Young Hairionette
Element: Control
Islands: Continent, Space
Combo: Edamimi + Rootitoot
Young Bio: "Before taking on the intricate techniques of advanced puppetry, the young Hairionette, Paironormal of the Control element, begins its life journey by focusing on simpler tasks. It carefully manipulates the strings intricately woven around its small limbs, at times appearing almost as if the strings themselves are playthings within its grasp. As it plays with its fellow monsters, clumsily at first but with growing finesse, the Hairionette lays the foundation for the skill and creativity that will characterize its future performances."
Adult Bio: "As Hairionette reached full maturity and advanced in age inexplicably, it persisted in not just relying on its exceptional mastery of control, but also in forging harmonious connections with other Monsters. In its seasoned state, Hairionette deftly navigated the intricate dynamics of its surroundings, drawing from its wealth of experience and wisdom accumulated over time. This age-old Monster exuded a sense of reverence and respect from its peers, who often sought its guidance and leadership in various situations. Despite its aging appearance, Hairionette's power and influence remained undiminished, casting a profound impact on the Monster community with its ability to unite and collaborate effortlessly."
I will do part two once the next one comes out.
Paironormals. If the Elements are thought about, then the order will be:
Control (Psychic)
Emotions (Faerie)
Conflict (Bone)
Color (Light)
I chose these because they popped into my head, and it makes sense. Here are the element icons and the Color Monster, Prismal.
Major Prismal:
Minor Prismal:
I know these guys don't have a face, but that's because the orbs are refracting light into three colors, and the orb is the color of those 3 colors mixed together.
I used rougher outlines on the minor form which ended up with it being more visible
also I might start an art pinglist so comment if you wanna be pinhed
Pick some pronouns for our Hairionette OC and the top 3 liked ones will be in the next poll!
Pick a style (e.g, scene, cottage-core) and press like on the styles that other people created to get them in the next poll
20 Votes in Poll
So, in the recent live, the Monster Handlers confirmed that nobody knows where the Parionormals came from. They weren't created by any being known to us right now, and they decribed their sudden appearance as "something totally foreign", "an incursion, but not a nefarious one" and "not from these parts kinda situation"
They also teased that DOMA *might* have to do something about them appearing, judging by the "Mobius Shawl" video. DOMA until now have only been a fun SCP inspired research foundation that is absolutely clueless about the Monster World and have only been used for teasers and such. They are also the closest thing we have to an actual antagonist in MSM, though their competence is lacking, and the Monster Handlers brush them off very easily
So, what could a stumbling, scientific research department have to do with ghostly beings appearing in the Monster World, aside from being used as just another teaser? Simple: WHO WAS THE GRANNY?? She just walked in there, did SOMETHING and then boom, Hairionette on Psychic island, and DOMA were left none the wiser
Here's the thing, while DOMA may not be an actual threat to the Monster World (at least, not yet), they undeniably possess many items that have a connection with it, something they may not know how to exploit, but somebody else might... remind me what was Hairionette's element again?
My theory is that whoever created the Paironormals could be using DOMA to infiltrate their creations into the Monster World. As the devs said, they don't have to be nefarious, they just have to be something completely alien that we haven't seen before, and we won't for a good while, until the other Paironormals release
WHAT THE GOB happened in the paironormal trailer? Are we all just gonna accept that hairionette broke reality and fell from the sky on a hexagon? What does this mean? Is the Monster World actually a simulation? Are Paironormals a glitch in the MSM game’s source code?
W h a t h a p p e n e d
My REAL first RP!
Major Hairionette: Me
Minor Hairionette: also me
Major Craker: @Thrumblecraze
Minor Craker: @Thrumblecraze
Major Gomblit: @Epicwoolabee197
Minor Gomblit: @Epicwoolabee197
Major Klaamblee: @SoupaConnie2025
Minor Klaamblee: @SoupaConnie2025
No Godmodding
No Sus Stuff
Don't Make any innapropriate Refrences, Jokes, Etc
I've gone through so many ideas for this timeline, and unsurprisingly, the one I like the most is the one that's the craziest in terms of logic. I don't give a crap about Wublin Island as much as Workshop, so I'm not gonna bother doing as much for it.
