I got Oogiddy 3rd try
Based on (I was your favorite)
based on (serenaded)
based on (dragong is hungry)
Based on (my staring monsters)
Based on ("H-how did you get here?!")
It's red paint on dragong
Penjeeoowheebeth. And what monster should I do next?
Jeeode, Ghazt, Grumpyre,Reebro,Whisp,Yooreek,Bellowfish
Comment which I should add for Wave 2! I will take 5 commented monsters & put them in!
I just realized that the traits of BeMeebEth's design represent's all Ethereal Elements.
Btw, here are the colored lines in order.
Violet = Plasma
Dark Grey = Shadow
Light Grey = Mech
Mint = Crystal
Yellow-ish Green = Poison
Does everyone get it?
So what if we turned the monsters into the monster without their elements? (Ex. Flowah becomes riff)
Uhm yeah idk what to do with this post so here's whisp becoming teeter-tauter
Nebulob into X'rt next, idk what how will that work but ok.