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Exclusive to My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire
The following article includes content exclusive to the game My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire.
Monsters can get a trifle wobbly from time to time. A soothing remedy from the Apothecary will fix things up lickety-split!
In-game description

The Apothecary is a secondary through quaternary Production Structure in Dawn of Fire that produces Crafting Items; it brews different remedies. The Apothecary is the twelfth direct Production Structure, and the thirteenth overall Production Structure available in the game, unlocked at level 17.


The products that are produced by the Apothecary are listed below.

Note: The production times shown below are the default times. Upgrading the Apothecary will decrease the production times.

Crafting Item Recipe Production Time Unlock Level Trading Post Price Experience Type of Item
Crafting Item Lemon Drop
Lemon Drop
3 Lemon
1 Syrup
1 hour,
30 minutes
17 4,613 - 7,688 Coins 10 Experience Quaternary, intermediate
Crafting Item Cough Syrup
Cough Syrup
1 Slime
2 Syrup
1 Lemon
4 hours 17 6,964 - 11,607 Coins 17 Experience Quaternary, intermediate
Crafting Item Bandage
3 Wool 4 hours 21 3,833 - 6,388 Coins 9 Experience Secondary, end-product
Crafting Item Booster Shot
Booster Shot
1 Bamboo
1 Needle
1 Applesauce
12 hours 27 7,525 - 12,525 Coins 19 Experience Tertiary, intermediate
Crafting Item Night Light
Night Light
1 Glitter
1 Amber
8 hours 30 11,112 - 18,519 Coins 29 Experience Secondary, end-product
Crafting Item Vitamin Pill
Vitamin Pill
1 Pumpkin
1 Lemon
1 Apple
1 Log
16 hours 43 10,142 - 16,904 Coins 25 Experience Secondary, end-product
Crafting Item Ice Pack
Ice Pack
2 Silk
3 Ice
10 hours 50 9,428 - 15,713 Coins N/A Secondary, end-product


The Apothecary may be upgraded to make processes a percentage faster. The equation for a Crafting Item's new speed after a certain upgrade is Original_Time * (100 / (0.95 + Upgrade_No * 0.05)), with "Original_Time" referring to the Crafting Item's default processing time, and "Upgrade_No" referring to the level that the structure is at after the upgrade.

The Apothecary can be upgraded even when it is active. A random amount of crystals (a mix of Crystals, Polished Crystals and Carved Crystals, sometimes only one of a certain type) is required as well as coins. As the upgrade gets higher, the chances of getting a more expensive mix of Crystals is higher.

After upgrading, the selected Structure will run faster, and XP will be earned as well, the amount dependent on the difficulty of the combination of crystals.

Crystals + 100 Coins = 5% faster total.

Name Origin[]

The Apothecary is named after the term "apothecary," which means a medical professional who "formulates and dispenses materia medica to physicians, surgeons and patients."


  • It takes 493 Diamonds (Dawn of Fire) to unlock all queue slots in one Apothecary.
  • One of the Apothecary's items, the Vitamin Pill, has the longest guaranteed waiting time out of all of the other Crafting Items at sixteen hours. This includes items produced by the Wondermine, whose times may vary depending on the elemental number of the monster used. (Note that Glitter, Spring, and Copper do not have guaranteed waiting times as they do not have a 100% chance of being being acquired with any monster).
    • The recipe of the Vitamin Pill is rather logical; Pumpkin is a good source of Vitamin A, lemons are an excellent source of Vitamin C, and apples are also considered healthy. Many pills contain microcrystalline cellulose, which makes the pill crumble as soon as it is in contact with water. This allows the medicine to be absorbed rather quickly. In addition, microcrystalline cellulose can be made from wood, hence it is also a part of the recipe.
  • Another one of the Apothecary's items, the Bandage, appears more like a Band-Aid that has two sticky ends and is used for small cuts, rather than looking like an actual bandage, or a strand of wool dressing.
  • The Ice Pack's Experience cannot be determined because it is only unlocked once the player reaches the maximum level (level 50) when earned Experience is no longer shown. This is the only Crafting Item whose Experience cannot be determined.
  • Ice Pack's recipe has some form of logical sense: instead of ice pack gel, the Ice Pack uses ice, while instead of plastic, the Ice Pack uses silk, a thin material suitable for containing and at the same time letting as much heat transfer through.
  • The Apothecary has been discounted before. The following are its past discounts:
    • In 2016:
    • In 2017:
      • Anniversary Month: 11th September to 14th September 2017. Discount 50%.
    • In 2018:
      • Anniversary Month: 11th September to 14th September 2018. Discount 50%.
    • In 2019:
      • 22nd March 2019 to 25th March 2019 for three days. Discount 50%.
    • In 2020:
      • Anniversary Month Week 3. Discount 50%.
      • 6th November to 9th November 2020 for three days. Discount 50%.
    • In 2022:
      • 14th July 18th July 2022 for 4 days. Discount 50%.
  • The Version 1.8.0 Update changed a few features of the Apothecary:
    • As part of the "gameplay balance," all Crafting Items made by the Apothecary had their crafting times doubled.
    • The Market price range for the Crafting Items increased as a result of their longer production times. Their previous price ranges were:
      • Lemon Drop: 731 - 1,218 Coins.
      • Cough Syrup: 1,114 - 1,857 Coins.
      • Bandage: 519 - 865 Coins.
      • Booster Shot: 893 - 1,488 Coins.
      • Night Light: 1,863 - 3,104 Coins.
      • Vitamin Pill: 1,222 - 2,036 Coins.
      • Ice Pack: 1,278 - 2,130 Coins.
  • The Version 2.0.0 Update changed a few features of the Apothecary:
    • As part of the "gameplay balance", all primary crafting items except for the Apple and the Wondermine items received a price and time increase.
    • As a result, all items except for Night Light received a price increase. Their previous price ranges were:
      • Lemon Drop: 798 - 1,330 Coins.
      • Cough Syrup: 1,294 - 2,157 Coins.
      • Bandage: 699 - 1,165 Coins.
      • Booster Shot: 1,478 - 2,463 Coins.
      • Vitamin Pill: 1,942 - 3,236 Coins.
      • Ice Pack: 1,728 - 2,880 Coins.
  • The Version 2.3.0 Update increased every Apothecary items' price by 5x. Their previous price ranges were:
    • Lemon Drop: 923 - 1,538 Coins.
    • Cough Syrup: 1,393 - 2,322 Coins.
    • Bandage: 767 - 1,278 Coins.
    • Booster Shot: 1,503 - 2,505 Coins.
    • Night Light: 2,223 - 3,704 Coins.
    • Vitamin Pill: 2,029 - 3,381 Coins.
    • Ice Pack: 1,886 - 3,143 Coins.

Structures (Dawn of Fire)