I don't think the gap between Commons Wublins and Rares Wublins will be as long as Rares to Epics, and Epic Monculus is the main reason why. Epic Monculus didn't get released on Wublin Island most likely because the Rare Wublins were incomplete. Otherwise, Epic Monculus would've been the first Epic on Wublin, but for whatever reason, my mind is telling me that it will be anyway.
My first idea was to simply come up with an order for the actual Wublins, but put Epic Monculus at the start no matter what, but that's boring. I wanted to find an actual pattern that would result is Epic Monculus coming first, and so I did. To understand the numbers in the 2nd image, let's take an example, Epic Bona-Petite. The amount of eggs the common needs is 68, and the amount of eggs the Rare needs is 29, which is a difference of 57.4%. So the order for the Epic Wublins is from lowest difference presentage to highest. Monculus and Zynth are the only WI monsters who's commons only require 1 of each egg, therefore, their difference percentages are 0%. Now, there are 5 monster who share a difference percentage of 50%. I ranked them by how many unique eggs they needed. Brump needs 2, Screemu needs 4, Blipsqueak & Gheegur both need 5 but Gheegur needs more total eggs, and Zuuker needs 7.
The gaps I've chosen are also related to the percentages. Whatever the front digit of the percentage is how many weeks until said monsters comes following the previous. That's why Epic Zynth and Epic Monculus come out at the same time, because their gaps are 0's. So basically, Epic Zynth, Epic Monculus, and Epic Thwok all release during Life-Formula, but Epic Thwok come the week after along with Rare Piplash & Rare Vhenshun as I've predicted (There are also a few other Epic Wublin releases at the same time as my projected Workshop variants). I was expecting this timeline to be much more drastic, but it ended up being just as almost monthly as the previous rarities.
Now of course, the Wublin Island Epic Wubbox needed to come eventually. I thought it would take much longer to come up with a date for it, but as soon as I checked the 2027 calendar, I realized that March 24th falls on a Wednesday that year, and March 24th was the original release date of Wublin Island. It's perfect. Completing Wublin island exactly 11 years after its release.
Could you imagine if my Workshop Timeline is wrong, but THIS is correct? I doubt it. Speaking of that. We are getting so close to Jann 22nd, and we've got an MSM Live tomorrow with seemingly no teasers for anything going on tomorrow. Personally, I think the most we may get out of this Live are teasers for what's to come in Crescendo Moon. Now here's where the announcement comes in. I will be recording my reaction to the livestream (audio only) just in case we get a juicy Rare Meebkin teaser of some sort. If we do, I'll upload the clip from my reaction to my Instagram & TikTok. if we don't I'm not gonna let a hour long recording session go to waste, so not matter the outcome, I will be uploading my full reaction with added visual to my YT channel. I know I said that I wouldn't be making any MSM related videos until my big Workshop video is done, but I made that statement in May, and I underestimated my procrastination and need to write as much about my favorite song of all time as possible. Writing in general is my favorite pass time, but writing about MSM in particular is up there too (If you couldn't already tell). I call my YT channel my journal for a reason.
Y'know, I successfully bred Hairionette an hour ago (Techically yesterday, but it finished breeding and reveal itself to not be Gloptic), and it made me realize that the only 2 monsters who's names end with "-ette" are both found of Psychic Island.
Going through some rough stuff rn. Got some rumors spread about me that I’m doing my best to clear. Stay safe on the internet, people.
50 Votes in Poll
i just zapped a gloptic to my yelmut vessel, it would be really stupid if i got another one right after
also i am currently almost done with a yelmut vessel and will start on a repatillo vessel, and then i unlock the crucible
There is no limit to how many monsters one can RP as, But you can ask before getting in. You can only ask for one or two monsters at a time. Also, if you want to RP as a fan-made monster, Tell me their class.
Also, multiple people can play as one kind of monster as long as said monster has a different name than its species(Critters are excluded).
