Let me introduce you to:
The oc chart! (On paper!)
Yeah, you’ve seen all the- wait, is that a Buzzinga!?!?
Yes, it’s a Buzzinga! One called Honeycomb, to be exact! My new oc! And, I’ve made all of them!
Ask as many questions as you wish <3
Let me introduce you to:
The oc chart! (On paper!)
Yeah, you’ve seen all the- wait, is that a Buzzinga!?!?
Yes, it’s a Buzzinga! One called Honeycomb, to be exact! My new oc! And, I’ve made all of them!
Ask as many questions as you wish <3
Name: Hera
Siblings: Ara, Celara. (Both coming soon)
Species:a mix of Rare Ghazt, Pentumbra and Buzzinga!
I spent too long on the name thing heheh…
rare neb 🥳
rare neb again 🥲
probably another rare reebro to add to my collection of already 2 rare reebros 😭
I actually bred this a few minutes ago but forgot to post
So I've ultimately decided to fill my sketchbook with random monsters, and so I let people in the official MSM Discord server choose most of the monsters I draw. Not only that but I'm also taking requests here too!
(All of these except for Shellbeat and Stogg were suggestions)
Now you can only be a variant, Fanmade, nonthereal or nonmonster.
Ghazt: Me
Grumpyre: Me
Reebro: @Thrumblecraze
Jeeode: @Thrumblecraze
Humbug: @Thrumblecraze
Whisp: @Thrumblecraze (Connect 4, thrumblecraze wins!)
Nebulob: @Thrumblecraze Tell her to stop taking up the space like she is Teen titans go. All I see is thrumblecraze, Thrumblecraze, thrumblecraze everywhere. I’m going thrumblecrazy.
Sox: Me (I broke the wall)
Jellbilly: @Thrumblecraze
Arackulele: @Thrumblecraze STOP
Boodoo: @Newuser37271
Kazilleon: Me
Bellowfish: @TheLocoMoxy
Dragong: @Thrumblecraze
Fung Pray: @Cantorellfan2003
Yooreek: Me
Meebkin: Me(eb)
Blarret: Me (upper mouth) @Thrumblecraze (middle mouth) @Newuser37271 (bottom mouth)
Gaddzooks: Me
Auglur: @G213
Flasque: @Sobbleisdabestatbfdi
Nitebear: @Thrumblecraze
Piplash: @ProfessorTip (I was gonna get this role but that’s what I get for late timing)
Xrt: @Thrumblecraze
Teeter: @TheRealContentYouWant
Tauter: @Thrumblecraze
Whaill: Me
Vhenshun: Me
Pentumbra: Me
Rhysmuth: @Thrumblecraze
Oogiddy: @Thrumblecraze (her surname should be TTG cause she’s taking every space)
✨✨BeMeebEth✨✨: @Thrumblecraze
These are either monsters that aren’t Ethereals, or are like Ethereals, or are fanmade, or are rares and epics.
Thrumble: @Thrumblecraze
Monstriana Trench:
Anemonon: Me
Glimmerglaw: @Thrumblecraze
Potbelly first mouth: Me
Potbelly second mouth: @Thrumblecraze
Punkleton: @Thrumblecraze
The Yawstrich: @Thrumblecraze
The Rare Yawstrich: Me
The Epic Yawstrich: @Thrumblecraze
The other unknown breeds of Yawstrich: @Thrumblecraze and me. This may be the only role that multiple people can play. Blarret was taken, yes.
