24 Votes in Poll
I have the Phosphoran Phlox in my nursery
24 Votes in Poll
Once Epic Dragong releases, i will try to complete the trio of my favorite monster
Unfunny, try a new and better joke
Remember us arguing about Vhenshun being overrated
Hot take: Auglur is my least favorite triplethereal, but still good
Flasque is the best Ethereal Workshop monster
How are Flasque, Nitebear, Piplash, X'rt and Oogiddy [some monsters i really like] overrated
When is the new fish releasing in Fish Island?
EpicThoradolosaur7782 can be found on Random Island
Stair fatty cracked out wormies to me
It would be strange to see your username being changed
So no
Flasque + X'rt
The cartoon's name is non-existent
Imagine if Mirror Magical Sanctum secretly gets released next update
Bill Cipher and Sonic The Hedgehog
No, Rare Zuuker and Rare Dragong are my 2 favorite rares, that's why i tagged Rare Zuuker
My Opposite Monsters must fix this bug