Castle: @Cantorellfan2003
Tweedle, Mammott, Potbelly, Mimic: @Newuser37271
Noggin, Toe Jammer, Toe Jammer(Dunkin), Furcorn(Gorm), Spunge, Scups, Deedge, Quarrister, Rare Toe Jammer, Epic Mimic, Mimic the 4th: @Thrumblecraze
Furcorn, Maw, Mimic(Da mimik): Me
Reedling, Rare Reedling, Epic Reedling: @Lorraxane2
PomPom: @Jujubinx
T-Rox: @EpicThoradolosaur7782
Dandidoo(Dendy), Thumpies, Spunge(Flan): @DanielFNFGamer
Riff, Entbrat, Rare Furcorn: @WovenxLVL2
Mimic the 2nd: @Sobbleisdabestatbfdi
Mimic the 3rd: @Zero1318
Tweedle(Mary), Dandidoo(Kawnch), Shellbeat(Plarence), Mimic(Joseph), Rare Tweedle(Michael), Rare Mimic(Oh’maw): @Bugsso
Rare Maw: @RighteousDude64 and @RighteousDude64 Backup
Rare T-Rox: @Averageazendhosaurus
Epic T-Rox: @Galaxyspybot
Baby Dandidoo: @Bugsso
Baby Maw: @Jjtfan
Baby Reedling: @Lorraxane2
Baby Spunge: @RedYellowandBlueGWTF
Baby Thumpies: @DanielFNFGamer
Kayna, Boskus, Flowah, Barrb, Sooza, Thrumble, Woolabee, Sneyser: @Thrumblecraze
Phangler: @Bugsso
Floogull: @Mutanter14
Whaddle, Epic Tring: @HappiestGrumpyre
Tring, Candelavra, Lyriccle, Rare Drummidary: @Jujubinx
Yelmut, Rare Tring: @WovenxLVL2
Tuskski, Rare Tuskski: @SI-AA-NA-wF3
Gnarls, Epic Floogull: Me
Rare Yelmut: @Jjtfan
Rare Drummidary the 2nd: @SoupaConnie2025
Rare Gnarls: @Zolphius of banban comics
Epic Kayna: @DanielFNFGamer
Epic Sneyser: @Menace 2 Wait
Epic Gnarls: @Crusader8
Baby Stogg, Baby Lyriccle: @DanielFNFGamer
Baby Candelavra, Baby Drummidary: @Thrumblecraze
Baby Bowhead: @The Ffidyller
Baby Tuskski: @SI-AA-NA-wF3
Baby Gnarls: @Kaylatheswirfait
Fluoress, Theremind, Rooba, Gloptic, Rare Fiddlement, Rare Clavi Gnat: @Thrumblecraze
Bulbo: @A regular Crisha
Squot: @DanielFNFGamer
Yuggler, Rare Cantorell, Rare Osstax(Pasta Titan), Bulbo the 2nd: @Jujubinx
Clackula, Periscorp: @Preyingpicantis63
Clackula(Sir Clacks), Xyster: @Xyster the Lucky
Hawlo, Epic Theremind: Me
Cahoot: @The Ffidyller
Periscorp(Tortilla): @Bugsso
Cantorell: @Cantorellfan2003
G’day: @Crusader8
Enchantling: @HappiestGrumpyre
Rare Fluoress: @RulerOfMashedPotatoes
Rare Gob: @Jjtfan
Rare Bulbo: @Jujubinx
Rare Osstax, Rare Uuduk: @Newuser37271
Epic Bulbo: @GibberishUsername
Cavernyx, Shriekwreck, Drapevine, Dreamweaver, Froreganum, Squakhap’n: Not Taken
Elmtrin: @ElzaRosy The Whajje
Bubblargh: @Oog the Oog
Cerebowah, Rare Cerebowah: @Andy Is Weird
Naurra: @DanielFNFGamer
Hurm-Adysty: @Pookyisnoob
Voudoul: @Thrumblecraze
Knocktern: @DanielFNFGamer
Rack of Liquoir: @Jujubinx
Thrumble(All): @DanielFNFGamer
Mimic(All): Not taken
Candelavra(Red, Orange): @Thrumblecraze
