I'm doing this once and I won't do this again.
Some things really need improvements. Let's not let MSM and DOF end up like Ice Age Village where no updates happened since.
I WAS gonna make a really long and meaningless post asking a bunch of questions, but since I don’t have the time for that, I’ll just share some achievements. One day though…
Anyway here’s the achievements
I transposed Rare Floot Fly!
I got Epic Carillong on Seasonal Shanty!
Last night i got whimmzies, so, this is how my nexus looks like now
Monsters missing:
Rare bowgart
I also wanted to share that i got a rare bowgart at mirror plant island
1. Sanctum hybrids on Magical Nexus
Depending on how you look at it, the Magical class has either 2 or 0 class islands, as while Sanctum and Nexus both unite the Magical Monsters in a way, neither of them have the full 43 Monsters of the class. If done correctly, the song wouldn't be overcrowded, and the Sanctum bois would finally get another appearance! The way I see it, it's a clear win-win, you wanna see more Enchantling too, don't you?
2. Party island's salvation
I hope Party island will get SOME kind of song update one day. I don't know what that would be for certain, and I don't really care if I like the song afterwards, I just want to see MPG upload a new Party island full song video some day. Party island has a lot of potential, it just needs a little more attention!
3. The hex
I do NOT want this post's reply section to turn into more bickering about why the hex is or isn't coming, I know the Wubbox is the hex, I know it's wishful thinking, nothing new has come from this discussion in MONTHS. I just hope that next Anniversary Month, on DoF's 10th year anniversary, 2 months after Young Hyehehe's release, we will get the final Monster on the Continent, rounding out the total to 75 Monsters. If we don't get it then, it will never happen, and I will give up on the idea completely. That's the end of the story for me. It would just be very cool if it happens
45 Votes in Poll
And it was...
I wonder what island will be infected with squares now!? 🙄
When I say issue, I don't mean a technical issue like a bug, Its more so a logistical issue that's been on my mind for a bit. Yesterday I was working on my Epic Wublin release pattern theory I teased in my FOY theory post, but I had to hit pause on it because there was one thing I couldn't stop thinking about that would mess up the timeline.
So in Update 4.4, the Book Of Monsters got an update to add the rarity subdivisions added to Gold and Amber Island last Anniversary Month to almost every island. The ones that have variants but didin't get subdivisions were Mythical Island and Magical Sanctum. My theory for why is they don't have enough of each variant. Mythical only had 2 Epics at the time, and currently only has 4 Epics, and Sanctum only has Epic Carrilong. I believe they're waiting until there are 5 of each. We've never had an island with any less than 5 monsters, and we've never seen a BoM page with any less then 5 monsters. So I expect Mythical to get subdivisions when Epic Anglow comes out in Eggs-Travaganza 2025.
So what's the problem? Well, there are 3 islands that have subdivisions, but don't have Epics yet, Wublin Island, Celestial Island (Elders), and Magical Nexus. This could be approached 1 of 3 ways.
They temporarily switch back to the full page for those islands.
They don't follow the rule for those islands.
Those islands get their first 5 Epics all at once, and this is just silent confirmation of that.
I wanna know other people's thoughts, but here's mine.
I only way I can see #1 happening is if they add a setting to where you can toggle on and off the subdivisions, and you can have different preferences for different islands, but some subdivided island are unavailable temporarily. Although that's pretty complicated.
#2 was my first assumption, and it feels like the easiest choice.
#3 is the one I have the most issues with. 5 new Epics in one day is something we've never seen before. Nexus is the least concerning one, and if 4 of those Epic Magicals are the singles, then we'll have enough Epic to get subdivisions on Sanctum. 5 Epic Wublins at once is something I see predicted a lot because of us getting 5 Rare Wublins at once, but because of how Wublins work, i feel like that would be way too much work to throw at us at the same time. Same (if not worse) issue with Elder Celestials. I know we originally got 5 Celestials when the island first came out, but the release order back then was very strange, and didin't line up correctly for most of them, and I'm hoping that doesn't happen again.
Look, I like #2 the most, but 1 and 3 have a tinge to possibility, and I'm not sure how to feel about it. What do you think? I'm gonnaq keep working on my Epic Wublin theory, I just wanted to get this out here before then.
Also, I acquired Rare Poppette last night.
42 Votes in Poll
I might actually like magical Nexus!
This may be wrong, and make no sense, I had a stroke trying to figure out theories for this
When Whail was getting kidnapped by the Life Formula hands which also appeared in the Prism Gate, MPG theorized that the Gate was on Mirror Plant, but why Mirror Plant? Also in the Ether Sale, if you look at Cold Island and Grumpyre, Cold Island looks darker meaning it’s Mirror Cold Island. The Mirror Islands definitely have something to do with Ethereals, since you can attune Meebs from the Mirror Islands on the Workshop. The next sale could have Mirror Air Island on it, and coincidentally, the seasonal event, Season of Love starts soon, after Crescendo Moon. Also this is possibly when the Psychic TitanSoul releases since it’s MindBoggles out of season event, but could also hint at something else since Cloverspell starts the next month after Season of Love.
Now what are these hands? Well they are the Life Formula hands on the skin, except the arms are longer, but are blue and have 4 fingers, and the element for Life Formula also has 4 fingers. Also in the TitanSouls logo, you can see a resemblance to Rare Monculus and Epic Monculus, or mirror earth island. Poison is the ethereal element for Earth Island, and Oogiddy was the Poison Quad, which means we only saw teasers with Plasma, Shadow, and Poison. Who has these elements? Blarret, but why specifically Blarret? One of Blarrets names is Jinghu which is a Chinese string instrument said to resemble the sound of an otamone, but who plays this instrument in MSM? No one, but the island with most Chinese instruments are on Sanctum, and this island is in the Pocket Dimmension with Ethereal Island. Magicals already got their gold island, and that’s Magical Nexus, unlocked at Level 18, and after that, you unlock the Workshop at Level 19. And after that, Wubbox is unlocked who is on Ethereal Island. So on Level 21, you can unlock the island.
Nexus has 53 monsters, and light has 52.
Such a small margin to be the biggest magical island.