41 Votes in Poll
41 Votes in Poll
40 Votes in Poll
This is just a fun little idea inspired by the Seasonal Snacks, basically what if there was a power-up item for each Seasonal Event that you could use on a Structure to give it some kind of boost?
I didn't put much thought into the logistics of how they would exactly work, I just wanted to figure out what each one would do, but I imagine they would work similiar to potions and books in Clash of Clans
That said, I don't think there is enough things that can actually BE boosted in the game, so I need some help figuring the rest of these out
Crescendo Moon
- instant effect
- can be used on any Structure to instantly finish whatever it is curreny doing (breeding, hatching, upgrading, etc.)
Season of Love
- temporary effect
- can be used on a Breeding Structure to speed it up significantly
- temporary effect
- can be used on any Structure with RNG (Breeding Structure, Synthesizer, Crucible, etc.) to boost its chances (basically Wishing Torch effect, probably stronger)
- temporary effect
- can be used on a Nursery to speed it up significantly
- reduces the cooldown of the Scratch Ticket to 12h
Echoes of Eco
- instant effect
- can be used on a Wublin/Celestial/Vessel to add a couple days to its time
- it WOULD work on Adult Celestials
- instant effect
- can be used in the Book of Monsters on a single limited availability Monster to extend how long it is available by 24 hours
- it only works if the Monster is currently available
- of course, the effect only applies to you lol
- instant effect
- can be used on a Wublin to instantly add 3 random eggs to its inventory
- would also work with Rare Wublins
- temporary effect
- can be used on a Fuzer to make Conjuring and Fuzing instant for 24 hours
- instant effect
- can be used on any Monster to instantly set its level to 15
- cannot be used on a Monster that is level 15 or above, and on Monsters that cannot be fed
- temporary effect
- can be used on the Castle to remove the cooldown for the Memory Game
- maybe also boosts Memory Game rewards, like guaranteed Keys
Anniversary Month
- temporary effect
- can be used on the Castle to double all Gold or Shard production on that island
- temporary effect
- can be used on a Breeding Structure to significantly boost Costume chances
- low chance to get a Costume from any Seasonal Event, even if none are active
Beat Hereafter
- instant effect
- can be used on a Celestial to instantly add 5 random eggs to its inventory
- would work on flex-eggs, though it would fill them last
- temporary effect
- can be used on a Bakery to speed it up significantly
- the amount of Treats collected is doubled
Festival of Yay
- instant effect
- can be used on the Castle to give every eligible Monster on the island a Bonus reward
I don't know how much I am actually joking about this, we have Spaghetti in MSM and I am genuinely happy for some reason
Thoughts on the things I've seen people say about the new update:
"tHeY hYpEd Us Up FoR tHiS???!!!111//"
They didn't hype us up. They just made a post on social media that said "There's a new update on Wednesday and we're doing an update showcase for it!", and that's it. No big teasers leading up to it. Just one post announcing an update showcase.
If you saw that post and you immediately expected Ethereal Gold Island or something big like that to release today, and you got disappointed that nothing big released, that's on you.
"tHe SeAsOnAl SnAcKs ArE a ScAm!!!11"
They're not a scam. They're just a bad deal. There's a difference between the two.
A scam is defined as "a dishonest scheme; a fraud," on Google.
With this in mind, in the Bakery, if it claimed that the Dumplings were 5 million coins, but upon baking them it actually took away 20 million coins from your account, then it would actually be fair to call them a scam. But that's not the case. It says it costs 20 million coins, and it'll take 20 million coins from your account upon baking it (at least I assume so).
20 million coins for 750,000 treats is ridiculous when the Big Salad gives you more treats for half the price, but it's not a scam.
I think Seasonal Snacks are a really neat concept but the pricing should be changed so people are more likely to actually bake them.
Also the variants are cool I guess.
Mid update. Very mid.
I'm not really a fan of Rare G'day. And Epic Dragong really just looks like a Rare. Hoping it has the Epic Whisp thing where it changes during animations.
The costumes aren't the best, either. Ghazt looks ugly.
And the seasonal snacks are just useless. Noone's going to buy any.
32 Votes in Poll
Mammott (Cold Single)
Potbelly (Plant Single)
Toe Jammer (Water Single)
Cookeye (Food Single)
Oaktopus (Plant + Water)
Furcorn (Plant + Cold)
Maw (Water + Cold)
Chertwins (Plant + Food)
Muglow (Water + Food)
Canchorus (Cold + Food)
Bowgart (Cold + Plant + Water)
Toona (Plant + Food + Water)
Freyes (Food, Plant, Cold)
Pizzelty (Food, Water, Cold)
Snagetti (Food + Plant + Cold + Water)
Jam Boree (A.M Single)
Food Monsters:
Fun Facts:
Chertwins and Muglow were originally gonna be used for Enchanted Eden
The class name for the Food elementals are named Miracles
Freyes was originally gonna be a chocolate bar monster
The island design is heavily based off Vegetable Medley
Snagetti is based off the Youtuber “”HolyDuck”” and his video on why Snakes are Spaghetti
This new island has a very special treat for you.
Mammott (Cold Single)
Potbelly (Plant Single)
Toe Jammer (Water Single)
Cookeye (Food Single)
Oaktopus (Plant + Water)
Furcorn (Plant + Cold)
Maw (Water + Cold)
Chertwins (Plant + Food)
Muglow (Water + Food)
Canchorus (Cold + Food)
Bowgart (Cold + Plant + Water)
Jam Boree (A.M Single)
Food Monsters:
Fun Facts:
Chertwins and Muglow were originally gonna be used for Enchanted Eden
The class name for the Food elementals are named Miracles
55 Votes in Poll
25 Votes in Poll
It consists of 4 Pizzas (7.5k Treats Each), and a big "Salad" (It has squid in it, and is 1M Treats). And If I do NOT use diamonds, I will get them at 5PM EST on this Sunday. That's all for now, bye.
I will do the "small amounts of Treats in many bakeries" instead of the "Large amounts of Treats in a few/one bakery.", And once I get to 110,000,000+ Coins, I Bake a Big Salad, Or a few of them if I get >130,000,000 Coins.
(Yes, I am tagging myself, and I do, Infact, Consent to myself pinging me.)
But i got to stay to the msm theme, so here's my idea:
What should a bake/cook in cooking simulator and the cakes and cookies update, related to my singing monster? after i make the foods, I'll create a rp most likely with a restaurant with these yummy foods in it