I feel like making another prediction. Besides, Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I might as well make predictions. Obviously, Punkleton would be available to get on Plant Island.
Anyways, here are my predictions:
Epic Arackulele (Obviously): I mean, Spiders have something to do with Halloween, so I think it would make sense that Epic Arackulele would release during the spooky holiday. And I'm pretty sure that Epic Arackulele would be based off of an Tarantula.
Vegetable Valley TitanSoul (Not gonna happen): I know it's gonna be a nightmare if Premium Skin titans have their own Titansoul, but according to Manisphesto's post, I think it would be okay if they would give them their own TitanSoul. But I'm pretty sure that it obviously won't happen since we already have Coloss-Eyes from the normal Natural Island Colossals.
Introduction of Rare Workshop Ethereals (Likely): I mean, Workshop Ethereals are part of the Ethereal Class after all. I mean, look at the Ethereal Singles and Doubles, they have their own Rares. So I think it would be cool if they give Ethereals of my favorite MSM Island their own rates as well. And according to my theory, the synthesizer from Ethereal Workshop could act as the Crucible from Amber Island, so you have to evolve a Workshop Ethereal into it's rare form. (For example, you have to evolve Meebkin into it's rare form by using two of each of its elemental meebs)
Rare Gnarls (Obviously): Since Gnarls is on Bone Island and Beat Hereafter is coming soon, I think it would make sense that Rare Gnarls would be here as well. Although, it could be weird because he would release before Beat Hereafter arrives, like how Rare Drummidary didn't release during Skypainting.
So, what do you think?