Mimic: @Thrumblecraze
Perplexray: Me
Zgusting (please be spelt correctly): @Thrumblecraze
Waxdevana (prediction for Meebkin): Me
Augmeeb(fusion of Auglur and Meebkin): @Thrumblecraze
Geadon: @G213
Fanmade Nonthereals:
Legendary Potbelly: Me
Ocrinon: me
Crocsticks: @Thrumblecraze
Rarethereals and Epicthereals:
Rare Humbug: Me
Epic Sox: @Thrumblecraze
Epic Ghazt: Me
Rare Ghazt: @Newuser37271 (sorry I already took common Ghazt)
Epic BeMeebEth: @Thrumblecraze
Rare Dragong: @EpicThoradolosaur7782
Rare Vhenshun: @Thrumblecraze
Rare Oogiddy: Me
Rare BeMeebEth: Me
Rare Piplash: @Newuser37271
Epic Piplash: Me
Uncommon Yooreek: @Thrumblecraze
Super Rare Ghazt: @Thrumblecraze
Kindalike Ethereals:
Bellohnowfish: Me
Literally not monsters at all:
You can use this if your character is a human, insect (not like Humbug) or a robot (not like Wubbox) or a cat (Not like catalizt) or any other breed of anything. You can also put any type of Critter or other character from the World Tree.but please stick to monsters or use the references I have here
The fly around Ethereal Island: @Thrumblecraze
Mirror Fly: @Jujubinx or JB or just me or Juju.
Plasma Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
Shadow Meeb:Me
Mech Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
Crystal Meeb: Me
Poison Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
Unattuned Meeb: Me
Bitter Critter: @Thrumblecraze
Prism Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
The random flute inside the workshop:
Mega Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
Flutter: @Thrumblecraze (WELL YOURE LUCKY, CAUSE WHEN I TRY AND GET A PART, ALL I SEE IS THRUMBLE! THERES THRUMBLE HERE, THRUMBLE OVER HERE, THRUMBLE EVERYWHERE! ) you would know that reference if you watched teen titans go
Llamadamadingdong: @Thrumblecraze (if you don’t get this reference, FGTEEV called Blarret (or at the time Unknown Monster #4) Llamadamadingdong.)
Chickens Finally Have Textures On Their Necks: @Thrumblecraze
Baby Ethereals:
Some of these are the “maybe” upcoming monsters coming to Dawn of Fire. most of these may never come to Dawn of Fire. Things here such as “baby Meeb” will never come to Dawnoffire.
Baby Ghazt: Me
Baby Meeb: Me
Baby Yooreek: @Thrumblecraze
Baby BeMeebEth: @Thrumblecraze
At this point it’s starting to become the MSM Everymonster Roleplay
Ghazt: Me
Grumpyre: Me
Reebro: @Thrumblecraze
Jeeode: @Thrumblecraze
Humbug: @Thrumblecraze
Whisp: @Thrumblecraze (Connect 4, thrumblecraze wins!)
Nebulob: @Thrumblecraze Tell her to stop taking up the space like she is Teen titans go. All I see is thrumblecraze, Thrumblecraze, thrumblecraze everywhere. I’m going thrumblecrazy.
Sox: Me (I broke the wall)
Jellbilly: @Thrumblecraze
Arackulele: @Thrumblecraze STOP
Kazilleon: Me
Bellowfish: @TheLocoMoxy
Dragong: @Thrumblecraze
Fung Pray: @Cantorellfan2003
Yooreek: Me
Meebkin: Me(eb)
Blarret: Me (upper mouth) @Thrumblecraze (middle mouth) @??? (bottom mouth)
Gaddzooks: Me
Auglur: @G213
Flasque: @Sobbleisdabestatbfdi
Nitebear: @Thrumblecraze
Xrt: @Thrumblecraze
Teeter: @TheRealContentYouWant
Tauter: @Thrumblecraze
Whaill: Me
Vhenshun: Me
Pentumbra: Me
Rhysmuth: @Thrumblecraze
Oogiddy: @Thrumblecraze (her surname should be TTG cause she’s taking every space)
✨✨BeMeebEth✨✨: @Thrumblecraze
These are either monsters that aren’t Ethereals, or are like Ethereals, or are fanmade, or are rares and epics.
