Once a bone island glazer, I will be faithful to myself, and bring you all some doodles I did at church of my favorite magicals from my favorite magical islands (yes, I am a light & Psychic enjoyer)
Once a bone island glazer, I will be faithful to myself, and bring you all some doodles I did at church of my favorite magicals from my favorite magical islands (yes, I am a light & Psychic enjoyer)
inspired by a doodle by @Tenebroise
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Furbylover27: gob
RulerOfMashedPotatoes: snowitch (fanmade monster)
Gob's closing silence fills wandering individuals unfazed. A boastful giant at first sight, an outgoing Gob always resembles an Angel to the trained eye. But careless spectators might miss the stillness of its flat before quietly, it ceases: The Closure Coda! Gob shuts tight to silence a stagnant din that fades to shallow surface sounds...walls, stops, and none.
Jaws reference (guys should I make movie island aka cartoon island but not dead?)
8 Votes in Poll
Welcome back to “Making Monster Bios into Comics”! The series where I do… just that! Enjoy!
This is part 4: Gob
What monster’s bio should I make into a comic next? (I probably won’t though… sorry! 😅)
Gob Island unlocks at level 12. The only monster you can put on Gob Island is Gob. Not even Rare Gob, just Common Gob. Once you teleport a Gob to Gob Island and hatch it, you aren’t allowed to leave. Placing Gob down causes the fabric of reality to get so destroyed that your Map is wrecked. There is only one way to escape Gob Island: win the memory game. Unfortunately, all of the cards are Gob, so you can’t tell which cards pair together. If you fail the memory game, you will be permanently softlocked and unable to leave Gob Island.