And none of that fake tempo changing nonsense, a real Time Machine that can be used to transport a monster through time.
For instance, the Rare Tiawa’s bio states that it literally “opt[s] out of the optic optimization that typically comes with the species' maturation from Monsterling to Monster and only keep[s] the one eye.” You can’t just decide your younger self didn’t want a second eye! The only explanation is that the Common Tiawa went back in time and convinced their younger self to not become a common and instead become a rare!
Another example, the Epic Floogull. The bio says that they remember “when the Garden Patch was still green, and the Wishing Well was still wet, and the Wondermine still gleamed. They even heard the tree fall - the very last Barbapap Tree”. All of these things were only present during the Dawn of Fire, which the common Floogull I just hatched 2 days ago definitely wasn’t. The Crucible must have sent it back in time to witness all of these things, live a long time to look like it does, and return through the Crucible!
My final example comes from the Rare Drummidary whose bio says they made themselves “a castle-like armor encasing” with “impressive parapets, sturdy brickwork, and even a drawbridge”. I don’t think you could do all that in just around three days. And where would they get the materials from inside the Crucible? The thing is, they didn’t! They traveled back in time, found materials somewhere else, and built the castle body and then returned through the Crucible!
And that is just a few of the INDISPUTABLE reasons why the Crucible MUST be a Time Machine!
If it wasn’t obvious, this is all just an elaborate joke. I still do find it odd how Common Floogull become Epic Floogull and Tiawa can become Rare Tiawa simply with the use of the crucible.