Gnarls(Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Purple): Not taken
Grumpyre, Fung Pray: @Msmisthebest1214
Ghazt(el gato): @DanielFNFGamer
Ghazt, Jeeode, Jellbilly(yung crough), Pentumbra(Swiss), Rare Sox, Rare Vhenshun, Epic Dragong: @Jujubinx
Ghazt(Ryana): @HelloILikeDoors42Reincarnated
Reebro, Humbug, Jellbilly, Arackulele, Gaddzooks, Auglur, Piplash, Whaill, Vhenshun, Pentumbra, Rhysmuth, Oogiddy, BeMeebEth, Rare Yooreek: Me
Nebulob, Sox, Dragong, Flasque: @EpicThoradolosaur7782
Fung Pray(Kyle): @Pookyisnoob
Yooreek, X’rt: @Preyingpicantis63
Meebkin: @ForkKin
Nitebear: @Readyplayer2020
Teeter-Tauter: @Crusader8
Teeter(Mochi): @TheContentYouWant OwO
Tauter(Crumb): @SoupaConnie2025
Rare Kazilleon: @Ghostlybot090
Rare X’rt, Rare Teeter-Tauter, Epic Ghazt, Epic Jeeode, Epic Yooreek, Piplash the 2nd: @Thrumblecraze
Rare BeMeebEth: @Itsyourboiiii
Epic Humbug: @Some Wandom Noob
Epic Arackulele: @Modern michael
Epic Boodoo: Not taken…?
Snarlequinn: @HelloILikeDoors42Reincarnated
Cicithereo: @Bugsso
Mozzaik: @DanielFNFGamer
Bauhrrdlings, Inglooms, Dremstool, Geodon, Bowmant, Ethereabomination: Me
Wubbox: @ForkKin
Epic Wubbox(Plant, Cold, Water, Earth, Amber, Light, Faerie, Bone, Ethereal, Sanctum, Composer, Mythical, Colossingum, Shugabush): Not taken
Rare Wubbox, Epic Wubbox(Workshop, Wublin): @HelloILikeDoors42Reincarnated
Epic Wubbox(Air, Haven, Oasis, Nexus, Shanty): Me
Epic Wubbox(Gold, Psychic): @DanielFNFGamer
Epic Wubbox(Tribal), Minibox: @Jujubinx
Rare Minibox: @Thrumblecraze
Brump, Epic Zynth: @Jujubinx
Zynth, Rare Zynth, Epic Thwok: @Thrumblecraze
Dwumrohl(Dartroll): @Bugsso
Zynth(Zyzy), Thwok, Blipsqueak: @DanielFNFGamer
Whajje: @ElzaRosy The Whajje
Dermit, Rare Dermit: @ThatPogginDermit
Turhi, Reewynd, Akaiyo, Retubble, Balek, Katnipp:
Flogghorn: Me
kLuS.trr: @VhampMOrgo2024
Rare Astropod: @Ghostlybot090
Punkleton: @Newuser37271
Yool: @DanielFNFGamer
Schmoochle, Hoola, Epic Hoola(Skylarrr): @Jujubinx
AUXILIARY(+ Jam Boree and Fhool’djuu)
Viveine, Whiz-bang, Epic Monculus, Epic Fhool’djuu: @Jujubinx
Gobbleygourd, Jam Boree, Spurrit, Fhool’djuu: Me
Clavavera(Vidliva), Epic Gobbleygourd: @Thrumblecraze
Ffidyll: @The Ffidyller
Spurrit(Igloo): @Bugsso
Blatheraslout, Buzz’d: @Jujubinx
Season-Crafton: @MeebyAlt764
Knooyeer: Me
G’joob: @Newuser37271
Strombonin, Anglow, Bleatnik, Rare Hyehehe, Epic Cherubble: @Thrumblecraze
Yawstrich, Cranchee, Uncommon G’joob, Rare Cherubble, Rare Cranchee, Epic Yawstrich, Epic Strombonin, Epic Cranchee, Epic Hyehehe: @Jujubinx
Hyehehe, Buzzinga, shLep: Me
Hyehehe(the prankster): @DanielFNFGamer