Thrumble: @Thrumblecraze
Monstriana Trench:
Anemonon: Me
Glimmerglaw: @Thrumblecraze
Potbelly first mouth: Me
Potbelly second mouth: @Thrumblecraze
Punkleton: @Thrumblecraze
The Yawstrich: @Thrumblecraze
The Rare Yawstrich: Me
The Epic Yawstrich: @Thrumblecraze
The other unknown breeds of Yawstrich: @Thrumblecraze and me. This may be the only role that multiple people can play.
Mimic: @Thrumblecraze
Perplexray: Me
Zgusting (please be spelt correctly): @Thrumblecraze
Waxdevana (prediction for Meebkin): Me
Augmeeb(fusion of Auglur and Meebkin): @Thrumblecraze
Geadon: @G213
Fanmade Nonthereals:
Legendary Potbelly: Me
Ocrinon: me
Crocsticks: @Thrumblecraze
Rarethereals and Epicthereals:
Rare Humbug: Me
Epic Sox: @Thrumblecraze
Epic Ghazt: Me
Rare Ghazt: @Newuser37271 (sorry I already took common Ghazt)
Epic BeMeebEth: @Thrumblecraze
Rare Dragong: @EpicThoradolosaur7782
Rare Vhenshun: @Thrumblecraze
Rare Oogiddy: Me
Rare BeMeebEth: Me
Uncommon Yooreek: @Thrumblecraze
Super Rare Ghazt: @Thrumblecraze
Kindalike Ethereals:
Bellohnowfish: Me
Literally not monsters at all:
You can use this if your character is a human, insect (not like Humbug) or a robot (not like Wubbox) or a cat (Not like catalizt) or any other breed of anything. You can also put any type of Critter or other character from the World Tree.but please stick to monsters or use the references I have here
The fly around Ethereal Island: @Thrumblecraze
Mirror Fly: @Jujubinx or JB or just me or Juju.
Plasma Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
Shadow Meeb:Me
Mech Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
Crystal Meeb: Me
Poison Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
Unattuned Meeb: Me
Bitter Critter: @Thrumblecraze
Prism Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
The random flute inside the workshop:
Mega Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
Flutter: @Thrumblecraze (WELL YOURE LUCKY, CAUSE WHEN I TRY AND GET A PART, ALL I SEE IS THRUMBLE! THERES THRUMBLE HERE, THRUMBLE OVER HERE, THRUMBLE EVERYWHERE! ) you would know that reference if you watched teen titans go
Chickens Finally Have Textures On Their Necks: @Thrumblecraze
Baby Ethereals:
Some of these are the “maybe” upcoming monsters coming to Dawn of Fire. most of these may never come to Dawn of Fire. Things here such as “baby Meeb” will never come to Dawnoffire.
Baby Ghazt: Me
Baby Meeb: Me
Baby Yooreek: @Thrumblecraze
Baby BeMeebEth: @Thrumblecraze
At this point it’s starting to become the MSM Everymonster Roleplay
Ghazt: Me
Grumpyre: Me
Reebro: @Thrumblecraze
Jeeode: @Thrumblecraze
Humbug: @Thrumblecraze
Whisp: @Thrumblecraze (Connect 4, thrumblecraze wins!)
Nebulob: @Thrumblecraze Tell her to stop taking up the space like she is Teen titans go. All I see is thrumblecraze, Thrumblecraze, thrumblecraze everywhere. I’m going thrumblecrazy.
