I apologise in advance for the weird timing with Connor's post just earlier :/
If you don't already know, I'm doing a little thing where I take people's suggestions on what monster I should draw and any special requests about said monster. I got 9 different requests on my other post yesterday, but I wanted to spread those out across multiple posts as to not post once every 2 weeks. Enough of my rambling, though, here's the two things I got done for today:
@I am a pretzel's G'joob chilling while wearing a top hat
I think this turned out pretty good. I had a bit of trouble with planning the position, though. I originally wanted them to be resting with their back on the side of the page, but honestly I don't think I'm at that skill level just yet. I instead went with this, which looks better imo.
@DinoDude65600's Hyehehe
This one turned out pretty good too, imo. I was given the choice between Hyehehe and Rare Hyehehe, but I went with the common because they're the fluffier one out of the two. I decided to make them give out a present while winking, because why not? You know nothing but trouble will be bestowed to you if you accept it. I also couldn't exactly do full body (sorry) because they would've been too big on the page.
And now, here's the full page:
Tbh I'm kinda surprised I managed to get these two done so quickly, especially with an unspecified gameplay final trailer that was released today.... Gonna get to work on the next requests soon. Btw, I will take any further requests for anybody just as long as you haven't requested anything yet (I feel like I should also say: different people can request the same monster, you don't have to choose a different monster just because someone else chose it already). I wanna see how much pages I can fill.
Ping list:
(nothing, zilch, naught, none)