Cherubble: @TheRealContentYouWant
Sporerow: @DanielFNFGamer
Wheezel: @SuperJoshua
Pinghound: @The Real ECF
Knurv: @Kaylatheswirfait
Rare G’joob: @Ghostlybot090
Rare Bleatnik: @MeebyAlt764
Rare Knurv: @Sobbleisdabestatbfdi
Epic G’joob, Epic Cranchee the 2nd: @Ball Official
Epic Buzzinga:
Portalmaster, OthrWurdlee(Portalmaster’s Dreamythical): Me
Nanoid: @Jujubinx
Blippy Blobbenheimer: @DanielFNFGamer
Baby G’joob, Baby Buzzinga: @Thrumblecraze
Baby Yawstrich: @Bugsso
Shugabush, Shugitar, Shugabeats, Shugarock, Shugavox: @Reestuk
Shugabass: @Bugsso
Shugabuzz: @DanielFNFGamer
Shugajo: @Thrumblecraze
Tawkerr, Parlsona, Maggpi, Stoowarb: @Jujubinx
Galvarnel: @DanielFNFGamer
Young Attmoz: @Thrumblecraze
Young Hornacle: @DanielFNFGamer
Young Galvana: @Jujubinx
Adult Loodvigg, Adult Hornacle, Adult Furnoss, Adult Blasoom, Adult Syncopite, Adult Vhamp: Not taken
Adult Scaratar, Adult Torrt: @Bugsso
Adult Plixie: @Thrumblecraze
Adult Attmoz: @Crusader8
Adult Glaishur: @Jujubinx
Adult Galvana: @LittenGMD
Elder Loodvigg: @Thrumblecraze
Elder Plixie: @DanielFNFGamer
Elder Attmoz: Not taken
Elder Glaishur, Elder Galvana: @Jujubinx
Grennitchian Grant, Frigilian Frost, Zeffreean Zeppelin, Hyddrydian Hamlet, Sollumian Sriacha: @Jujubinx
Zarroëan Zinki: @Thrumblecraze
Phosphoran Phlox: Me
Cruvv’laaphtian Carnation, Fae’soddian Fern, Necrullian Nasturtium, Enchantlerian Echinacea: @MeebyAlt764
Neezy Ntshluzxjoiedgolge: @ElzaRosy The Whajje
Hairionette Major: @Jujubinx
Hairionette Minor: Me
Corsolf Major: @HelloILikeDoors42Reincarnated
Corsolf Minor: @DanielFNFGamer
Mett-rome, Green Glowbe, Blue Glowbe, White Glowbe: @Thrumblecraze
Red Glowbe, Yellow Glowbe: @DanielFNFGamer
Orange Glowbe, Purple Glowbe, Black Glowbe: Me
Dipsters, Domsquad: @Pookyisnoob
Cradle Ti, Re-Systematic Do, Sad Sol, Piizzzja: @ForkKin
G’food, Unspoken: @Jujubinx
G’drip, Speedring: @MeebyAlt764
Ocripster, gooiigump after day 73: @Thrumblecraze
za workbop, Bahumbug, Schlumble: Me
Bluebuzz, JellyGelly: @RedYellowandBlueGWTF
Ripzie, Mulshmellow: @HelloILikeDoors42Reincarnated
@Rybadrakon: Themself
@Thrumblecraze: Themself
Gentlephant, Robomobo, blippy: @DanielFNFGamer
Wao: @The Yelmuteer
Hipbeats, Garrrbidge, Kurmit: @SoupaConnie2025
Plant Critter: @Jujubinx
Oasis Critter, Meebs(Normal, Refined, Evolved, Super, Meem): @Thrumblecraze
King Meeb: @ProfessorTip
Faerie Critter: @Kaylatheswirfait
Chubbz Critter: @Sillyaliencat
Grennitch: @Jujubinx
Frigil: Not taken
Zeffree, Sollum: @DanielFNFGamer
Hyddryd, Phosphora: Not taken
Zarroë, Tu’purr(RP Island Colossal): Me