Sox: Me (I broke the wall)
Jellbilly: @Thrumblecraze
Arackulele: @Thrumblecraze STOP
Kazilleon: Me
Bellowfish: @TheLocoMoxy
Dragong: @Thrumblecraze
Fung Pray: @Cantorellfan2003
Yooreek: Me
Meebkin: Me(eb)
Blarret: Me (upper mouth) @Thrumblecraze (middle mouth) @??? (bottom mouth)
Gaddzooks: Me
Auglur: @G213
Flasque: @Sobbleisdabestatbfdi
Nitebear: @Thrumblecraze
Xrt: @Thrumblecraze
Teeter: @TheRealContentYouWant
Tauter: @Thrumblecraze
Whaill: Me
Vhenshun: Me
Pentumbra: Me
Rhysmuth: @Thrumblecraze
Oogiddy: @Thrumblecraze (her surname should be TTG cause she’s taking every space)
✨✨BeMeebEth✨✨: @Thrumblecraze
These are either monsters that aren’t Ethereals, or are like Ethereals, or are fanmade, or are rares and epics.
Thrumble: @Thrumblecraze
Monstriana Trench:
Anemonon: Me
Glimmerglaw: @Thrumblecraze
Potbelly first mouth: Me
Potbelly second mouth: @Thrumblecraze
Punkleton: @Thrumblecraze
The Yawstrich: @Thrumblecraze
The Rare Yawstrich: Me
The Epic Yawstrich: @Thrumblecraze
The other unknown breeds of Yawstrich: @Thrumblecraze and me. This may be the only role that multiple people can play.
Mimic: @Thrumblecraze
Perplexray: Me
Zgusting (please be spelt correctly): @Thrumblecraze
Waxdevana (prediction for Meebkin): Me
Augmeeb(fusion of Auglur and Meebkin): @Thrumblecraze
Geadon: @G213
Fanmade Nonthereals:
Legendary Potbelly: Me
Ocrinon: me
Crocsticks: @Thrumblecraze
Rarethereals and Epicthereals:
Rare Humbug: Me
Epic Sox: @Thrumblecraze
Epic Ghazt: Me
Rare Ghazt: @Newuser37271 (sorry I already took common Ghazt)
Epic BeMeebEth: @Thrumblecraze
Rare Dragong: @EpicThoradolosaur7782
Rare Vhenshun: @Thrumblecraze
Rare Oogiddy: Me
Rare BeMeebEth: Me
Uncommon Yooreek: @Thrumblecraze
Super Rare Ghazt: @Thrumblecraze
Kindalike Ethereals:
Literally not monsters at all:
You can use this if your character is a human, insect (not like Humbug) or a robot (not like Wubbox) or a cat (Not like catalizt) or any other breed of anything. You can also put any type of Critter or other character from the World Tree.but please stick to monsters or use the references I have here
The fly around Ethereal Island: @Thrumblecraze
Mirror Fly: @Jujubinx or JB or just me or Juju.
Plasma Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
Shadow Meeb:Me
Mech Meeb:@Thrumblecraze
Crystal Meeb: Me
Poison Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
Unattuned Meeb: Me
Bitter Critter: @Thrumblecraze
Prism Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
The random flute inside the workshop:
Mega Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
Chickens Finally Have Textures On Their Necks: @Thrumblecraze
Baby Ethereals:
Some of these are the “maybe” upcoming monsters coming to Dawn of Fire. most of these may never come to Dawn of Fire. Things here such as “baby Meeb” will never come to Dawnoffire.
Baby Ghazt: Me
Baby Meeb: Me
Baby Yooreek: @Thrumblecraze
Baby BeMeebEth:
Ghazt: Me
Grumpyre: Me
Reebro: @Thrumblecraze
Jeeode: @Thrumblecraze
Humbug: @Thrumblecraze
Whisp: @Thrumblecraze (Connect 4, thrumblecraze wins!)
Nebulob: @Thrumblecraze Tell her to stop taking up the space like she is Teen titans go. All I see is thrumblecraze, Thrumblecraze, thrumblecraze everywhere. I’m going thrumblecrazy.
