9. Mirror Air
I'm not gonna explain since it's pretty obvious, moving on (Overall score 1/10)
8. Mirror Bone
Good concept, horrible execution. There's literally next to no beat drop anywhere and overall the song is just not that well done, it's just buildup after buildup with the most underwhelming climax of all time. Also using Fwog as a transition just doesn't work, I'm sorry. Overall score 2/10
7. Mirror Psychic
Ignoring Hairionette, this is essentially just psychic island but the verses are slightly switched around with an extra one at the end. I personally think my prediction for Mirror Psychic is better than the actual one, but that might just be me. Also if you don't believe me, the verse just before the Bisonorus outro is literally just Psychic's last verse copy-pasted onto the mirror version. The next island sort of suffers from this too, but to a lesser extent. (Overall score 3/10)
6. Mirror Faerie
Mirror Faerie is... interesting, to say the least. The verses feel so random but for the most part they just work. But remember what I said about Mirror Psychic? Mirror Faerie also has its fair share of moments where it's pretty much the same song as normal Faerie. For example, they decided for some reason to throw Faerie's beginning into the middle of Mirror Faerie with PongPing added in to slightly change it up. My only other real gripe with Mirror Faerie is that the song ends rather abruptly and the last verse just doesn't work as a final verse. Other than that it's fine I guess. Overall score 5/10
5. Mirror Water
Mirror Water Island fleshes out so many monsters that never really got to shine in regular Water, and overall I just love it for how experimental it is. This island generally is just a prime example of what I want mirror islands to do, play around with the less-important monsters from the normal island and have them shine more on the mirror island. This concept is what I based my Mirror Psychic prediction around and why I like it more than what we got. Mirror Water fleshes out monsters like Quibble, Shrubb, Tweedle, among many others who didn't really get to shine in normal water island. And don't forget the Cybop solo, I can't even hate that part because it's just so funny that an irrelevant monster in regular Water gets a whole verse to itself in the mirror version. And the cherry on top, Mirror Water is the only mirror island who got an extension to be longer than the regular island. If we can't give normal Water an extension, this is the next best thing. Ok that's the end of my yap on Mirror Water Island I'm sorry (Overall score 7/10)
4. Mirror Plant
Mirror Plant is just, solid. I don't know if this is nostalgia taking over or if this is genuinely just a good arrangement, but this just works. The intro is well-done, the buildups are great, the monsters are generally utilized well, and that just makes for a good mirror island. Also, the ending is actually such a genius move, they 100% knew what they were doing making it end with all the OG monsters. Overall score 7.5/10
3. Mirror Light
I was NOT expecting what they had in store for Mirror Light Island, but MAN is it good. They completely inversed the song structure and it somehow actually sounds great! The intro and outro still work despite being completely different, the quieter monsters get to shine more, and the island isn't nearly as repetitive. I never thought I would see Bulbo add a lot to a part of an island, but on Mirror Light it actually makes quite a difference in the later parts. Combine that with the fact that Kayna Potbelly and Mammott don't yap throughout the entire song, and you've got yourself one solid island. Overall score 8.5/10
2. Mirror Cold
Mirror Cold is ALMOST perfect. Dare I say it, it's better than regular Cold. I seriously just cannot find any major flaws with this island, it's that good. The only tiny issue I have is that similar to Mirror Faerie, Mirror Cold ends sort of abruptly and doesn't have a proper ending. Everything else is pretty much perfect, I don't know what else to say. Overall rating 9.5/10
1. Mirror Earth
Mirror Earth is perfect. There is literally no flaws I can find. It's just perfect. This is the only mirror island with perfect werdo usage, and not to mention common Wubbox was utilized so much better here. Rather than being a filler monster for the final two verses, instead it's used as the main percussion for the climax which works so much better. That's just a few of the many things that were done right here. Humbug is audible, NOGGIN is audible, the Dipsters' second track was utilized much better, and Cybop honestly carries its verses (why did they give Cybop of all monsters so much attention). The ending is the cherry on top. I never thought Furcorn and Dandidoo's duet would make for a good ending to Earth Island, but apparently it does and it's GOOD. Stoowarb finishing it off is so unexpectedly good like what?! It's almost like that track was made for this. Mirror Earth overall is the only mirror island I could consider to be on par with its normal counterpart, which says a lot as earth is already a really good island in my eyes. Overall rating 10/10