I made this chart weeks ago, and I don't know why I never posted it, But seeing as were approaching that faithful day, I wanna get all my remaining thoughts out. I have one more chart I made and didn't post, so I'll post it tomorrow.
We all know Workshop loves its numbers. So I thought they could be incorporated into the Diamond price of the variants. Increases by hundreds for the Rares, and increases by thousands for the Epics. So Triple Rares go up by 300, Triple Epics go up by 3000, Quad Rares go up by 400, Quad Epics go up by 4000, Rare BeMeebEth goes up by 500, and Epic BeMeebEth goes up by 5000. Alternatively, I also threw in the option of the behemoth breaking that pattern to continue its common cousins pattern of Repdigits. I don't know which one I like more, count 10.5k Diamonds for one monster is wild, but its also kinda fitting.
This is the part where I would yap about things loosely related the topic, but I have something else to do that I gotta do now before it gets too late so maybe tomorrow.