Sox: Me (I broke the wall)
Jellbilly: @Thrumblecraze
Arackulele: @Thrumblecraze STOP
Kazilleon: Me
Bellowfish: @TheLocoMoxy
Dragong: @Thrumblecraze
Fung Pray: @Cantorellfan2003
Yooreek: Me
Meebkin: Me(eb)
Blarret: Me (upper mouth) @Thrumblecraze (middle mouth) @??? (bottom mouth)
Gaddzooks: Me
Auglur: @G213
Flasque: @Sobbleisdabestatbfdi
Nitebear: @Thrumblecraze
Xrt: @Thrumblecraze
Teeter: @TheRealContentYouWant
Tauter: @Thrumblecraze
Whaill: Me
Vhenshun: Me
Pentumbra: Me
Rhysmuth: @Thrumblecraze
Oogiddy: @Thrumblecraze (her surname should be TTG cause she’s taking every space)
✨✨BeMeebEth✨✨: @Thrumblecraze
These are either monsters that aren’t Ethereals, or are like Ethereals, or are fanmade, or are rares and epics.
Thrumble: @Thrumblecraze
Monstriana Trench:
Anemonon: Me
Glimmerglaw: @Thrumblecraze
Potbelly first mouth: Me
Potbelly second mouth: @Thrumblecraze
Punkleton: @Thrumblecraze
The Yawstrich: @Thrumblecraze
The Rare Yawstrich: Me
The Epic Yawstrich: @Thrumblecraze
The other unknown breeds of Yawstrich: @Thrumblecraze and me. This may be the only role that multiple people can play.
Mimic: @Thrumblecraze
Perplexray: Me
Zgusting (please be spelt correctly): @Thrumblecraze
Waxdevana (prediction for Meebkin): Me
Augmeeb(fusion of Auglur and Meebkin): @Thrumblecraze
Geadon: @G213
Fanmade Nonthereals:
Legendary Potbelly: Me
Ocrinon: me
Crocsticks: @Thrumblecraze
Rarethereals and Epicthereals:
Rare Humbug: Me
Epic Sox: @Thrumblecraze
Epic Ghazt: Me
Rare Ghazt: @Newuser37271 (sorry I already took common Ghazt)
Epic BeMeebEth: @Thrumblecraze
Rare Dragong: @EpicThoradolosaur7782
Rare Vhenshun: @Thrumblecraze
Rare Oogiddy: Me
Rare BeMeebEth: Me
Uncommon Yooreek: @Thrumblecraze
Super Rare Ghazt: @Thrumblecraze
Kindalike Ethereals:
Literally not monsters at all:
You can use this if your character is a human, insect (not like Humbug) or a robot (not like Wubbox) or a cat (Not like catalizt) or any other breed of anything. You can also put any type of Critter or other character from the World Tree.but please stick to monsters or use the references I have here
The fly around Ethereal Island: @Thrumblecraze
Mirror Fly: @Jujubinx or JB or just me or Juju.
Plasma Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
Shadow Meeb:
Mech Meeb:
Crystal Meeb: Me
Poison Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
Unattuned Meeb: Me
Bitter Critter: @Thrumblecraze
Prism Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
The random flute inside the workshop:
Mega Meeb: @Thrumblecraze
Chickens Finally Have Textures On Their Necks: @Thrumblecraze
Baby Ethereals:
Some of these are the “maybe” upcoming monsters coming to Dawn of Fire. most of these may never come to Dawn of Fire. Things here such as “baby Meeb” will never come to Dawnoffire.
Baby Ghazt: Me
Baby Meeb: Me
Baby Yooreek: @Thrumblecraze
This is now my 2nd natural island with every ethereal (first being earth)
I only have the rare
Spurrit on Shanty
Teleported Rare Ghazt to Ethereal (already hatched)
So, MSM made a community post saying Ghazt made a "club classic." The image is the word 'Ghazt" with a lime background.
Like. Rare. Ghazt.
(Those are not ghazts in my structures...)
I need a castle upgrade for my other ghazts
FC - 94161804AI
I am at 340 likes so far...
Original young ghazt is owned by @Riles_art on YT
It isnt on the box menu but i can still box it