Oaktopot: Not Taken
Nubb, Thumple, Pomcorn, Wynquott, Roogul: Me
Bowga: @Thrumblecraze
Drawmp, Bowsaur: @DanielFNFGamer
Buppp, Oogazille: Me
Hydrax, Fungshun: @EpicThoradolosaur7782
Meebros: @DanielFNFGamer
G’mourning, Fillume: Me
Zaprika: @DanielFNFGamer
Zaprika the 2nd: @ForkKin
Medustrung, Flow’t, Classi-Fly, Ch-ch-ch-chixxy, YuuHoo: Not Taken
Whajjeedle: @ElzaRosy The Whajje
Thereebro: @DanielFNFGamer
Rare Glopjammer: @Thrumblecraze
G’jubbazt: @Bugsso
Jamboranchee: @ForkKin
DYSTOPIANS (All Commons are taken by Me)
DME-000 - Mindermaster
RDE-000 - Rare MinderMaster: Me
DME-001 - Spirrentourn
RDE-001 - Rare Spirrentourn: @Thrumblecraze
EDE-001 - Epic Spirrentourn: Not Taken
DME-002 - Zu’vaarvaar
RDE-002 - Rare Zu’vaarvaar: Not Taken
EDE-002 - Epic Zu’vaarvaar: Not Taken
DME-003 - Fauxmuth
RDE-003 - Rare Fauxmuth: @Jujubinx
EDE-003 - Epic Fauxmuth: Not Taken
DME-004 - Chordicroc
RDE-004 - Rare Chordicroc: Not Taken
DME-005 - Angellope
RDE-005 - Rare Angellope: Not Taken
DME-006 - Yo’dll
RDE-007 - Rare Yo’dll: @DanielFNFGamer
DME-007 - B’dawzzle
RDE-007 - Rare B’dawzzle: Not Taken
DME-008 - Faeliage
RDE-008 - Rare Faeliage: Not Taken
DME-009 - Dreemchase
RDE-009 - Rare Dreemchase: Not Taken
DME-010 - KawbWhebb
RDE-010 - Rare KawbWhebb: Not Taken
DME-011 - Scarabass
RDE-011 - Rare Scarabass: Not Taken
DME-012 - Exxraye
RDE-012 - Rare Exxraye: Not Taken
DME-013 - U.F.M.
RDE-013 - Rare U.F.M.: Not Taken
DME-014 - Strygiel
RDE-015 - Rare Strygiel: Not Taken
DME-015 - ZiinZiin
RDE-015 - Rare ZiinZiin: Not Taken
DME-016 - Fowrgawt’n
RDE-016 - Rare Fowrgawt’n: Not Taken
DME-017 - Depurrcat
RDE-017 - Rare Depurrcat: Not Taken
DME-018 - Syraffim
RDE-018 - Rare Syraffim: Not Taken
DME-019 - Raydarr
RDE-019 - Rare Raydarr: Not Taken
DME-020 - Autdayt’d
RDE-020 - Rare Autdayt’d: Not Taken
DME-021 - Rotorwalk
RDE-021 - Rare Rotorwalk: Not Taken
DME-022 - AyyArrCeeEss
RDE-022 - Rare AyyArrCeeEss: Not Taken
DME-023 - Proing
RDE-023 - Rare Proing: Not Taken
DME-024 - Cosmelodic
DME-025 - Yggdremoth
DME-026 - SacreFloo
DME-027 - Tes’llait
DME-028 - Rigideur
DME-029 - Mask-a-rad
DME-030 - Oovaire
DME-031 - Synthaphone
DME-032 - Toworhite
DME-033 - Rebletch
DME-034 - Seffalo-podds
DME-035 - Fumulus
DME-036 - Nok’wwt
DME-037 - Chandyl
DME-038 - Flyxxylate
DME-039 - Bogelo
DME-040 - Crystcoon
DME-041 - Schæreott
DME-042 - Punksteem
DME-043 - Hynu
DME-044 - Myrryr and Immidge
DME-045 - Whindwand
DME-046 - QBttt
DME-047 - Lepidynx
DME-048 - Seddi-Mint
DME-049 - Dimentoreel
DME-050 - Metamorphotrosis
DME-051 - Ding-o-Lingo
DME-052 - Zyllver
DME-053 - ???
