My Singing Monsters Wiki
This article is about the crafting item from Dawn of Fire, for the Island in My Singing Monsters, see Amber Island
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Exclusive to My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire
The following article includes content exclusive to the game My Singing Monsters: Dawn of Fire.


The Amber is the fourth Wondermine-exclusive Crafting Item and overall, the eighteenth Crafting Item to be unlocked in the game, along with the Lemon Cake and Triple Lovey-dovey Costume. Its Trading Post Price Range is 2,419 - 4,032 Coins (Coins). It is unlocked at Level 18.


Amber is needed to craft into Amber Lollipops in the Candy Factory, Sunglasses in the Tailor, and Night Lights in the Apothecary, which require 1 Amber each.

Item Recipe Required Structure Level Unlocked Crafting Time Trading Post Price
Crafting Item Amber Lollipop
Amber Lollipop
1 Bamboo
2 Sugar
1 Amber
Candy factory
Candy Factory
22 4h 0m 0s 6,552 - 10,919 Coins
Crafting Item Sunglasses
2 Bamboo
1 Amber
26 6h 0m 0s 5,877 - 9,794 Coins
Crafting Item Night Light
Night Light
1 Amber
1 Glitter
30 8h 0m 0s 11,112 - 18,519 Coins

Amber can also be used to craft Decorations in the Workshop.

Decoration Recipe Level Unlocked Crafting Time Market Price
Weather Vane
Weather Vane
1 Template:Crafting Item
1 Amber
1 Sand
1 Tomato
34 8h 0m 0s 40 Diamonds (Dawn of Fire)

Amber can also be given directly to Monsters and can be used in the Skyship.


To craft Amber, a Monster must be sent into the Wondermine for a chance to gain some Amber. Sending more elementally complex Monsters will gain a higher chance of obtaining Amber, up to a maximum of 100%. For the Amber, using a Quint-Element Monster will give a 100% guaranteed chance of a single Amber per sending.

Once the Amber has been collected from the Wondermine, it rewards 7Experience per Amber.

Skyship Requirements[]

The Amber is moderately difficult to obtain, so the Skyship may ask for 3 orders of 1 to 2 Amber per order, making a total of 3 or 6.


To craft lots of Amber, ensure the player goes to the Wondermine often. Use a Single-Element Monster every one hour for a chance to get an Amber each at 10% chance. Or use a Double-Element Monster every two hours for a chance to get an Amber at a 20% chance. Or use a Triple-Element or a Mythical Monster every four hours for a chance to get an Amber at a 40% chance. Or use a Quad-Element or a Seasonal Monster every eight hours for a chance to get an Amber at an 80% chance. Or get 100% chance with a Quint-Element Monster every twelve hours for the best efficiency of guaranteed Amber.


  • The Amber is the fourth Wondermine-exclusive Crafting Item to be unlocked.
  • It used to be impossible to gain the Amber with 100% chance. This was changed since Version 1.7.0, with the introduction of Candelavra.
  • The Amber is mentioned here, mentioning various aspects surrounding preserving ancient history.
  • As of the Version 2.3.0 Update, the Amber now sells for 5x its profit. Its previous price range was 484 - 807 Coins (Coins).
  • The Amber is manifested on Amber Island.

Crafting Items
Production Structures Utility Structures Translations