My first post of 2025, and it’s about the first Seasonal Event taking place entirely in 2025, and there are many more firsts we may be seeing this month. Let's talk about 'em.
Start Date:
Last year, it was confirmed that Crescendo Moon's start dates with heavily vary to line up with human world Lunar New Year. This year, Lunar New Year is starting on January 29th. This is the first time since the introduction of CM that Lunar New Year falls on a Wednesday. So you might think that's the date it will start on, but I get to differ. In 2023, LNY was on Jan. 22nd, and CM began on Jan. 18th. In 2024, LNY was on Feb. 10th, and CM began on Jan. 31st. So far, every Crescendo Moon has begun on the Wednesday of the week before Lunar New Year. So Crescendo Moon will actually begin on January 22nd. Now let's actually talk about the new content.
New Costumes:
Its virtually impossible to determine which monsters are getting new costumes besides the teased one, which I'm too lazy to wait for before making this. The only prediction I have is that we'll be getting the first Rare Magical Costume. Of all the firsts I'm coming up with, this one is the least likely because there's nothing supporting other than the fact that its a first. Speaking of Rare Magicals.
Rare Magical(s?):
We always get a Rare Pure Magical Hybrid (wow, that's a mouthful) during Crescendo Moon, and I predict that this year its's either gonna be Rare Cahoot, Rare Déjà-Jin, or Rare Frondley.
I can't remember if I've already said something like this, but I'm saying it again. Take a look at this chart of the number of Rare Pure Magical Hybrids starting the year after the island finished.
So it seems like this number is going up by 1 every year. So this year we'll be getting 3 Sanctum Rares, next year we'll be getting 4 Sanctum Rares, and in 2027 or maybe earlier, we'll be getting Rare Enchantling. And wouldn't you know it, there are 3 double element Sanctum Rare remaining, and 4 triple element Sanctum Rare remaining. Now why do I think it won't be Rare Roarick?
Déjà-Jin was the 3rd double to release on Sanctum right behind Xyster and Knucklehead. And speaking of those two, have you noticed how Xyster is the antithesis of Knucklehead? Xyster is Phychic-Bone, and Knuclehead is Light-Faerie. So if the next Scantum Rare is the antithesis of the previous one, then Rare Cahoot is next. So Rare Déjà-Jin and Rare Roarick will arrive next to each other in an unknown order. I'm also throwing the possibility of Rare Frondley out there because the last 2 monsters to get Rares during Crescendo Moon were ones that were there during the first phase of the island, and Frondley is the last one left without a Rare that was there from the start. It would also be the first Rare Triple element Sanctum monster. Y'know, one of those explanations is way more in-depth that the other, so it may seem obvious, but truly anything is possible.
Epic Yelmut:
This has a good chance of releasing before Crescendo Moon, but I'm putting it here anyway (I guess I should've called this January 2025 predictions just to be safe, but oh well). Its that time of the month where we get another Rare/Epic Fire- Wait a minute. Silly me, the Rare Fires have finally come to an end. Now all that's left are Epic Fires, specifically Epic Fire Quads/Quints/Expansions, the first Epic Fire Quad since May 2023, Epic Yelmut. Now, the biggest question on people's mind is how will they be obtained on the Magical Islands. What do I think? I think it will be by Breeding. You will have the option to buy it with Diamonds at a price of 100O (or more) just like the 2 existing Epic Fire Quads, but you can also obtain them via a special breeding combo. I predict that the combo will be Sooza + Kayna or Mammott. I haven't tested this theory on the other monsters, so I'm not sure if this is viable in any way, but here me out. Sooza is the closest breedable monster on Light Island to Yelmut's elements, and Kayna and Mammott are the only monsters on the same DoF outer island as Yelmut that are also on Light Island. Yeah, that's crazy, that's the norm for anything that comes out of my brain.
Epic Dragong:
Everyone is the community was so decisive on which Epic Ethereal would be coming in FOY, some though Epic Fung Pray, some thought Epic Dragong, I was the oddball and though it would be both, and it turns out we were all wrong, and it was neither. In all fairness, the pattern we all came to agree on was kind of untrustworthy from the start, and by start I mean that literally because the only other Core Seasonal Event to not get an Epic Double Ethereal was SummerSong 2023, which was literally the first Core Seasonal Event after the introduction of Epic Double Ethereals.
So we're gonna have to think outside the box with the last two releases. Imma go ahead and say this early, but Epic Fung Pray must release during Cloverspell because its a Mushroom. As for Epic Dragong, Crescendo Moon is the perfect time for it because its apart of the Mon-Drakes just like Carrilong. Not to mention Common Dragong getting a CM costume last year among several other similarities between the two. So this could very well be the first Epic Double Ethereal to release in ONLY (Epic Arackulele released in the overlap period of Spooktacle & Beat Hereafter just to make that clear) an Aux-Seasonal event other than Life-Formula.
Psychic Island TitanSoul, the Cruv'laaphtian Cr____:
I'm still have faith in my theory that the TitanSouls are coming out by season
Fall - Light
Winter - Psychic
Spring - Faerie
Summer - Bone
Psychic's coming out in FOY made sense because Winter and December/Christmas are usually associated with each other, but then again we got the Psychic Paironormal in the same event. So that leaves the PI TitanSoul to release in either Crescendo Moon, or Season Of Love, or early Cloverspell, and I think Crescendo Moon will be the one. I believe the TitanSoul pattern is not only by season, but specifically every 3 months.
Light - October (End Of Anniversary Month akin to Light Islands initial release)
Phychic - January (Magical Sanctum's Event, which Psychic was the first magical element & the release of Magical Sanctum also brought us Rare Theremind)
Faerie - April (Spring is often associated with florae, which Earth Day is all about protecting. Of course a Cloverspell release would also make sense, but based on data from the first 2 Cloverspells, the only way for a Wednesday in Cloverspell 2025 to fall in the Spring is if it starts on the 19th, which can't happen because St. Patricks Day is on the 17th. Or if Cloverspell is extended by a week, but even then, I'd still like the pattern to be more consistent)
Bone - July (SummerSong, pretty self-explanatory)
Rare Meebkin (Yippee):
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh the mental journey I've gone on since early September to find the best Workshop Variant Timeline, and the mental journey I've gone on since late November finding more and more things I love about my current theory that make it make sense and feel so befitting. When the Workshop castle upgrade came out, you have no idea just how happy I was. The best part of all this is not the fact that its almost time.
Its the fact that I'm not the only one.
Let's talk about the design as if the teaser doesn't exist because we cannot conform not deny it is indeed Rare Meebkin. I've always imagined Rare Meebkin as being blue. I don't know why, Meebkin just give off the vibes of a monster who's Rare is mostly blue. But that's for the creature itself, the Meeb Baton is a different story. Here are all the ways they may approach changing the Meebs on the baton:
No change
"Rare Meebs"
King Meebs
Attuned Meebs
Unknown Meebs
Completely different creatures
Finally, and this is one I came up with as a idea for the Epic, but I might as well share it here, a 3-ended Meeb Baton, each Meeb on the ends attuned to the elements of Meebkin.
Rare Magical Costume
Rare Déjà-Jin, Rare Cahoot or Rare Frondley
Epic Yelmut
Epic Dragong
Cruv'laapht's TitanSoul
Rare Meebkin
NO Ethereal Union Island (Yet, later this year)
Hey, I may have crazy thoughts, but at least I give reasoning toward those crazy thoughts. See ya next time Bogheads.