I’m not taking any suggestions anymore. If you ask, I will just respond with the picture of CanYouDoiscorp.
Transparent Ziggascorp
Periscorp island (so far)
Also, because of a recent poll, here are the bios of them!
Ziggascorp bio: what a mischevious creature! The Ziggascorp is, like all of the periscorp family, made by the Kingiscorp. However, unlike the Periscorp family, Ziggascorp likes to pull pranks. Often, when Ziggascorp leave Periscorp island, they eventually get to a Prank-Off with Hyehehe. Hyehehe always wins.
CanYouDoiscorp: when the Kingascorp was asked by other monsters to combine them with a Periscorp, the Kingascorp eventually got fed up, and made CanYouDoiscorp. Now, whenever someone asks the Kingascorp to make a Periscorp, he justs makes a CanYouDoiscorp.
Ziggascorp sound: Ziggurab + Periscorp
CanYouDoiscorp sound: silently judges you. Occasionally sighs disappointedly
@Toad Bakes Pie