If a leaf turns purple why is theremind orange, but mpg is a potato? yes no or maybe.
Maybe a Dragon for haven that could be based on obsidian
Idk about oasis but maybe a factory
Yeah ok epic dragong
YOUR BACK! but this is my favorite monster and i love it
Amber wubbox could just have a zapping inv like the rest do
^its also the first workthereal you get and is sorta the mascot of the island, it was shown in the trailer
You have the ability to get 8 more without mirror islands 17 more with mirror islands.
^get more. more daily diamonds
We will see in festival of yay
^yeah i searched Victorian furnace and it did look like the box form
I neeeeeed bios
I am waiting for sounds to update my fanmade mirror islands
It was guys
^it should be summersong