Tentuhgool: Not taken
Terarrus: @Bugsso
Harrenette, Seygah: @Thrumblecraze
Okulus: Me
Hitzebel, Luriel: Me
Clarinest, Clawk: @DanielFNFGamer
Vin, Bubbledog, Bubbledog(Bubblo), Bardbox, Goilet: @Jujubinx
Vin(Bonite): @Bugsso
Froot Bats, Molai: @DanielFNFGamer
Monsion, Natroll, Epic Bubbledog: @Thrumblecraze
Virvitte: Not Taken
Ooosc, Stattick, Harpsichoral, Goo-Choo, Alpatheticcle, Rare Gallo: @Thrumblecraze
Talkboard, What If: Me
Gallo, Flanse, Rare Goo-Choo: @DanielFNFGamer
Puddlerat, Argue Mint: @Jujubinx
NeighBrr: @SI-AA-NA-wF3
Reese, Guira, Arpeggidough, Meeka, Etikan, Tabi, Eskickis, nillaCorn, Jugashley, Orgako, Alliumaid, Expi Four, Octosquish, Trash Cymbal, Dormana, Nnoygon, Organe, Robby, Vack, Rallentando, Sem Oh Seaga, Athenerd, Spotscast, Bushka, Monkdom, Re-Fabrić, Trumpoff: Not Taken
Yaun, Kass Bick: @DanielFNFGamer
Deltah: Me
Psyclaunt, Lucifork, Mekalico: Not Taken
Pufflu: @Thrumblecraze
Titemite: @Jujubinx
Free’zn, Surfra, Wungbaloo, Stompdo, Kreek n’ Krim, Zringeer, Litt-hum: @ForkKin
Truccus: @Firey Jr's Biggest Fan
Tommshrumm, Xiibuss, Klapto, Timbatel, Popstaloon: @Thrumblecraze
Sorbi, Duckala: @Jujubinx
Lycanthræ: @Thrumblecraze
Slippicatto: @SI-AA-NA-wF3
Tribe of Feroxus: @Ghostlybot090
Kinistein, Pinamiru: @Kaylatheswirfait
Squishee, Beppo, Crynwich, Gooey, Shakishaki, Ocrinon, ShrubbySpike, Spreutin, Carrrtheuah, Solarr: @Jujubinx
Billabells, Gooiigump: @Thrumblecraze
Prambees, CryingBro: @Jujubinx
Crakin-Krabb, Dragiano: @DanielFNFGamer
Axolotone: Not taken…?
PASTA-TITAN-SANCTUM, Pranched: @Thrumblecraze
Segoober, Drinkjows: @ForkKin
Numbabass, Wubbrass, Slap ‘n Screech: @DanielFNFGamer
bob: @ElzaRosy The Whajje
PanDon, PadLPong: @Bugsso
Shriekkin, Creekkin, Dreamkin: @ForkKin
Creepkin, Sleepkin, Weepkin: @Xyster the Lucky
Steepkin, Deepkin, Leapkin: @Rabbotap MSM Fanatic
Plowcheese, FiftarvaLOL, Lointeh pointeh, thorney: @Bugsso
Snom-Bohl, FeeDamPle, Sturrfriy: @Thrumblecraze
KranchoOoOo: @Thrumblecraze
Scarhhree: @Thrumblecraze
Rock-It Ship, Kuravurry: @Thrumblecraze
Scattabup, Sickees, QualQualk, SeeeBaaa, Drippstahh, Clockulo, Krampler: @Thrumblecraze
Feegrro: Me
Behrserrks and Clammi: @Jujubinx
Creeky: @Thrumblecraze
Floomy, Truckster: @Thrumblecraze
Jess n’ Turr: @Thrumblecraze
Book ol’ Bank: @Thrumblecraze
Kritty: @Thrumblecraze
Saphad: @Thrumblecraze
Won-Too-Thee-Fohr: @Thrumblecraze
Abominaldile: @Thrumblecraze
PlastaPasta: @Thrumblecraze
Srohës: @Thrumblecraze
BreeemBraaack: @Thrumblecraze
Quattordepic: @Thrumblecraze