Just says that it was either disabled by me or by fandom
I didn't disable it so it was by fandom but i don't have a reason so i'm waiting for fandom to answer the message i sent thru support
If it was disabled by you I think its fine? if it was fandom then its sockpuppety
Wasn't disabled by me so yeah imma just wait to avoid sockpuppetry
My main acc got disabled and i'm trying to figure out why so yeah
Also idk if i'm allowed to do stuff on this acc or not @WolfNXtra
Bro turned into pou
More peculiar than @SpongeLav's file organization...
Evil zuuker: It's booooring in here >:(
Prolly a mythical or smth
Ping me (Spongelav)
"Come ON there MUST be a way out..."
Red prismatic evil zuuker:
(in prism gate) dang....
How do i get out now...
*continues to beat up thwok*
I'm evil but i like this idea
Evil Zuuker: i'm so evil
*starts beating up thwok*
And i'll be EVIL zuuker
If @SpongeLav signs up i wanna be the evil version of his monster
I thought i confirmed my email grr i want to stab gmail with a knife grr grrrrrrr
I kidnapped him now you better behave