Filling up the Rare Wubby
Hatched a Rare Reedling that I bred a long time ago but it was right before I took one of my little breaks from the game
Synthesized Flasque
And bred Pinghound
One year already??
^ Pretty much what I was going to say too
Me whenever I take off my headphones to hear someone and they weren't even talking to me
Filling up the Rare Wubby
Hatched a Rare Reedling that I bred a long time ago but it was right before I took one of my little breaks from the game
Synthesized Flasque
And bred Pinghound
^ Rare Wubbox
Sorry but I am losing it at the front-facing Epic Maw on the right
I was born in June, so I got PomPom. It actually used to be my overall fav monster
Trust me, I am just as sad as you all are, just for a different reason. It's only been an hour but I'm tired of seeing everyone in a horrible mood. I just want to see this place as the happy, welcoming, and creative group of people I know and love. I don't want to post my newest drawing only for it to be buried by you guys not being who I see you as. I don't want to be the only person here that is not yelling and raging. Please.
I will not be reading any replies. I can't last another second in such a negative environment.
I honestly know how you guys feel, I have had a somewhat similar experience in the past (it was with something related to a semi-obscure interest that I don't have time to explain)
Based on the recent posts, I'm starting to think it was a kinda good thing I didn't watch Fyre Oasys Festival and tbh I completely forgot it was happening
I just spent the time drawing and playing Roblox
(I did get the diamonds from the web shop dw)
It was honestly a bit sad to see it leave my Plant Island. It was one of the first Rares I ever got, I didn't expect to grow so attached to it.
At least it's the first Monster I've ever gotten to Shanty (Yeah I've learned that teleportation islands are so much easier that I thought lol)
I'm trying to relax and unwind rn because I just had a really stressful day and I have been scared out of my mind by my phone randomly yelling ERROR at me twice now.
Decided to try drawing a Wubbox in my style and I love how it turned out!
Also I messed up the hand 😭
Like, I name all of my Wubboxes after my favorite music artists and bands, all my Ethereals (that aren't on Workshop) after school friends, and so on. Does anyone else do this or am I alone in this?
I listen to a lot of percussion-heavy genres, mostly breakcore, so I highly agree. It's weird how much a song can be changed just from removing the percussion.
I don't exactly like Teeter-Tauter, like it's not amazing but not awful either
Screenshotted a bit late but I got one when I'm trying to get Arackulele rn
Nice, I'm actually trying to breed one for my Rare Wubbox right now!
Yeah my Workshop is a bit behind to say the least bc I was having absolutely awful luck until recently but at least progress is being made
Got a bit of progress on Mythical too with Bleatnik and Crachee (forgot to screenshot Crachee's discovery screen)
And finally Hyehehe