My Singing Monsters Wiki
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Battle Experience (Battle XP) is a Colossingum-exclusive mechanic introduced in My Singing Monsters 3.0. Battle Experience is earned by completing Quests. The Colossingum has its own levels, ranging from Level 1 to Level 30. Leveling up The Colossingum unlocks new Costumes available to purchase for Monsters for Medals and decorations available to purchase on the market for medals.

The amount of experience required to reach each level, and unlocks, are shown in the following table.

Level Battle Exp Unlocks
1 -
2 200 Battle XP Slideshow Intern (Noggin)
Log Drum
Plant Symphony
3 300 Battle XP Folly Roger (Toe Jammer)
4 450 Battle XP Narwhaaa? (Fwog)
The Thumpieverse
5 600 Battle XP Thingia Swag (Drumpler)
6 750 Battle XP Sensory Furphones (Maw)
Cold Symphony
7 1,000 Battle XP Construction, A head (T-Rox)
Bowl-Cuttings (Potbelly)
8 5,000 Battle XP

Conehead (Shrubb)
Cotton Dandy (Oaktopus)
Realm of Thingia

9 10,000 Battle XP Fashion Forward (Furcorn)
Horned Spangenhelm (Pummel)
10 20,000 Battle XP Bough Down (Clamble)
Ushanka Very Much (Bowgart)
Tamborine Trampoline
Air Symphony
11 40,000 Battle XP Party Hardy Hat (Tweedle)
Spiral Engravings (Entbrat)
12 75,000 Battle XP Dynamic Dome (Pango)
Fanciful Florets (Dandidoo)
Jammerland Anthem
13 150,000 Battle XP Ten Gallon Hat (Congle)
Dyad Hatters (Quibble)
14 300,000 Battle XP Crash Test Gear (Thumpies)
Umbrella Hat (Spunge)
Jelly Dreams
15 600,000 Battle XP Scrooball (Deedge)
Chitin Mittens (Cybop)
Gaung Tree
16 1,200,000 Battle XP Space Ploddity (Scups)
Pom-Mohawk (PomPom)
Plant Reverie
17 2,000,000 Battle XP Heavymetal Helmet (Riff)
Breath Tweeter (Reedling)
18 4,000,000 Battle XP Cod Topper (Shellbeat)
Cold Reverie
19 6,000,000 Battle XP Sweatbands (Quarrister)
20 8,000,000 Battle XP GKO (Ghazt)
Simbull Tree
Air Reverie
21 10,000,000 Battle XP Dungeon Master (Grumpyre)
Future So Bright (Reebro)
22 12,000,000 Battle XP Darlin' Garlands (Jeeode)
MailMon Mike (Humbug)
Faerie Tale Suite
23 14,000,000 Battle XP Cute Corsair (Whisp)
Sticky Handed (Nebulob)
24 16,000,000 Battle XP Baseborn Busker (Arackulele)
Chande-leer (Boodoo)
25 18,000,000 Battle XP Business Casual (Sox)
Lobster Role (Kazilleon)
26 20,000,000 Battle XP Take the Plunge (Bellowfish)
Frill Thrill (Dragong)
Stone Drum
Spurrit of Adventure
27 22,000,000 Battle XP Propeller Beanie (Jellbilly)
Awesome Saucer (Fung Pray)
28 24,000,000 Battle XP Strummy-ache
29 26,000,000 Battle XP
30 28,000,000 Battle XP 5 new Jukebox tunes
4 new Colossingum Decorations

After reaching Level 30, the Battle XP Battle XP counter no longer increases, and reads the overflowed (amount of BXP earned above the 28,000,000 required to reach Level 30) value out of 0 (zero).
