volume slider.

In version 3.2.0, the Book of Monsters saw major cosmetic changes.

  • Monsters' Classes have been grouped by color and silhouettes;
    • Gray: Common Monsters, including Dipsters, Wublins, Werdos, Mythicals, Ethereals, Shugafam and Celestials
      • Celestials, while still displayed gray, are grouped separately as young, adults, and elders, rather than all of them being grouped as Commons.
    • Blue/Cyan: Rare Monsters
      • Before version 4.0.0, this was also the case for adult Celestials, although their silhouettes were, and still are, gray.
    • Yellow/Orange: Epic Monsters
      • Before version 4.0.0, this was also the case for elder Celestials, although they are still going to be released.
    • Red/Pink: Seasonal Monsters, including their Rare and Epic forms
      • As of version 4.0.0 and beyond, Seasonal Monsters on Seasonal Shanty are grouped as Commons, Rares, and Epics, although their silhouettes are still red/pink, and the Seasonals tab got removed from the Island due to the fact that all Monsters available there are Seasonals. Before this change, they were all grouped as Seasonals, leaving the other tabs empty.
  • When 'discovering' a Monster for the first time by cracking the egg in the Nursery, a Discovery Screen will appear, followed by the Monster's graphic being inserted into the Book of Monsters.
  • Monsters available in the Market and not yet 'discovered' on the Island display in grayscale.
  • Limited-time Monsters that have not yet been 'discovered' will pulse. Tapping them brings up an information screen showing how long that Monster will be available.
  • The bottom of the Book of Monsters displays the count of each Monster and Costume 'discovered' and the total number that can be discovered.
  • The zoom slider was removed, opting instead for pinch-to-zoom gestures on Mobile, and the scroll wheel in the Steam version.

In version 4.4.0, even more features were changed:

  • Commons, Rares, and Epics on Gold and Amber Island now have their own pages instead of being all together, totaling three pages for both Islands instead of having every Monster on a single page. Gold Island doesn't have a category for Costumes. This is due to Costumes not being available for purchase directly on Gold Island, which is what is needed in order for costumes to be properly recorded. Amber Island does have a category for Costumes since Costumes can be bought on the Island.
  • All limited time Monsters that a player currently doesn't have registered are now grayscale instead of being colored. This was done to alleviate any confusion players might have over unregistered Monsters. They are also slightly brighter compared to unregistered Common Monsters to make it easier to see which Monsters a player doesn't have.
  • The pulsing of limited time Monsters was slowed down to make it easier to see undiscovered Monsters.
  • Seasonal Shanty Monsters are now properly categorized by Commons, Rares, and Epics, instead of all of them being categorized as Seasonals. Because of this, the Seasonal category was removed due to it being redundant.
  • All categories on Celestial Island are now white instead of Adults being blue/cyan and Elders being yellow. The Seasonal category was also removed.


Version 4.4.0[]

Version 3.2.0[]

Version 2.1.6[]


  • If a Monster is sold or boxed on an Island, its entry in the Book of Monsters will not be erased. A collection in the Book of Monsters can be completed without all monsters having to be present on an island, they simply have to be discovered first.
  • A Natural Island and its respective Mirror Island share the same Book of Monsters page. For example, if you hatch a Rare Furcorn on Mirror Cold Island, and a Rare Furcorn was never hatched on Cold Island, it will still count towards the total collection for Cold Island.
  • You do not have to place a Monster to 'discover' it (excluding the Wubboxes, Titansouls and the Dipsters). Simply hatching it will still add it to the Book of Monsters.
  • Monsters are often added to the Book of Monsters before they've been released.
  • Tribal Island, The Colossingum, and Composer Island are the only islands that don't have entries in the book.
    • Tribal Island doesn't have a page because the Monsters on the island are real players. Any collection page for the island would theoretically only apply to the tribe's chief, as they are the only player that can pick and choose monsters to place, rendering it moot.
    • The Colossingum doesn't have a page for unknown reasons. Simply put, adding it to the Colossingum for the first time will increase that number of discovered Monsters.
    • Composer Island doesn't have a page because all of the Monsters are obtained by purchasing them with coins, making a collection page pointless. However, it should be noted that Costumes are available on Composer Island, and since many of them are purchased with Diamonds, a Book of Monsters page wouldn't be that useless.
  • Gold Island used to not have its own page, likely due to the enormous amount of Monsters that can exist on the Island. In Version 4.4, it received a new three paged Book of Monsters, divided into Commons, Rares, and Epics. It has 116 Monsters in total, the most out of any Island to date.
    • A page for Gold Island did exist before Version 2.1.6, back when the Book used the portraits of Monsters.
    • This three-page system was applied to Amber Island as well, which also has a huge collection of Monsters. In the future, there will be even more, which is why it also got 3 pages for its Book of Monsters.
  • Celestial Island is the only Island to not use the typical Monster group names. This is because the Celestials are sorted through Young, Adults, and Elders, instead of Common, Rare, and Epic.
  • Because Wubbox, Rare Wubbox, Epic Wubbox, the Wublins, the Titansouls and the Celestials are not added to the Book of Monsters until they are awoken, there is no way for a player to skip the discovery screen when discovering these monsters for the first time. The discovery screens of the Dipsters also cannot be skipped because they are bought from the market directly.
  • Buying monsters via Diamonds to fill up a Wubbox of any kind does not add them to the Book of Monsters.
  • When Rare Gobbleygourd released, there was a glitch in the Fire Oasis page where Whaddle would appear in the same place as Epic Whaddle. It could either appear in front or behind Epic Whaddle.
  • Before the 4.4.0 update, the Seasonal Shanty page had all monsters listed as Seasonals, regardless if they were Common, Rare, or Epic. Now they're properly categorized as Common, Rare, or Epic instead of all being categorized as Seasonal.
    • On any other page besides Seasonal Shanty, all Seasonals, regardless of their rarity, are part of the Seasonals category.
  • The Amber Island page is the only one where Common Monsters have black silhouettes. This is due to all Common Monsters on Amber Island being limited time.
    • Prior to the Fire Expansion update, Amber Island was the only page to feature limited time Common Monsters.
  • Book Of Monsters Zooming Bug

    A bug when zooming in.
