The Phosphoran Phlox in weird but kinda neat. I’m in school so I haven’t heard it’s sound yet, but the way to get it is odd. I thought it would either be just like the colosseye or like Wubbox where you have to box a monster, never to be seen again. Instead, you turn off up to four monster’s coin production to power up the Phlox. This doesn’t wake up Phosphora (yet) which I think is sorta odd. How we will Wake up Phosphora is unknown. Also, mirror magical islands… are indeed things that exist. I personally think they’re WAAY too expensive for what they are. I mean, 1,000 diamonds for a single island!? That’s too much. Even at half off, they are overpriced. I think they should have costed shards instead because those are much easier to farm in my opinion.